33 research outputs found
Płeć autobiograficznego „ja”. Przypadek Renáty Tyršovej
The aim of this paper, is to try to use feminist and gender theories to read Slavic cultural material, as well as to complete the picture of diversity of Slavic gender orders. For this purpose, the paper focuses on biographies written by Renáta Tyršová devoted to her father and husband. The analysis of this case requires using the feminist criticism of autobiography theory, which is hardly theoretically absorbed within Slavistics. Article seeks to explore the complexities of the relationship between female individual autobiographical “self”, structure of female gender in the bourgeois society of the 19th century, and finally collective idea of nationalism.The aim of this paper, is to try to use feminist and gender theories to read Slavic cultural material, as well as to complete the picture of diversity of Slavic gender orders. For this purpose, the paper focuses on biographies written by Renáta Tyršová devoted to her father and husband. The analysis of this case requires using the feminist criticism of autobiography theory, which is hardly theoretically absorbed within Slavistics. Article seeks to explore the complexities of the relationship between female individual autobiographical “self”, structure of female gender in the bourgeois society of the 19th century, and finally collective idea of nationalism
Between the Idyllic Togetherness and Desire for Individual Emancipation. The Narration Logic in the Subgenre of Family Saga
The goal of the paper is to contemplate the nature of the narrative structures in the subgenre of family saga, which has undoubtedly left a trace in the western patterns of family story-telling. It is mainly theoretically based on a Structuralist paper by Claude Bremond titled The Logic of Narrative Possibilities. However, French Structuralist narratology is not mentioned here in order to examine the laws of a literary work of art per se. The paper investigates the layer of fabula in a number of European and Czech family sagas, which is seen as a trace in a reader´s memory made by reading a particular piece of writing and forming a meaningful whole. The paper uses Bremond´s analysis to examine the logic of the narration, what imapct it has on understanding the category of family in a family saga. What is researched is the patterns of the narration logic in family sagas, which oscillates between the idyllic family togetherness and individualization. The paper proves that the pattern of deterioration seen as family dissolution and the disintegration of idyllic coexistence is not applied everywhere. This enables to review the current theory of the subgenre in question, which was solely defined by the logic of deterioration. Family saga brings a number of narrations based on ambivalent attitudes towards family, which is manifested by alternating processes of deterioration and improvement as well as their concurrence. These make the family saga characters hate the family, and at the same time regard it as an environment vital for life
Planowanie i finansowanie rozwoju infrastruktury stacji dializ w Polsce
An indispensable organisational precondition forthe provision of health services is that the entityproviding medical treatment possesses a specifictechnical infrastructure. Thus, the technicalinfrastructure constitutes an integral element ofhealth services, including haemodialysis. In caseof a dialysis centre, these are following elements:rooms, utility networks and internal distributionsystems, active medical devices and other technicalequipment.In order to determine indispensable amount of investmentto create, restore and exploit technicalinfrastructure of dialysis therapy in the scale ofa country in next five years, the theoretical model ofa dialysis centre has been developed.Using this model, and basing on statistical data fromnational registers, as well as their own data, the authorsattempt to outline the directions of planningand development of the technical infrastructure,which comply with demographic and epidemiologicalneeds of Polish population of patients with endstagerenal disease.One of the objectives of the work is also bringingmore transparency to discuss the technical infrastructurefinancing dialysis, the cost of being anintegral part of a medical procedure should be fullyincluded in the price of services. Example of dialysiscan be a starting point for discussion on the functionsof state health policy and its role as a regulatorof the health care system in Poland.One of the assumptions of the study is the introductionof greater transparency to the discussion concerningthe financing of the technical infrastructureof dialysis centres, which — as an integral part ofmedical procedure — should be taken into considerationin its valuation. The example of dialysistherapy might be a starting point for a discussionabout the state’s function in health policy and its roleas a regulator in healthcare system in Poland.Warunkiem organizacyjnym udzielania świadczeńzdrowotnych jest posiadanie określonej infrastrukturytechnicznej, która jest integralnym składnikiemświadczenia — hemodializy. W przypadku stacji dializskładają się na nią następujące elementy: pomieszczenia(infrastruktura budowlana), sieci doprowadzającemedia oraz wewnętrzne instalacje rozprowadzające,a także aparatura medyczna i inny sprzęt techniczny.W celu określenia niezbędnych nakładów inwestycyjnychna utworzenie, odtworzenie i eksploatacjęinfrastruktury technicznej dializoterapii w skali krajuw perspektywie najbliższych 5 lat został opracowanyteoretyczny model stacji dializ.Wykorzystując powyższy model oraz na podstawiedanych statystycznych pochodzącychz krajowych rejestrów, a także własnych, podjętopróbę nakreślenia kierunków planowania i rozwojuinfrastruktury technicznej stacji dializ zabezpieczającejpotrzeby demograficzne i epidemiologicznepolskiej populacji chorych ze schyłkowąniewydolnością nerek.Jednym z założeń pracy jest również wprowadzeniewiększej przejrzystości do dyskusji natemat finansowania infrastruktury technicznejstacji dializ, której koszt, będący integralną częściąprocedury medycznej, powinien być w całościuwzględniony w cenie świadczenia. Przykładdializoterapii może być punktem wyjściado dyskusji na temat funkcji polityki zdrowotnejpaństwa i jego roli jako regulatora w systemieochrony zdrowia w P olsce
4C Mortality Score correlates with in-hospital functional outcome after COVID-19-associated ischaemic stroke
Aim of the study. The 4C Mortality Score was created to predict mortality in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 and has to date been evaluated only in respiratory system disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate its application in patients with COVID-19-associated acute ischaemic stroke (AIS).Clinical rationale for study. COVID-19 is a risk factor for AIS. COVID-19-associated AIS results in higher mortality and worse functional outcome. Predictors of functional outcome in COVID-19-associated AIS are required.Materials and methods. This was a retrospective observational study of patients with AIS hospitalised in seven neurological wards in Małopolska Voivodship (Poland) between August and December 2020. We gathered data concerning the patients’ age, sex, presence of cardiovascular risk factors, type of treatment received, and the presence of stroke-associated infections (including pneumonia, urinary tract infection and infection of unknown source). We calculated 4C Mortality Score at stroke onset, and investigated whether there was a correlation with neurological deficit measured using the National Health Institute Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and functional outcome assessed using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) at discharge.Results. The study included 52 patients with COVID-19-associated AIS. The 4C Mortality Score at stroke onset correlated with mRS (rs = 0.565, p < 0.01) at discharge. There was also a statistically significant difference in the mean 4C Mortality Score between patients who died and patients who survived the stroke (13.08 ± 2.71 vs. 9.85 ± 3.47, p = 0.04).Conclusions and clinical implications. 4C Mortality Score predicts functional outcome at discharge in COVID-19-associated AIS patients
Poszukiwanie męskości w dyskursie filologicznym. Odrodzeniowe wyobrażenia o czeszczyźnie
Searching for masculinity in linguistic discourse. Ideas of Czech language created by the national movementThe article concerns itself with answering the question what was the relationship between the concept of masculinity and the Czech language included in the linguistic and literary production of the Czech national revival. Examining the ideas of the gender of language seems particularly justified referring to the turn of the 18-th and 19-th centuries. It was the time, when the thorough transformation of thinking about the language and gender order happened in Europe. The article tries, on the basis of the analysis of different types of texts to demonstrate, that the attitude towards the language let us to inquire also a lot of about thinking masculinity by the participants of the Czech national movement. The article answers the question, whether the reviving Czech language was perceived as the language masculine enough to prove the masculinity of its users or it was just the opposite
Viral Hell: Central-European Dystopian Visions of Social Media
Wiele demokratycznych krajów w trakcie ostatniej dekady zostało zaskoczonych własnym nieprzygotowaniem na zagrożenia płynące z upowszechnienia się mediów społecznościowych. Inwigilacja, dezinformacja i propaganda czy też mowa nienawiści, to wszystko stało się realnym zagrożeniem, wywołanym przez największe platformy społecznościowe. Literatura również zareagowała na to zjawisko, przede wszystkim dostarczając dystopicznych wizji dalszego niekontrolowanego oddziaływania mediów społecznościowych. Artykuł skupia się na analizie i interpretacji dwóch wydanych w ostatnim czasie na gruncie czeskiej i słowackiej literatury powieści – czeskiego pisarza Davida Zábranskiego Logoz aneb Robert Holm markéter dánský (Logoz czyli Robert Holm duński marketingowiec, 2019) i słowackiego pisarza Michala Hvoreckiego, Troll (Troll, 2017). Istotą interpretacji jest szukanie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy literatura ogranicza się w tej kwestii wyłącznie do snucia apokaliptycznych wizji, czy też może pokazuje ewentualne plany naprawcze.Over the past decade, many democratic countries have been caught off guard by their own unpreparedness in dealing with the threats associated with the spread of social media. Surveillance, disinformation, propaganda or hate speech have all become real threats caused by the largest social media platforms. Literature has also reacted to this phenomenon, most notably by providing dystopian visions of the further uncontrolled impact of social media. The analysis focuses on two novels recently published in the field of Czech and Slovak literatures—the first one by Czech writer David Zábranský Logoz or Robert Holm a Danish Marketer (2019) and the second one by Slovak writer Michal Hvorecký Troll (2017). The core aim of the analysis is to search for an answer to the question whether the literature limits itself only to descriptions of apocalyptic visions, or whether it shows possible recovery plans
It is the aim of this article to examine the relations between the conception of masculine bourgeois family life and Czech nationalism. This conception can be reconstructed on the basis of Czech literary production of the middle of nineteenth century. This research focuses on the period in which fundamental changes were taking place in European thinking on gender order also within family life. The article attempts to prove that this literary production was convincing the male readers that there was no possibility to combine being a family man and being a good Czech patriot
Rodząca się czeska tożsamość narodowa a męska pozycja społeczna
The article focuses on the issue of the relationship between emerging Czech national identity and male social leadership in the 19th century. The article deals with the question of male social representation related to prestige that Czech literary discourse tried to elaborate. The article concerns the attitude towards hegemonic masculinity linked to Austrian structures of power and of Germanic culture. This issue has been explored on the example of prose created by male authors originating in the period of increased national agitation which lasted from approximately the 1830s to the end of the 1870s. Focusing on reconstructions of collective normative imaginations based on literary texts is, however, insufficient. There is agreement, but also the difference between imaginatinggs, and their implementation. Therefore, literary patterns related to the social position of the Czech male patriot were confronted with the image of their “reality” preserved in Czech memoirs of the 19th century
Emigration as a factor in the consolidation and revision of the female identity project. Hungarian experience of Božena Němcová
W latach pięćdziesiątych XIX wieku austriackie władze zastosowały represje wobec niektórych działaczy czeskiego ruchu narodowego, co w wielu przypadkach prowadziło do dobrowolnej lub przymusowej emigracji. Dotyczyło to również męża Boženy Němcovej – Josefa. W 1850 roku, mając świadomość nadchodzącej zmiany klimatu politycznego, zdecydował się złożyć podanie o przeniesienie na Węgry. Artykuł koncentruje się na korespondencji pisarki z tego okresu oraz jej dzienniku podróży (Vzpomínky z cesty po Uhřích – 1854) i próbuje odpowiedzieć na następujące pytanie, czy opór pisarki wobec konieczności udania się na emigrację stanowił istotny moment w kształtowaniu się jej kobiecej tożsamości?In the 1850’s the Austrian authorities repressed some Czech national activists, which in many cases lead to voluntary or forced exile. This was also the case for Božena Němcová’s husband Josef. In 1851 due to his awareness of changes in the political climate and forthcoming persecutions he decided to apply for relocation to Hungary. The paper focuses on Němcová’s correspondence with her husband as well as her travel journal (The Memories of the Hungarian Journey – 1854) and considers the following question. Was her constant refusal to go into exile an important moment for creating her female self
Disciplína ducha a těla v průběhu vzdělávání mladé české elity na přelomu 19. a 20. století
The discipline of spirit and body during the education process of the young Czech elite on the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries The main goal of the article is to examine the significance of the discipline in the process of educating the young Czech elite at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Examining this phenomenon was based on the collection of memoirs associated with Hradec Králové. Above all the attitude of authors of memoirs towards phenomena and cultural processes, which can be described as creating the Czech masculine identity based on the nationalism, is an object of the interest. R. Connell’s theory of the relation between the hegemonic and protesting masculinities stayed within the analysis. The memoirs from Hradec Králové constitute evidence for the fact that the Czech masculinity in the course of forming was leaned against the model of the certain indiscipline and subversion towards the official Austrian code. Simultaneously alone it produced disciplining structures and codes. The discipline of spirit and body during the education process of the young Czech elite on the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries The main goal of the article is to examine the significance of the discipline in the process of educating the young Czech elite at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Examining this phenomenon was based on the collection of memoirs associated with Hradec Králové. Above all the attitude of authors of memoirs towards phenomena and cultural processes, which can be described as creating the Czech masculine identity based on the nationalism, is an object of the interest. R. Connell’s theory of the relation between the hegemonic and protesting masculinities stayed within the analysis. The memoirs from Hradec Králové constitute evidence for the fact that the Czech masculinity in the course of forming was leaned against the model of the certain indiscipline and subversion towards the official Austrian code. Simultaneously alone it produced disciplining structures and codes.