360 research outputs found

    Attachment anxiety: parenting culture, adolescence and the family film in the US

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    Many authors have noted a connection between notions of childhood and understandings of parenting; however, debates have focused only on adults and their behaviour. This article interrogates the child’s position in contemporary parenting culture using the Hollywood family film to explore how the cultural constructions of childhood and parenting may influence one another. The article analyses the reception of the family film of the 1990s and its representations of families and children to note a cultural response to the previous decade’s “discovery” of the pre-teen demographic. This response highlighted the incompatibility of young adolescence and attachment parenting, constructing a new childhood ideal which returned the child to assumptions of vulnerability

    Children and Horror after PG-13: The Case of The Gate

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    The paper analyses the tensions in the text, production and reception of the children’s horror film The Gate (Tibor Takács, 1987) relating to the sustained ambiguity around the Motion Picture Association of America's PG-13 classification. I suggest that the late 1980s was a moment of transition toward new attitudes about the horror genre and children. To develop this argument, the paper explores the main issues raised in critical opinion about the film at the time of its release: notions on what the horror genre is or should be; the changing assumptions about its audiences (namely the shift away from an adults-only perspective); and moral panics triggered by transitioning social values. These struggles are suggested also in the creative clashes between the writer and director of The Gate: where one wanted to make a traditional R-rated horror, the other was adamant about it being a positive fairy-tale for pre-teens. The paper analyses the way this conflict is reflected in the film’s representations of children and suggests that its resolution in a vision of child empowerment (narratively and critically) indicates a move away from traditional assumptions about the horror genre, as well as childhood. Through this analysis, the paper also seeks to understand how PG-13 was perceived in the late 1980s, particularly in terms of its implied audience and its relationship with the genre of horror. Through this focus on the relationship between ratings, creative choices and conflicting attitudes, the paper proposes the idea of two intertwined cultural shifts: toward a more segmented view of childhood, in the emergence of the pre-teen as a demographic, and a more open definition of horror and its audiences

    Children Beware! Children’s horror, PG-13 and the emergent Millennial pre-teen

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    Abstract This thesis is a study of the children’s horror trend of the 1980s and 1990s focused on the transformation of the concepts of childhood and horror. Specifically, it discusses the segmentation of childhood to include the pre-teen demographic, which emerges as a distinct Millennial figure, and the ramifications of this social and cultural shift both on the horror genre and the entertainment industry more broadly, namely through the introduction of the deeply impactful PG-13 rating. The work thus adds to debates on children and horror, examining and questioning both sides: notions of suitability and protection of vulnerable audiences, as well as cultural definitions of the horror genre and the authority behind them. The thesis moreover challenges the reasons behind academic dismissal of these texts, pointing out their centrality to on-going discussions over childhood, particularly the pre-teen demographic, and suggesting a different approach to the PG-13 rating, its origin and its present-day status. Structured as a comprehensive outline of the children’s horror trend with special emphasis on its influential film cycle, the thesis explores the dissonances between definitions of horror in the children’s sphere and the adult’s sphere, and highlights the parallels between the children’s horror trend and Millennial childhood both in period (early 1980s-late 1990s) and progression (initial controversy over the boundaries of childhood, focus on transition and pre-adolescence, and decline), suggesting the children’s horror trend as a hub for period-specific struggles over childhood that were strongly associated with the emergence of the pre-teen as a new Millennial demographic. The thesis therefore brings to light an unjustly forgotten trend and contextualizes it to reveal a tremendous shift in American attitudes toward childhood, the horror genre and the film industry itself

    Some Thoughts on Urban Sketching

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    The CRP department recognizes the importance of sketching as graphic thinking and a means to learn from what we see. Filipa Antunes, a renowned urban sketcher and artist who recently exhibited at the Louvre in Paris, presents some thoughts on how she approaches sketching as both a rational and an emotional process. All illustrations in this article are by the author. Follow Filipa\u27s work at https://www.facebook.com/DesenhoFilipaOliveiraAntunes

    Why adopt these scales?: a systematic review of the most used scales on expatriation studies in the past ten years

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    Systematic review of scales used in the expatriation field following the PRISMA guidelines. Through multiple correspondence analysis, to disclose choices of criteria, a typology of measurement scales in the past ten years (2006-2016) in terms of psychometric properties, and other descriptive criteria, was created, with the aim of assist in operational decisions of future studies, contribute to reduce the number of new scales and allow the comparison of the existing ones, besides contributing to the overall enlargement of the expatriation field. Through multiple hierarchical regression, the psychometric properties that allowed to predict a greater number of citations (total and when comparing subsequent periods) were investigated. This paper aims to identify the common constructs used on Expatriation, what are the most used scales to measure used constructs, changes in the use of scales on a time range, and to understand what are the tendencies in the thematic. It follows the protocol of previous peer-reviewed studies and adopts conceptual topics from prior expatriation studies. Its contribution is both methodological, as the first systematic review of scales in this field, but also for future researchers, in the moment of decision, answering the question “why adopt these scales?”.Revisão sistemática das escalas utilizadas no campo de expatriação seguindo as diretrizes PRISMA. Através de análise de correspondências múltiplas, para identificar as escolhas de critérios, foi criada uma tipologia de escalas de medição nos últimos dez anos (2006- 2016) ao nível de propriedades psicométricas e de outros critérios descritivos, com o objetivo de auxiliar nas decisões operacionais de futuros estudos, contribuir para reduzir o número de novas escalas e permitir a comparação das existentes, além de contribuir para a expansão do campo da expatriação. Através de regressão hierárquica múltipla foram investigadas quais as propriedades psicométricas que permitem prever maior número de citações (totais e por comparação entre períodos subsequentes). Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar os constructos mais comuns utilizados na Expatriação, quais são as escalas mais utilizadas para medir os constructos utilizados, e as mudanças no uso de escalas num intervalo de tempo, de forma a clarificar quais as tendências da área. Segue o protocolo de estudos anteriores, revistos por pares, e adota tópicos conceptuais de estudos passados da área de expatriação. A contribuição deste estudo é tanto metodológica, sendo a primeira revisão sistemática de escalas neste campo, mas também para futuros investigadores, no momento da decisão, respondendo à pergunta “porquê adotar essas escalas?”

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on outpatient medicines use: antibiotics as an example

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.Contexto: A pandemia COVID-19 foi originada pelo novo coronavírus, SARS-CoV-2, que se propagou rapidamente por todo o mundo. As medidas de Saúde Pública que foram implementadas para reduzir a transmissão do vírus limitaram o acesso a prescrições médicas e poderão ter afetado a dispensa de medicamentos. O real impacto da pandemia e das medidas associadas no consumo de medicamentos em ambulatório não é conhecido. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da pandemia COVID-19 nos padrões de utilização de antibióticos de uso sistémico na comunidade, em Portugal. Método: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo e selecionados para análise, antibióticos de uso sistémico (classificação ATC J01). Uma análise de séries temporais, usando o modelo autorregressivo integrado de médias móveis (ARIMA), de indicadores de qualidade para o consumo de antibióticos na comunidade, em Portugal, foi realizada de 1 de janeiro de 2016 a 31 de dezembro de 2020. Resultados: O consumo de antibióticos (J01) diminuiu acentuadamente nos primeiros três meses de pandemia em Portugal, tendo uma redução significativa de 3 DIDs por mês no efeito de curto prazo (ρ = 0.0086). Após o início da pandemia, melhorias foram obtidas apenas a curto prazo para o consumo de penicilinas (ρ = 0.0247) e cefalosporinas (ρ = 0.0067). Não foram encontradas alterações significativas no consumo de macrólidos, lincosamidas e estreptograminas, quinolonas e no consumo relativo de penicilinas sensíveis às ß-lactamases e cefalosporinas de 3ª e 4ª geração. O consumo relativo de fluoroquinolonas aumentou a longo prazo +0.160% (ρ = 0.0199). O consumo relativo de penicilinas com inibidores das ß-lactamases e a razão entre antibióticos de amplo e estreito espectro sofreu um aumento a curto prazo (0.768% e 9.6, respetivamente), mas uma diminuição a longo prazo (-0.343% e -1.7, respetivamente). Conclusão: Existem alguns fatores relacionados à pandemia que levaram à diminuição do consumo de antibióticos de algumas classes, como o confinamento, a diminuição do número de consultas médicas presenciais realizadas e a redução da transmissão de outras infeções respiratórias. No geral, os nossos resultados mostram que a pandemia COVID-19 levou a um decrescimento no consumo de antibióticos, o que no futuro pode significar uma diminuição de resistências bacterianas.Background: The COVID-19 pandemic was generated by the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, and spread rapidly throughout the world. Public-health measures that were implemented to reduce virus transmission have limited access to medical prescriptions, and it may have affected the dispensing of medicines. The real impact of the pandemic and associated measures on outpatient medicines use is unknown. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the patterns of use antibacterials for systemic use in the community, in Portugal. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted and antibiotics for systemic use (ATC classification J01) were selected for analysis. An interrupted time series analysis using the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model of quality indicators for antibiotic consumption in the community in Portugal was performed from January 1st, 2016, to December 31st, 2020. Results: The consumption of antibiotics (J01) declined sharply in the first three months of the pandemic in Portugal, having a significant reduction of 3 DIDs per month in the short-term effect (ρ = 0.0086). After the beginning of the pandemic, improvements were obtained only in the short-term for the consumption of penicillins (ρ = 0.0247) and cephalosporins (ρ = 0.0067). No changes were found in the consumption of macrolides, lincosamides and streptogramins, quinolones, and in the relative consumption of penicillins sensitive to ß-lactamase and 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins. The relative consumption of fluoroquinolones increased in the long-term +0.160% (ρ = 0.0199). The relative consumption of penicillins with ß-lactamase inhibitors and the ratio broad- to narrow-spectrum antibiotics suffered a short-term increase (0.768% and 9.6, respectively) but a long-term decrease (-0.343% and -1.7, respectively). Conclusion: There are some factors related to the pandemic that might be related to the decrease in antibiotic consumption, such as lockdown, the decrease in the number of face-to-face medical consultations, the reduction in the transmission of other respiratory infections, enhanced by the use of face mask and hand sanitiser. In general, our results reveal that the COVID-19 pandemic led to a decrease in the consumption of antibiotics, which we hope a reduction in bacterial resistance in the future

    The dividend payout policy in project finance : the case of the portuguese PPP roads between 2003 and 2011

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    Mestrado em FinançasEsta dissertação tem como objectivo analisar o nível de Dividendos pagos pelas PPPs rodoviárias em Portugal, comparando o nível de dividendos pagos em percentagem do Resultado Líquido das PPPs rodoviárias e das principais empresas de construção Portuguesas e Espanholas. Este estudo justifica-se pelo facto de as PPPs serem constituídas por um único projecto, e consequentemente não apresentarem necessidade significativa de reinvestir, pelo que é pertinente averiguar se o tratamento dos Resultados Líquidos é semelhante ao das empresas com características vulgares (neste caso grandes empresas de construção Portuguesas e Espanholas), em que existe necessidade de reinvestimento por não estarem associadas a um único projecto com um período de tempo limitado. Coloca-se a seguinte questão: as PPPs em análise distribuem um maior nível de Dividendos em percentagem do Resultado Líquido do que as empresas de construção em análise? Para responder a esta questão, foi efetuada a recolha de dados, seguida da análise estatística dos mesmos. A amostra é constituída por 12 PPPs e 7 empresas de construção. A conclusão que foi possível obter é que as PPPs rodoviárias têm uma política de distribuição de Dividendos mais forte e significativa do que as empresas de construção.This Master dissertation has as main objective to analyze the level of Dividends paid by road PPPs in Portugal, by comparing the level of Dividends paid in percentage of the Net Profit in road PPPs and the main Portuguese and Spanish construction companies. This study is justified by the fact that PPPs are constituted by only one project, and consequently they do not present a significant need to reinvest. Then, it is relevant to investigate if the treatment of Net Profits is similar to the one made to common companies (in this case, large Portuguese and Spanish construction companies), in which there is need of reinvestment because the companies are involved in many projects or in a project that does not present a limited period of time. The question of this dissertation is then the following: the PPPs in analysis distribute a higher level of Dividends in percentage of Net Profits than the construction companies in analysis In order to provide a response to this question it was collected data, and then it was made a statistical analysis of the data. The sample is constituted by 12 PPPs and 7 construction companies. The conclusion reached is that road PPPs have a policy of dividends distribution stronger and more significant than construction companies

    The effectiveness of sales promotion techniques on consumer buying behavior of generation Y

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    Sales promotion are increasingly becoming a powerful communication tool for marketers to connect with costumers. Notwithstanding, little is known about how Generation Y responds to sales promotion. To address this concern, this paper attempts to find out the major dimensions of consumers’ perception about the benefits derived from sales promotion and the influence of Word-of-mouth (WOM) on purchase intention. A convenience sample of 564 Generation Y was taken over a quantitative research, following a descriptive research design. Structural Equation Modeling approach was used to test the proposed model. The findings of the study revealed the perception of monetary savings, opportunities for value-expression and WOW as key-drivers of buying intention behavior. The findings will contribute to companies to select the appropriate types of premiums that greatly influence the buying behavior of Generation Y. By this, marketers could become more competitive and more efficient, satisfying consumers’ needs