569 research outputs found

    Formation and texture of thin film silicides

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    Influence of alloying elements on the phase formation of ultrathin Ni (<10nm) on Si(001) substrates

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    The influence of Ni thickness on the formation of Nickel silicides was systematically investigated between 0 and 15nm. Annealing thickness gradients distinguishes films that agglomerate (>5nm) and films that are morphologically stable (<5nm). Alloying the initial Ni layer influences this critical thickness to higher (Al, Co) and lower (Ge, Pd, Pt) values. Pole figures and in situ XRD provides information to understand this observed shift in critical thickness

    The influence of alloying on the phase formation sequence of ultra-thin nickel silicide films and on the inheritance of texture

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    The controlled formation of silicide materials is an ongoing challenge to facilitate the electrical contact of Si-based transistors. Due to the ongoing miniaturisation of the transistor, the silicide is trending to ever-thinner thickness's. The corresponding increase in surface-to-volume ratio emphasises the importance of low-energetic interfaces. Intriguingly, the thickness reduction of nickel silicides results in an abrupt change in phase sequence. This paper investigates the sequence of the silicides phases and their preferential orientation with respect to the Si(001) substrate, for both "thin" (i.e., 9 nm) and "ultra-thin" (i.e., 3 nm) Ni films. Furthermore, as the addition of ternary elements is often considered in order to tailor the silicides' properties, additives of Al, Co, and Pt are also included in this study. Our results show that the first silicide formed is epitaxial theta-Ni2Si, regardless of initial thickness or alloyed composition. The transformations towards subsequent silicides are changed through the additive elements, which can be understood through solubility arguments and classical nucleation theory. The crystalline alignment of the formed silicides with the substrate significantly differs through alloying. The observed textures of sequential silicides could be linked through texture inheritance. Our study illustrates the nucleation of a new phase drive to reduce the interfacial energy at the silicide-substrate interface as well as at the interface with the silicide which is being consumed for these sub-10 nm thin films

    Formation and preferential orientation of Au-free Al/Ti-based ohmic contacts on different hexagonal nitride-based heterostructures

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    Wide-bandgap nitride semiconductors are currently in development for high-power electronic applications. Compositional layered heterostructures of such nitrides result in a high polarization field at the interface, enabling a higher electron mobility, a higher power density, and a higher conversion efficiency. Further optimization of such GaN-based high-electron-mobility transistors can be achieved by evolving from a top AlxGa1−xN barrier toward AlN or even InyAl1−yN. An ongoing challenge in using such hexagonal nitride semiconductors is the formation of a low-resistive, Au-free, ohmic contact far below 1Ωmm. In this paper, we investigate the formation of ohmic contacts by Ti–Al–TiN-based metalization as a function of different annealing temperatures (up to 950∘C), Ti–Al ratios (from 15 up to 35 at. %) and nitride barrier composition (AlxGa1−xN, GaN, AlN, and InyAl1−yN). Contacts processed on AlxGa1–x/GaN, and AlN/GaN heterostructures result in low contact resistance of, respectively, 0.30 and 0.55Ωmm, whereas the same contact stack on InyAl1−yN results in resistance values of 1.7Ωmm. The observed solid-phase reaction of such Ti–Al–TiN stacks were found to be identical for all investigated barrier compositions (e.g., AlxGa1−xN , GaN, AlN, and InyAl1−yN), including the preferential grain alignment to the epitaxial nitride layer. The best performing ohmic contacts are formed when the bottom Ti-layer is totally consumed and when an epitaxially-aligned metal layer is present, either epitaxial Al (for a contact which is relatively Al-rich and annealed to a temperature below 660∘C) or ternary Ti2AlN (for a relatively Ti-rich contact annealed up to 850∘C). The observation that the solid-phase reaction is identical on all investigated nitrides suggests that a further decrease of the contact resistance will be largely dependent on an optimization of the nitride barriers themselves
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