48 research outputs found
Pemberian Mikotricho dan Guano Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L.)
Micotricho is a technological innovation by utilizing useful microbes in the form of mycorrhizal fungi and trichoderma. Guano is bat manure with the second highest nitrogen content after pigeon droppings, but cow dung ranks first in phosphorus content and third in potassium content. This study aims to determine the effect of a combination of mycotricho (Mycorrhiza and Trichoderma) and guano fertilizer on the growth and yield of peanut plants. This research was conducted in Jetak Ngansri Hamlet, Mulyoagung Village, Dau District, Malang Regency, which was carried out from July - October 2022. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 treatment factors. The first factor: Dosage of Mikotricho Fertilizer (M) consists of 4 levels, namely: M0 (without Mikotricho), M1 10 (g/plant), M2 (30 g/plant), M3 (50 g/plant). The second factor: Guano Fertilizer (K) consists of 3 levels, namely: K0 (without Guano), K1 (60 g/plant), K2 (120 g/plant). Parameters observed were: plant height, number of leaves, time of flower appearance, number of root nodules/plant, number of pods/plant, fresh pod weight/plant, dry pod weight/plant, dry pod yield, number of seeds/plant, seed weight/ plants, weight of 100 seeds, fresh weight of stover, dry weight of stover and yield. The results of this study indicate that there is an interaction between the application of mycotricho fertilizer (mycorrhiza and trichoderma) and guano fertilizer on the parameters of plant height, number of leaves, time of flower appearance, number of pods, number of active root nodules, wet weight of pods/plant, dry weight of pods/plant, dry pod yield, number of seeds/plant, dry weight of seeds/plant, weight of 100 seeds, fresh weight of stover/plant, dry weight of stover/plant and yield. Interaction combination treatment the best results were obtained in the treatment of guano 60 g/plant and mycorrhiza 30 g/plant with a dry pod yield of 4.14 tons/ha or a seed yield of 2.48 tons/ha. Mikotricho merupakan inovasi teknologi dengan memanfaatkan mikroba berguna berupa jamur mikoriza dan trichoderma. Guano merupakan kotoran kelelawar dengan kandungan nitrogen tertinggi kedua setelah kotoran merpati, namun menempati urutan pertama kandungan fosfor dan ketiga kandungan kalium dengan kotoran sapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi mikotricho (Mikoriza dan Trichoderma) dan pupuk guano terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kacang tanah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Dusun Jetak Ngansri, Desa Mulyoagung, Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang, yang dilaksanakan dari bulan Juli - Oktober 2022. Penelitian ini mengunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 faktor perlakuan. Faktor pertama: Dosis Pupuk Mikotricho (M) terdiri dari 4 taraf yaitu: M0 Tanpa Mikotricho, M1 (10 g/tannaman), M2 (30 g/tanaman), M3 (50 g/tanaman). Faktor kedua: Pupuk Guano (K) terdiri dari 3 taraf yaitu: K0 (Tanpa Guano), K1 (60 g/tanaman), K2 (120 g/tanaman). Parameter yang diamati adalah: tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, waktu muncul bunga, jumlah bintil akar/tanaman, jumlah polong/tanaman, bobot polong basah/tanaman, bobot polong kering/tanaman, hasil polong kering, jumlah biji/tanaman, bobot biji/tanaman, bobot 100 biji, bobot basah brangkasan, bobot kering brangkasan dan hasil. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa adanya interaksi pemberian pupuk mikotricho (mikoriza dan trichoderma) dan pupuk guano pada parameter tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, waktu muncul bunga, jumlah polong, jumlah bintil akar aktif, bobot basah polong/tanaman, bobot kering polong/tanaman, hasil polong kering, jumlah biji/tanaman, bobot kering biji/tanaman, bobot 100 biji, bobot basah brangkasan/tanaman, bobot kering brangkasan/tanaman dan hasil. Interaksi kombinasi perlakuan hasil terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan guano 60 g/tanaman dan mikoriza 30 g/tanaman dengan Hasil polong kering yang diperoleh sebesar 4,14 ton/ha atau hasil biji yang diperoleh sebesar 2,48 ton/ha
Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat terhadap Wabah Covid-19, Keluarahan Merjosari, Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Kota Malang
Merebaknya kasus Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) di Indonesia menjadi permasalahan utama baik bagi pemerintah maupun masyarakat itu sendiri. Berbagai informasi terkait pengertian, tata cara perlindungan diri hingga Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) di beberapa kota besar yang berpotensi tertularnya infeksi virus. Faktanya tidak semua orang memahami terkait apa itu Covid-19 dan apa yang harus dilakukan. Hasil pantauan lapangan untuk warga di sekitar Kelurahan Merjosari, Kecamatan Lowokwaru Kota Malang terkait masa pandemi Covid-19, khususnya Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL), menunjukkan bahwa mereka masih belum memahami betul terkait Covid-19 dan apa yang harus dilakukan saat masa pandemi ini. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan cara pendampingan sesuai protokol Covid-19, yaitu dengan tetap menjaga jarak serta menggunakan masker saat melakukan ceramah dan diskusi kepada warga. Melalui kegiatan ceramah dan diskusi dengan pembagian sembako dengan maksud tetap menjaga asupan gizi saat pandemi, diharapkan warga sekitar khususnya di Kelurahan Merjosari Kecamatan Lowokwaru dan sekitarnya semakin mawas diri dengan lingkungan
Perbaikan Keragaan Bibit Jeruk Pamelo ‘Nambangan’ dengan Strangulasi
ABSTRACTPummelo seedling has branches that grow irregularly, stright up, and has less branch. Attempt should be done to stimulate the formation of new branches. The objective of the research was to study the influence of single and double strangulation for stimulation of vegetative growth in order to improve canopy architecture of pummelo seedling. The experiment was conducted from March to September 2011 in green house of Cikabayan Experimental Station IPB, Bogor. Biochemical analysis was done in Laboratory of BALITRO, Bogor and Post-Harvest Laboratory, IPB. The experiment was conducted in Completely Randomized Block Design one factor consisting of 5 treatment: control, single strangulation, double strangulation with distance between wire 5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm. The experiment consisted of 5 replicates. There were 25 experimental units. Each experimental unit contained 2 plants and total plants were 50 plants. Strangulation treatment was done in May 19th and wires were removed in August 10th 2011. The results of this research showed that single and double strangulation improved numbers of branch, the lenghth of shoots per plant, numbers of leaf, numbers of scion diameter, volume of canopies andstarch content in leaf. Double strangulation with distance between 2 wires 15 cm had open canopy and the highest volume of canopies with good canopy appearance at 19 week after application. Strangulation did not cause permanent damage of the sytem tissue and only took two months to recover.Key words: branch, canopy appearance, starch, volume of canopiesABSTRAKJeruk pamelo memiliki cabang yang tumbuh tidak beraturan, cenderung lurus ke atas dan bercabang sedikit. Upaya untuk merangsang pembentukan cabang baru adalah dengan strangulasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh strangulasi tunggal dan ganda dalam merangsang pertumbuhan vegetatif untuk perbaikan keragaan bibit jeruk pamelo. Percobaan dilaksanakan bulan Maret sampai September 2011 di greenhouse Kebun Percobaan Cikabayan IPB, Bogor. Analisis biokimia dilakukan di Laboratorium Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat dan Aromatik (BALITRO), Bogor dan Laboratorium Pasca Panen, IPB. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktor sebanyak 5 perlakuan yaitu tanpa strangulasi, strangulasi tunggal dengan ketinggian 5 cm dari mata tempel, strangulasi ganda dengan jarak antar kawat 5 cm, 10 cm dan 15 cm. Percobaan terdiri atas 5 ulangan dan setiap satu satuan percobaan terdiri atas 2 tanaman sehingga total terdapat 50 tanaman. Aplikasi strangulasi dilaksanakan pada 19 Mei dan kawat dilepas pada 10 Agustus 2011. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan strangulasi tunggal dangan meningkatkan jumlah cabang, panjang cabang per tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter batang, volume tajuk, dan kandungan karbohidrat daun. Aplikasi strangulasi ganda memiliki tajuk terbuka dan volume tajuk terbesar dengan keragaan kanopi yang baik pada 19 minggu setelah perlakuan. Strangulasi tidak memberikan efek merusak secara permanen dan waktu pulihnya hanya dua bulanpada jaringan batang tanaman.Kata kunci: cabang, karbohidrat, keragaan tajuk, volume kanop
Peer Review Soil amendment impact to soil organic matter and physical properties on the three soil types after second corn cultivation
Soil amendment is important for low organic matter soil dominated by sand or clay. Soil amendments using biochar and various types of organic fertilizer have been shown to improve the soil properties. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of soil amendment against the second maize plantation season in different soil types. Biochar and organic fertilizer had been applied to the soil amendment 2 years ago (2017) in a polybag during the second plantation season. Polybags were placed in the field and arranged according to nested designs. The experiment used three types of biochar from rice husk, corn cob, by-products of the tobacco industry called jengkok. Two types of organic fertilizer (compost and chicken manure). Soil samples were predominantly sand (entisol) and clay (inceptisol and entisol lithic subgroups). Soil amendment was given at a dose of 300 g per polybags single type, biochar or organic fertilizer without mixing, and each 150 g per polybags for combination type, biochar mixed with an organic fertilizer in 9 kg of soil. Three types of soil (first factor) and soil amendment (second factor nested in the first factor) consisted of 12 treatments: 1. Control, 2. Corn cob biochar (CB), 3. Rice husk biochar (RB), 4. Jengkok biochar (JB), 5. Compost (Cs), 6. Chicken manure (M), 7. Corn cob biochar + compost (CBCs), 8. Corn cob biochar + manure (CBM), 9. Rice husk biochar + compost (RBCs), 10. Rice husk biochar + manure (RBM), 11. Jengkok biochar + compost (JBCs), 12. Jengkok biochar + manure (JBM). Soil physical properties were observed using intact soil samples (rings 5 cm in diameter and 5.5 cm in height), including saturated hydraulic conductivity, texture, soil water retention capacity, soil bulk density, soil particles, soil porosity, macro, meso, and micropores. It was also observed soil organic matter which was taken in a composite from the surface (0-20 cm). Plants are fertilized with 100 kg P2O5 ha-1, 110 kg K2O ha-1, and 135 kg N ha-1 at each planting season. Data analysis with SPSS and continued with the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The results showed each soil amendment had different effectiveness to improve the soil organic matter and its physical properties. Biochar from corn cob mixed with manure is effective to get better corn yields from entisol. While inceptisol soil is suitable with biochar from rice husk mixed with manure. The entisol lithic subgroups are suitable for manure. The soil amendment types affect the soil constituent fraction (sand, dust, clay) composition so that it has an impact on the physical properties of each soil type
The aim of this study the first is to know the different effects of treatment with red-blue LED and then compare it to treatment with white fluorescent light for green mustard growth, and the second is for determined the composition from each different treatment to reach the optimum growth of green mustard in the plant factory environment. In this case, treatment with fluorescent light will be used as a control variable for the observation. The research parameter is air temperature, light intensity, and the plant's physical measurements such as diameter and height. This study used a Single Plant Design, the treatment specified in this research was a planting model consisting of the first indoor hydroponic planting model or Plant Factory by applying LED (M1) irradiation, the second outdoor planting model in a greenhouse using full sun irradiation. (M2), and the third cropping model uses direct planting in the field (M3), and the fourth cropping model uses hydroponic planting in open spaces (M4). The result showed that cultivation with the plant factory model produced the best stover wet weight, which was 165.33 g, in contrast to the greenhouse planting model which produced a wet stover weight of 97.33 g and was different from the conventional model, which was 47.33 g. Vegetable wet weight is decent. Consumption also produced the highest with the plant factory planting model, which was 159.67 g per plant, followed by the greenhouse planting model, which was 92.33 g, and different from the conventional model, which was 46.67 g. Whereas if the method converted per ha, the best yields found in the plant factory cultivation model produce caisim vegetables of 27.56 tons/ha, different from the greenhouse planting model is 16.22 tons ha and significantly different from the conventional model which is 7.89 tons/ha
The increasing need of land from year to year results in the narrowness of fertile and potential agricultural land. This condition causes an imbalance of land use, which can directly harm the agricultural sector. To be able to utilize land resources in a directed and efficient manner, it is necessary to provide complete data and information about land characteristics and land use requirements that will be cultivated. Information in the form of land characteristics and land use requirements is needed in land evaluation activities. Land evaluation conducted by using ALES program (autometed land evaluation system), in addition to facilitate the process can also be used for the evaluation of land economically. To evaluation land physical and economical for maize, cabbage, potato and carrot in Tulungrejo, Batu. This research was conducted in Tulungrejo Substrict region in Tulungrejo, Batu observation map plan soil and economic social data processing, evaluation model on ALES program. The research result was 17 soil mapping unit (SMU) according to soil survei result which consist of soil taxonomi with its spread SMU 1 Andic Dytrudepts, SMU 2 Andic Dystrudepts and Typic Melanudands, SMU 3 Andic Dystrudepts and Typic Melanudans, SMU 4 Typic Melanudands, SMU 5 Andic Dystrudepts and Typic Melanudands, SMU 6 Humic Pachic Dystrudepts, SMU 7 Ruptic Alfic Dystrudepts, SMU 8 Andic Dystrudepts, Tupic Dystrudepts and Typic Melanudands, SMU 9 Typic Hapludans, SMU 10 Typic Melanudands, SMU 11 Typic Hapludands and Andic Hapludolls, SMU 12 Typic Hapludands and Humic Dystrudepts, SMU 13 Typic Hapludands and Inceptic Hapludalfs, SMU 14 Typic Hapludolls, SMU 14 Typic Hapludolls, SMU 15 Typic Hydrudands, SMU 16 Typic Melanudands and Andic Dystrudepts, SMU 17 Typic Udipsamments. Generally the ALES physical land suitability result for maize: S3-eh/nf/nr/rc, S2-nr/rc/wa, S3-oa and N-oa, cabbage S3-eh, S3-eh/nr, S3-nf, S3-rc and N-oa, potato S2-eh/nr, S2-nf, S3-nr, S3-oa and N-oa while for carrot S3-nf , N-eh. Economical land suitability value of maize, cabbage and potato on N1, N2 and S3 while for carrot is S1 because nothing limited class. General the ALES economical suitability result was profitable because there ware no negative (-) economical matric value
 This research aimed to determine the effect of applying biochar and chitosan-based pesticides on the growth and production of broccoli plants. This research used a factorial randomized block design. The first factor, namely biochar, consists of 4 (four) levels; B0: control, B1: 160 g/polybag, B2: 320 g/polybag, and B3: 480 g/polybag. The second factor, namely chitosan, consists of 3 (three) levels; C0: control, C1: 1.5 ml/l water, and C2: 3 ml/l water. Data analysis used analysis of variance (ANOVA) and further testing using BNT at the 5% level. The results showed that there was no interaction between giving biochar and chitosan on broccoli growth and yield parameters, but separately giving biochar had a significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, flower diameter, flower weight, and production yield, chitosan treatment had a significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, flowering age, flower diameter, flower weight, wet and dry weight of stover, and production yield. The best biochar treatment was at a dose of 480 g/polybag (B3) with a production yield of 12.69 t/ha compared to the control 11.49 t/ha and the best chitosan treatment was at a dose of 3 ml/l water (C2) with a production yield of 12 .82 t/ha compared to the control, namely 11.09 t/ha. The application of 160 g biochar/polybag + 3 ml chitosan/l showed that it was able to suppress the development of black rot disease with a disease incidence percentage of 0-8% compared to the control of 8-50% and a wound diameter on flowers of 0.00 cm compared to controls of 1.87 cm
Eksplorasi dan identifikasi Jamur Patogen Serangga di Rhizosfer Lahan Kering Kabupaten Malang
This research was conducted by exploring insect pathogen in rhizosphere of dry field of sugar cane of Malang Regency. The purpose of this research is to study the diversity of isolate insect pathogen in rhizosphere of sugar cane plant in dry land of Malang Regency. Exploration activities of insect pathogens are carried out by isolating insect pathogens in dry land of sugarcane plant rhizosphere. Rizosphere soil sampling method using composite sampling technique is by taking diagonal soil samples at five points as deep as 5-10 cm, as much as 200 g at each sample point and isolation of insect pathogen type fungus using baiting method. The soil samples from the field were placed evenly over the petri dish. The soil above the petri dish is moistened and then the larvae of T miltor are placed for incubation for 48 hours. After 48 hours of dead larvae there will be a sign of an insect pathogenic fungus in the form of white hyphae on the surface of the T milter body. The marked larvae were then cultured on PDA media to be purified and identified morphologically, by looking at the color of hyphae. Observation miscroscopically using Burnet and Hunter determinations. Exploration and identification results found four specimens of fungi with Aspergilus sp species, Trichoderma sp, Beuveria sp, and Metharizium sp.This research was conducted by exploring insect pathogen in rhososphere of dry field of sugar cane of Malang Regency. The purpose of this research is to study the diversity of isolate insect pathogen in rhososphere of sugar cane plant in dry land of Malang Regency. Exploration activities of insect pathogens are carried out by isolating insect pathogens in dry land of sugarcane plant rhizosphere. Rizosphere soil sampling method using composite sampling technique is by taking diagonal soil samples at five points as deep as 5-10 cm, as much as 200 g at each sample point and isolation of insect pathogen type fungus using baiting method. The soil samples from the field were placed evenly over the petri dish. The soil above the petri dish is moistened and then the larvae of T miltor are placed for incubation for 48 hours. After 48 hours of dead larvae there will be a sign of an insect pathogenic fungus in the form of white hyphae on the surface of the T milter body. The marked larvae were then cultured on PDA media to be purified and identified morphologically, by looking at the color of hyphae. Observation miscroscopically using Burnet and Hunter determinations. Exploration and identification results found four specimens of fungi with Aspergilus sp species, Trichoderma sp, Beuveria sp, and Metharizium s
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of giving VAM (mycorrhizal arbuscular vesicular) and chitosan on the growth and yield of kencur plants (Kaempferia galanga L.). The research design used factorial randomized block design (RBD) with two treatment factors. The first factor included VAM dose consisting of (V0: 0 g/plant, V1: 10 g/plant, V2: 20 g/plant, V3: 30 g/plant) and the second factor was the dose of chitosan consisting of (C0: control, C1: immersion dose of 25 ml/L, C2: immersion dose of 25 ml/L + follow-up spraying, C3: immersion dose of 50 ml/L, C4: immersion dose of 50 ml/L + follow-up spraying). The results showed the treatment of VAM (mycorrhizal arbuscular vesicular) and chitosan gave an interaction for all observation parameters however the disease incidence component (%) had no significant effect. The best results found in the combination treatment dose of VAM 30 g/tan and Chitosan soaking dose of 50 ml/L (C3V3) with the highest average value on the number of leaves, namely 30.3 leaves, the number of tillers, namely 32.7 tillers, leaf area at the age of 5 BST that is 521.4 cm2and increased to 666.0 cm2 at the age of 6 BST, the fresh weight of the stover was 239.5 g and the dry weight of the stover was 38.6 g, the fresh weight of the rhizomes reached 85.8 g and the dry weight of the rhizomes was 34.6 g, and the production yielded a value of 10,292 tons ha1. The application of mycorrhiza on kencur plants is able to suppress pathogen infection with an average disease incidence ranging from 0-0.6%
Peer Review Residual effect of potassium fertilizer and biochar on growth and yield of maize in the second season
Application of biochar can increase availability of plant nutrients and yield. A field experiment was conducted on anInceptisol with aim to determineresidual potassium fertilizer and biochar application on growth and yield of maize in the second season. A randomized block design was used with three replication. The treaments were residual application of potassium and biochar that consisted of biochar only (30 t/ha), and biochar plus several levels of potassium apllication (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg/ha), included application of 200 kg/ha potassium without biochar. Basal fertilizersapplied in the first season were 90 kg N/ha and 100 kg P205, and in the second season was 90 kg N/ha. The results showed that residual biochar alone or combined with different levels of potassium application increased yield of maize. Residual biochar increased avalilabilty of N, P, K, Ca, and Na in the soil