3,101 research outputs found

    The return of the four- and five-dimensional preons

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    We prove the existence of 3/4-BPS preons in four- and five-dimensional gauged supergravities by explicitly constructing them as smooth quotients of the AdS_4 and AdS_5 maximally supersymmetric backgrounds, respectively. This result illustrates how the spacetime topology resurrects a fraction of supersymmetry previously ruled out by the local analysis of the Killing spinor equations.Comment: 10 pages (a minor imprecision has been corrected

    On the maximal superalgebras of supersymmetric backgrounds

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    In this note we give a precise definition of the notion of a maximal superalgebra of certain types of supersymmetric supergravity backgrounds, including the Freund-Rubin backgrounds, and propose a geometric construction extending the well-known construction of its Killing superalgebra. We determine the structure of maximal Lie superalgebras and show that there is a finite number of isomorphism classes, all related via contractions from an orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra. We use the structure theory to show that maximally supersymmetric waves do not possess such a maximal superalgebra, but that the maximally supersymmetric Freund-Rubin backgrounds do. We perform the explicit geometric construction of the maximal superalgebra of AdS_4 x S^7 and find that is isomorphic to osp(1|32). We propose an algebraic construction of the maximal superalgebra of any background asymptotic to AdS_4 x S^7 and we test this proposal by computing the maximal superalgebra of the M2-brane in its two maximally supersymmetric limits, finding agreement.Comment: 17 page

    Classification of IIB backgrounds with 28 supersymmetries

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    We show that all IIB backgrounds with strictly 28 supersymmetries are locally isometric to the plane wave solution of arXiv:hep-th/0206195. Moreover, we demonstrate that all solutions with more than 26 supersymmetries and only 5-form flux are maximally supersymmetric. The N=28 plane wave solution is a superposition of the maximally supersymmetric IIB plane wave with a heterotic string solution. We investigate the propagation of strings in this background, find the spectrum and give the string light-cone Hamiltonian.Comment: 30 pages, typos correcte

    The uses of Connes and Kreimer's algebraic formulation of renormalization theory

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    We show how, modulo the distinction between the antipode and the "twisted" or "renormalized" antipode, Connes and Kreimer's algebraic paradigm trivializes the proofs of equivalence of the (corrected) Dyson-Salam, Bogoliubov-Parasiuk-Hepp and Zimmermann procedures for renormalizing Feynman amplitudes. We discuss the outlook for a parallel simplification of computations in quantum field theory, stemming from the same algebraic approach.Comment: 15 pages, Latex. Minor changes, typos fixed, 2 references adde

    Quantum memory for squeezed light

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    We produce a 600-ns pulse of 1.86-dB squeezed vacuum at 795 nm in an optical parametric amplifier and store it in a rubidium vapor cell for 1 us using electromagnetically induced transparency. The recovered pulse, analyzed using time-domain homodyne tomography, exhibits up to 0.21+-0.04 dB of squeezing. We identify the factors leading to the degradation of squeezing and investigate the phase evolution of the atomic coherence during the storage interval.Comment: To appear in PRL. Changes to version 3: we present a larger data set featuring somewhat less squeezing, but also better statistics and a lower margin of error. Some additional revisions are made in response to the referees' comment

    A One-Parameter Family of Hamiltonian Structures for the KP Hierarchy and a Continuous Deformation of the Nonlinear \W_{\rm KP} Algebra

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    The KP hierarchy is hamiltonian relative to a one-parameter family of Poisson structures obtained from a generalized Adler map in the space of formal pseudodifferential symbols with noninteger powers. The resulting \W-algebra is a one-parameter deformation of \W_{\rm KP} admitting a central extension for generic values of the parameter, reducing naturally to \W_n for special values of the parameter, and contracting to the centrally extended \W_{1+\infty}, \W_\infty and further truncations. In the classical limit, all algebras in the one-parameter family are equivalent and isomorphic to \w_{\rm KP}. The reduction induced by setting the spin-one field to zero yields a one-parameter deformation of \widehat{\W}_\infty which contracts to a new nonlinear algebra of the \W_\infty-type.Comment: 31 pages, compressed uuencoded .dvi file, BONN-HE-92/20, US-FT-7/92, KUL-TF-92/20. [version just replaced was truncated by some mailer

    Invariant Killing spinors in 11D and type II supergravities

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    We present all isotropy groups and associated Σ\Sigma groups, up to discrete identifications of the component connected to the identity, of spinors of eleven-dimensional and type II supergravities. The Σ\Sigma groups are products of a Spin group and an R-symmetry group of a suitable lower dimensional supergravity theory. Using the case of SU(4)-invariant spinors as a paradigm, we demonstrate that the Σ\Sigma groups, and so the R-symmetry groups of lower-dimensional supergravity theories arising from compactifications, have disconnected components. These lead to discrete symmetry groups reminiscent of R-parity. We examine the role of disconnected components of the Σ\Sigma groups in the choice of Killing spinor representatives and in the context of compactifications.Comment: 22 pages, typos correcte

    Removal Efficiency of Cr6+ by Indigenous Pichia sp. Isolated from Textile Factory Effluent

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    Resistance of the indigenous strains P. jadinii M9 and P. anomala M10, to high Cr6+ concentrations and their ability to reduce chromium in culture medium was studied. The isolates were able to tolerate chromium concentrations up to 104 μg mL−1. Growth and reduction of Cr6+ were dependent on incubation temperature, agitation, Cr6+ concentration, and pH. Thus, in both studied strains the chromium removal was increased at 30°C with agitation. The optimum pH was different, with values of pH 3.0 and pH 7.0 in the case of P. anomala M10 and pH 7.0 using P. jadinii M9. Chromate reduction occurred both in intact cells (grown in culture medium) as well as in cell-free extracts. Chromate reductase activity could be related to cytosolic or membrane-associated proteins. The presence of a chromate reductase activity points out a possible role of an enzyme in Cr6+ reduction

    Exact N=2 Supergravity Solutions With Polarized Branes

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    We construct several classes of exact supersymmetric supergravity solutions describing D4 branes polarized into NS5 branes and F-strings polarized into D2 branes. These setups belong to the same universality class as the perturbative solutions used by Polchinski and Strassler to describe the string dual of N=1* theories. The D4-NS5 setup can be interpreted as a string dual to a confining 4+1 dimensional theory with 8 supercharges, whose properties we discuss. By T-duality, our solutions give Type IIB supersymmetric backgrounds with polarized branes.Comment: 22 pages. v2 - references added, details clarifie