10,113 research outputs found

    A tecnologia e o processo de gestão do design

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    O presente trabalho trata do conceito de tecnologia, configurando sua abrangência para relacioná-la à área de Gestão de Design, descrevendo como ocorre a relação entre tecnologia e gestão no campo de estudos e atividades em Design. Nele, também estão indicadas as possibilidades gerais da tecnologia na gestão dos processos e dos produtos de Design. Como método, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura na temática em estudo e, com base nos conceitos estudados e em outros argumentos teóricos, desenvolveu-se esta reflexão sobre as possibilidades de interação e cooperação entre tecnologia, gestão e design

    A freirianian global legacy: a dialogue with Peter Roberts

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    In the phase of the proposed and expected discussions for the debate on Freire's thought on the occasion of the centenary of its birth, this text sought to establish a dialogue with one of the researchers who have, over decades, established a whole scientific, academic and social journey. , having as one of the contributions of reflection the work of the Brazilian teacher Paulo Freire. Thus, an interview was carried out with Professor Peter Roberts, whose production has crossed borders and broadened the discussion with and of Freire's thought. Peter Roberts is a professor at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, in the field of Education. The objective of the interview, therefore, was to highlight the work of Paulo Freire in the focus of academic works carried out by Professor Peter Roberts, either establishing dialogic bridges between Freire and other authors, or looking forward to new paths that update Freire's thought.En la fase de las discusiones propuestas y esperadas para el debate sobre el pensamiento de Freire con motivo del centenario de su nacimiento, este texto buscó entablar un diálogo con uno de los investigadores que, a lo largo de décadas, ha constituido todo un conjunto científico, académico y itinerario social., teniendo como uno de los aportes de reflexión la obra del maestro brasileño Paulo Freire. Así, se realizó una entrevista al profesor Peter Roberts, cuya producción ha traspasado fronteras y ha ampliado la discusión con y del pensamiento de Freire. Peter Roberts es profesor en la Universidad de Canterbury, Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda, en el campo de la educación. El objetivo de la entrevista, por tanto, era destacar el trabajo de Paulo Freire en el foco de trabajos académicos realizados por el  profesor Peter Roberts, ya sea estableciendo puentes dialógicos entre Freire y otros autores, o buscando nuevos caminos que actualicen el pensamiento de Freire.Em fase das discussões propostas e esperadas para o debate do pensamento freireano em ocasião do centenário de seu nascimento, buscou-se neste texto estabelecer um diálogo com um dos pesquisadores que têm, ao longo de décadas, estabelecido toda uma caminhada científica, acadêmica e social, tendo como um dos aportes de reflexão a obra do professor brasileiro Paulo Freire. Assim, foi realizada entrevista com o professor Peter Roberts, cuja produção tem atravessado fronteiras e alargado a discussão com e do pensamento freireano. Peter Roberts é professor na University of Canterbury, em Christchurch, na Nova Zelândia, na área de Educação. O objetivo da entrevista, portanto, foi realçar a obra de Paulo Freire no enfoque dos trabalhos acadêmicos realizados pelo professor Peter Roberts, quer estabelecendo pontes dialógicas de Freire com outros autores, quer perspectivando novos caminhos que atualizam o pensamento freireano

    Acyclic orientations with path constraints

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    Many well-known combinatorial optimization problems can be stated over the set of acyclic orientations of an undirected graph. For example, acyclic orientations with certain diameter constraints are closely related to the optimal solutions of the vertex coloring and frequency assignment problems. In this paper we introduce a linear programming formulation of acyclic orientations with path constraints, and discuss its use in the solution of the vertex coloring problem and some versions of the frequency assignment problem. A study of the polytope associated with the formulation is presented, including proofs of which constraints of the formulation are facet-defining and the introduction of new classes of valid inequalities

    Expression of a hantavirus N protein and its efficacy as antigen in immune assays

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    Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) has been recognized as an important public heath problem. Five hantaviruses associated with HCPS are currently known in Brazil: Juquitiba, Araraquara, Laguna Negra-like, Castelo dos Sonhos, and Anajatuba viruses. The laboratory diagnosis of HCPS is routinely carried out by the detection of anti-hantavirus IgM and/or IgG antibodies. The present study describes the expression of the N protein of a hantavirus detected in the blood sample of an HCPS patient. The entire S segment of the virus was amplified and found to be 1858 nucleotides long, with an open reading frame of 1287 nucleotides that encodes a protein of 429 amino acids. The nucleotide sequence described here showed a high identity with the N protein gene of Araraquara virus. The entire N protein was expressed using the vector pET200D and the Escherichia coli BL21 strain. The expression of the recombinant protein was confirmed by the detection of a 52-kDa protein by Western blot using a pool of human sera obtained from HCPS patients, and by specific IgG detection in five serum samples of HCPS patients tested by ELISA. These results suggest that the recombinant N protein could be used as an antigen for the serological screening of hantavirus infection.FAPES

    A Method Based on Naming Similarity to Identify Reuse Opportunities

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    Software reuse is a development strategy in which existing software components are used to implement new software systems. There are many advantages of applying software reuse, such as minimization of development efforts and improvement of software quality. Few methods have been proposed in the literature for recommendation of reuse opportunities. In this paper, we propose a method for identification and recommendation of reuse opportunities based on the similarity of the names of classes. Our method, called JReuse, computes a similarity function to identify similarly named classes from a set of software systems from a specific domain. The identified classes compose a repository with reuse opportunities. We also present a prototype tool to support the proposed method. We applied our method, through the tool, to 72 software systems mined from GitHub, in 4 different domains: accounting, restaurant, hospital, and e-commerce. In total, these systems have 1,567,337 lines of code, 57,017 methods, and 12,598 classes. As a result, we observe that JReuse is able to identify the main classes that are frequent in each selected domain

    Street drug markets beyond favelas in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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    This study examines whether social disorganization mechanisms that explain clusters of street drug markets in socially disorganized neighborhoods in developed countries can also help explain geographical patterns of drug dealing across neighborhoods in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Data for this study includes drug arrests from 2007 to 2011 and socio demographic data from the 2010 Census. To examine the influence of exploratory variables on drug market locations, the Negative Binominal regression model was used at two levels of analysis—the Belo Horizonte city center and other neighborhoods including favelas. The findings show that a high hot spot of street drug markets located in the city center is positively associated with housing quality as well as negatively associated with residential tenure. Low hot spots were found in remaining neighborhoods, including impoverished areas of favelas and are related to key social disorganization indicators such as socio-economic status, age at risk, and residential tenure. This study has important implications for crime prevention policies and provides the basis for further comparative research on street drug markets across many different countries