939 research outputs found

    Investigation to optimize the passive shock wave-boundary layer control for supercritical airfoil drag reduction

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    The optimization of passive shock wave/boundary layer control for supercritical airfoil drag reduction was investigated in a 3 in. x 15.4 in. Transonic Blowdown Wind Tunnel. A 14% thick supercritical airfoil was tested with 0%, 1.42% and 2.8% porosities at Mach numbers of .70 to .83. The 1.42% case incorporated a linear increase in porosity with the flow direction while the 2.8% case was uniform porosity. The static pressure distributions over the airfoil, the wake impact pressure data for determining the profile drag, and the Schlieren photographs for porous surface airfoils are presented and compared with the results for solid-surface airfoils. While the results show that linear 1.42% porosity actually led to a slight increase in drag it was found that the uniform 2.8% porosity can lead to a drag reduction of 46% at M = .81

    Optimizing Splicing Junction Detection in Next Generation Sequencing Data on a Virtual-GRID Infrastructure

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    The new protocol for sequencing the messenger RNA in a cell, named RNA-seq produce millions of short sequence fragments. Next Generation Sequencing technology allows more accurate analysis but increase needs in term of computational resources. This paper describes the optimization of a RNA-seq analysis pipeline devoted to splicing variants detection, aimed at reducing computation time and providing a multi-user/multisample environment. This work brings two main contributions. First, we optimized a well-known algorithm called TopHat by parallelizing some sequential mapping steps. Second, we designed and implemented a hybrid virtual GRID infrastructure allowing to efficiently execute multiple instances of TopHat running on different samples or on behalf of different users, thus optimizing the overall execution time and enabling a flexible multi-user environmen

    A Multi-Cloud Warm-Absorber Model for NGC 4051

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    A multi-cloud model is presented which explains the soft X-ray excess in NGC 4051 and, consistently, the optical line spectrum and the SED of the continuum. The clouds are heated and ionized by the photoionizing flux from the active center and by shocks. Diffuse radiation, partly absorbed throughout the clouds, nicely fits the bump in the soft X-ray domain, while bremsstrahlung radiation from the gaseous clouds contribute to the fit of the continuum SED. Debris of high density fragmented clouds are necessary to explain the absorption oxygen throats observed at 0.87 keV and 0.74 keV. The debris are heated by shocks of about 200-300 km/s. Low velocity (100 km/s)-density (100 cm-3) clouds contribute to the line and continuum spectra, as well as high velocity (1000 km/s)-density (8000 cm-3) clouds which are revealed by the FWHM of the line profiles. The SED in the IR is explained by reradiation of dust, however, the dust-to-gas ratio is not particularly high. Radio emission is well fitted by synchrotron radiation created at the shock front by Fermi mechanism.Comment: 19 pages + 3 figures PostScrip

    B3 0003+387: AGN Marked Large-Scale Structure at z=1.47?

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    We present evidence for a significant overdensity of red galaxies, as much as a factor of 14 over comparable field samples, in the field of the z=1.47 radio galaxy B3 0003+387. The colors and luminosities of the brightest red galaxies are consistent with their being at z>0.8. The radio galaxy and one of the red galaxies are separated by 5" and show some evidence of a possible interaction. However, the red galaxies do not show any strong clustering around the radio galaxy nor around any of the brighter red galaxies. The data suggest that we are looking at a wall or sheet of galaxies, possibly associated with the radio galaxy at z=1.47. Spectroscopic redshifts of these red galaxies will be necessary to confirm this large-scale structure.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX2e/AASTeX v5.0.2. The full photometric catalog is included as a separate deluxetable file. To appear in the Astronomical Journal (~Nov 00

    Role of d-mannose in the prevention of recurrent uncomplicated cystitis: State of the art and future perspectives

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    Background: Urinary tract infections (UTI) are highly frequent in women, with a significant impact on healthcare resources. Although antibiotics still represent the standard treatment to manage recurrent UTI (rUTI), D-mannose, an inert monosaccharide that is metabolized and excreted in urine and acts by inhibiting bacterial adhesion to the urothelium, represents a promising nonantibiotic prevention strategy. The aim of this narrative review is to critically analyze clinical studies reporting data concerning the efficacy and safety of D-mannose in the management of rUTIs. Methods: A nonsystematic literature search, using the Pubmed, EMBASE, Scopus, Web of science, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Cochrane Central Database of Systematic Reviews databases, was performed for relevant articles published between January 2010 and January 2021. The following Medical Subjects Heading were used: “female/woman”, “urinary tract infection”, and “D-mannose”. Only clinical studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses reporting efficacy or safety data on D-mannose versus placebo or other competitors were selected for the present review. Evidence was limited to human data. The selected studies were organized in two categories according to the presence or not of a competitor to D-mannose. Results: After exclusion of non-pertinent studies/articles, 13 studies were analyzed. In detail, six were randomized controlled trials (RCTs), one a randomized cross-over trial, five prospective cohort studies, and one a retrospective analysis. Seven studies compared D-mannose to placebo or others drugs/dietary supplements. Six studies evaluated the efficacy of D-mannose comparing follow-up data with the baseline. D-mannose is well tolerated, with few reported adverse events (diarrhea was reported in about 8% of patients receiving 2 g of D-mannose for at least 6 months). Most of the studies also showed D-mannose can play a role in the prevention or rUTI or urodynamics-associated UTI and can overlap antibiotic treatments in some cases. The possibility to combine D-mannose with polyphenols or Lactobacillus seems another important option for UTI prophylaxis. However, the quality of the collected studies was very low, generating, consequently, a weak grade of recommendations as suggested by international guidelines. Data on D-mannose dose, frequency, and duration of treatment are still lacking. Conclusion: Dmannose alone or in combination with several dietary supplements or Lactobacillus has a potential role in the non antimicrobial prophylaxis or recurrent UTI in women. Despite its frequent prescription in real-life practice, we believe that further well-designed studies are urgently needed to definitively support the role of D-mannose in the management of recurrent UTIs in women

    Optimizing Splicing Junction Detection in Next Generation Sequencing Data on a Virtual-GRID Infrastructure

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    The new protocol for sequencing the messenger RNA in a cell, named RNA-seq produce millions of short sequence fragments. Next Generation Sequencing technology allows more accurate analysis but increase needs in term of computational resources. This paper describes the optimization of a RNA-seq analysis pipeline devoted to splicing variants detection, aimed at reducing computation time and providing a multi-user/multisample environment. This work brings two main contributions. First, we optimized a well-known algorithm called TopHat by parallelizing some sequential mapping steps. Second, we designed and implemented a hybrid virtual GRID infrastructure allowing to efficiently execute multiple instances of TopHat running on different samples or on behalf of different users, thus optimizing the overall execution time and enabling a flexible multi-user environment

    A case report on the physiological responses to extreme heat during Sicily's July 2023 heatwave

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    July 2023 has been confirmed as Earth's hottest month on record, and it was characterized by extraordinary heatwaves across southern Europe. Field data collected under real heatwave periods could add important evidence to understand human adaptability to extreme heat. However, field studies on human physiological responses to heatwave periods remain limited. We performed field thermo-physiological measurements in a healthy 37-years male undergoing resting and physical activity in an outdoor environment in the capital of Sicily, Palermo, during (July 21; highest level of local heat-health alert) and following (August 10; lowest level of local heat-health alert) the peak of Sicily's July 2023 heatwave. Results indicated that ~40 min of outdoor walking and light running in 33.8°C Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) conditions (July 21) resulted in significant physiological stress (i.e., peak heart rate: 209 bpm; core temperature: 39.13°C; mean skin temperature: 37.2°C; whole-body sweat losses: 1.7 kg). Importantly, significant physiological stress was also observed during less severe heat conditions (August 10; WBGT: 29.1°C; peak heart rate: 190 bpm; core temperature: 38.48°C; whole-body sweat losses: 2 kg). These observations highlight the physiological strain that current heatwave conditions pose on healthy young individuals. This ecologically-valid empirical evidence could inform more accurate heat-health planning

    Reverse Engineering of TopHat: Splice Junction Mapper for Improving Computational Aspect

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    TopHat is a fast splice junction mapper for Next Generation Sequencing analysis, a technology for functional genomic research. Next Generation Sequencing technology allows more accurate analysis increasing data to elaborate, this opens to new challenges in terms of development of tools and computational infrastructures. We present a solution that cover aspects both software and hardware, the first one, after a reverse engineering phase, provides an improvement of algorithm of TopHat making it parallelizable, the second aspect is an implementation of an hybrid infrastructure: grid and virtual grid computing. Moreover the system allows to have a multi sample environment and is able to process automatically totally transparent to user

    Radio Sources in Galaxy Clusters at 28.5 GHz

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    We present serendipitous detections of radio sources at 28.5 GHz (1 cm), which resulted from our program to image thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect in 56 galaxy clusters. We find 64 radio sources with fluxes down to 0.4 mJy, and within 250 arcseconds from the pointing centers. The spectral indices (S ~ \nu^-\alpha) of 54 sources with published low frequency flux densities range from -0.6 to 2 with a mean of 0.77, and a median of 0.84. Extending low frequency surveys of radio sources towards galaxy clusters CL 0016+16, Abell 665, and Abell 2218 to 28.5 GHz, and selecting sources with 1.4 GHz flux density greater than 7 mJy to form an unbiased sample, we find a mean spectral index of 0.71 and a median of 0.71. We find 4 to 7 times more sources predicted from a low frequency survey in areas without galaxy clusters. This excess cannot be accounted for by gravitational lensing of a background radio population by cluster potentials, indicating most of the detected sources are associated with galaxy clusters. For the cluster Abell 2218, the presence of unsubtracted radio sources with 28.5 GHz flux densities less than 0.5 mJy, can only contribute to temperature fluctuations at a level of 10 to 25 \muK. The corresponding error due to radio point source contamination in the Hubble constant derived through a combined analysis of 28.5 GHz SZ images and X-ray emission observations ranges from 1% to 6%.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, to appear in April 1998 issue of A
