115 research outputs found

    Radiomics for identification of active bone marrow from ct: An exploratory study

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    The radiation dose received by the pelvic Bone Marrow (BM) is a predictive factor for Hematologic Toxicity (HT) occurrence in the treatment of anal cancer. For this reason it is important to avoid BM during radiotherapy. In particular, the standard strategy in these cases consists in the identification of hematopoietically active BM (actBM), i.e. the part of BM in charge of blood cells generation, on 18 FDG-PET, FLT-PET or MRI, but no approached have been developed for identifying actBM from CT images. This exploratory study aims to use radiomics for detecting actBM on CT sequences. Our approach is based on the extraction of 36 first-order and texture (second-order) features for each CT slice. These features are used as input of a Decision Tree (DT) classifier able to discriminate between active and inactive BM regions on the images. This method was applied to five patients affected by carcinoma of the anal canal and the obtained actBM segmentation was compared with the standard actBM identification from 18 FDG-PET (reference standard, RS). Our results show that actBM identification in lumbosacral and iliac structures using radiomics overlaps the RS for more than 75% in 4 out of 5 patients

    Comparison of different classifiers to recognize active bone marrow from CT images

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    One of the main problems during in the treatment of anal cancer with chemotherapy and radiation is the occurrence of Hematologic Toxicity (HT). In particular, during radiotherapy it is crucial to spare Bone Marrow (BM), since the radiation dose received by BM in pelvic bones predicts the onset of HT. In this direction, the most popular strategies are based on the identification of the hematopoietically active BM (actBM), that is the part of BM in charge of blood cells generation, using MRI, SPECT or PET, but no approached have been proposed based on CT. In this study we compare four different classifiers in recognizing actBM from CT images using 36 radiomic features. We used Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to simultaneously optimize the feature subsets and the classifier parameters, separately for three pelvic subregions: iliac bone marrow (IBM), lower pelvis bone marrow (LPBM), and lumbosacral bone marrow (LSBM). The obtained classifiers were applied to CT sequences of a cohort of 25 patients affected by carcinoma of the anal canal. Classifiers results were compared with the actBM identified from 18FDG-PET (reference standard, RS). It emerged that the performances of the 4 classifiers are similar and they are satisfactory for IBM and LSBM subregions (Dice > 0.7) whereas they are poor for LPBM (Dice < 0.5)

    Different IMRT solutions vs. 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy in early stage Hodgkin's lymphoma: dosimetric comparison and clinical considerations

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    Background: Radiotherapy in Hodgkin's Lymphoma (HL) is currently evolving with new attempts to further reduce radiation volumes to the involved-node concept (Involved Nodes Radiation Therapy, INRT) and with the use of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). Currently, IMRT can be planned and delivered with several techniques, and its role is not completely clear. We designed a planning study on a typical dataset drawn from clinical routine with the aim of comparing different IMRT solutions in terms of plan quality and treatment delivery efficiency.Methods: A total of 10 young female patients affected with early stage mediastinal HL and treated with 30 Gy INRT after ABVD-based chemotherapy were selected from our database. Five different treatment techniques were compared: 3D-CRT, VMAT (single arc), B-VMAT (" butterfly" , multiple arcs), Helical Tomotherapy (HT) and Tomodirect (TD). Beam energy was 6 MV, and all IMRT planning solutions were optimized by inverse planning with specific dose-volume constraints on OAR (breasts, lungs, thyroid gland, coronary ostia, heart). Dose-Volume Histograms (DVHs) and Conformity Number (CN) were calculated and then compared, both for target and OAR by a statistical analysis (Wilcoxon's Test).Results: PTV coverage was reached for all plans (V95% ≥ 95%); highest mean CN were obtained with HT (0.77) and VMAT (0.76). B-VMAT showed intermediate CN mean values (0.67), while the lowest CN were obtained with TD (0.30) and 3D-CRT techniques (0.30). A trend of inverse correlation between higher CN and larger healthy tissues volumes receiving low radiation doses was shown for lungs and breasts. For thyroid gland and heart/coronary ostia, HT, VMAT and B-VMAT techniques allowed a better sparing in terms of both Dmean and volumes receiving intermediate-high doses compared to 3D-CRT and TD.Conclusions: IMRT techniques showed superior target coverage and OAR sparing, with, as an expected consequence, larger volumes of healthy tissues (lungs, breasts) receiving low doses. Among the different IMRT techniques, HT and VMAT showed higher levels of conformation; B-VMAT and HT emerged as the planning solutions able to achieve the most balanced compromise between higher conformation around the target and smaller volumes of OAR exposed to lower doses (typical of 3D-CRT). © 2012 Fiandra et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    A viral chitinase enhances oral activity of TMOF

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    In this study we investigate the combined effect on Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) larvae of Aedes aegypti-Trypsin Modulating Oostatic Factor (. Aea-TMOF), a peptide that inhibits trypsin synthesis by the gut, impairing insect digestive function, and Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus Chitinase A (AcMNPV ChiA), an enzyme that is able to alter the permeability of the peritrophic membrane (PM). Aea-TMOF and AcMNPV ChiA were provided to the larvae by administering transgenic tobacco plants, co-expressing both molecules. Experimental larvae feeding on these plants, compared to those alimented on plants expressing only one of the two molecules considered, showed significantly stronger negative effects on growth rate, developmental time and mortality. The impact of AcMNPV ChiA on the PM of H. virescens larvae, measured as increased permeability to molecules, was evident after five days of feeding on transgenic plants expressing ChiA. This result was confirmed by in vitro treatment of PM with recombinant ChiA, extracted from the transgenic plants used for the feeding experiments. Collectively, these data indicate the occurrence of a positive interaction between the two transgenes concurrently expressed in the same plant. The hydrolytic activity of ChiA on the PM of tobacco budworm larvae enhances the permeation of TMOF molecules to the ectoperitrophic space, and its subsequent absorption. The permeation through the paracellular route of Aea-TMOF resulted in a spotted accumulation on the basolateral domain of enterocytes, which suggests the occurrence of a receptor on the gut side facing the haemocoel. The binding of the peptide, permeating at increased rates due to the ChiA activity, is considered responsible for the enhanced insecticide activity of the transgenic plants expressing both molecules. These data corroborate the idea that ChiA can be effectively used as gut permeation enhancer in oral delivery strategies of bioinsecticides targeting haemocoelic receptors

    Concurrent chemoradiation in anal cancer patients delivered with bone marrow-sparing imrt: Final results of a prospective phase ii trial

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    We investigated the role of the selective avoidance of haematopoietically active pelvic bone marrow (BM), with a targeted intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) approach, to reduce acute hematologic toxicity (HT) in anal cancer patients undergoing concurrent chemo-radiation. We designed a one-armed two-stage Simon’s design study to test the hypothesis that BM-sparing IMRT would improve by 20% the rate of G0–G2 (vs. G3–G4) HT, from 42% of RTOG 0529 historical data to 62% (α = 0.05; β = 0.20). A minimum of 21/39 (54%) with G0–G2 toxicity represented the threshold for the fulfilment of the criteria to define this approach as ‘promising’. We employed18 FDG-PET to identify active BM within the pelvis. Acute HT was assessed via weekly blood counts and scored as per the Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Effects version 4.0. From December 2017 to October 2020, we enrolled 39 patients. Maximum observed acute HT comprised 20% rate of ≥G3 leukopenia and 11% rate of ≥G3 thrombocytopenia. Overall, 11 out of 39 treated patients (28%) experienced ≥G3 acute HT. Conversely, in 28 patients (72%) G0–G2 HT events were observed, above the threshold set. Hence,18 FDG-PET-guided BM-sparing IMRT was able to reduce acute HT in this clinical setting

    Variability of clinical target volume delineation for rectal cancer patients planned for neoadjuvant radiotherapy with the aid of the platform Anatom-e

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    Objective: Delineation of treatment volumes is a major source of uncertainties in radiotherapy (RT). This is also true for rectal cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant RT, with a potential impact on treatment quality. We investigated the role of the digital platform Anatom-e (Anatom-e Information Sytems Ltd., Houston, Texas) in increasing the compliance to follow a specific treatment protocol in a multicentric setting. Materials and methods: Two clinical cases of locally advanced rectal cancer were chosen. Participants were instructed to follow the 2009 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group consensus atlas and asked to manually segment clinical target volumes (CTVs), for both patient 1 and 2, on day 1 with and without the use of Anatom-e. After one week (day 2), the same radiation oncologist contoured again, with and without Anatom-e, the same CT series. Intraobserver (Intra-OV) and interobserver (Inter-OV) variability were evaluated with the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), the Hausdorff distance (HD) and mean distance to agreement (MDA). Results: For clinical case 1, no significant difference was found for Intra-OV and Inter-OV. For clinical case 2, no significant difference was found for Intra-OV but a statistically significant difference was found for Inter-OV in DSC when using or not the platform. Mean DCS was 0.65 (SD: ±0.64; range: 0.58–0.79) for day 1 vs reference volume without Anatom-e and 0.72 (SD: ±0.39; range: 0.67–0.77) (p = 0.03) with it. Mean MDA was lower with Anatom-e (3.61; SD: ±1.33; range: 2.85–4.78) than without (4.14; SD: ±2.97; range: 2.18–5.21), with no statistical significance (p = 0.21) The use of Anatom-e decreased the SD from 2.97 to 1.33. Mean HD was lower with Anatom-e (26.06; SD: ±2.05; range: 24.08–32.62), with no statistical significance (p = 0.14) compared to that without (31.39; SD: ±1.31; range: 26.14–48.72). Conclusions: The use of Anatom-e decreased the Inter-OV in the CTV delineation process for locally advanced rectal cancer with complex disease presentation planned for neoadjuvant RT. This system may be potentially helpful in increasing the compliance to follow shared guidelines and protocols

    The Italian fund for Alzheimer's and other dementias: strategies and objectives to face the dementia challenge

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    The Italian Fund for Alzheimer's and other dementias was approved and signed in December 2021. The Fund is financed with 15 million euros in three years. The main goal is to provide new strategies in the field of dementia with a Public Health perspective. The Fund includes eight main activities that will be monitored and supervised by the Italian National Institute of Health: 1) development of a guideline for the assessment, management and support for people with dementia and their families/carers; 2) updating of the Dementia National Plan (DNP); 3) implementation of the documents of the DNP; 4) conducting surveys dedicated to the Italian Dementia Services; 5) promotion of dementia prevention strategies; 6) training strategies for healthcare professionals, families and caregivers; 7) creation of a National Electronic Record for Dementia; 8) evaluation and monitoring of activities promoted by Regions and Autonomous Provinces in the field of dementia, together with the dementia National Permanent Table. These activities are outlined in detail in the present paper
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