1,561 research outputs found

    Detection of CO in Triton's atmosphere and the nature of surface-atmosphere interactions

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    Triton possesses a thin atmosphere, primarily composed of nitrogen, sustained by the sublimation of surface ices. The goal is to determine the composition of Triton's atmosphere and to constrain the nature of surface-atmosphere interactions. We perform high-resolution spectroscopic observations in the 2.32-2.37 μ\mum range, using CRIRES at the VLT. From this first spectroscopic detection of Triton's atmosphere in the infrared, we report (i) the first observation of gaseous methane since its discovery in the ultraviolet by Voyager in 1989 and (ii) the first ever detection of gaseous CO in the satellite. The CO atmospheric abundance is remarkably similar to its surface abundance, and appears to be controlled by a thin, CO-enriched, surface veneer resulting from seasonal transport and/or atmospheric escape. The CH4_4 partial pressure is several times larger than inferred from Voyager. This confirms that Triton's atmosphere is seasonally variable and is best interpreted by the warming of CH4_4-rich icy grains as Triton passed southern summer solstice in 2000. The presence of CO in Triton's atmosphere also affects its temperature, photochemistry and ionospheric composition. An improved upper limit on CO in Pluto's atmosphere is also reported.Comment: 11 pages, including 4 figures and 2 on-line figures Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press (accepted March 13, 2010

    Evolutionary analysis of swimming speed in early vertebrates challenges the ‘New Head Hypothesis’

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    The ecological context of early vertebrate evolution is envisaged as a long-term trend towards increasingly active food acquisition and enhanced locomotory capabilities culminating in the emergence of jawed vertebrates. However, support for this hypothesis has been anecdotal and drawn almost exclusively from the ecology of living taxa, despite knowledge of extinct phylogenetic intermediates that can inform our understanding of this formative episode. Here we analyse the evolution of swimming speed in early vertebrates based on caudal fin morphology using ancestral state reconstruction and evolutionary model fitting. We predict the lowest and highest ancestral swimming speeds in jawed vertebrates and microsquamous jawless vertebrates, respectively, and find complex patterns of swimming speed evolution with no support for a trend towards more active lifestyles in the lineage leading to jawed groups. Our results challenge the hypothesis of an escalation of Palaeozoic marine ecosystems and shed light into the factors that determined the disparate palaeobiogeographic patterns of microsquamous versus macrosquamous armoured Palaeozoic jawless vertebrates. Ultimately, our results offer a new enriched perspective on the ecological context that underpinned the assembly of vertebrate and gnathostome body plans, supporting a more complex scenario characterized by diverse evolutionary locomotory capabilities reflecting their equally diverse ecologies

    Sport activity in adolescence: associations with health perceptions and experimental behaviours

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    Despite the relevance of this research topic from a public health perspective, there is currently a lack of objective data on European adolescents' sport activity, notably the associations between their sport habits and their health attitudes and behaviours, which may have important consequences both in terms of somatic (cardiovascular) health and mental health. The objective of the present study was to determine the direction and strength of the associations between the frequency of sport and health variables; in particular, perceptions of health, self image, substance use and experimental behaviours. Data were collected as part of the 1993 Swiss Multicentric Adolescent Survey on Health. In this survey, anonymous self-administered questionnaires were distributed to a national representative sample of 10 000 in-school adolescents (15-20 years of age). Univariate analyses explored the relationships between the level of sport activity and health variables; then logistic regression analyses examined the strength of these relationships. According to the results, half of the sample do sports more than twice a week, boys more often as part of a sports club. Differences between non-athletic and athletic adolescents describe the latter as having less somatic complaints, more confidence in their future health, a better body image, a lesser tendency to attempt suicide, a higher frequency of use of the car seat belt, and a lower use of tobacco, wine and marijuana. Links between the frequency of sport activity and the locus of control related to health, general satisfaction with life or sexual behaviours are less strong. It must be noticed that the cross-sectional data collection precludes the establishment of a causal relationship between exercise and health behaviours. However, the existing links underline the coexistence of positive health characteristics and sport activity, suggesting that an incitement to get involved in physical activity may be a necessary component of a comprehensive prevention approach among adolescent

    Psychological mechanisms to treatment adherence among people with severe mental illness: validating treatment motivation and working alliance measures

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    Working alliance and treatment motivation are important indicators for social work clinicians to assess in the course of their practice with individuals with severe mental illness. Measures of treatment motivation have yet to be validated for this population, and measures of working alliance need further confirmatory work. This study further evaluated the Treatment Motivation Questionnaire (TMQ) among people with severe mental illness and used confirmatory factor analysis to test the factor structure of the truncated Working Alliance Inventory short form (WAIs) among people with severe mental illness and their clinicians. Furthermore, the predictive validity of the TMQ and WAI short form was tested by relating these psychological constructs to treatment adherence. Results show that the TMQ had additional subscales of external motivation, which further supports Self Determination Theory. The truncated WAI short forms for clinicians and consumers were modestly supported, although a second-order confirmatory analysis was confirmed. Lastly, the WAI was minimally related to treatment adherence, and the TMQ was not predictive of treatment adherence

    FMRP regulates presynaptic localization of neuronal voltage gated calcium channels

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common form of inherited intellectual disability and autism, results from the loss of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). We have recently identified a direct interaction of FMRP with voltage-gated Ca2+ channels that modulates neurotransmitter release. In the present study we used a combination of optophysiological tools to investigate the impact of FMRP on the targeting of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels to the active zones in neuronal presynaptic terminals. We monitored Ca2+ transients at synaptic boutons of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons using the genetically-encoded Ca2+ indicator GCaMP6f tagged to synaptophysin. We show that knock-down of FMRP induces an increase of the amplitude of the Ca2+ transient in functionally-releasing presynaptic terminals, and that this effect is due to an increase of N-type Ca2+ channel contribution to the total Ca2+ transient. Dynamic regulation of CaV2.2 channel trafficking is key to the function of these channels in neurons. Using a CaV2.2 construct with an α-bungarotoxin binding site tag, we further investigate the impact of FMRP on the trafficking of CaV2.2 channels. We show that forward trafficking of CaV2.2 channels from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane is reduced when co-expressed with FMRP. Altogether our data reveal a critical role of FMRP on localization of CaV channels to the presynaptic terminals and how its defect in a context of FXS can profoundly affect synaptic transmission

    Características da madeira de Populus sp. e Platanus sp.

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    The Stargazin-Related Protein {gamma}7 Interacts with the mRNA-Binding Protein Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A2 and Regulates the Stability of Specific mRNAs, Including CaV2.2

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    The role(s) of the novel stargazin-like {gamma}-subunit proteins remain controversial. We have shown previously that the neuron-specific {gamma}7 suppresses the expression of certain calcium channels, particularly CaV2.2, and is therefore unlikely to operate as a calcium channel subunit. We now show that the effect of {gamma}7 on CaV2.2 expression is via an increase in the degradation rate of CaV2.2 mRNA and hence a reduction of CaV2.2 protein level. Furthermore, exogenous expression of {gamma}7 in PC12 cells also decreased the endogenous CaV2.2 mRNA level. Conversely, knockdown of endogenous {gamma}7 with short-hairpin RNAs produced a reciprocal enhancement of CaV2.2 mRNA stability and an increase in endogenous calcium currents in PC12 cells. Moreover, both endogenous and expressed {gamma}7 are present on intracellular membranes, rather than the plasma membrane. The cytoplasmic C terminus of {gamma}7 is essential for all its effects, and we show that {gamma}7 binds directly via its C terminus to a heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP A2), which also binds to a motif in CaV2.2 mRNA, and is associated with native CaV2.2 mRNA in PC12 cells. The expression of hnRNP A2 enhances CaV2.2 IBa, and this enhancement is prevented by a concentration of {gamma}7 that alone has no effect on IBa. The effect of {gamma}7 is selective for certain mRNAs because it had no effect on {alpha}2{delta}-2 mRNA stability, but it decreased the mRNA stability for the potassium-chloride cotransporter, KCC1, which contains a similar hnRNP A2 binding motif to that in CaV2.2 mRNA. Our results indicate that {gamma}7 plays a role in stabilizing CaV2.2 mRNA

    T-type Ca 2+ channels are required for enhanced sympathetic axon growth by TNFα reverse signalling

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    Tumour necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1)-activated TNFα reverse signalling, in which membrane-integrated TNFα functions as a receptor for TNFR1, enhances axon growth from developing sympathetic neurons and plays a crucial role in establishing sympathetic innervation. Here, we have investigated the link between TNFα reverse signalling and axon growth in cultured sympathetic neurons. TNFR1-activated TNFα reverse signalling promotes Ca2+ influx, and highly selective T-type Ca2+ channel inhibitors, but not pharmacological inhibitors of L-type, N-type and P/Q-type Ca2+ channels, prevented enhanced axon growth. T-type Ca2+ channel-specific inhibitors eliminated Ca2+ spikes promoted by TNFα reverse signalling in axons and prevented enhanced axon growth when applied locally to axons, but not when applied to cell somata. Blocking action potential generation did not affect the effect of TNFα reverse signalling on axon growth, suggesting that propagated action potentials are not required for enhanced axon growth. TNFα reverse signalling enhanced protein kinase C (PKC) activation, and pharmacological inhibition of PKC prevented the axon growth response. These results suggest that TNFα reverse signalling promotes opening of T-type Ca2+ channels along sympathetic axons, which is required for enhanced axon growth