14,861 research outputs found

    Detailed atmospheric abundance analysis of the optical counterpart of the IR source IRAS 16559-2957

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    We have undertaken a detailed abundance analysis of the optical counterpart of the IR source IRAS16559-2957 with the aim of confirming its possible post-AGB nature. The star shows solar metallicity and our investigation of a large number of elements including CNO and 12C/13C suggests that this object has experienced the first dredge-up and it is likely still at RGB stage.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables. To be published by Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, April 201

    Physical parameters of three field RR Lyrae stars

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    This work was partially supported by DGAPA–Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico through project IN104612.Stromgren uvby - beta photometry of the stars classified as RR Lyrae stars RU Piscium, SS Piscium and TU Ursae Majoris has been used to estimate their iron abundance, temperature, gravity and absolute magnitude. The stability of the pulsating period is discussed. The nature of SS Psc as a RRc or a HADS is addressed. The reddening of each star is estimated from the Stromgren colour indices and reddening sky maps. The results of three approaches to the determination of [Fe/H], T-eff and log(g) are discussed: Fourier light curve decomposition, the Preston Delta S index and the theoretical grids on the (b - y)(o) - c(10) plane.Peer reviewe

    References to Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Extrabiblical Literature as Noted in the Outer Margins of the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament

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    One of the very helpful features of the Nestle Greek text is its outer margins that list passages useful for further study of the text. Frederick W. Danker has written a very useful survey of the wealth of possibilities that lie at the fingertips of the student, only a few centimeters to the right of the text. The references in these margins can be used as a small concordance; they can yield historical information; they can be used, in the case of the gospels, as a source for synoptic criticism; or they can yield a host of passages that are most useful in tracing concepts, teachings, and helpful points of illumination for obscure texts

    The Momentum Amplituhedron

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    In this paper we define a new object, the momentum amplituhedron, which is the long sought-after positive geometry for tree-level scattering amplitudes in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory in spinor helicity space. Inspired by the construction of the ordinary amplituhedron, we introduce bosonized spinor helicity variables to represent our external kinematical data, and restrict them to a particular positive region. The momentum amplituhedron M n,k is then the image of the positive Grassmannian via a map determined by such kinematics. The scattering amplitudes are extracted from the canonical form with logarithmic singularities on the boundaries of this geometry.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Variable stars in the globular cluster NGC 7492. New discoveries and physical parameters determination

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    We have performed a photometric V, R, I CCD time-series analysis with a baseline of ~8 years of the outer-halo globular cluster NGC 7492 with the aim of searching for new variables and using these (and the previously known variables) to determine the physical parameters of interest for the cluster (e.g. metallicity, absolute magnitude of the horizontal branch, distance, etc.). We use difference image analysis (DIA) to extract precise light curves in the relatively crowded star field, especially towards the densely populated central region. Several approaches are used for variability detection that recover the known variables and lead to new discoveries. We determine the physical parameters of the only RR0 star using light curve Fourier decomposition analysis. We find one new long period variable and two SX Phe stars in the blue straggler region. We also present one candidate SX Phe star which requires follow-up observations. Assuming that the SX Phe stars are cluster members and using the period-luminosity relation for these stars, we estimate their distances as ~25.2+-1.8 and 26.8+-1.8 kpc, and identify their possible modes of oscillation. We refine the periods of the two RR Lyrae stars in our field of view. We find that the RR1 star V2 is undergoing a period change and possibly exhibits the Blazhko effect. Fourier decomposition of the light curve of the RR0 star V1 allows us to estimate the metallicity [Fe/H]_ZW-1.68+-0.10 or [Fe/H]_UVES-1.64+-0.13, log-luminosity ~1.76+-0.02, absolute magnitude ~0.38+-0.04 mag, and true distance modulus of ~16.93+-0.04 mag, which is equivalent to a distance of ~24.3+-0.5 kpc. All of these values are consistent with previous estimates in the literature.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Ingeniería Química: Un espacio de integración y encuentro entre disciplinas

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    La Ingeniería Química, cuyo contenido es: concebir, calcular, diseñar, hacer construir y hacer funcionar las instalaciones donde efectuar a escala industrial transformaciones químicas y/o físicoquímicas para convertir materias primas en productos destinados al consumo de la sociedad, vive un momento particularmente interesante y complejo de su desarrollo caracterizado por profundos cambios tanto en la forma de diseñar nuevos procesos, como en la forma de realizar los cálculos que necesita esos desarrollos y, finalmente, en la manera de formar nuevos ingenieros. Una reconstrucción epistemológica de su desarrollo permite una compresión más clara de este momento y, sobre esta base, adoptar una posición constructiva en cualquiera de las direcciones antes planteadas. El presente trabajo está orientado en esa dirección y se interesa, en particular, por las consecuencias que este fenómeno tiene en materia educativ

    Emerging role of the KRAS-PDK1 axis in pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic cancer is a highly aggressive tumour that is very resistant to treatments and it is rarely diagnosed early because of absence of specific symptoms. Therefore, the prognosis for this disease is very poor and it has the grim supremacy in terms of unfavourable survival rates. There have been great advances in survival rates for many types of cancers over the past few decades but hardly any change for pancreatic cancer. Mutations of the Ras oncogene are the most frequent oncogenic alterations in human cancers. The frequency of KRAS mutations in pancreatic cancer is around 90%. Given the well-established role of KRAS in cancer it is not surprising that it is one of the most attractive targets for cancer therapy. Nevertheless, during the last thirty years all attempts to target directly KRAS protein have failed. Therefore, it is crucial to identify downstream KRAS effectors in order to develop specific drugs able to counteract activation of this pathway. Among the different signalling pathways activated by oncogenic KRAS, the phosphoinositide 3-Kinase (PI3K) pathway is emerging as one of the most critical KRAS effector. In turn, PI3K activates several parallel pathways making the identification of the precise effectors activated by KRAS/PI3K more difficult. Recent data identify 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 as a key tumour-initiating event downstream KRAS interaction with PI3K in pancreatic cancer