9 research outputs found

    An engineered GH1 β-glucosidase displays enhanced glucose tolerance and increased sugar release from lignocellulosic materials.

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    β-glucosidases play a critical role among the enzymes in enzymatic cocktails designed for plant biomass deconstruction. By catalysing the breakdown of β-1, 4-glycosidic linkages, β-glucosidases produce free fermentable glucose and alleviate the inhibition of other cellulases by cellobiose during saccharification. Despite this benefit, most characterised fungal β-glucosidases show weak activity at high glucose concentrations, limiting enzymatic hydrolysis of plant biomass in industrial settings. In this study, structural analyses combined with site-directed mutagenesis efficiently improved the functional properties of a GH1 β-glucosidase highly expressed by Trichoderma harzianum (ThBgl) under biomass degradation conditions. The tailored enzyme displayed high glucose tolerance levels, confirming that glucose tolerance can be achieved by the substitution of two amino acids that act as gatekeepers, changing active-site accessibility and preventing product inhibition. Furthermore, the enhanced efficiency of the engineered enzyme in terms of the amount of glucose released and ethanol yield was confirmed by saccharification and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation experiments using a wide range of plant biomass feedstocks. Our results not only experimentally confirm the structural basis of glucose tolerance in GH1 β-glucosidases but also demonstrate a strategy to improve technologies for bioethanol production based on enzymatic hydrolysis

    American oil palm from Brazil: genetic diversity, population structure, and core collection.

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    The American oil palm [Elaeis oleifera (Knuth) Cortés] has pronounced importance in oil palm breeding programs. Here, a germplasm bank (GB) of E. oleifera plants collected in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil was submitted to single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker identification, selection, and use, aiming to characterize genetic diversity and population structure and to design a core collection (CC). Five hundred and fifty-three plants from 206 subsamples, collected at 19 localities spread throughout six geographic regions, were submitted to genotyping-by-sequencing analysis. A set of 1,827 high-quality SNP markers was then selected and used to run the genetic diversity and population structure analysis. The genetic diversity found is of moderate degree, and probably only a small portion of the species diversity is represented in the collection. The possible reason for that is the collecting strategy used, which collected subsamples only around the most prominent watercourses in the region. The average degree of genetic differentiation among subsamples is very high, indicating the presence of high interpopulation differentiation. The collection showed a low level of endogamy. The low average gene flow found indicates that genetic isolation caused by drift is occurring, and there is a need to review the conservation strategy. A set of 245 SNPs distributed throughout all 16 chromosomes was used to design CC based on maximizing the strategy of diversity. The optimal adjustment of the validated parameters, maintained while taking fewest subsamples, led to the choice of a model containing 20% of the entire collection as the ideal to form the CC

    Production of a recombinant swollenin from trichoderma harzianum in escherichia coli and its potential synergistic role in biomass degradation

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    Background: Fungal swollenins (SWOs) constitute a class of accessory proteins that are homologous to canonical plant expansins. Expansins and expansin-related proteins are well known for acting in the deagglomeration of cellulose structure by loosening macrofibrils. Consequently, SWOs can increase the accessibility and efficiency of the other enzymes involved in the saccharification of cellulosic substrates. Thus, SWOs are promising targets for improving the hydrolysis of plant biomass and for use as an additive to enhance the efficiency of an enzyme cocktail designed for the production of biofuels. Results: Here, we report the initial characterization of an SWO from Trichoderma harzianum (ThSwo) that was successfully produced using Escherichia coli as a host. Initially, transcriptome and secretome data were used to compare swo gene expression and the amount of secreted ThSwo. The results from structural modeling and phylogenetic analysis of the ThSwo protein showed that ThSwo does preserve some structural features of the plant expansins and family-45 glycosyl hydrolase enzymes, but it evolutionarily diverges from both of these protein classes. Recombinant ThSwo was purified at a high yield and with high purity and showed secondary folding similar to that of a native fungal SWO. Bioactivity assays revealed that the purified recombinant ThSwo created a rough and amorphous surface on Avicel and displayed a high synergistic effect with a commercial xylanase from T. viride, enhancing its hydrolytic performance up to 147 +/- 7%. Conclusions: Many aspects of the structure and mechanism of action of fungal SWOs remain unknown. In the present study, we produced a recombinant, active SWO from T. harzianum using a prokaryotic host and confirmed its potential synergistic role in biomass degradation. Our work paves the way for further studies evaluating the structure and function of this protein, especially regarding its use in biotechnology

    Komplexní řešení dobývání porubu 074 696 na OKD, a.s., Důl Paskov, závod Staříč

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnosti (542

    Characterization of novel small RNAs (sRNAs) contributing to the desiccation response of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium

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    Noncoding RNA (ncRNA) modulation of gene expression has now been ubiquitously observed across all domains of life. An increasingly apparent role of ncRNAs is to coordinate changes in gene expressions in response to environmental stress. Salmonella enterica, a common food-born pathogen, is known for its striking ability to survive, adapt, and thrive in various unfavourable environments which makes it a particularly difficult pathogen to eliminate as well as an interesting model in which to study ncRNA contributions to cellular stress response. Mounting evidence now suggests that small RNAs (sRNAs) represent key regulators of Salmonella stress adaptation. Approximately 50-500 nucleotides in length, sRNAs regulate gene expression through complementary base pairing with molecular targets and have recently been suggested to outnumber protein-coding genes in bacteria. In this work, we employ small RNA transcriptome sequencing to characterize changes in the sRNA profiles of Salmonella in response to desiccation. In all, we identify 102 previously annotated sRNAs significantly differentially expressed during desiccation; and excitingly, 71 novel sRNAs likewise differentially expressed. Small transcript northern blotting and qRT-PCRs confirm the identities and expressions of several of our novel sRNAs, and computational analyses indicate the majority are highly conserved and structurally related to characterized sRNAs. Predicted sRNA targets include several proteins necessary for desiccation survival and this, in part, suggests a role for desiccation-regulated sRNAs in this stress response. Furthermore, we find individual knock-outs of two of the novel sRNAs identified herein, either sRNA1320429 or sRNA3981754, significantly impairs the ability of Salmonella to survive desiccation, confirming their involvements (and suggesting the potential involvements of other sRNAs we identify in this work) in the Salmonella response to desiccation161116431657CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP302763/2014-7; 305804/2017-02014/17387-8; 2015/19400-4Funding was provided in part by NSF CAREER grant 1350064 (GMB) awarded by Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (with cofunding provided by the NSF EPSCoR program). Graduate funding was also provided in part by Alabama Commission on Higher Education ALEPSCoR grants 150380 (JTR),160330 (VMK), and 180435 (DH). Postdoctoral funding was provided by São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Grants # 2014/17387-8 and # 2015/19400-4 (AC). A.S. Sant’Ana acknowledges the support of ‘Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico’ (CNPq) (Grants #302763/2014-7; #305804/2017-0); Alabama Commission on Higher Education [180435]; Alabama Commission on Higher Education [160330]; Alabama Commission on Higher Education [150380]; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico [305804/2017-0]; Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino, à Pesquisa e Extensão, Universidade Estadual de Campinas [2015/19400-4]; Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino, à Pesquisa e Extensão, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (BR) [2014/17387-8]; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (BR) [302763/2014-7

    The Aspergillus fumigatus transcription factor RglT is important for gliotoxin biosynthesis and self-protection, and virulence

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    Aspergillus fumigatus is an opportunistic fungal pathogen that secretes an array of immune-modulatory molecules, including secondary metabolites (SMs), which contribute to enhancing fungal fitness and growth within the mammalian host. Gliotoxin (GT) is a SM that interferes with the function and recruitment of innate immune cells, which are essential for eliminating A. fumigatus during invasive infections. We identified a C6 Zn cluster-type transcription factor (TF), subsequently named RglT, important for A. fumigatus oxidative stress resistance, GT biosynthesis and self-protection. RglT regulates the expression of several gli genes of the GT biosynthetic gene cluster, including the oxidoreductase-encoding gene gliT, by directly binding to their respective promoter regions. Subsequently, RglT was shown to be important for virulence in a chemotherapeutic murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA). Homologues of RglT and GliT are present in eurotiomycete and sordariomycete fungi, including the non-GT-producing fungus A. nidulans, where a conservation of function was described. Phylogenetically informed model testing led to an evolutionary scenario in which the GliT-based resistance mechanism is ancestral and RglT-mediated regulation of GliT occurred subsequently. In conclusion, this work describes the function of a previously uncharacterised TF in oxidative stress resistance, GT biosynthesis and self-protection in both GT-producing and non-producing Aspergillus species