6 research outputs found


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    Objetivo: verificar factores asociados con la incontinencia urinaria en mujeres, por tipo y porgravedad.Metodología: estudio transversal realizado entre noviembre de 2018 y abril de 2019 con30 mujeres en un hospital escuela de Pernambuco. Se utilizó el instrumento Gaudenz-Fragebogen para identificar los tipos de incontinencia y el Incontinence Severity Index paraclasificar la gravedad de la pérdida de orina. Se utilizó la prueba exacta de Fisher para analizarlas variables cualitativas, y el t-Student para las variables racionales.Resultados: la incontinencia urinaria por esfuerzo fue el tipo más frecuente (66,7%), en su formamoderada (43,3%) y estuvo asociada a un bajo nivel de escolaridad (p<0,001), a un Índicede Masa Corporal de 28,6 (p=0,043), a una circunferencia abdominal de 103,4 (p<0,001),diabetes (p<0,001), cantidad de partos superior a 4 (p=0,046), cirugía ginecológica (p=0,023)y a la falta de actividad física (p=0,001).Consideraciones finales: identificar el tipo, la gravedad y los principales factores de riesgomodificables podrá ayudar a diseñar intervenciones preventivas y curativas más eficientes yefectivas.Objetivo: verificar fatores associados a incontinência urinária em mulheres por tipo e gravidade.Metodologia: estudo transversal, realizado de novembro de 2018 a abril de 2019, com 30 mulheres em um hospital escola de Pernambuco. Foi utilizado o instrumento Gaudenz-Fragebogen para identificar os tipos de incontinência e o Incontinence Severity Index para classificar a gravidade da perda urinária. Utilizou-se o teste Exato de Fisher para analisar variáveis qualitativas e t-Student para variáveis racionais.Resultados: incontinência urinária de esforço foi o tipo mais frequente (66,7%), na forma moderada (43,3%) e esteve associada a baixa escolaridade (p<0,001), índice de massa corporal de 28,6 (p=0,043), circunferência abdominal de 103,4 (p<0,001), diabetes (p<0,001), número de partos superior a 4 (p=0,046), cirurgia ginecológica (p=0,023) e falta de atividade física (p=0,001).Considerações Finais: a identificação do tipo, da gravidade e dos principais fatores de risco modificáveis poderá subsidiar intervenções preventivas e curativas mais eficientes e efetivas.Objective: To verify factors associated with urinary incontinence in women by type and severity.Methodology: A cross-sectional study conducted from November 2018 to April 2019 with30 women in a teaching hospital of Pernambuco. The Gaudenz-Fragebogen instrument wasused to identify incontinence types, and the Incontinence Severity Index to classify urinaryloss severity. Fisher’s exact test was used to analyze qualitative variables, and the t-Studenttest for rational variables.Results: Stress-induced urinary incontinence was the most frequent type (66.7%), in itsmoderate form (43.3%), and was associated with low schooling (p<0.001), Body Mass Indexof 28.6 (p=0.043), abdominal circumference of 103.4 (p<0.001), diabetes (p<0.001), numberof deliveries above 4 (p=0.046), gynecological surgery (p=0.023), and lack of physical activity(p=0.001).Final Considerations: Identifying the type, severity, and main modifiable risk factors maysupport more effective and efficient preventive and curative interventions

    A Patient Perception as a Nursing Care in Emergency Sector

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    The work process by nurses in the emergency sector is comprised of two complementary dimensions, managing and caring. Therefore,the aim of this study was Know the perception of patients to the support of the nursing assistance in Emergency sector. This is a field research, exploratory, descriptive qualitative approach. The survey was conducted in Dr. Luiz Milton Arêa Leão Hospital - Satélite, located in the city of Teresina - PI, Brazil, which caters exclusively by the Unified Health System, and reference in its coverage area.We interviewed thirteen (13) patients who remained in observation in the emergency sector in that hospital. For this study was used as a criterion for inclusion of service users who entered the emergency sector in the periodMarch-April 2014 and who remained in the sector at the time of the interview.  A pilot test was conducted with the instrument to validate and suitability for the target audience, which is excluded from the sample. Ethical aspects were respected, as provided for in Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council, Brazil (2013). In this sense, we observed through the reports of the participants carrying out a qualified nursing care, where it identified a good conduct of professionals to provide the necessary assistance. A nursing care and systematic termination  during the stay of patients in hospital was evidenced. It is perceived  that there is a satisfaction from patients and the care of thenursing team, which is performed through actions inherent to these professionals, such as goodwill, the act of providing a welcoming atmosphere, with technical scientific background, and ability in dealing with conflict situations and ethical