37 research outputs found

    Endodontic Output in Public Healthcare under Different Instrumentation Techniques: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study

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    Objective: To evaluate output of endodontic in oral public healthcare by analyzing differences in instrumentation techniques, quantitative and qualitatively. Material and Methods: Endodontic services were differentiated by instrumentation techniques: hand techniques with stainless steel instruments (SS) or rotary using NiTi rotary instruments. Secondary data on the productivity of 2011 were obtained from the information system. Student’s t and Mann-Whitney tests were used. Qualitative data were based on semi-structured interviews, direct observation and field diary. Results: Service I employed SS hand techniques, service II used both techniques, while NiTi rotary system was used in service III. Statistically significant differences were observed in total endodontic productivity, with I presenting more productive results than II (p=0.001) and III (p=0.009); III presenting more productive results than II (p<0.001). Comparisons of endodontic treatment types revealed that I performed more multiradicular tooth treatments than did II and III (p=0.005), and III performed more treatments on biradicular teeth than did I and II (p=0.002). Qualitative analyses were divided into themes: “perceptions of the service” and “perceptions of the employed instrument”. Conclusion: Professional experience and high productivity per hour can be a differential; the use of rotary instrumentation can be useful in solving unmet demands. Perception of endodontists showed that chosen endodontic technique influenced job satisfaction and lack of integrality of the treatment is a problem in secondary care

    Self-Reported Dental Fear among Dental Students and Their Patients

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    The aim of the present study was to compare self-reported dental fear among dental students and patients at a School of Dentistry in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Eighty students ranging in age from 20 to 29 years and 80 patients ranging in age from 18 to 65 years participated in the study. A self-administered pre-tested questionnaire consisting of 13 items was used for data acquisition. The city of Belo Horizonte Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) was employed for socioeconomic classification. The chi-square test and binary and multinomial logistic regression were employed in the statistical analysis, with the significance level set at 0.05. The majority of dental students (76.5%) sought the dentist for the first time for a routine exam, while patients (77.3%) mostly sought a dentist for the treatment of dental pain. Dental fear was more prevalent among the patients (72.5%) than the students (27.5%). A total of 47.1% of the students and 52.9% of the patients reported having had negative dental experiences in childhood. The logistic model revealed an association between dental fear and a pain-related experience (OR: 1.8; 95%CI: 1.3–2.6). Patients were more prone to dental fear (OR: 2.2; 95%CI: 1.0–5.0). Although at different percentages, both students and patients experienced dental fear. Current patient with previous experience of dental pain had more dental fear

    Self-perception of the need for full dental prosthesisamong toothless elderly Brazilians

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    Propõe-se estimar a prevalência da autopercepção da necessidade de prótese dentária total entre idosos (65 a 74 anos) brasileiros desdentados, assim como identificar seus fatores associados. Trata-se de estudo transversal com base no inquérito nacional das condições de Saúde Bucal da população brasileira, denominado SB Brasil – 2010. A variável dependente foi a autopercepção da necessidade de prótese dentária total, considerando a aquisição de prótese nova ou substituição da existente. Foram conduzidas análises descritivas, bivariadas e múltiplas. Foram incluídos 3514 idosos, destes, 2039 (55,0%) perceberam a necessidade de prótese total. A autopercepção da necessidade de prótese total foi maior entre os que necessitavam de prótese dentária inferior e que estavam insatisfeitos com as suas condições de saúde bucal. Além da alta prevalência da autopercepção da necessidade de prótese identificada, os resultados permitiram identificar que condições normativas e subjetivas de saúde bucal se mantiveram associadas a esta autopercepção entre idosos brasileiros.211134073415The objective is to estimate the prevalence of self-perception of the need for a full dental prosthesis among toothless elderly Brazilians aged 65 to 74, as well as identify the associated factors. It is a cross-sectional study based on the national survey of oral health conditions of the Brazilian population, called SB Brazil – 2010. The dependent variable was the self-perceived need for full dental prosthesis, considering the purchase of new or replacement of the existing prosthesis. Descriptive bivariate and multiple analyses were conducted on 3514 elderly people, of which 2039 (55%) elderly self-perceived the need for a full denture. The self-perception of the need for a full denture was higher among those who needed dental prosthesis and who were dissatisfied with their oral health conditions. In addition to the high prevalence of self-perception of the need for prosthesis identified, the results identified that normative and subjective conditions of oral health remained associated with this self-perception among elderly Brazilians

    The Association Between Common Mental Disorders And Subjective Health Conditions Among The Elderly

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a associação entre a presença de transtornos mentais comuns e o comprometimento das condições subjetivas de saúde entre idosos. Estudo transversal analítico conduzido entre todos os idosos residentes na área urbana de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte populacional. Os transtornos foram avaliados pela versão abreviada do Questionário de Saúde Geral de Goldberg. Avaliaram-se condições subjetivas e normativas de saúde. Utilizou-se regressão logística (OR/IC95%) com nível de significância de 5%. Foram incluídos 419 idosos. A prevalência dos transtornos foi de 44,6%. A presença de transtornos foi maior entre os idosos que relataram insatisfação com a vida, comprometimento no domínio mental e físico da qualidade de vida e que autoperceberam a aparência de dentes e gengivas como negativa. Menor chance da presença de transtornos foi identificada entre homens e entre aqueles em que a saúde bucal não afetou o relacionamento com outras pessoas. O transtorno mental comum foi identificado em uma parcela considerável dos idosos investigados sendo associado, principalmente, a condições subjetivas de saúde.21113387339

    Greater access to information on how to prevent oral cancer among elderly using primary health care

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    Na promoção de saúde, as ações educativas são prioridade na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). Evidencia-se a eficácia dessas ações na adesão a comportamentos saudáveis e na redução nas taxas de morbimortalidade por câncer bucal. Objetivou-se identificar se o acesso a informações sobre como prevenir o câncer bucal é maior entre idosos residentes em domicílios cadastrados na ESF. Utilizou-se o SPSS® na obtenção de estimativas corrigidas pelo efeito do desenho amostral, considerando as magnitudes das associações do acesso a tais informações com os determinantes pessoais, uso dos serviços/custos com a saúde, comportamentos relacionados à saúde e desfechos da saúde. Dentre os 492 idosos, 58,9% relataram ter tido acesso a tais informações. Verificaramse maiores chances de acesso entre residentes em domicílios cadastrados na ESF; com maior renda per capita (2,01/1,18-3,43); não tabagistas (2,00/1,16-3,46); que realizaram autoexame bucal (6,35/3,46-11,64); e que não autoperceberam incômodo na boca, cabeça ou pescoço (2,06/1,024,17). O acesso foi maior entre os residentes em domicílios cadastrados na ESF. Determinantes pessoais, comportamentos relacionados à saúde e desfechos de saúde sofrem influência ou influenciam a oferta e o acesso a essas informações.20722392253CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGSem informaçãoSem informaçãoEducative actions are an important component of health promotion in Brazil's primary healthcare program, the Family Health Strategy (FHS). The efficacy of these actions is evidenced by compliance with healthy behaviors and in the reduction of rates of mortality and morbidity. The objective of this study was to identify whether access to information regarding the prevention of oral cancer is greater among elders whose residences are registered with the FHS. SPSS® was utilized to obtain estimates that were corrected for sample design, considering the magnitude of the associations between access to such information with personal determinants, the use and cost of healthcare, health-related behaviors and health outcomes. 58.9% of the 492 participating elders reported having access to such information. We verified that there was a greater chance for access among residents of houses registered by the FHS; those with greater per capita income (2.01/1.183.43); non-smokers (2.00/1.16-3.46); those that realized oral self-examination (6.35/3.46-11.64); and those that did not perceive discomfort in the mouth, head or neck (2.06/1.02-4.17). Access was greater among residents of homes registered by the FHS. Personal determinants of health, health-related behaviors and health outcomes are influenced or influence access to information regarding the prevention and management of oral diseases

    Association between the use of total dental prosthesis (denture) and the type of oral health care service used by toothless elderly individuals

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    A reabilitação protética foi prevista pela política nacional de saúde bucal em função da alta prevalência de perda de todos os dentes e do baixo uso de prótese dentária entre idosos. Há necessidade de se avaliar o impacto dessa política de reabilitação. Portanto, objetivou-se investigar se o tipo de serviço odontológico utilizado foi um dos fatores associados ao uso de prótese dentária total entre idosos. Trata-se de um estudo transversal conduzido em uma amostra probabilística de idosos (60 anos ou mais) residentes na zona urbana de um município brasileiro de pequeno porte populacional por examinadores calibrados. Realizaram-se análises descritiva, bivariada e múltipla (Regressão logística - odds ratio - OR). Participaram 287 idosos, destes, 186 (64,8%) faziam uso de prótese dentária total. O uso de prótese dentária total foi associado a maiores chances de uso de serviços odontológicos supletivos ou particulares (OR = 4,19; p < 0,001) e a presença de lesão no palato (OR = 7,52; p = 0,002) e, também, a menores chances em idades maiores ou iguais a 73 anos (OR = 0,52; p = 0,023) e entre os com comprometimento na dimensão incapacidade física do OHIP-14 (OR = 0,20; p = 0,002). O uso de prótese dentária total foi associado ao tipo de serviço odontológico entre idosos, sendo maior o uso entre usuários dos serviços supletivos ou particulares24933453356Oral rehabilitation with dental prosthesis was mandated by national oral health policy in Brazil, due to the high prevalence of total teeth loss and low use of dental prosthesis among the elderly. There is a pressing need to assess the impact of this rehabilitation policy. An attempt was therefore made to investigate if the dental service used was one of the factors associated with the use of total dental prosthesis among the elderly. To achieve this, a cross-sectional study using a probabilistic sample of elderly (60 years and above) urban-area residents of a small city was conducted by qualified examiners. Descriptive, bivariate and multiple (logistic regression/odds ratio - OR) analyses were conducted on 287 elderly people, of which 186 (64.8%) used dental prosthesis. The use of total dental prosthesis was associated with a higher probability of being attended by private dental services (OR = 4.19; p < 0.001) and the presence of lesions on the palate (OR = 7.52; p = 0.002). Conversely, it was associated with lower probability in ages greater than or equal to 73 years (OR = 0.52; p = 0.023) and among those with impairment of OHIP-14 (OR = 0.20; p = 0.002) in the physical disability dimension. The use of total dental prosthesis was associated with the type of dental service used by the elderly, it being greater among private service user