4,752 research outputs found

    When is a Network a Network? Multi-Order Graphical Model Selection in Pathways and Temporal Networks

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    We introduce a framework for the modeling of sequential data capturing pathways of varying lengths observed in a network. Such data are important, e.g., when studying click streams in information networks, travel patterns in transportation systems, information cascades in social networks, biological pathways or time-stamped social interactions. While it is common to apply graph analytics and network analysis to such data, recent works have shown that temporal correlations can invalidate the results of such methods. This raises a fundamental question: when is a network abstraction of sequential data justified? Addressing this open question, we propose a framework which combines Markov chains of multiple, higher orders into a multi-layer graphical model that captures temporal correlations in pathways at multiple length scales simultaneously. We develop a model selection technique to infer the optimal number of layers of such a model and show that it outperforms previously used Markov order detection techniques. An application to eight real-world data sets on pathways and temporal networks shows that it allows to infer graphical models which capture both topological and temporal characteristics of such data. Our work highlights fallacies of network abstractions and provides a principled answer to the open question when they are justified. Generalizing network representations to multi-order graphical models, it opens perspectives for new data mining and knowledge discovery algorithms.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, companion python package pathpy available on gitHu

    Dynamics of Enceladus and Dione inside the 2:1 Mean-Motion Resonance under Tidal Dissipation

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    In a previous work (Callegari and Yokoyama 2007, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr. vol. 98), the main features of the motion of the pair Enceladus-Dione were analyzed in the frozen regime, i.e., without considering the tidal evolution. Here, the results of a great deal of numerical simulations of a pair of satellites similar to Enceladus and Dione crossing the 2:1 mean-motion resonance are shown. The resonance crossing is modeled with a linear tidal theory, considering a two-degrees-of-freedom model written in the framework of the general three-body planar problem. The main regimes of motion of the system during the passage through resonance are studied in detail. We discuss our results comparing them with classical scenarios of tidal evolution of the system. We show new scenarios of evolution of the Enceladus-Dione system through resonance not shown in previous approaches of the problem.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figures. Accepted in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    Symplectic integration of space debris motion considering several Earth's shadowing models

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    In this work, we present a symplectic integration scheme to numerically compute space debris motion. Such an integrator is particularly suitable to obtain reliable trajectories of objects lying on high orbits, especially geostationary ones. Indeed, it has already been demonstrated that such objects could stay there for hundreds of years. Our model takes into account the Earth's gravitational potential, luni-solar and planetary gravitational perturbations and direct solar radiation pressure. Based on the analysis of the energy conservation and on a comparison with a high order non-symplectic integrator, we show that our algorithm allows us to use large time steps and keep accurate results. We also propose an innovative method to model Earth's shadow crossings by means of a smooth shadow function. In the particular framework of symplectic integration, such a function needs to be included analytically in the equations of motion in order to prevent numerical drifts of the energy. For the sake of completeness, both cylindrical shadows and penumbra transitions models are considered. We show that both models are not equivalent and that big discrepancies actually appear between associated orbits, especially for high area-to-mass ratios

    Doped carrier formulation of the t-J model: the projection constraint and the effective Kondo-Heisenberg lattice representation

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    We show that the recently proposed doped carrier Hamiltonian formulation of the t-J model should be complemented with the constraint that projects out the unphysical states. With this new important ingredient, the previously used and seemingly different spin-fermion representations of the t-J model are shown to be gauge related to each other. This new constraint can be treated in a controlled way close to half-filling suggesting that the doped carrier representation provides an appropriate theoretical framework to address the t-J model in this region. This constraint also suggests that the t-J model can be mapped onto a Kondo-Heisenberg lattice model. Such a mapping highlights important physical similarities between the quasi two-dimensional heavy fermions and the high-Tc_c superconductors. Finally we discuss the physical implications of our model representation relating in particular the small versus large Fermi surface crossover to the closure of the lattice spin gap.Comment: corrected and enlarged versio

    Scenarios of land use change and impacts on ecosystem services in the Brazilian Amazon.

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    Large-scale and high-intensity land use changes (LUC) are intrinsically related to the loss of biodiversity, and decreased integrity of natural systems that help maintain ecosystem services (ES). Landscape-scale patterns of land use (LU) can be correlated with different levels of ecosystem integrity (EI) and consequently with the potential ES provision. Once the relations between LU patterns and EI/ES are established it is possible to predict future environmental services provision considering different LUC scenarios. The objective of this work is to present a methodological approach and preliminary results of the prediction of future impacts on ES based on LUC scenarios for the Brazilian Amazon. The methodological approach used was to integrate: (i) Ecosystem Integrity Spatial Model (EISM) based on Bayesian probabilistic distribution of evidences using a Remote Sensing dataset. The validation was based on knowledge and field controls; (ii) Correlation of EISM and ES Models: (iia) Evapotranspiration Fluxes (ET) - MODIS/MOD16; (iib) Aboveground Carbon Stocks Spatial Model (WHRC); and (iii) Amazon legal region LUC-SSPs scenarios (Adapted from the IPCC-SSPs) - Clue Model (1 km2 pixel; projected for 2050). The preliminary results were promising and showed the decrease of ecosystem integrity related with each LUC scenario considered, allowing estimates of the impacts on the ecosystem services studied: water fluxes (ET) and aboveground carbon stocks. This work is part of ROBIN Project (EU- FP7Edict.ENV.2011.2.1.4-1)

    Risks of Maternal Obesity in Pregnancy: A Case-control Study in a Portuguese Obstetrical Population

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    Objective The present study aims to understand to what extent obesity is related to adverse maternal, obstetrical, and neonatal outcomes in a Portuguese obstetrical population. Methods A retrospective case-control study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics of a differentiated perinatal care facility. The study compared 1,183 obese pregnant women with 5,399 normal or underweight pregnant women for the occurrence of gestational diabetes, hypertensive pregnancy disorders, and preterm birth. Mode of delivery, birthweight, and neonatal intensive care unit (ICU) admissions were also evaluated. Mean blood glucose values were evaluated and compared between groups, in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Only singleton pregnancies were considered. Results The prevalence of obesity was 13.6%. Obese pregnant women were significantly more likely to have cesarean sections (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.0, p < 0.001), gestational diabetes (aOR 2.14, p < 0.001), hypertensive pregnancy disorders (aOR 3.43, p < 0.001), and large-for-gestational age or macrosomic infants (aOR 2.13, p < 0.001), and less likely to have small-for-gestational age newborns (aOR 0.51, p < 0.009). No significant differences were found in terms of preterm births, fetal/neonatal deaths, low birthweight newborns, and neonatal ICU admissions among cases and controls. Maternal obesity was significantly associated with higher mean blood glucose levels, in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Conclusion Obesity is associated with increased risks of adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. These risks seem to increase progressively with increasing body mass index (BMI) class. Female obesity should be considered a major public health issue and has consequences on maternal-fetal health

    3D printed mold leachates in PDMS microfluidic devices

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    The introduction of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) and soft lithography in the 90’s has revolutionized the field of microfluidics by almost eliminating the need for a clean-room environment for device fabrication. More recently, 3D printing has been introduced to fabricate molds for soft lithography, the only step for which a clean-room environment is still often necessary, to further support the rapid prototyping of PDMS microfluidic devices. However, toxicity of most of the commercial 3D printing resins has been established, and little is known regarding the potential for 3D printed molds to leak components into the PDMS that would, in turn, hamper cells and/or tissues cultured in the devices. In the present study, we investigated if 3D printed molds produced by stereolithography can leach components into PDMS, and compared 3D printed molds to their more conventional SU-8 counterparts. Different leachates were detected in aqueous solutions incubated in the resulting PDMS devices prepared from widely used PDMS pre-polymer:curing agent ratios (10:1, 15:1 and 20:1), and these leachates were identified as originating from resins and catalyst substances. Next, we explored the possibility to culture cells and tissues in these PDMS devices produced from 3D printed molds and after proper device washing and conditioning. Importantly, we demonstrated that the resulting PDMS devices supported physiological cultures of HeLa cells and ovarian tissues in vitro, with superior outcomes than static conventional cultures.</p

    Spatial variability of soil fertility attributes and productivity in a coffee crop farm

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    ArticleCoffee cultivation is of great importance to Brazilian agribusiness, as coffee occupies extensive production areas and is one of the most exported Brazilian products. To maintain coffee production numbers, productive techniques must be adopted that optimize productive system use. The objective of this work was to apply geostatistical techniques in the evaluation of soil fertility attributes to construct maps of variability in soil fertility parameters and the productivity of a coffee crop in the municipality of Monte Carmelo, Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil. The work was developed with coffee of the cultivar Mundo Novo 379/19, and 19 sample points were georeferenced in Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates. Spatial dependence of the fertility and productivity parameters was analysed via classic semivariogram fitting and interpolation by ordinary kriging using the statistical computer system, R. All parameters evaluated showed high degrees of spatial dependence. The attribute values varied along the sampling points, except for the sodium (Na) contents, which had similar values in all samplings. The studied parameters ranged from 80 to 200 metres. It is conclusion, the use of productivity maps linked to soil chemical attributes can be useful for determining the occurrence of variable productivity rates throughout the area, allowing the adoption of corrective practices for subsequent crops and thus making the maps very useful tools for producers

    On the dynamics of Extrasolar Planetary Systems under dissipation. Migration of planets

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    We study the dynamics of planetary systems with two planets moving in the same plane, when frictional forces act on the two planets, in addition to the gravitational forces. The model of the general three-body problem is used. Different laws of friction are considered. The topology of the phase space is essential in understanding the evolution of the system. The topology is determined by the families of stable and unstable periodic orbits, both symmetric and non symmetric. It is along the stable families, or close to them, that the planets migrate when dissipative forces act. At the critical points where the stability along the family changes, there is a bifurcation of a new family of stable periodic orbits and the migration process changes route and follows the new stable family up to large eccentricities or to a chaotic region. We consider both resonant and non resonant planetary systems. The 2/1, 3/1 and 3/2 resonances are studied. The migration to larger or smaller eccentricities depends on the particular law of friction. Also, in some cases the semimajor axes increase and in other cases they are stabilized. For particular laws of friction and for special values of the parameters of the frictional forces, it is possible to have partially stationary solutions, where the eccentricities and the semimajor axes are fixed.Comment: Accepted in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    Constructing ethanol-derived bioactive extracts using the brown seaweed Zonaria tournefortii (J.V.Lamouroux) Montagne performed with Timatic extractor by means of response surface methodology (RSM)

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    Understanding the biochemical and antioxidant composition and capacity of a target biomass is the first step to its selectivity as functional food which can enhance the ability to promote health by reducing the risk of chronic diseases. The main purpose of this work was to employ response surface methodology (RSM) to determine the effect of the independent variables, % of ethanol (50–96%), time of sonication (0–20 min), and number of extraction cycles (6–18 cycles) in the primary extract of brown seaweed Zonaria tournefortii, studying the yield variation of some bioactive compounds, assessing the potential of these bioextracts to integrate as a natural additives or supplements in the functional food industry. The extractions were performed employing “Green Chemistry” techniques executed with the Timatic extractor, which applied pressurized ethanol solution at a maximum pressure of 8.5 bar through milled dehydrated biomass in the extraction vessel. Several parameters were assessed in the primary bioactive extract which included extract yield (11.56–28.49 g (100 g)−1 dw), total chlorophyll content (0.14–1.42 g (100 g)−1 dw), total carotenoid content (0.35–0.80 g (100 g)−1 dw), total fucoxanthin content (0.04–0.13 g (100 g)−1 dw), total phenolic content (3.58–5.84 g (100 g)−1 dw), total flavonoid content (0.22–4.70 g (100 g)−1 dw), DPPH (56.05–76.45%), and reducing activity (3.83–6.04 g (100 g)−1 dw). A second objective was to determine the suitability of the residue for subsequent extraction of valuable compounds such as fucoidan (4.87 to 6.59 g (100 g)−1 dw) and cellulose (18.88 to 20.27 g (100 g)−1 dw), implementing the first step to a biorefinery strategy, using a cascade approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio