176 research outputs found


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    The relationship between the excessive pronosupination of the rearfoot and some of the injuries in runners has been widely described in the 1it.erature (Bates, Cavanagh, Clement, Nigg, Stacoff). In the same way, the influence of the midsole design and the material used for its construction in the pronosupinatlon movement of the font has been analyzed by different authors. Nevertheless, the influence of other elements as heel counters, backers and bondings for the lacing, in the upper vamp that covers the foot has not beer! enough studied. In order to determine the effect of the above mentioned elements some experiments have been developed with a group of 10 runners selected because of their tendency to excessive pronation. Seven prototypes of running shoes with identical characteristics referred to construction of midsole and sole, but presenting different elements in the upper vamp materials designed to control the pronosupination of the foot, were successively weared by each runner selected The experiences consisted of filming three consecutive running supports done on a treadmill at an speed of 8 miles per hour (12.8 Km per hour). The speed of filmation of the camera was fixed at 85 images per second. After digitizing the Images obtained and the processing of the data, with an specially designed software for that purpose, the following results were obtained: - the prototypes not including control systems in the upper vamp generate the higher levels of pronation and torsion during the contact - isolated use of external heel counters does not permit to assure a good control of the- pronation movement but, however, has a rigidizing effect reducing the torsion movement. - including a post in the internal face of the rearfoot joined to the external heel counter showed a great effectiveness i n the control of the pronation reducing the torsion movement. - the location of backers fort he bonding of the lacing helps to reduce the pronation movement without rigidizing excesivelly the shoe

    QLC relation and neutrino mass hierarchy

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    Latest measurements have revealed that the deviation from a maximal solar mixing angle is approximately the Cabibbo angle, i.e. QLC relation. We argue that it is not plausible that this deviation from maximality, be it a coincidence or not, comes from the charged lepton mixing. Consequently we have calculated the required corrections to the exactly bimaximal neutrino mass matrix ansatz necessary to account for the solar mass difference and the solar mixing angle. We point out that the relative size of these two corrections depends strongly on the hierarchy case under consideration. We find that the inverted hierarchy case with opposite CP parities, which is known to guarantee the RGE stability of the solar mixing angle, offers the most plausible scenario for a high energy origin of a QLC-corrected bimaximal neutrino mass matrix. This possibility may allow us to explain the QLC relation in connection with the origin of the charged fermion mass matrices.Comment: 7 pages, 0 figure


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    The study of footwear materials has been traditionally based on the determination of the stiffness and the use of the shore A level or in the shock absorbing capacity. In most of the papers ody one of those parameters is determined in spite of the relation between them is not clear; a quite soft material doesn't have necessary to be shock absorbing and a shock absorbing material can be quite rigid. Besides the study of footwear materials has to face two main problem. The first one is that most of the materials used in footwear under the loads occurring in the sport movements, specially in running or jumping, are no more linear because of the high level of the forces developed in those movements. This means that the rigidity of the material depends on the load and increases with load. The second problem is owed to the viscoelastic behaviour of most of those materials. The rigidity of a viscoelastic material increases as the frequency increases. For these reasons the study of footwear materials must be done by simulating the forces occurring in the movements developed in the sport the footwear is conceived for. This paper presents a new methodology of study of footwear materials bawd on the determination of the loads applied and its simulation by means of a dynamic testing machine. Both the rigidity and the shock absorbing capacity of the materials are investigated a a function of frequency. This method permits lo know not only the behaviour of the material in real situations but also which frequencies are the ones preferably absorbed. This is specially interesting because of the general estimation that high frequencies are related with injuries located in the articular cartilage. Some materials used in running shoes are studied and both the influence of thickness and composition aw investigated. The results presented are compared with the previously published obtained when the loads applied are perfect sinus waves. The results show that while the rigidity always increases with frequency with a rate depending on the material, the shock absorbing capacity variation with frequency depends on the material. The shock absorbing capacity of the material a a function of thickness results show that as the thickness increases the shock absorbing capacity increases too. For the rigidity the influence of the thickness in the bottoming out of the material is clearly showed. The thickness analysis also shorn that it is possible to obtain a optimum thickness determined when a thicker material doesn't means a significant increase in shock absorbing capacity and a lowering of rigidity

    Deviation from tri-bimaximal mixings in two types of inverted hierarchical neutrino mass models

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    An attempt is made to explore the possibility for deviations of solar mixing angle (θ12\theta_{12}) from tri-bimaximal mixings, without sacrificing the predictions of maximal atmospheric mixing angle (θ23=π/4\theta_{23}=\pi/4) and zero reactor angle (θ13=0\theta_{13}=0). We find that the above conjecture can be automatically realised in the inverted hierarchical neutrino mass model having 2-3 symmetry, in the basis where charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal. For the observed ranges of m212\bigtriangleup m^2_{21} and \bigtriangleup m^2_{23], we calculate the predictions on tan2θ12=0.5,0.45,0.35\tan^2\theta_{12}=0.5, 0.45, 0.35 for different input values of the parameters in the neutrino mass matrix. We also observe a possible crossing over from one type of inverted hierarchical model having same CP parity (Type-IHA) to other type having opposite CP parity (Type-IHB). Such neutrino mass matrices can be obtained from the canonical seesaw formula using diagonal form of Dirac neutrino mass matrix and non-diagonal texture of right-handed Majorana mass matrix, and may have important implications in model building using discrete as well as non-abelian symmetry groups.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Demografía y crecimiento primario durante la regeneración de tres especies de pino a lo largo de gradientes climáticos

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    13 páginas, 4 figuras y 3 tablasLa regeneración es un proceso crítico en la dinámica de los bosques, que presenta una marcada heterogeneidad temporal y espacial. En este trabajo se pretende avanzar en el conocimiento de las variables bióticas y abióticas que determinan a escala local la presencia, abundancia y crecimiento primario de plántulas de tres especies de pino: Pinus sylvestris, P. nigra y P. uncinata, y determinar el efecto relativo del clima. Para ello se muestrearon 216 parcelas distribuidas a lo largo de gradientes climáticos en siete localidades montañosas. Se censaron las plántulas recién emergidas y el resto de juveniles, y se midieron los crecimientos anuales. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre especies con efectos directos e indirectos del clima sobre la demografía y el estado de los juveniles. En las tres especies se apreció que la supervivencia de los juveniles aparecía desplazada hacia altitudes mayores respecto donde se producía el óptimo de la emergencia. Las relaciones locales de competencia y facilitación ejercieron efectos importantes sobre la regeneración de las tres especies, siendo éstos modulados por el clima.Ministerio Español de Innovación y Ciencia Consolider-Montes (CSD2008_00040), Los autores agradecen a toda la gente que hizo posible el trabajo de campo: R. Freire, B. Santamaría, J. Martínez, D. López, R. Ruíz-Puche, E. Molina, L. Ivorra, S. Martín, B. Ros y C. Boubekeur. También el apoyo estadístico de R. Manson.Proyecto europeo BACCARA (CE: FP7-226299, 7FP)Peer reviewe

    Attitudes toward motherhood and social support as predictors of emotional distress in recently diagnosed young women with cancer undergoing fertility preservation

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    Objective. Young women with cancer can benefit from various treatment options for fertility preservation. More work is needed to discern which factors affect psychological outcomes and the decision to undergo fertility preservation for female cancer survivors. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between attitudes toward motherhood, concerns about fertility, satisfaction with information received, social support and emotional distress among young women with cancer undergoing fertility preservation treatment. Method. Cross-sectional administration of instruments (semi-structured interview, Scale of Perceived Social Support, BSI-18) to 115 young women (average age 31 years) newly diagnosed with cancer. Assessment was done on the same day or day after undergoing Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation (OTC). Results. The degree of concern reported by the women when they knew that cancer treatment might affect their reproductive capacity was high. Almost half stated that they would change the treatment-related information they received. Factors influencing their decision to receive OTC include the importance of having a child and maintaining hormonal function. Higher emotional distress was significantly associated with increase desire to have children, belief that having children is necessary for couple´s fulfillment, desire to change the information received, higher degree of concern about the possible loss of fertility, and less perceived social support. Conclusions. Both attitudes to motherhood and social support are factors that determine the emotional distress experienced by young women with cancer when faced with the possible loss of infertility. There is a need to offer fertility preservation counseling to these women

    New scalar resonances from sneutrino-Higgs mixing in supersymmetry with small lepton number (R-parity) violation

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    We consider new s-channel scalar exchanges in top quark and massive gauge-bosons pair production in e+e- collisions, in supersymmetry with a small lepton number violation. We show that a soft bilinear lepton number violating term in the scalar potential which mixes the Higgs and the slepton fields can give rise to a significant scalar resonance enhancement in e+e- -> ZZ, W+W- and in e+e- -> t t(bar). The sneutrino-Higgs mixed state couples to the incoming light leptons through its sneutrino component and to either the top quark or the massive gauge bosons through its Higgs component. Such a scalar resonance in these specific production channels cannot result from trilinear Yukawa-like R-parity violation alone, and may, therefore, stand as strong evidence for the existence of R-parity violating bilinears in the supersymmetric scalar potential. We use the LEP2 measurements of the WW and ZZ cross-sections to place useful constrains on this scenario, and investigate the expectations for the sensitivity of a future linear collider to these signals. We find that signals of these scalar resonances, in particular in top-pair production, are well within the reach of linear colliders in the small lepton number violation scenario.Comment: 22 pages in revtex, 10 figures embadded in the text using epsfi

    Sparticle Mass Spectra from SO(10) Grand Unified Models with Yukawa Coupling Unification

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    We examine the spectrum of superparticles obtained from the minimal SO(10) grand unified model, where it is assumed the gauge symmetry breaking yields the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) as the effective theory at MGUT2×1016M_{GUT}\sim 2\times 10^{16} GeV. In this model, unification of Yukawa couplings implies a value of tanβ4555\tan\beta\sim 45-55. At such high values of tanβ\tan\beta, assuming universality of scalar masses, the usual mechanism of radiative electroweak symmetry breaking breaks down. We show that a set of weak scale sparticle masses consistent with radiative electroweak symmetry breaking can be generated by imposing non-universal GUT scale scalar masses consistent with universality within SO(10) plus extra DD-term contributions associated with the reduction in rank of the gauge symmetry group when SO(10) spontaneously breaks to SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1). We comment upon the consequences of the sparticle mass spectrum for collider searches for supersymmetry. One implication of SO(10) unification is that the light bottom squark can be by far the lightest of the squarks. This motivates a dedicated search for bottom squark pair production at ppˉp\bar{p} and e+ee^+e^- colliders.Comment: 12 page REVTEX file including 3 PS figures; revised manuscript includes minor changes to coincide with published versio

    Repressing Anarchy in Neutrino Mass Textures

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    The recent results that θ13\theta_{13} is relatively large, of the order of the previous upper bound, and the indications of a sizable deviation of θ23\theta_{23} from the maximal value are in agreement with the predictions of Anarchy in the lepton sector. The quark and charged lepton hierarchies can then be reproduced in a SU(5) GUT context by attributing non-vanishing U(1)FNU(1)_{FN} charges, different for each family, only to the SU(5) tenplet states. The fact that the observed mass hierarchies are stronger for up quarks than for down quarks and charged leptons supports this idea. As discussed in the past, in the flexible context of SU(5)U(1)FNSU(5)\otimes U(1)_{FN}, different patterns of charges can be adopted going from Anarchy to various types of hierarchy. We revisit this approach by also considering new models and we compare all versions to the present data. As a result we confirm that, by relaxing the extreme ansatz of equal U(1)FNU(1)_{FN} charges for all SU(5) pentaplets and singlets, better agreement with the data than for Anarchy is obtained without increasing the model complexity. We also present the distributions obtained in the different models for the Dirac CP-violating phase. Finally we discuss the relative merits of these simple models.Comment: v1: 12 pages, 3 figures; v2: 13 pages, 3 figures, text improved, matches version accepted for publication; v3: submitted to add an acknowledgment to a networ

    Neutrino Masses in the Supersymmetric Standard Model with Right-Handed Neutrinos and Spontaneous R-Parity Violation

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    We propose an extension of the supersymmetric standard model with right-handed neutrinos and a singlet Higgs field, and study the neutrino masses in this model. The Majorana masses for the right-handed neutrinos are generated around the supersymmetry breaking scale through the vacuum expectation value of the singlet Higgs field. This model may induce spontaneous R-parity violation via the vacuum expectation value of the right-handed sneutrino. In the case, the effective theory is similar to a bilinear R-parity violating model. There are two sources for the neutrino masses: one is this bilinear R-parity breaking effect, and the other is the ordinary seesaw effect between left- and right-handed neutrinos. Combining these two effects, the hierarchical neutrino mass pattern arises even when the neutrino Yukawa matrices are not hierarchical. We acquire appropriate masses and mixings to explain both the solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations.Comment: 22pages, RevTeX, 3 ps figures; a reference adde