196 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico Pré-Natal de Uropatia: Importância do Desenvolvimento Embriológico Renal

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    As uropatias malformativas constituem a principalcausa de anomalia neonatal nao letal. Estas anomalias do desenvolvimento devem ser interpretadas com base no conhecimento da morbilidade e, em alguns casos, a mortalidade associada a este tipo de patologia 1,2. As malformações congénitas devem ser pensadas com base no conhecimento da dinâmica do normal desenvolvimento embrionário e dos múltiplos factores reguladores intervenientes, so assim será possivel estabelecer estratégias eficazes de investigação e terapêutica

    Prenatally Diagnosed Uropathies: Ten Years of Follow-Up

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    Introdução: As anomalias do tracto urinário são detectadas com uma frequência cada vez maior devido à sistematização da vigilância ecográfica durante a gravidez aliada à sofisticação técnica e à experiência dos ecografistas. Objectivo: Analisar os principais diagnósticos pós-natais investigados na sequência do estudo evolutivo prolongado das uropatias fetais seguidas no ambulatório da nefrologia pediátrica do Hospital de Dona Estefânia. Doentes e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos 392 casos de uropatia fetal observados num período de dez anos e submetidos ao protocolo de investigação em uso na unidade. Resultados: O estudo inclui 362 casos; excluímos 30 processos que não completaram a investigação. A relação sexo masculino: feminino foi de 2: 1. O diagnóstico pré-natal foi realizado em média às 28.9 semanas e a idade média de admissão foi de 68 dias. No estudo evolutivo pós-natal verificou-se a formulação de um diagnóstico definitivo em 349 (96.4%) das crianças. Em 109 crianças (30%) a anomalia fetal foi transitória. Em 75 (20.7%) a dilatação era funcional. Confirmou-se a existência de uropatia em 165/362 crianças: refluxo vesico-ureteral 70/165 (42.4%), displasia multiquística 21%, síndroma da junção pielo-ureteral 16.4%, entre os principais. Nenhum caso evoluiu para insuficiência renal e há a registar, apenas, um caso de hipertensão arterial por poliquistose renal. Conclusão: A planificação da investigação pós-natal reveste-se ainda de alguma controvérsia e continua a evoluir principalmente no grupo das anomalias unilaterais e assintomáticas

    Anaerobic decolorization of an azo dye by a mixed culture

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    Wool dyeing wastewater contains xenobiotic compounds that can be removed by biotechnological processes. Studies on various dyes showed that anaerobic processes are suitable to alter azo dyes as a first step of the biodegradation process. These compounds are reduced by anaerobic consortia to aromatic amines and its ultimate degradation can be achieved by a further aerobic treatment. Studies on degradation rate of an wool acid dye were performed in batch systems inoculated with anaerobic biomass. A commercial diazo dye, Acid Red 73, was added to the synthetic medium in which glucose was used as sole carbon source. Results indicated that the Acid Red 73 was partially degraded by a mixed culture of anaerobic bacteria and a decolorization of 90% was obtained. Kinetics studies on removal of the colour showed that the decolorization rate was several times faster than the degradation rate of glucose for a range of dye concentrations between 60 mg/L and 400 mg/L. A first order kinetic model was used for dye concentrations up to 200 mg/L. For higher concentrations a model similar to the Michaelis-Menten equation was better fitted to the experimental data.(undefined


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    Bertambahnya jumlah penduduk di Indonesia mengakibatkan semakin menipisnya sumber daya alam yang mengakibatkan hal negatif pada kehidupan makhluk hidup, untuk itu perlu diadakannya energi alternatif yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mengurangi dampak negatif tersebut salah satunya yaitu memanfaatkan energi matahari dengan menggunakan sistem penerapan stand alone photovoltavic system (SAPS) pada kompor listrik. Setelah diteliti ternyata panel surya dapat mengubah sinar matahari menjadi energi listrik, dan listrik yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan untuk menyalakan kompor. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan literature review. Berdasarkan penelitian dari para penulis apat disimpulkan bahwa energi matahari dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai upaya energi alternatif pada kompor listrik sehingga mengurangi penggunaan energi minyak bumi berbentuk gas yang dicairkan (tidak dapat diperbarui).

    The influence of scavengers on VOC emissions in particleboards made from pine and poplar

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    This paper studies the performance of scavengers on Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions from wood-based composites. Particleboards made from maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) and European poplar (Populus spp.) were produced with a UF resin doped with melamine and two scavengers, sodium metabisulfite and urea. VOC emission was measured according to EN ISO 16000. Particleboards made from pine present much higher total VOC (TVOC) emissions than boards made from poplar. Pine emits a higher amount of terpenes, but also aldehydes, acids and terpenoids, while poplar emits mainly acetic acid. Sodium metabisulfite showed an excellent ability to reduce aldehydes emission, which represents nearly 50 % of total emission of particleboards made from pine. When sodium metabisulfite was applied to particleboards made from poplar, reduction of TVOCs was not significant due to the low contribution of aldehydes to TVOCs. Urea presents a low reduction in TVOCs for both wood species

    Prenatal Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Anomalies and Value of Voiding Cystography for Postnatal Outcome

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    A utilização sistemática da cistouretrografia miccional, no âmbito da investigação pós-natal das anomalias fetais do aparelho urinário, é controversa. A possibilidade de diagnosticar refluxo vesico-ureteral (RVU) antes de surgir infecção urinária é aliciante pela influência que pode ter na história natural da nefropatia do refluxo. Neste artigo, partindo de uma série de 116 casos de anomalia fetal do aparelho urinário num período de 5 anos, apresentam-se as características e evolução de 19 casos de RVU. A cistouretrografia miccional (CUM) efectuada em 109 casos (94%) identificou RVU em 19 (17.4%). Predominou o sexo masculino (5:1). Em 13 casos (19 unidades renais refluentes) o RVU era a única anomalia urinária detectada (grupo I); em 6 casos (8 unidades refluentes) o RVU estava associado a outras anomalias do tracto urinário (grupo II). Em 10 unidades refluentes do grupo I (55%) a avaliação ecográfica pós-natal foi considerada normal. Uma ecografia pós-natal normal não exclui a existência de RVU e, de acordo com os nossos resultados, todos os casos de dilatação da pélvis renal fetal beneficiam, no período pós-natal, de controlos ecográficos seriados e da realização de CUM. A confirmação precoce de RVU e a consequente instituição de quimioprofilaxia podem contribuir para a redução da morbilidade associada à infecção urinária e à nefropatia de refluxo

    Monoazo and diazo dye decolourisation studies in a methanogenic UASB reactor

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    Mixed anaerobic bacterial consortia have been show to reduce azo dyes and batch decolourisation tests have also demonstratedthat predominantly methanogenic cultures also perform azo bond cleavage. The anaerobic treatment of wool dyeing effluents, which contain acetic acid, could thus be improved with a better knowledge of methanogenic dye degradation. Therefore, the decolourisation of two azo textile dyes, a monoazo dye (Acid Orange 7, AO7) and a diazo dye (Direct Red 254, DR254), was investigated in a methanogenic laboratory-scale Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB), fed with acetate as primary carbon source. As dye concentration was increased a decrease in total COD removal was observed, but the acetate load removal (90%) remained almost constant.Acolour removal level higher than 88%was achieved for both dyes at aHRT of 24 h. The identification by HPLC analysis of sulfanilic acid, a dye reduction metabolite, in the treated effluent, confirmed that the decolourisation process was due mainly to azo bond reduction. Although, HPLC chromatograms showed that 1-amino-2-naphthol, the other AO7 cleavage metabolite, was removed, aeration batch assays demonstrated that this could be due to auto-oxidation and not biological mineralization. At a HRT of 8 h, a more extensive reductive biotransformation was observed for DR254 (82%) than for AO7 (56%). In order to explain this behaviour, the influence of the dye aggregation process and chemical structure of the dye molecules are discussed in the present work

    The Influence of Phosphate Fertilizer and Plant Growth Regulators on the Growth and Yield of Ratoon Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Grown on Swampland

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    This research aimed to study the influence of phosphate fertilizer and plant growth regulator applications on the growth and yield of ratoon rice grown on swampland. The research was conducted in September 2016 to January 2017 at the greenhouse of Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University. Soil characteristics were analyzed in the Laboratory of Chemistry, Biology and Soil Fertility, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University. The experiment was arranged in a factorial Completely Randomized Design. The first factor was the phospate fertilizer dosages, i.e. 150 kg ha-1 (P1), 200 kg ha-1 (P2), 250 kg ha-1 (P3). The second factor was the plant growth regulator treatments, consisting of control (Z0), Cytokinin 20 ppm (Z1), Gibberellin 60 ppm (Z3). The results showed that the application of P fertilizer did not affect the yield and growth of ratoon rice. However, the application of Plant Growth Regulators resulted in a significant effect on the growth and yield of ratoon rice. The application of Plant Growth Regulator of Gibberellin with the dosage of 60 ppm was able to increase the percentage of filled grains (84.93%), decrease the percentage of empty grains (15.07%), increase the weight of 100 grains (3.63 g) and increase the dry weight of milled grains (7.80 Mg ha-1). It is suggested that the treatment resulted in better plant growth and yield obtained in the current study might be recommended for ratoon cultivation in swampland

    COVID-19 lockdowns reveal the resilience of Adriatic Sea fisheries to forced fishing effort reduction

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    The COVID-19 pandemic provides a major opportunity to study fishing effort dynamics and to assess the response of the industry to standard and remedial actions. Knowing a fishing fleet’s capacity to compensate for effort reduction (i.e., its resilience) allows differentiating governmental regulations by fleet, i.e., imposing stronger restrictions on the more resilient and weaker restrictions on the less resilient. In the present research, the response of the main fishing fleets of the Adriatic Sea to fishing hour reduction from 2015 to 2020 was measured. Fleet activity per gear type was inferred from monthly Automatic Identification System data. Pattern recognition techniques were applied to study the fishing effort trends and barycentres by gear. The beneficial effects of the lockdowns on Adriatic endangered, threatened and protected (ETP) species were also estimated. Finally, fleet effort series were examined through a stock assessment model to demonstrate that every Adriatic fishing fleet generally behaves like a stock subject to significant stress, which was particularly highlighted by the pandemic. Our findings lend support to the notion that the Adriatic fleets can be compared to predators with medium-high resilience and a generally strong impact on ETP species
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