5 research outputs found

    Un-LINQed: Spontaneous extrusion of newer generation implantable loop recorders

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    BACKGROUND: Insertable cardiac monitors (ICMs) are often used for long-term monitoring of cardiac rhythm. The Medtronic\u27s LINQ Reveal ™ is a new generation wireless, automated, and patient responsive subcutaneous ECG monitoring device. Despite several advantages to its small size we have noted an unusually high incidence of extrusion at our center. METHODS: & Results: We conducted a retrospective case analysis to review Reveal LINQs implanted at our center. All devices were inserted using the provided insertion tools. Patients with extruded devices were identified and details regarding the site and technique of insertion, incision closure, use of peri-operative antibiotics, and follow-up details were collected. 81 patients underwent 85 Reveal LINQ implants at a tertiary care University Hospital referral center. The most common reason for implant was suspected arrhythmia with or without structural heart disease or unexplained syncope. There were 4 spontaneous extrusions occurring within 7-24 days after insertion with an incidence rate of 4.7%. One extruded device was anchored to subcutaneous tissue, and no pocket/device infections or hematomas were noted. CONCLUSIONS: Device migration and erosion through skin are important potential adverse events for the Reveal LINQ implantable loop recorder. This study reports an unexpectedly high rate of extrusion without infection. The authors suggest that the depth of the incision is the main factor impacting extrusions. Larger studies are recommended, however, and a proposed measure to avoid spontaneous extrusion is the design of a longer manufacturer\u27s blade in order to increase the depth of the incision and insertion

    Presentation and prognosis of excessive asymptomatic atrial ectopy in children and adolescents with structurally and functionally normal hearts

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    Excessive premature atrial complexes (PACs) in pediatric patients with a structurally normal heart are presumed to be benign and self-resolving, but no studies have confirmed this. Adults with excessive PACs, however, are at increased risk for future sustained atrial arrhythmias and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the clinical course of frequent PACs in asymptomatic children. Patients \u3c 21 years old with numerous asymptomatic PACs (\u3e50/24 hours) were retrospectively selected over a 10-year period. Demographics, clinical characteristics, and results of cardiovascular testing were tabulated. Two groups were defined: those with a significant (\u3e20%) reduction in burden of atrial ectopy versus those with an insignificant (\u3c20%) reduction or increase. Of 6,902 patients, 343 patients (5%) met criteria. Initial median age was 8.3 (interquartile range [IQR] 4.1 to 14) years with comparable male:female ratio. Follow-up Holters were performed on 188 patients (54.8%) at a median interval of 2.2 (IQR 1.3 to 3.6) years. Overall, there was a significant decrease in atrial ectopy burden from 4.2% (IQR 1.9 to 6.5) down to 0.5% (IQR 0.01 to 2.3), with 166 patients (88.3%), demonstrating a decrease of over 20%. Five percent had a small increase, and 6% had an insignificant decrease. None developed cardiac symptoms or sustained supraventricular tachydysrhythmia. Male gender, athletic participation, and discontinuation of stimulant medications were the chief predictors for a reduction of PAC burden on follow-up. Atrial triplets at presentation were associated with a 5.4% increase. In conclusion, this study confirms that excessive asymptomatic childhood PACs with structurally normal hearts are rare and short-term to medium-term prognosis is benign

    Post-Fontan pulmonary artery growth in patients with a bidirectional cavopulmonary shunt with additional antegrade pulsatile blood flow

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with antegrade pulmonary blood flow after a bidirectional cavopulmonary shunt (Glenn) may have better pulmonary artery growth. This study evaluated pulmonary artery growth in patients with and without prior additional pulsatile antegrade flow in a Glenn shunt at midterm follow-up after a Fontan procedure. METHODS: We reviewed 212 patients who had single-ventricle palliation in a 10-year period;103 (33 in pulsatile group 1 and 70 in nonpulsatile group 2) were selected for analysis. Data on demographics, procedures, perioperative course, and midterm follow-up after the Fontan procedure were compared. Echocardiography data were collected. Pulmonary artery sizes measured at cardiac catheterization and follow-up echocardiograms were used to calculate the Nakata index. RESULTS: Perioperative details were comparable in both groups, mean pulmonary artery pressure and systemic oxygen saturations were higher in group 1 compared to group 2. Venovenous collaterals were increased in group 1. There was a significant difference in the pre-Fontan and follow-up Nakata index between groups. There was a significant increase in the Nakata index in group 1 between the pre-Glenn and pre-Fontan assessments as well as the Nakata index between the pre-Fontan and midterm follow-up. There was no significant change in the Nakata index in group 2 between assessments. CONCLUSIONS: A pulsatile Glenn shunt is associated with better pulmonary artery growth which continues long after the additional pulsatile flow is eliminated. It is possible that the effects of anterograde pulmonary blood flow on pulmonary artery growth in early life continue long after the Fontan completion