368 research outputs found

    Matter-antimatter asymmetry without departure from thermal equilibrium

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    We explore the possibility of baryogenesis without departure from thermal equilibrium. A possible scenario is found, though it contains strong constraints on the size of the CPTCPT violation (CPTVCPTV) effects and on the role of the BB (baryon number) nonconserving interactions which are needed for it.Comment: Revtex, 4page


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    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography owns a facility to reproduce Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT). This facility was built in 2015 and in August 2017, some fingerlings born in captivity were moved to this installation, and some wild tunas were added two months later. In November 2019, this batch consists in 69 2+ ABFT weighting 28 kg. Hopefully they can reach 40 kg at the beginning of June and spawn by the first time. Fertilized ABFT eggs were collected from cages owned by PisciAlba and obtained larvae were cultured in IEO facilities. At the end of July 2017, some fingerlings (Cultured batch –CB-, 2 gr mean weight) were move to ICRA facilities and placed in a 1000 m3 tank. At the end of September 2017 a total of 68 0+ ABFT fingerlings (Wild batch –WB-, 414 g mean weight), were captured from the Mazarron Bay and placed in another tank in ICRA. 4 months later, 81 tunas coming from both batches were weighted (2.5 kg mean weight), tagged and place together in a 3500 m3 tank. During all the time, temperature ranged between 17 and 27ºC, and food consisted in bait, mainly, Scomber scombrus (47% of the total food) and Clupea harengus (25%) but also Sardinella aurita, Engraulis encrasicolus and Scomber japonicus (11, 10 and 7% respectively). From February 2018 to November 2019, mortality has been 16.9% (10.9% in WB and 28.6% in CB) and tunas have grown to reach an average of 28 kg. Biomass in this moment is 1930 kg, which means a density of 0.55 kg/m3 . Feeding intake was high during the first six months (when tunas were smaller than 2.5 kg), but after this moment it has ranged between 2.5 and 7%, decreasing with the size of tunas and increasing slightly with higher temperatures (circles). Feeding conversion rate was quite stable during the period, averaging 13.8. According to forecast, at the end of next spring, average weight will be about 40 kg, with about 15 tunas greater than 50 kg. This means that they will be able to reproduce next summer if gonadal maturation develops properly

    Extremes of maximum temperatures over Iberia from EMSEMBLES regional projections [Póster]

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    Póster presentado en: VIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Salamanca entre el 25 y el 28 de septiembre de 2012.This work was partly funded by projects “GRACCIE” (CSD2007-00067, 290 CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010), AMVAR (CTM2010-15009), MARUCA (E17/08), EXTREMBLES (CGL2010- 21869) and ESCENA (200800050084265) from the Spanish R&D programme and by the project CLIM-RUN from the 7th European Framework Programme (FP7)


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    This article shows the most relevant results obtained between August 2017 and October 2018 with two batches of 0+ tunas: cultured tunas (CT) born in the IEO facilities in June 2017 and wild tunas (WT) captured in Mazarron Bay in September 2017. Fertilized ABFT eggs were collected from cages owned by PisciAlba and obtained larvae were cultured in IEO facilities. At the end of July 2017, 500 fingerlings (CT, 2 g average weight) were move to ICRA facilities on 29th July and placed in a 1000 m3 tank. At the end of September 2017 mean weight were 350 gr. In that moment, a total of 68 0+ ABFT fingerlings (WT, 414 g mean weight), were captured from the Mazarron Bay and placed in a 3500 m3 tank in ICRA. From this moment temperature ranged between 18 and 27ºC, and feeding consisted in bait, mainly Sardinella aurita and Scomber scombrus, but also Scomber japonicus, Engraulis encrasicolus and Clupea harengus. During November 2017, mortality increased in CT without any symptoms of infectious disease. 80 healthier CT were then moved to a greater tank (2500 m3 ) and in March 2018, when completely recovered, they were placed together with WT and both batches were cultured in the same tank up to now. During the 13 months period mortality observed in CT was high (close to 85%) while mortality in WT was lower than 15%. Growth was also slightly faster in WT. Feeding intake ranged during the whole period between 3 and 26%, and feeding conversion rate estimated was close to 12. At the end of October 2018 mean weight of population was 11 kg

    La autoevaluación en Programación Básica en carreras no informáticas desde la perspectiva constructivista del aprendizaje autorregulado

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    Esta construcción se fundamentó sobre bases epistemológicas provenientes de las corrientes que abogan por la autorregulación del alumno; y se justifica a partir del problema del desgranamiento sostenido en los cursos iniciales de Programación Básica en la universidad. El elemento primordial para la creación de la herramienta, fue el listado de los errores que los alumnos comenten en las evaluaciones parciales y finales. Estos fueron registrados y clasificados conformando una base de datos refinada para componer la autoevaluación. A fin de ayudar en el proceso de reconceptualización de los errores, hemos elaborado una aplicación basada en la web que está disponible en los servidores de la universidad para que los estudiantes puedan efectuar su autoevaluación. Esta herramienta, les permite evidenciar sus fallas para que puedan tomar conciencia de sus debilidades. Hemos construido diferentes series de preguntas con base en ellos; cada grupo de preguntas se corresponden a cada Unidad Didáctica trabajada. Con esta instrumentación buscamos que el alumno pueda darse cuenta de sus debilidades y pueda reforzarlas antes de su evaluación parcial o final

    Influence of the NAO on the northwestern Mediterranean wave climate

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    RESUMEN. Influencia de la nao en el clima marítimo del Mediterráneo noroccidental. – El presente trabajo estudia las teleconexiones entre la Oscilación del Atlántico Norte (NAO ) y el clima marítimo en el Mediterráneo noroccidental, definido por la media mensual de la altura significante (SWH) y la media mensual de la altura significante correspondiente al percentil 95 (percentil 95 SWH), en el período comprendido entre 1958 y 2001. Los datos analizados corresponden al retroanálisis de 44 años de datos atmosféricos, dentro del marco del proyecto HIPOCAS . Estos datos han sido codificados en forma de EOF s para obtener la variabilidad espacio-temporal asociada a la NAO . Los datos utilizados han sido previamente blanqueados para evitar correlaciones ficticias entre las series, mediante el ajuste a un modelo autorregresivo de orden p. Los resultados muestran como el clima marítimo del Mediterráneo noroccidental está influenciado a escala mensual por las distintas fases de la NAO . Cuando la NAO está en su fase positiva, podemos observar anomalías positivas en la altura significante media mensual, así como en la altura de ola correspondiente al percentil 95, estas anomalías aparecen en la zona comprendida entre las Islas Baleares, el Golfo de León y la costa catalana.ABSTRACT. This study examines teleconnections between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO ) and the wave climate of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea (NWM), defined by the monthly mean significant wave height (SWH) and the 95th percentile significant wave height (95th percentile SWH), in the period ranging from 1958 to 2001. The data analyzed comes from the multidecadal hindcast over Europe carried out during the HIPOCAS project. In order to avoid fictitious cross-correlations, data were prewhitened by fitting a p-order autoregressive model. To split the temporal and spatial variability, an EOF encoding technique was applied to residuals before searching for teleconnections. We found the northwestern Mediterranean wave climate to be influenced by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO ) with an instantaneous response. When the NAO is in its positive phase, positive anomalies in the SWH and the 95th percentile SWH appear in the area between the Balearic Islands, the Gulf of Lions and the Catalonian coast

    Ebulitins: A new family of type 1 ribosome-inactivating proteins (rRNA N-glycosidases) from leaves of Sambucus ebulus L. that coexist with the type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein ebulin 1

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    AbstractA new family of single chain (type 1) ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs), that we have named ebulitins, have been found in mature leaves of Sambucus ebulus L., a caprifoliaceae plant also known to contain a non-toxic two chain (type 2) RIP named ebulin 1 in its leaves. Ebulitins are basic proteins of Mr 32,000, 29,000 and 29,000 for ebulitins α, β and γ, respectively. The simultaneous presence of different basic type 1 and acidic type 2 RIPs in the same plant and in the same tissue is described here for the first time and opens a new door in research into RIPs

    Using WRF to generate high resolution offshore wind climatologies

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    Ponencia presentada en: VIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Salamanca entre el 25 y el 28 de septiembre de 2012.Recently, the demand of gridded wind datasets over sea areas has increased due to the ongoing development of offshore wind farms. Currently available reanalysis datasets do not have enough resolution to deal with complex coastlines and coastal topography, and these do interact with the winds and meteorological systems well into the open sea. Here we present the main characteristics of a high resolution wind climatology that has been produced using the Weather Research and Forecasting model to downscale the ERA-INTERIM reanalysis. The simulations were carried out in a domain covering the Mediterranean basin and most of Europe, and thus areas with different wind regimes. The model has been kept close to the driving reanalysis by restarting it daily, as this running mode provided better results than nudging techniques. Results show that WRF is able to produce realistic offshore wind climatologies, probabilistic wind distributions and annual cycle. It also reproduces well-known regional winds remarkably well.This paper is a contribution to the financed projects by the Spanish government CORWES (CGL2010-22158-C02-01), WRF4G (CGL2010-22158-C02-01), EXTREMBLES (CGL2010-21869), C3E (200800050084091), iMar21 (CTM201015009) and MARUCA (E17/08), and was partially funded by projects ‘MAREN’ (Atlantic Area Transnational Programme) and ‘CoCoNet’ (FP7-OCEAN-2011)

    Habilidad de los modelos climáticos globales para el desarrollo de proyecciones regionales

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    Ponencia presentada en: VIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Salamanca entre el 25 y el 28 de septiembre de 2012.[ES]En este trabajo se investiga la habilidad de los GCMs para reproducir la variable SLP. El método de análisis se basa en un conjunto de tests para estudiar si los GCMs son capaces de reproducir los patrones espaciales y su transición temporal con respecto a la realidad en una región del sur de Europa. Tres factores importantes han sido analizados: la habilidad de los GCMs para reproducir las situaciones sinópticas más importantes, la habilidad de los GCMs para reproducir la variabilidad histórica a escala inter-anual y la consistencia de las simulaciones de los GCMs para el siglo XXI.[EN]This paper investigates the reliability of GCMs to reproduce the variable SLP. The analysis is based on a set of tests to study whether GCMs are able to reproduce the spatial patterns and temporal transition in a region of southern Europe. Three important factors have been analyzed: the skill of GCMs to reproduce the most important synoptic situations, the historical inter-annual time-scale variability and the consistency of GCMs experiments during 21st century projections.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la financiación proporcionada por la Oficina Española de Cambio Climático mediante el proyecto C3E (200800050084091), el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad mediante el proyecto del Plan Nacional iMar21 (CTM2010-15009) y el proyecto GRACCIE (CSD2007 00067) en el marco del programa CONSOLIDERINGENIO 2010