175 research outputs found

    Renal Tubular Dysfunction Linked to Tenofovir in Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-Infected Patients

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    Introduction: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) has low general toxicity and can lead to moderate reduction in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and a larger prevalence of renal tubular dysfunction (RTD). The mechanism of RTD has been attributed to the mitocondrial lesion in the proximal tubule cells caused by the increase of the intracelular TDF concentration. Aditionaly, host´s genetic polymorphisms have been considered one of the TDF concentration increasing causes. RTD can be characterized by the deficiency in the solutes reabsorption as bicarbonate, uric acid, phosphate, glucose and low weight molecular proteins.  Objectives: verify the prevalence of renal tubular dysfunction  in the people living with HIV (PLWH) on TDF treatment, identify the risk factors associated and compare the 24-hours urine findings with the serum creatinine and its calculated clearance for the RTD identification. Methods: prospective case control study, performed between january 2011 to december 2015. Results: 163 patients were included in the study, in which 106 (68.4%) didn't use TDF and 57 (31.6%) used TDF. RTD occured in 8 patients that used TDF, a prevalence of 14%. The patients age was identified as significant risk factor for the development of RTD. Proteinuria and the phosphaturia were significant for the diagnosis of RTD. Conclusions: age was determined as risk factor for RTD, mainly in patients over 60 years-old. Phosphaturia and proteinuria showed the greatest diagnosis sensitivity for RTD. The serum creatinine and phosphorus concentration, the creatinine clearance and the stand alone hyperproteinuria should not be used as diagnosis predictors for RTD

    A systematic mapping study of micro-grid architectures

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    Introduction:  Generation and energy consumption are a major issue in different countries around the world. Nowadays, projects under development seek the modernization of electric power generation and distribution systems. One of the main strategies is the design of context-adaptable micro-grid architectures. The micro-grid concept focuses on a controlled, monitored and highly autonomous use of electric power supported on information technologies, for the optimization of energy transfer, minimize risks and increase the system’s quality, efficiency and reliability. Goal: This article, therefore, aims to identify, classify and compare different micro-grid architectures, based on their applicability and research trends. Method: A systematic mapping study of micro-grid architectures is conducted to examine the experimental and theoretical contributions made by the scientific community. Results: This article categorizes and quantifies the different studies related to the subject, identifying and analyzing the strengths and opportunities for improvement in the applicability of micro-grid architectures. The trends observed highlight five strategies as the most relevant, whose different characteristics contribute to an automated and intelligent organization of the distribution, control and supervision of electricity according to supply versus demand

    A systematic mapping study of micro-grid architectures

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    Introduction:  Generation and energy consumption are a major issue in different countries around the world. Nowadays, projects under development seek the modernization of electric power generation and distribution systems. One of the main strategies is the design of context-adaptable micro-grid architectures. The micro-grid concept focuses on a controlled, monitored and highly autonomous use of electric power supported on information technologies, for the optimization of energy transfer, minimize risks and increase the system’s quality, efficiency and reliability. Goal: This article, therefore, aims to identify, classify and compare different micro-grid architectures, based on their applicability and research trends. Method: A systematic mapping study of micro-grid architectures is conducted to examine the experimental and theoretical contributions made by the scientific community. Results: This article categorizes and quantifies the different studies related to the subject, identifying and analyzing the strengths and opportunities for improvement in the applicability of micro-grid architectures. The trends observed highlight five strategies as the most relevant, whose different characteristics contribute to an automated and intelligent organization of the distribution, control and supervision of electricity according to supply versus demand

    Análisis y tratamiento de señales de fuentes sismogénicas de campo cercano a san josé de cúcuta, colombia

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    Esta investigación determina el contenido frecuencial dominante de un conjunto de 69 señales de fuentes sismogénicas cercanas a la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta, obtenidas mediante la Red Nacional de Acelerógrafos de Colombia (RNAC) perteneciente al Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería (INGEOMINAS). Se realizó análisis y tratamiento para cada una de las señales. La etapa de tratamiento comprende los procesos de corrección por línea base y el filtrado de la señal sísmica para eliminar bandas de frecuencias no deseadas presentes en la señal. Las técnicas utilizadas para el análisis espectral son la transformada de Fourier y la transformada Wavelet, mediante sus respectivos espectros de amplitudes. Y se simula el efecto local de los sismos analizados para dos perfiles de suelo de formaciones litológicas diferenciadas. Los análisis se realizaron bajo el uso de herramientas computacionales; programas como EERA, SeismoSignal, DEGTRA A4 y MATLAB ®.Palabras Clave: Señal sísmica; transformada de Fourier; transformada wavelet; espectro de respuest

    Specific interaction of methionine adenosyltransferase with free radicals

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    Although free radicals have been traditionally implicated in cell injury, and associated to pathophysiological processes, recent data implicate them in cell signaling events. Free radicals are naturally occurring oxygen-,nitrogen-and sulfur-derived species with an unpaired electron, such as superoxide, hydroxyl radical or nitric oxide. In order to assess the role of free radicals in cell signaling, we have studies the modulator effect of oxygen and nitrogen active species on liver methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT), a key metabolic enzyme. The presence of 10 cysteine residues per subunit, makes liver MAT a sensitive target for oxidation/nitrosylation. Here we show that purified MAT from rat liver is nitrosylated and oxidized in vitro. Incubation with H202 or the NO donor S-nitrosylated GSH (GSNO), diminish MAT activity in a dose-and time-dependent manner. Furthermore, the inactivation derived from both oxidation and nitrosylation, was reverted by GSH. MAT inactivation originates on the specific and covalent modification of the sulphydryl group of cysteine residue 121. We also studied how free radicals modulate MAT activity in vivo. It was previously shown that MAT activity is strongly dependent on cellular GSH levels. Generation of oxygen and nitrogen active species in rats by injection of LPS, induced a decrease of liver MAT activity. This effect might derive from nitrosylation and/or oxidation of the enzyme. Modulation of liver MAT by NO is further supported by the inactivation of this enzyme observed in experimental models in which NO is produced; such as the administration of NO donors to rats and in hepatocytes cultured in hypoxia, a condition that induces the expression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Oxidation also controls liver MAT activity in a cell environment as shown in CHO cells stably transfected with rat liver MAT cDNA upon addition of H2O2 to the culture medium. This effect depends upon the generation of the hydroxyl radical. On the basis of the metabolic implications of liver MAT, together with the structural features accounting for the sensitivity of this enzyme to active oxygen and nitrogen species, we propose that modulation of MAT by these agents could be a mechanism to regulate the consumption of ATP in the liver, and thus preserve cellular viability under different stress conditions

    Estrategias de promoción y prevención de autocuidado frente a las IRA en el departamento de Arauca

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    El contexto territorial es la base para ejecutar proyectos de mejoramiento de calidad de vida de las comunidades donde se evalúan las condiciones actuales, las problemáticas presentes y las metodologías adecuada para realizar la intervención adecuada de acuerdo a la necesidad del entorno. Se plantea una propuesta en salud con el objeto de mejorar los indicadores en salud relacionados con la morbimortalidad por IRA “Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas” en el departamento de Arauca mediante la implementación de promoción y prevención enfocada en las poblaciones más vulnerables que son los menores de 5 años y mayores de 55 años. Por medio de una intersectorialidad que involucra los entes territoriales de control en salud, entidades privadas participes del sistema de salud en el departamento y la comunidad beneficiaria donde por medio de campañas de educación se busca la intervención frente a las IRA por medio del autocuidado e identificación de signos de alarma para la solicitud de asistencia medica que de acuerdo a una atención oportuna se proteja la vida e integridad de los individuos afectados. De acuerdo a los indicadores locales reportados en el departamento se presentan las IRA como la tercera causa de muerte infantil más representativa y comparado a nivel nacional el indicador es mayor y representativo. Por lo anterior, se busca implementar la intervención en salud mediante la propuesta para obtener mejora en los indicadores y así mismo obtener más recursos por parte del estado para el mejoramiento de las condiciones de convivencia de la ciudadanía en el territorio.The territorial context is the basis for executing projects to improve the quality of life of the communities where the current conditions, the present problems and the appropriate methodologies are evaluated to carry out the appropriate intervention according to the needs of the environment. A health proposal is proposed in order to improve health indicators related to morbidity and mortality due to ARI "Acute Respiratory Infections" in the department of Arauca through the implementation of promotion and prevention focused on the most vulnerable populations that are children under 5 years and over 55 years. Through an intersectorality that involves the territorial health control entities, private entities participating in the health system in the department and the beneficiary community where, through educational campaigns, intervention against ARI is sought through self-care and identification. alarm signs for the request for medical assistance that, according to timely care, protects the life and integrity of the affected individuals. According to the local indicators reported in the department, ARIs are presented as the third most representative cause of infant death and compared at the national level, the indicator is higher and more representative. Due to the above, it seeks to implement the health intervention through the proposal to obtain improvement in the indicators and likewise obtain more resources from the state to improve the conditions of coexistence of citizens in the territory

    Effects Of Modafinil And Bromazepam On Decision-Making: A P300 Analysis

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    Drug influence on the decision making process has been scarcely studied. Researchers have driven the hypothesis that drugs might cause interference on cortical circuits. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the electrophysiological and behavioral changes occurring in the P300 after ingestion of modafinil (200mg), bromazepam (6mg) and placebo in healthy subjects exposed to a sensorimotor task based on the oddball paradigm. The sample for this study consisted of 10 subjects of both sexes, with ages ranging between 20 and 45, who were submitted to a quantitative electroencephalography. The experimental procedure was carried out in three visits, before and after drug ingestion. The results demonstrated a significant increase in the P300 latency and amplitude for the target condition, when compared to the non-target condition, for all analyzed electrodes. No significant difference was found for group or moment. A statistically significant difference was found for the group variable in the behavioral analysis. Such results suggest that the P300 is a measure, which is not sensitive to drug ingestion. On the other hand, the measure presented certain level of sensitivity when the subjects faced two different conditions in the decision making process orientation

    Emergence of methicillin resistance predates the clinical use of antibiotics

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    The discovery of antibiotics more than 80 years ago has led to considerable improvements in human and animal health. Although antibiotic resistance in environmental bacteria is ancient, resistance in human pathogens is thought to be a modern phenomenon that is driven by the clinical use of antibiotics(1). Here we show that particular lineages of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus-a notorious human pathogen-appeared in European hedgehogs in the pre-antibiotic era. Subsequently, these lineages spread within the local hedgehog populations and between hedgehogs and secondary hosts, including livestock and humans. We also demonstrate that the hedgehog dermatophyte Trichophyton erinacei produces two beta-lactam antibiotics that provide a natural selective environment in which methicillin-resistant S. aureus isolates have an advantage over susceptible isolates. Together, these results suggest that methicillin resistance emerged in the pre-antibiotic era as a co-evolutionary adaptation of S. aureus to the colonization of dermatophyte-infected hedgehogs. The evolution of clinically relevant antibiotic-resistance genes in wild animals and the connectivity of natural, agricultural and human ecosystems demonstrate that the use of a One Health approach is critical for our understanding and management of antibiotic resistance, which is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security and development