156 research outputs found

    Perceção dos consumidores sobre as características sensoriais do queijo de Cabra Transmontano de cura extra longa

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    Este trabalho baseia -se nos dados de um inquérito às preferências de consumo de queijo de cabra transmontana. O estudo teve como objetivos: identificar o perfil do consumidor, os seus hábitos de consumo de queijo e comparar a perceção dos consumidores face às características de queijos com diferentes tempos de cura (2, 7 e 12 meses). Para isso, desenvolveu -se um estudo baseado numa amostra de 157 consumidores que se deslocaram a um supermercado de Bragança nos dias 28 e 29 de maio de 2015. Para proceder à recolha de dados foi utilizado um questionário com questões acerca das características do consumidor, da frequência do consumo de queijo e das perceções sensoriais por parte dos consumidores (aspecto, aroma, sabor, perceção de teor de gordura, dureza, perceção de teor de sal) dos queijos. A maioria dos participantes consumia queijo mais de uma vez por semana, era do género masculino, tinha idade compreendida entre 25 e 64 anos, era casado, vivia em agregados familiares com duas pessoas e o rendimento líquido mensal do agregado familiar situava -se entre 1001 e 3000 €. Os resultados globais permitiram identificar diferenças, ao nível de significância de 1%, em todas as características consideradas com exceção da perceção do teor de sal. Relativamente ao aspecto, aroma, sabor, avaliação global e intenção de compra, o queijo com dois meses de cura foi o preferido. Os consumidores percecionaram um teor de gordura mais elevado no queijo com sete meses de cura. Finalmente, o queijo com 12 meses de cura foi considerado o mais duro. Verificou -se, ainda, que quando tido em consideração o género, a idade e a frequência do consumo, as diferenças foram encontradas no grupo dos indivíduos do género feminino, com idade entre 25 e 64 anos e que consumiam queijo mais frequentemente.This research is based on data from a survey about consumers’ preferences on consumption of Transmontano goat cheese. The study aimed to identify the consumer profile and cheese consumption habits, and to compare the characteristics of cheeses with different maturations (2, 7 and 12 months). To achieve these goals it was developed a study based on a sample of 157 consumers who went to a supermarket located in Bragança on 28th and 29th May 2015. To collect the data, it was used a questionnaire with questions about the consumer characteristics, the frequency of the cheese consumption and sensorial characteristics perceived by consumers (appearance, aroma, taste, perception of fat content, hardness, perception of salt content) of the cheeses. Most participants consumed cheese more than once a week, were males, aged between 17 and 86 years, were married, lived in households with two people and the monthly net income of the household was between 1001 and 3000 €. The results showed differences, at a significance level of 1%, in all the characteristics considered except for the perception of the salt content. Regarding the appearance, smell, taste, overall evaluation and purchase intention, cheese with two months of maturation was preferred. Consumers perceived a higher fat content in cheese with seven months of maturation. Finally, the cheese with 12 months of maturation was considered the hardest. Also, it was verified that when gender, age and consumption frequency were taken into account, the differences were found in the group of female subjects aged 25 -64 years who consumed cheese more frequently.Este trabalho foi financiado por: Fundos Europeus Estruturais e de Investimento, na sua componente FEDER, através do Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (COMPETE 2020) [Projeto n.º 006971 (UID/SOC/04011)]; e por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, no âmbito do projeto UID/SOC/04011/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perceção dos consumidores sobre as características sensoriais do Queijo de Ovelha de Cura Extra Longa

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    O queijo é um alimento importante para uma alimentação saudável. Portugal é um país com uma enorme tradição no fabrico de queijo a partir da utilização dos pequenos ruminantes. Rebanhos conduzidos em sistemas de produção com base na silvo-pastorícia, com ciclos de produção ao sabor da fisiologia do animal, moldado pelo tempo e a mestria do pastor. A produção de queijos tradicionais é um hábito muito arreigado nas comunidades pastoris e o estudo aceitação dos consumidores em relação ao queijo envelhecido constitui um fator importante para a estratégia de valorização/competitividade. Este trabalho baseia-se nos dados de um inquérito às preferências de consumo de queijo de ovelha de Cura Extra Longa (CEL).Este trabalho é financiado por: Fundos Europeus Estruturais e de Investimento, na sua componente FEDER, através do Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (COMPETE 2020) [Projeto nº 006971 (UID/SOC/04011)]; por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, no âmbito do projeto UID/SOC/04011/2013.; e por Projecto PRODER - Medida 4.1 - Cooperação para a Inovação – PA 49.481.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transforming education for the just transition

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    Society faces many challenges in promoting a just transition to a low-carbon economy, a transition that does not create or exacerbate injustices. Notably, the just transition can only be attained with new educational approaches which revolve around social, climate and environmental justice. This paper advances that for a just transition, the shift to a greener economy cannot be driven by the traditional neoliberal engine, which has captured educational practices. Rather, the necessary educational transformation needs the principles of critical pedagogy and the dimensions of justice provided by the JUST Framework. We bring these two important schools together and draw on the experience of the global periphery and Latin America in particular, to develop a unique theoretical framework that contributes to the literature on education for sustainable development. Therefore, this conceptual research provides a theoretical framework that should guide education for a just transition. This paper establishes what is referred to as CCR Education Framework which involves: Critical thinking about climate, environmental and social costs of fossil fuels; Coexistence with nature and the other; and Resistance against neoliberalism and other forces that jeopardise the just transition. The CCR Education Framework is a response to the question of what education needs to include to achieve a just transition. The paper also opens the discussion about the implications of the Framework in terms of teacher training and education and appropriate pedagogical approaches. The key theoretical advancements here is that education for the just transition must affirm the importance of teachers and students as agents of transformation, and promote critical educational practices and approaches which support the transition to a low-carbon economy, and which value the characteristics of justice (which include equity, equality, fairness, and inclusiveness) to build a curriculum that advocates sustainable growth and a societal just transition.<br/

    Exploratory study on the sensory characteristics of the transmontano goat extra long maturation cheese: the perception of consumers in the Bragança region, Portugal

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    O estudo teve como objetivos: identificar o perfil do consumidor de queijo de cabra transmontano, os seus hábitos de consumo, e comparar as características de três queijos com diferentes tempos de cura (2, 7 e 12 meses). Para atingir estes objetivos desenvolveu-se um estudo exploratório baseado numa amostra aleatória de 157 consumidores que se deslocaram a um supermercado de Bragança nos dias 28 e 29 de maio de 2015. Para proceder à recolha de dados foi utilizado um questionário com questões acerca das características do consumidor, da frequência do consumo de queijo e das características sensoriais (aspeto, aroma, sabor, teor de gordura, textura ou dureza, teor de sal) dos três queijos. Os dados recolhidos foram tratados no SPSS 22.0 com recurso ao uso da estatística descritiva com o objetivo de caracterizar a amostra e, consequentemente, definir o perfil do consumidor. Utilizou-se, ainda, o teste de Friedman para verificar se existiam diferenças, estatisticamente, significativas entre os três queijos com diferentes tempos de cura. A maioria dos participantes consome queijo mais de uma vez por semana (86,5%), era do género masculino (51,6%); tinha idades compreendidas entre 25 e 64 anos (67,9%); era casado (53,0%; vivia em agregados familiares com duas pessoas (30,3%); e, o rendimento líquido do agregado familiar situava-se entre 1001 a 3000 € (30,3%). Os resultados permitiram identificar diferenças com significância de 1% em todas as características consideradas com exceção do teor de sal. Relativamente ao aspeto, aroma e sabor, o queijo com menos tempo de cura foi o preferido, razão pela qual a avaliação global deste queijo tenha sido melhor. Por essa razão, a intenção de compra vai, naturalmente, para o queijo com menos tempo de cura. Relativamente à textura ou dureza, é o queijo com mais cura que, na opinião dos consumidores, é o mais duro.The study aimed to identify the profile of transmontano goat cheese consumer’s, their consumption habits, and to compare the characteristics of three cheeses with different maturations (2, 7 and 12 months). To achieve these goals it was developed an exploratory study based on a random sample of 157 consumers who went to Intermarché supermarket located in Bragança on 28th and 29th May 2015. To collect the data it was used a questionnaire with questions about the consumer characteristics, the frequency of the consumption of cheese and sensory characteristics (appearance, aroma, taste, fat, texture or hardness, salt) of the three cheeses. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 in order to compute descriptive statistics to characterize the sample and thus set the consumer’s profile. Also, it was used the Friedman test in order to verify the existence of statistically significant differences between the three cheeses with different maturations. Most participants consumed cheese more than once per week (86.5%); were male (51.6%); had ages between 25 and 64 years old (67,9%). Most respondents was married (53.0%); lived in households with two people (30.3%); and, the net household income was between 1001 and 3000 € (30.3%). The results showed significant differences at a significance level of 1% on all characteristics considered except for the salt content. Regarding the appearance, aroma and taste, the cheese with less maturation was the favorite. In fact, the overall evaluation of this cheese has been better than the others. For this reason, the purchase intention will go to the cheese with 2 moths of maturation. With regard to texture or hardness, the cheese with 12 months was, in the opinion of consumers, the hardest.Este trabalho é financiado por: Fundos Europeus Estruturais e de Investimento, na sua componente FEDER, através do Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (COMPETE 2020) [Projeto nº 006971 (UID/SOC/04011)]; e por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, no âmbito do projeto UID/SOC/04011/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chemical and physicochemical changes in Serrana goat cheese submitted to extra-long ripening periods

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    Goat milk cheese is highly appreciated since ancient times. However, besides being consumed close to its production date, according to the common practice, there is an increasing trend towards consuming goat milk cheese submitted to long ripening periods. Throughout this process, several chemical changes are expected, justifying the different properties presented by ripe cheese in comparison to fresh one. Accordingly, proximate composition, salt percentage, saponifiable matter, color parameters, pH and fatty acids were compared in cheese submitted to medium, long and extra-long ripening. The parameters showing significant changes among different ripening periods were effectively identified, highlighting fatty acids as the ones with highest variation. Actually, fatty acids profiles were successfully assayed as a chemical fingerprint of goat milk cheese submitted to different ripening periods. This result raised up the possibility of discriminating goat milk cheese ripening period using a single, fast and reliable chromatographic methodology.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Program PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013) and A. Fernandes (SFRH/BPD/114753/2016) grant. The authors are also grateful to the project funded by the Proder program - Measure 4.1 - Cooperation for Innovation - PA 49 481 - in partnership with LEICRAS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inovação em produtos tradicionais transmontanos: aceitabilidade do queijo de cabra picante por parte do consumidor

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    Para Van Hekken et al. (2006), a aceitação do consumidor de um queijo é baseada no sabor e textura. Consideram, ainda, que a compreensão da identidade sensorial do queijo fornecerá orientação crítica à medida que novas práticas são exploradas para melhorar a produção, o prazo de validade e a uniformidade dos queijos. Este trabalho baseia-se em dados de uma pesquisa de mercado sobre as preferências de consumo de queijo de cabra transmontano picante. O estudo foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Projeto ProDeR - PA 49.481, medida 4.1 - Cooperação para Inovação como resultado de uma parceria entre uma unidade de pesquisa e uma cooperativa. Os objetivos do estudo foram identificar o perfil do consumidor, os hábitos de consumo de queijo e comparar a perceção dos consumidores sobre as características sensoriais dos queijos com diferentes níveis de picante (dois com aplicação de malagueta picada com concentração diferenciada e um com adição de malagueta em pedaços).Os autores agradecem à Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) e FEDER ao abrigo do Programa PT2020 pelo apoio financeiro ao CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013) e ao ProDeR, medida 4.1. Cooperação para Inovação (Referência do projeto: PA 49481).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intraspecific Variation of the Composition of Linear Alkanes in Social Wasp Mischocyttarus consimilis

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    An important attribute of the evolution and maintenance of sociality in insects is their ability to distinguish members of their own colonies by means of chemical signals during their interactions. Of this type of signals, the cuticular hydrocarbons, responsible among other functions, for intraspecific recognition stand out. Linear alkanes are indicated as the class of compounds that would be most involved in water retention in the body of insects, however, some studies have investigated their role as mediators of interactions. Thus it is possible that there is significant intraspecific variation of its composition, so the objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that linear alkanes vary significantly among populations, castes and sexes, as well as between newly emerged females of different ages of the Mischocyttarus consimilis Zikán 1949 wasp. The samples were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The results show that there is a significant variation between the chemical cuticular profiles of samples from different populations, as well as between castes, sex and newly emergent workers of different ages. Therefore, it is possible to infer that this class of compounds may vary according to genetic differences between populations, but also by different environmental conditions. The differences between castes, sex and ages suggest that these compounds may also be involved in mediating interactions between nestmates

    Evaluation of Inter and Intraspecific Differences in the Venom Chemical Compositions of Polybia paulista Wasps and Ectatomma brunneum Ants Using FTIR-PAS

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    Wasps can synthesize chemical compounds called venom whose function is to overcome prey and assist in defense of the colonies. Geographic Parameters such as sex, age, the season of the year, and diet determined the composition of the venom location, genetics, environment. However, studies on the compositional variability of venom are still limited due to the difficulty in obtaining samples and the complexity of these substances. This work describes the use of the Fourier Transform Infrared Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (FTIR-PAS) to investigate inter- and intraspecific variability in the venom chemical composition (VCC) of the social wasp Polybia paulista (Von Ihering 1896) and the ant Ectatomma brunneum (Smith 1858). The results reveal significant differences in VCC among the ant and wasp, even for samples obtained from the same environment. The genetic component, therefore, seemed to be the predominant factor determining the compounds present. The findings also showed that exogenous factors, such as diet, could also be responsible for intraspecific differences, especially in wasps. The FTIR-PAS technique proved to be a reliable way of assessing intra- and interspecific differences in social Hymenoptera VCC

    Kinetics of digestion of low-quality forage grazed by beef cattle fed supplements containing increasing levels of rumen undegradable protein

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    This experiment was conducted to evaluate the degradation kinetics and microbial efficiency of beef cattle grazing on low-quality forage and receiving supplements with different levels of rumen undegradable protein (RUP). The animals grazed on palisade grass pasture solely or this pasture and supplement containing 40 or 60 g of RUP per 100 g of crude protein (CP). The degradation profiles of neutral detergent fiber, fiber carbohydrates, and neutral detergent insoluble protein were interpreted kinetically by using a decreasing logistic model. Treatments (no supplement, or RUP at 40 or 60 g−1 100 g CP) did not affect rumen fill; however, the increase in the indigestible fiber carbohydrate fraction that occurred at the expense of the digestible fiber carbohydrate fraction resulted in a greater rumen fill effect. The palisade grass showed a significant proportion of its nitrogen in the form of slowly degradable protein as neutral detergent insoluble protein, which amounted to 26 g per 100 g CP. Supplementation with 40 g of RUP per 100 g CP decresead the indigestible fraction of the low-quality forage. However, the absence of a rumen-fill effect demonstrates that the additional supply of nutrients contributes greatly to increasing growth efficiency and use of the available energy from the forage by the ruminal microorganisms