1,020 research outputs found

    Ultrasonographic evaluation of fetal heart rate in Colombian Creole Mares

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    P?ginas 32-36Recurso Electr?nicoEl objetivo de esta investigaci?n fue establecer por ultrasonograf?a, la frecuencia card?aca fetal, desde el mes cuarto hasta el final de la gestaci?n en 20 yeguas criollas colombianas, con edades entre los cuatro a los ocho a?os y un peso promedio de 348 ? 8,69 kg, mediante examen transrectal y transabdominal, utilizando un transductor lineal endorectal de 6,0 MHz y un sectorial convexo R40 de 3,5 MHz. Se encontraron diferencias estad?sticas significativas (p ? 0,05) en la frecuencia card?aca de los fetos a lo largo de la gestaci?n frente a las reportadas en equinos de otras razas, en el cuarto mes de gestaci?n la media de la frecuencia card?aca fetal en latidos por minuto fue de 145 ? 6,82 y de 86 ? 5,28 en el ?ltimo mes de gestaci?n, observ?ndose una disminuci?n lineal gradual de la frecuencia card?aca al aumentar el tiempo gestacional.ABSTRACT. The objective of this research was to establish the fetal heart rate in pregnant Colombian creole mares by ultrasonography. The study was carried out, from the fourth month to end of gestation in 20 creole mares, aged four to eight-year-old, and an average body-weight of 348 ? 8.69 kg. The examination was performed via transrectal with a 6.0 MHz linear transducer and by transabdominal examination with a R40 3.5 MHz convex sector transducer. Significant statistical differences (p ? 0.05) in the fetal heart rate of pregnant Colombian mares were found throughout the gestation period compared to the fetal rate reported in females of other equine breeds. In the fourth month of gestation, mean fetal heart rate in beats per minute was 145 ? 6.82 and 86 ? 5.28 in the last month of gestation, showing a gradual linear decrease in heart rate with increasing gestational time

    Diagnóstico ecográfico de las alteraciones del músculo extensor digital lateral, tendón y vaina sinovial en caballos criollos colombianos con signos clínicos de hiperflexión del tarso

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    ABSTRACT: Tarsus hyperflexion alterslocomotion biomechanicsin horses. This alteration is of frequent presentation in the Colombian creole horse (CCH). Objective: To determine the echographic alterations of lateral digital extensor (LDE) muscle, tendon, and synovial sheath in CCH with clinical signs of tarsus hyperflexion. Methods: Thirty horses were divided into two groups: 15 healthy horses with no history of locomotion defects (Group 1; control), and 15 horses with clinical signs of tarsus hyperflexion (Group 2). A cross-sectional and a longitudinal echocardiographic examination of the LDE muscle and tendon was performed in all horses, and a histopathological study was performed only to Group 2. Results: 86.7% of the horses showed echographic alterations, with 53.4% ​​showing signs of adhesions in the LDE muscle and tendon in the lateralsurface of the hock, where it crossesthe tarsus. 33.3% presented increased tendon synovial sheath fluid. 13.3% showed no echographic alterations and 53.3% presented histopathological alterations. Conclusion: These findings may be related to the presentation of tarsus hyperflexion that could characterize the classic stringhalt in CCH.RESUMEN: Antecedentes: la hiperflexin del tarso (corvej´´on) altera la biomecánica del desplazamiento en los caballos. Esta alteración es de presentación frecuente en el caballo criollo colombiano (CCC). Objetivo: determinar las alteraciones ecográficas del músculo extensor digital lateral (EDL), tendón y vaina sinovial en CCC con signos clínicos de hiperflexión del corvejón. Métodos: treinta caballos fueron divididos en dos grupos: 15 equinos clínicamente sanos, sin historia de defectos de locomocion (Grupo 1; considerado como control), y 15 equinos con signos clínicos de hiperflexión del corvejón (Grupo 2). Se realizó un examen ecográfico transversal y longitudinal del músculo y tendón del EDL en todos los animales, y un estudio histopatológico solo al Grupo 2. Resultados: el 86,7% de los caballos mostraron alteraciones ecográficas. El 53,4% mostró signos de adherencias en el músculo y tendón del EDL, en donde la superficie lateral del corvejón se cruza con el tarso. El 33,3% presentó un aumento en el líquido de la vaina sinovial del tendón. El 13,3% no presentó ninguna alteración ecográfica, y el 53,3% mostró alteraciones histopatológicas. Conclusión: estos hallazgos podrían estar relacionados con la presentación de hiperflexión del tarso que puede caracterizar el arpeo clásico en el CCC

    The effect of motion content in action naming by Parkinson's disease patients

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    Introduction The verb-specific impairment present in patients with motion-related neurological diseases has been argued to support the hypothesis that the processing of words referring to motion depends on neural activity in regions involved in motor planning and execution. We presented a group of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients with an action-naming task in order to test whether the prevalence of motion-related semantic content in different verbs influences their accuracy. Methods Forty-nine PD patients and 19 healthy seniors participated in the study. All of PD participants underwent a neurological and neuropsychological assessment to rule out dementia. Subjective ratings of the motion content level of 100 verbs were obtained from 14 young voluntaries. Then, pictures corresponding to two subsets of 25 verbs with significantly different degrees of motor component were selected to be used in an action-naming task. Stimuli lists were matched on visual and psycholinguistic characteristics. Results ANOVA analysis reveals differences between groups. PD patients obtained poor results in response to pictures with high motor content compared to those with low motor association. Nevertheless, this effect did not appear on the control group. The general linear mixed model analytic approach was applied to explore the influence of the degree of motion-related semantic content of each verb in the accuracy scores of the participants. The performance of PD patients appeared to be negatively affected by the level of motion-related semantic content associated to each verb. Conclusions Our results provide compelling evidence of the relevance of brain areas related to planning and execution of movements in the retrieval of motion-related semantic content

    Emotion recognition impairment in Parkinson´s Disease patients without dementia

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    Purpose Previous research has shown dementia and mild cognitive impairment to be present in some Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. Nevertheless, it is still not clear whether PD patients are also impaired on facial emotion recognition, nor it is whether this possible deficit is independent other cognitive impairment. The aim of this study is to assess the presence of emotion recognition deficits in a sample of PD patients with normal cognitive abilities, evaluated with several cognitive tasks widely used to detect cognitive impairment in this patient group. Method 40 non-demented (MMSE scores>25) PD patients and 19 healthy older adults matched on demographic characteristics took part in the study. All of them were evaluated with a neuropsychological battery including tests aimed to assess the cognitive domains mainly affected by PD, as well as a facial emotion recognition task. Results t-test analysis showed significant differences between PD and control groups in 6 cognitive tasks which were introduced in a sequential logistic regression analysis. The results confirmed the existence of a facial emotion recognition deficit in PD patients after controlling for demographic and cognitive characteristics of the participants. Conclusion Although none of the PD patients fulfilled criteria for dementia, many of them appeared to present deficits on recognition of facial emotions. This task should therefore be incorporated into future research to study the full range of early cognitive dysfunctions and non-motor symptoms presents in PD patients, and inclusion of this task in assessment protocols should be considered

    Micro-CT to Document the Coffee Bean Weevil, Araecerus fasciculatus (Coleoptera: Anthribidae), Inside Field-Collected Coffee Berries (Coffea canephora)

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    The coffee bean weevil, Araecerus fasciculatus (De Geer) (Coleoptera: Anthribidae), is a cosmopolitan insect with >100 hosts, and has been reported as a pest of stored coffee. During a study involving the coffee berry borer, we observed coffee bean weevils emerging from field-collected coffee berries and used micro-computerized tomography (micro-CT) scans to observe the insect inside the berry. Two eggs had eclosed inside the berry, resulting in observations of a newly eclosed adult beetle and a 5th instar larva, each feeding on one of the two seeds. This is the first time since 1775, when the insect was first described, that the insect has been observed inside a coffee berry

    Observing the devastating coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) inside the coffee berry using microcomputed tomography

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    The coffee berry borer is the most devastating insect pest of coffee throughout the world. The insect spends most of its life cycle inside the coffee berry, which makes it quite difficult to observe its behaviour. Micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) was used to observe all developmental stages of the coffee berry borer inside coffee berries (Coffea canephora). An interesting oviposition pattern involving a sequential placement of eggs starting in the periphery of the seed and moving inwards was observed. Micro-CT should be useful in elucidating unknown life history aspects of other seed-feeding bark beetles as well as of bark and ambrosia beetles in general

    Anatomical study of the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) using micro-computed tomography

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    Traditionally, the study of anatomy in insects has been based on dissection techniques. Microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) is an X-ray based technique that allows visualization of the internal anatomy of insects in situ and does not require dissections. We report on the use of micro-CT scans to study, in detail, the internal structures and organs of the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei), the most damaging insect pest of coffee worldwide. Detailed images and videos allowed us to make the first description of the aedeagus and the first report of differences between the sexes based on internal anatomy (flight musculature, midgut shape, hindgut convolutions, brain shape and size) and external morphology (lateral outline of the pronotum and number of abdominal tergites). This study is the first complete micro-CT reconstruction of the anatomy of an insect and is also the smallest insect to have been evaluated in this way. High quality rendered images, and additional supplementary videos and 3D models are suitable for use with mobile devices and are useful tools for future research and as teaching aids.This paper benefitted from sub-award agreement S15192.01 between Kansas State University (KSU) and the University of Granada, as part of the USDA-NIFA Award 2014-70016-23028 to Susan J. Brown (KSU), “Developing an Infrastructure and Product Test Pipeline to Deliver Novel Therapies for Citrus Greening Disease” (2015–2020)

    Incidencia de alteraciones cardiovasculares en caballos criollos colombianos mediante diagnóstico ecocardiográfico

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    Páginas 61-68Recurso ElectrónicoEl trabajo se realizó en la ciudad de Ibagué con 47 caballos criollos colombianos con un peso medio de 282 ± 20 kg con una edad media de 6 ± 1,4 años. Todos sospechosos de padecer alteraciones cardiacas, con tos persistente, disnea e intolerancia al ejercicio. En el examen semiológico, mediante toma de pulso, frecuencia cardiaca, auscultación de sonidos cardiacos y pulmonares para determinar signología que reflejarán una afección cardiovascular, resultaron 25 equinos con signos evidentes de padecer alteraciones cardiacas. Se hizo evaluación con ecocardiografías en modo B y M, con el animal en reposo físico. Posteriormente se procedió a ejercitarlos, por veinte minutos, para tomar nuevamente y en forma inmediata el pulso, la frecuencia cardiaca, hacer auscultación cardiopulmonar y ecocardiografía en modo B y M, con el fin de detectar anormalidades cardiacas que no fueron mostradas por el animal en reposo. De estos, cinco mostraron insuficiencia mitral y dos presentaron arritmias cardiacas. Se construyeron intervalos de confianza, usando distribución de probabilidad exacta para una binomial, determinando así la probabilidad de que un equino sospechoso manifestara insuficiencia mitral (entre el 3,55 % y 23,10 %) o de que apareciera arritmia (entre el 0,05 % y el 11,29 %), igual probabilidad para la arritmia por vagotonía.ABSTRACT. The work was carried out in Ibague, with 47 Colombian Creole horses, between 250 and 350 kg with 6 ± 1,4 years-old, suspected of suffering cardiac alterations, persistent cough, dyspnea and exercise intolerance. After the semiological examination, with taking the pulse, heart rate, auscultation of heart and lung sounds to determine signs that reflected a cardiovascular affection, twenty-five horses showed evident signs of suffering heart alterations, evaluating them with B and M mode echocardiography and with the animal in physical rest, proceeding to exercise them for twenty minutes and taking the pulse and the heart frequency immediately, auscultating the heart again to detect heart abnormalities that were not shown by the animal in rest. According to test results, five showed mitral insufficiency and two had cardiac arrhythmias. As the sample size of the equine cardiac diseases is small, intervals of trust were built using distribution of exact probability for a binomial one, determining the probability that a suspected equine manifested mitral insufficiency it would be between 3,55 % and 23,10 %; or that arrhythmia appeared (between 0,05 % and 11,29 %),the same probability for the arrhythmia by vagotonia