352 research outputs found

    A Methodology to Create 3D Body Models in Motion

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    [EN] Size, shape and posture are fundamental features of digital human models (DHM) to obtain accurate virtual simulations of the ergonomics of products and environments. Research on 3D body scanning, processing and modelling have enabled the generation of avatars representing specific populations and morphotypes in standing and seated postures being the basis to define size and shape of DHM. Posture is implemented with biomechanical models of the human movement. Most of the research is focused on posture control and movement tracking to analyze the variability in different contexts (e.g. driving, performing a working task). Motion capture technology used for this purpose, requires a limited number of sensors or reflective markers attached to the body according to the definition of body segments. 3D body scanning and motion capture are both technologies currently used to analyze human body shape and biomechanics to apply it to enhance digital human models. These technologies may converge on the so-called temporal 3D scanners or 4D scanners, a new technology recently developed to scan the body in motion. With this technology, it is possible to obtain sequences of dense 3D point clouds representing the movement of the body. In this paper, a novel methodology to create realistic 3D body models in motion is proposed. This method is supported by a new 4D scanning system (Move 4D) and a data driven-model. Move4D is a modular photogrammetry-based 4D scanning system. It consists of a set of 12 synchronized modules to scan full bodies with texture in motion. It can capture up to 180 fps with a resolution of 2 mm. The algorithms have been conceived and optimized to automatically process the series of raw point clouds captured. They rely on a data-driven body model including shape, pose and soft-tissue deformation trained with a large database and a deep learning model. The process is fully automatic and does not require any interactive landmarking or revision. The 3D outcome of this methodology is one noise-and artefact-free watertight mesh per frame and a model of shape, pose and soft-tissue that can be rigged with a 23-joint skeleton. This type of outcome permits their use for many applications such as simulations, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) or biomechanical analysis purposes.The research presented in this paper have been developed within the projects IMDEEA/2020/85 and MDEEA/2020/87. Funding requested to Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE), call for proposals 2020 for Technology Centers of the Comunitat Valenciana, co-funded by ERDF Funds, EU Operational Program of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020.Parrilla Bernabé, E.; Ruescas, A.; Solves, J.; Ballester Fernandez, A.; Nacher Fernandez, B.; Alemany Mut, MS.; Garrido Jaen, JD. (2020). A Methodology to Create 3D Body Models in Motion. Springer. 309-314. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51064-0_39S309314Scataglini, S., Paul, G.: DHM and Posturography. Academic Press, London (2019)Zakaria, N., Gupta, D.: Anthropometry, Apparel Sizing and Design. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge (2019)Liberadzki, P., Adamczyk, M., Witkowski, M., Sitnik, R.: Structured-light-based system for shape measurement of the human body in motion. Sensors 18, 2827 (2018). https://doi.org/10.3390/s18092827Parrilla, E., Ballester, A., Parra, P., Ruescas, A., Uriel, J., Garrido, D., Alemany, S.: MOVE 4D: accurate high-speed 3D body models in motion. In: Proceedings of 3DBODY.TECH 2019, Lugano, Switzerland, 22–23 October 2019, pp. 30–32 (2019). https://doi.org/10.15221/19.03

    Amphidoma languida (Amphidomatacea, Dinophyceae) with a novel azaspiracid toxin profile identified as the cause of molluscan contamination at the Atlantic coast of southern Spain

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    Azaspiracids (AZA) are a group of food poisoning phycotoxins that are known to accumulate in shellfish. They are produced by some species of the planktonic dinophycean taxon Amphidomataceae. Azaspiracids have been first discovered in Ireland but are now reported in shellfish from numerous global sites thus showing a wide distribution. In shellfish samples collected in 2009 near Huelva (Spain),AZA was also found along the Andalusian Atlantic coast for the first time. Analysis using LC–MS/MS revealed the presence of two different AZA analogues in different bivalve shellfish species (Chamelea gallina, Cerastoderma edule, Donax trunculus, and Solen vagina). In a number of samples, AZA levels exceeded the EU regulatory level of 160 mg AZA-1 eq. kg�1 (reaching maximum levels of >500 mg AZA- 1 eq. kg�1 in Chamelea gallina and >250 mg AZA-1 eq. kg�1 in Donax trunculus) causing closures of some local shellfish production areas. One dinophyte strain established from the local plankton during the AZA contamination period and determined as Amphidoma languida was in fact toxigenic, and its AZA profile disclosed it as the causative species: it contained AZA-2 as the main compound and the new compound AZA-43 initially detected in the shellfish. AZA-43 had the same mass as AZA-3, but produced different collision induced dissociation (CID) spectra. High resolution mass spectrometric easurements indicated that there is an unsaturation in the H, I ring system of AZA-43 distinguishing it from the classical AZA such as AZA-1, -2, and -3. Furthermore, the Spanish strain was different from the previously reported AZA profile of the species that consist of AZA-38 and AZ-39. In molecular phylogenetics, the Andalusian strain formed a monophyletic group together with other strains of Am. languida, but ITS sequences data revealed surprisingly high intragenomic variability. The first Andalusian case of AZA contamination of shellfish above the EU regulatory limit reported here clearly revealed the risk of azaspiracid poisoning (AZP) for this area and also for the Atlantic coast of Iberia and North Africa. The present study underlines the need for continuous monitoring of AZA and the organisms producing such toxins

    Advances and highlights in T and B cell responses to drug antigens

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    The immunological mechanisms involved in drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) are complex, and despite important advances, multiple aspects remain poorly understood. These not fully known aspects are mainly related to the factors that drive towards either a tolerant or a hypersensitivity response and specifically regarding the role of B and T cells. In this review, we focus on recent findings on this knowledge area within the last 2 years. We highlight new evidences of covalent and non-covalent interactions of drug antigen with proteins, as well as the very first characterization of naturally processed flucloxacillin-haptenated human leukocyte antigen (HLA) ligands. Moreover, we have analysed new insights into the identification of risk factors associated with the development of DHRs, such as the role of oxidative metabolism of drugs in the activation of the immune system and the discovery of new associations between DHRs and HLA variants. Finally, evidence of IgG-mediated anaphylaxis in humans and the involvement of specific subpopulations of effector cells associated with different clinical entities are also topics explored in this review. All these recent findings are relevant for the underlying pathology mechanisms and advance the field towards a more precise diagnosis, management and treatment approach for DHRs.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work has been supported by Institute of Health ‘Carlos III’ (ISCIII) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (grants co-funded by European Regional Development Fund: PI15/01206, PI17/01237, PI18/00095, RETICS ARADYAL RD16/0006/0001). Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (grants PI-0241-2016, PE-0172-2018, PI-0127-2020). AA holds a Senior Postdoctoral Contract (RH-0099-2020) from Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (cofunded by European Social Fund (ESF): ‘Andalucía se mueve con Europa’). ML holds a ‘Rio Hortega’ contract (CM20/00210) by ISCIII of MINECO (cofunded by ESF). CM holds a ‘Nicolas Monardes’ research contract by Andalusian Regional Ministry Health (RC-0004-2021)

    Integració de competències genèriques a les titulacions de Grau de l’Escola d'Enginyeria de Terrassa (EET) a través de les TIC: comunicació eficaç oral i escrita, tercera llengua i treball en grup

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    S'ha equipat una sala de la Biblioteca del Campus de Terrassa, BCT, com a estudi d'enregistrament de vídeos. Els estudiants poden reservar anticipadament una sessió d'enregistrament mitjançant una plataforma digital i, en aquest estudi, poden gravar un vídeo de la seva presentació oral de forma completament autònoma, amb un mètode senzill i ràpid a través de la plataforma Adobe Connect. El vídeo resultant queda allotjat en un servidor de streaming i la seva URL és el que els estudiants envien als Professors a través del correu-e o, millor, mitjançant ATENEA per procedir a l'avaluació de les competències corresponents. El Projecte nasqué de la necessitat d'avaluar les competències genèriques "comunicació eficaç oral i escrita” alhora que les competències “treball en equip" i "tercera llengua (anglès)" a tots els programes de Grau de l'àrea industrial i de les telecomunicacions a l'EET.Peer Reviewe

    Self-video recording for the integration and assessment of generic competencies

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    This document presents the use of a self-video-recording service for the integration and assessment of certain generic competences (oral and written communication, teamwork and third (English) language) in all degree programs related to the Industrial area at the Terrassa School of Engineering (EET). The resulting service allows to carry out the assessment through active and collaborative learning methodologies using ICT as a support, becoming an educational resource where students are encouraged to evaluate their own activity, individually and in groups (co-evaluation), and with which the faculty can enhance certain sections of the syllabus while also evaluating generic competences. This paper outlines the rationale and design of the system based on self-recording-video that assists work on some generic competences. A preliminary experience has taken place and it has been carried out by volunteer students and some professors from the promoting team. It consisted of following all steps to obtain the video-recording as a result and fulfil the further assessment. Preparing the defence of the final project career, explaining the way a problem is faced are examples of use of the service endowed to assist the assessment of some generic competences. A good number of students and professors have participated in this preliminary experiment carried out on some subjects and in which oral effective communication will be assessed. A specific rubric for the assessment of generic competences has been used both for students and faculty. There is a summary of qualitative feedback from both students and instructors, and where several issues related to improving the self-assessment and self-video-recording system, are discussed. Finally, a survey is proposed, whose results will be helpful for its improvement.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Protocol investigating the clinical utility of an objective measure of activity and attention (QbTest) on diagnostic and treatment decision-making in children and young people with ADHD--'Assessing QbTest Utility in ADHD'(AQUA): a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) state that young people need to have access to the best evidence-based care to improve outcome. The current ‘gold standard’ ADHD diagnostic assessment combines clinical observation with subjective parent, teacher and self-reports. In routine practice, reports from multiple informants may be unavailable or contradictory, leading to diagnostic uncertainty and delay. The addition of objective tests of attention and activity may help reduce diagnostic uncertainty and delays in initiating treatment leading to improved outcomes. This trial investigates whether providing clinicians with an objective report of levels of attention, impulsivity and activity can lead to an earlier, and more accurate, clinical diagnosis and improved patient outcome. Methods and analysis: This multisite randomised controlled trial will recruit young people (aged 6–17 years old) who have been referred for an ADHD diagnostic assessment at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and Community Paediatric clinics across England. Routine clinical assessment will be augmented by the QbTest, incorporating a continuous performance test (CPT) and infrared motion tracking of activity. The participant will be randomised into one of two study arms: QbOpen (clinician has immediate access to a QbTest report): QbBlind (report is withheld until the study end). Primary outcomes are time to diagnosis and diagnostic accuracy. Secondary outcomes include clinician's diagnostic confidence and routine clinical outcome measures. Cost-effective analysis will be conducted, alongside a qualitative assessment of the feasibility and acceptability of incorporating QbTest in routine practice. Ethics and dissemination: The findings from the study will inform commissioners, clinicians and managers about the feasibility, acceptability, clinical utility and cost-effectiveness of incorporating QbTest into routine diagnostic assessment of young people with ADHD. The results will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. The study has received ethical approval

    Millora de material docent en l'àmbit de l'electrònica de potència a l'EUETIT i l'EPSEM adaptat als crèdits ECTS.

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    El projecte “Millora de material docent en l'àmbit de l'electrònica de potència a l'EUETIT i l'EPSEM adaptat als crèdits ECTS” te com a finalitat la millora de la formació i rendiment acadèmic dels estudiants tenint present el proper horitzó de l’any 2010 en que s’iniciarà el desplegament dels nous plans d'estudi fonamentats en l'EEES i la adopció del sistema ECTS. Els objectius que es volen assolir son:1. Aprofundir en la coordinació de continguts i mètodes entre les assignatures de la mateixa titulació involucrades en el projecte. 2. Elaborar un material multimèdia específic per l’aprenentatge d’electrònica de potència. Tota la documentació multimèdia generada i actualitzada estarà dipositada en el Campus digital de les assignatures (Atenea) en l'entorn Moodle. 3. Dissenyar, muntar, provar i fabricar material de laboratori que permetin millorar els mètodes i continguts docents. 4.Avançar mitjançant les noves metodologies docents cap a la convergència de l’EEES i la implantació dels ECTS. 5. Estrènyer la col·laboració entre els equips docents dels dos campus que la UPC té a Terrassa i Manresa. 6. Col·laborar amb la Factoria de Recursos Docents amb l'ús d'estàndards de materials docents de la UPC. Allotjar el material al Dipòsit de Materials Docentes de la UPC.Peer Reviewe

    Analysis of labour market needs for engineers with enhanced knowledge in renewable energy in some European and Latin-American Countries

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    One of the main challenges related to the renewable energy labour market is that of human capital and as a consequence the educational profile of future employees is of paramount importance. Unfortunately, the skill level gained at University does not always fit with the practical needs of industry thus reducing the benefit-cost ratio of new employees and slowing down the transition to a green economy. Within this context, ‘The Crux’ project co-funded by EU under the framework of the Erasmus + programme aims at improving the renewable energy engineering curriculum at different university levels in several Universities of Latin America and Europe. In order to better appreciate the potential impact of the project, a survey on the labour market need for specialists with enhanced knowledge and skills in renewable and sustainable energy technologies has been conducted in the related EU and Latin America countries. More precisely, 60 organizations have been interviewed and almost 70% of them are interested in employing engineers with enhanced knowledge on renewable energy in the next three years. The analysis has shown significant discrepancies between EU and Latin American organizations. In fact, while future employees in EU countries will be mainly related to solar energy and management, the former together with wind and biomass will represent the main renewable energy working sector in Latin American countries. Moreover, MSc level will be the most demanded in EU while bachelor education seems to satisfy the future industry requirements in Latin America. Despite each country having its own needs, the research carried out under this EU project confirms the potential of renewable energy education on the global labour market in the near future