2,250 research outputs found

    Raising awareness for energy efficiency in the service sector: learning from success stories to disseminate good practices

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    International audienceEnergy efficiency in the service sector is a key issue because of the important growth of its energy consumption. The energy performance of buildings and equipment can be improved through technical investments, but this has to be linked with an efficient management and good practices in order to reach better energy efficiency levels in a cost-effective way. Experience feedback concerning awareness activities in the service sector highlights the interesting opportunities of energy efficiency improvements they represent. This paper first draws a synthesis of the available feedback in this area to detect factors of success for this kind of activities. More than twenty operations from Europe and North America were analyzed looking at items such as the stakeholders involved, the actions implemented, the communication means, and the evaluation performed. Then a case study describes an EDF pilot operation in South East of France. An awareness campaign was led in four particular EDF buildings to inform the employees of the best practices and to involve them to apply these advice. Different action packages were used to compare their efficiency. The evaluation emphasizes the success of the operation, with around 10% of energy savings (i.e. more than 270 MWh/a). More than 80% of the employees said they changed their energy behavior and other indicators show their commitment and satisfaction towards the campaign. Finally, suggestions are made to disseminate good practices at a broader scale, especially out of the "initiated" circle. Building up a know-how from the evaluation of past experiences makes easier the development of process such as networking, experience sharing, and including these activities in energy services offers and in white certificates systems

    Var2CSA DBL6-epsilon domain expressed in HEK293 induces limited cross-reactive and blocking antibodies to CSA binding parasites

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pregnancy-associated malaria (PAM) is a serious consequence of <it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>-infected erythrocytes sequestration in the placenta through the adhesion to the placental receptor chondroitin sulfate A (CSA). Although women become resistant to PAM as they acquire transcending inhibitory immunity against CSA-binding parasites, hundreds of thousands of lives could be saved if a prophylactic vaccine targeting the surface proteins of placental parasites could be designed. Recent works point to the variant protein var2CSA as the key target for the development of a pregnancy-associated malaria vaccine. However, designing such a prophylactic vaccine has been hindered by the difficulty in identifying regions of var2CSA that could elicit broadly neutralizing and adhesion-blocking antibodies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Var2CSA is a very large protein with an estimated molecular weight of 350 kDa, and can be divided into six cysteine rich Duffy binding-like domains (DBL). The human embryonic kidney 293 cell line (HEK293) was used to produce secreted soluble recombinant forms of var2CSA DBL domains. The <it>Escherichia coli </it>expression system was also assessed for the domains not expressed or expressed in low amount in the HEK293 system. To investigate whether var2CSA binding DBL domains can induce biologically active antibodies recognizing the native var2CSA and blocking the interaction, mice were immunized with the refolded DBL3-X or the HEK293 secreted DBL6-ε domains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using the HEK293 expression system, DBL1-X, DBL4-ε and DBL6-ε were produced at relatively high levels in the culture supernatant, while DBL3-X and DBL5-ε were produced at much lower levels. DBL2-X and DBL3-X domains were obtained after refolding of the inclusion bodies produced in <it>E. coli</it>. Importantly, mice antisera raised against the recombinant DBL6-ε domain, specifically reacted against the surface of CSA-binding parasites and revealed adhesion blocking activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first report showing inhibitory binding antibodies obtained through a var2CSA recombinant DBL domain immunization protocol. These results support the current strategies using var2CSA as immunogen in the aim of blocking placental sequestration of malaria parasites. This work is a step towards the development of a var2CSA based vaccine that will prevent pregnancy-associated malaria and improve pregnancy outcomes.</p

    Identification and characterization of the Non-race specific Disease Resistance 1 (NDR1) orthologous protein in coffee

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leaf rust, which is caused by the fungus <it>Hemileia vastatrix </it>(Pucciniales), is a devastating disease that affects coffee plants (<it>Coffea arabica </it>L.). Disadvantages that are associated with currently developed phytoprotection approaches have recently led to the search for alternative strategies. These include genetic manipulations that constitutively activate disease resistance signaling pathways. However, molecular actors of such pathways still remain unknown in <it>C. arabica</it>. In this study, we have isolated and characterized the coffee <it>NDR1 </it>gene, whose <it>Arabidopsis </it>ortholog is a well-known master regulator of the hypersensitive response that is dependent on coiled-coil type R-proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two highly homologous cDNAs coding for putative NDR1 proteins were identified and cloned from leaves of coffee plants. One of the candidate coding sequences was then expressed in the <it>Arabidopsis </it>knock-out null mutant <it>ndr1-1</it>. Upon a challenge with a specific strain of the bacterium <it>Pseudomonas syringae </it>(DC3000::<it>AvrRpt2</it>), analysis of both macroscopic symptoms and <it>in planta </it>microbial growth showed that the coffee cDNA was able to restore the resistance phenotype in the mutant genetic background. Thus, the cDNA was dubbed <it>CaNDR1a </it>(standing for <it>Coffea arabica Non-race specific Disease Resistance 1a</it>). Finally, biochemical and microscopy data were obtained that strongly suggest the mechanistic conservation of the <it>NDR1</it>-driven function within coffee and <it>Arabidopsis </it>plants. Using a transient expression system, it was indeed shown that the CaNDR1a protein, like its <it>Arabidopsis </it>counterpart, is localized to the plasma membrane, where it is possibly tethered by means of a GPI anchor.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data provide molecular and genetic evidence for the identification of a novel functional <it>NDR1 </it>homolog in plants. As a key regulator initiating hypersensitive signalling pathways, <it>CaNDR1 </it>gene(s) might be target(s) of choice for manipulating the coffee innate immune system and achieving broad spectrum resistance to pathogens. Given the potential conservation of <it>NDR1</it>-dependent defense mechanisms between <it>Arabidopsis </it>and coffee plants, our work also suggests new ways to isolate the as-yet-unidentified <it>R</it>-gene(s) responsible for resistance to <it>H. vastatrix</it>.</p

    Considering adaptive genetic variation in climate change vulnerability assessment reduces species range loss projections

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    Local adaptations can determine the potential of populations to respond to environmental changes, yet adaptive genetic variation is commonly ignored in models forecasting species vulnerability and biogeographical shifts under future climate change. Here we integrate genomic and ecological modeling approaches to identify genetic adaptations associated with climate in two cryptic forest bats. We then incorporate this information directly into forecasts of range changes under future climate change and assessment of population persistence through the spread of climate-adaptive genetic variation (evolutionary rescue potential). Considering climate-adaptive potential reduced range loss projections, suggesting that failure to account for intraspecific variability can result in overestimation of future losses. On the other hand, range overlap between species was projected to increase, indicating that interspecific competition is likely to play an important role in limiting species’ future ranges. We show that although evolutionary rescue is possible, it depends on a population’s adaptive capacity and connectivity. Hence, we stress the importance of incorporating genomic data and landscape connectivity in climate change vulnerability assessments and conservation management

    Modeling Biochemical Gradients In Vitro to Control Cell Compartmentalization in a Microengineered 3D Model of the Intestinal Epithelium

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    Gradients of signaling pathways within the intestinal stem cell (ISC) niche are instrumental for cellular compartmentalization and tissue function, yet how are they sensed by the epithelium is still not fully understood. Here a new in vitro model of the small intestine based on primary epithelial cells (i), apically accessible (ii), with native tissue mechanical properties and controlled mesh size (iii), 3D villus-like architecture (iv), and precisely controlled biomolecular gradients of the ISC niche (v) is presented. Biochemical gradients are formed through hydrogel-based scaffolds by free diffusion from a source to a sink chamber. To confirm the establishment of spatiotemporally controlled gradients, light-sheet fluorescence microscopy and in-silico modeling are employed. The ISC niche biochemical gradients coming from the stroma and applied along the villus axis lead to the in vivo-like compartmentalization of the proliferative and differentiated cells, while changing the composition and concentration of the biochemical factors affects the cellular organization along the villus axis. This novel 3D in vitro intestinal model derived from organoids recapitulates both the villus-like architecture and the gradients of ISC biochemical factors, thus opening the possibility to study in vitro the nature of such gradients and the resulting cellular response.© 2022 The Authors. Advanced Healthcare Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

    Management of fixed flexion contracture in primary total knee arthroplasty: recent systematic review

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    Introduction: This study aimed to systematically review the literature and identify the surgical management strategy for fixed flexion contracture in primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) surgery, pre-, intra-, and post-operatively. Secondary endpoints were etiologies and factors favoring flexion contracture. Materials and methods: Searches were carried out in November 2023 in several databases (Pubmed, Scopus, Cochrane, and Google Scholar) using the following keywords: “flexion contracture AND TKA”, “fixed flexion deformity AND TKA”, “posterior capsular release AND TKA”, “posterior capsulotomy in TKA”, “distal femoral resection AND TKA”. Study quality was assessed using the STROBE checklist and the Downs and Black score. Data concerning factors or strategies leading to the development or prevention of flexion contracture after TKA were extracted from the text, figures, and tables of the included references. The effect of each predictive factor on flexion contracture after TKA was recorded. Results: Thirty-one studies were identified to meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. These studies described a variety of preoperative and intraoperative factors that contribute to the development or correction of postoperative flexion contracture. The only clearly identified predictor of postoperative flexion contracture was preoperative flexion contracture. Intraoperative steps described to correct flexion contracture were: soft-tissue balancing (in posterior and medial compartments), distal femoral resection, flexion of the femoral component, and posterior condylar resection. However, no study has investigated these factors in a global model. Discussion: This review identified various pre-, intra-, and post-operative factors predictive of post-operative flexion contracture. In practice, these factors are likely to interact, and it is therefore crucial to further investigate them in a comprehensive model to develop an algorithm for the management of flexion contracture. Level of evidence: I

    Time domain automatic focusing of an Applebaum array

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    Summary form only given, as follows. It has been shown that the performance of the automatic focusing technique (AFT) is maintained when the scanned frequencies are sent simultaneously in a wide-band signal. As a result, this procedure provides the AFT with additional capabilities while removing its drawback

    SETHI / RAMSES-NG: New performances of the flexible multi-spectral airborne remote sensing research platform

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    International audienceSETHI is an airborne SAR/GMTI system developed by the French Aerospace Lab. ONERA, and integrating various sensors. In 2016 ONERA invested in upgrade and improvement of all SETHI components. The microwave ones cover from VHF-UHF to X Band, full polarimetric and very high resolution, along track and cross track interferometry and very high precision multi-baseline capacity for interferometry and tomography applications. The optronic sensors offer very high spatial resolution visible images and fine spectral scene analysis in VNIR and SWIR bands. This paper presents the upgrade and new performances of this flexible platform and the qualification campaign results with various sensor configurations