5,238 research outputs found

    The Effects Of Waste Leachates On The Hydraulic Conductivity Of Natural Clays (volumes I And Ii)

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    Sanitary landfilling remains a viable alternative for disposal of the ever increasing volumes of municipal solid waste. Current landfill design practice requires the presence of a clay barrier (liner) that may consist of either a natural stratum or compacted clay borrow. The liner acts as a hydraulic barrier to control the flux of contaminants from the waste into the adjacent groundwater. In order to do this clay liners are required to have low hydraulic conductivity, k (typically 10{dollar}\sp{lcub}-8{rcub}{dollar} cm/s) that shall not increase during exposure to waste leachate.;This thesis reports the assessment of compatibility between natural clays from Sarnia, Ontario, and various leachates ranging from municipal solid waste leachate to concentrated organic solvents. The studies were performed using specially designed fixed-ring permeameters that allowed controlling confining effective stresses, volume changes in the soil specimen and chemistry of the influent and effluent permeants.;The Sarnia clays appeared to be compatible with domestic waste leachate, showing slight reductions in k. Extensive retardation of potassium from the leachate required long testing periods (up to twelve pore volumes) before the soils were deemed to be in chemical equilibrium.;Concentrated, water-soluble organics (ethanol and dioxane) increased the hydraulic conductivity of compacted clays by 100 to 1000-fold, thus destroying their effectiveness as liners. Water-compacted clays appeared remarkably resistant to penetration by concentrated hydrophobic solvents such as cyclohexane. Large hydraulic gradients (up to {dollar}\sim{dollar}900) were required to produce breakthrough along compaction induced fractures. However, alcohols and surfactants can facilitate the entry of hydrophobic liquids into the double layers causing large increased in k.;Ethanol and dioxane present in domestic waste leachate at concentrations greater than 70%, produced large increases in k that could be prevented by the application of adequate confining stresses. At organic contents below 70% significant decreases in k took place due to increases in viscosity of the aqueous mixtures. The results are discussed in terms of intrinsic permeability, K, which remained unchanged after permeation of leachate containing up to 70% ethanol or dioxane, suggesting exclusion of less polar liquids from the water-saturated double layers

    History and services of culture collections

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    Microbial culture collections aim at collecting, maintaining and distributing microbial strains among microbiologists, and are considered to be a means to preserve microbial diversity ex situ. This article reviews the early history of culture collections, which were first set up in the late nineteenth century, with the introduction of pure culture techniques. It also describes the international connections between culture collections, which led to the foundation of the World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC) and the International Congress of Culture Collections (ICCC). An overview of the Spanish Type Culture Collection (CECT) is included, as well as a description of the services that culture collections can offer.Uruburu Fernandez, Federico, [email protected]

    The Hierarchic treatment of marine ecological information from spatial networks of benthic platforms

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    Measuring biodiversity simultaneously in different locations, at different temporal scales, and over wide spatial scales is of strategic importance for the improvement of our understanding of the functioning of marine ecosystems and for the conservation of their biodiversity. Monitoring networks of cabled observatories, along with other docked autonomous systems (e.g., Remotely Operated Vehicles [ROVs], Autonomous Underwater Vehicles [AUVs], and crawlers), are being conceived and established at a spatial scale capable of tracking energy fluxes across benthic and pelagic compartments, as well as across geographic ecotones. At the same time, optoacoustic imaging is sustaining an unprecedented expansion in marine ecological monitoring, enabling the acquisition of new biological and environmental data at an appropriate spatiotemporal scale. At this stage, one of the main problems for an effective application of these technologies is the processing, storage, and treatment of the acquired complex ecological information. Here, we provide a conceptual overview on the technological developments in the multiparametric generation, storage, and automated hierarchic treatment of biological and environmental information required to capture the spatiotemporal complexity of a marine ecosystem. In doing so, we present a pipeline of ecological data acquisition and processing in different steps and prone to automation. We also give an example of population biomass, community richness and biodiversity data computation (as indicators for ecosystem functionality) with an Internet Operated Vehicle (a mobile crawler). Finally, we discuss the software requirements for that automated data processing at the level of cyber-infrastructures with sensor calibration and control, data banking, and ingestion into large data portals.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estimating the mass of CMEs from the analysis of EUV dimmings

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    Context. Reliable estimates of the mass of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are required to quantify their energy and predict how they affect space weather. When a CME propagates near the observer's line of sight, these tasks involve considerable errors, which motivated us to develop alternative means for estimating the CME mass. Aims. We aim at further developing and testing a method that allows estimating the mass of CMEs that propagate approximately along the observer's line of sight. Methods. We analyzed the temporal evolution of the mass of 32 white-light CMEs propagating across heliocentric heights of 2.5-15 R, in combination with that of the mass evacuated from the associated low coronal dimming regions. The mass of the white-light CMEs was determined through existing methods, while the mass evacuated by each CME in the low corona was estimated using a recently developed technique that analyzes the dimming in extreme-UV (EUV) images. The combined white-light and EUV analyses allow the quantification of an empirical function that describes the evolution of CME mass with height. Results. The analysis of 32 events yielded reliable estimates of the masses of front-side CMEs. We quantified the success of the method by calculating the relative error with respect to the mass of CMEs determined from white-light STEREO data, where the CMEs propagate close to the plane of sky. The median for the relative error in absolute values is ≈30%; 75% of the events in our sample have an absolute relative error smaller than 51%. The sources of uncertainty include the lack of knowledge of piled-up material, subsequent additional mass supply from the dimming region, and limitations in the mass-loss estimation from EUV data. The proposed method does not rely on assumptions of CME size or distance to the observer's plane of sky and is solely based on the determination of the mass that is evacuated in the low corona. It therefore represents a valuable tool for estimating the mass of Earth-directed events.Fil: López, F. M.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Cremades Fernandez, Maria Hebe. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Balmaceda, Laura Antonia. George Mason University; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Nuevo, Federico Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Vásquez, A. M.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero; Argentin

    Accurate modelling of the optics of high resolution liquid crystal devices including diffractive effects

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    An accurate method to model the optical behaviour of liquid crystal (LC) devices, particularly suited to devices where diffractive effects are present is described here. An accurate electromagnetic modelling programme that takes into account the full non-uniformity and anisotropy of the LC has been developed. This is combined with an existing in-house LC finite element modelling programme based on the Landau – De Gennes theory, that uses the order tensor representation of the LC orientation and allows an accurate descriptions of structures containing LC defects and small features. The electromagnetic model is based on the total field/scattered field (TF-SF) approach to electromagnetic scattering problems and is implemented using finite differences in the frequency domain (FDFD) in a form that can accommodate perfectly matched layers (PMLs) and periodic boundary conditions. The resultant matrix problem is solved efficiently using an especially adapted form of a sweeping preconditioner and the generalised minimum residual method (GMRes). This method has been implemented in 2D and is demonstrated here with the design and analysis of a reconfigurable blazed phase grating that utilises an LC defect to produce an abrupt fly-back, with the capability of short periods and high diffraction efficiency

    Networks of social capital family in the east región of Jujuy (Argentina) during the first three decades of the 20th century

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    En esta investigación se analiza la utilización de la categoría capital social, y sus vinculaciones posibles con los procesos de acumulación relacional y movilidad espacial entre familias extensas con residencias múltiples dentro de la región oriental de la provincia de Jujuy. La principal fuente de información con la que se ha elaborado el trabajo proviene de un conjunto de actas bautismales realizadas entre los años 1902 y 1935 por sacerdotes de la Prelatura de Humahuaca de Jujuy, sobre la población residente en la región conocida como Valle Grande. Los resultados obtenidos tras el ordenamiento y el Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS) de los datos consignados en las actas bautismales dan cuenta de una serie de pautas vinculares factibles de ser descritas bajo la categoría de capital social familiar.In this research analyzes the utilization of the social capital category, and its possible linkages with the processes of accumulation relational and spatial mobility between extended family with multiple residences within the eastern region of the province of Jujuy. The main source of information with which it has developed work, comes from a set of baptismal records made between 1902 and 1935 by priests of the Prelature of Humahuaca, Jujuy, on the population living in the region known as Valle Grande. The results obtained after the ordering and the analysis of social networks (ARS) data entered in the baptismal records, give account of a series of relational feasible to be described under the category of family social capital.Fil: Fernandez, Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Unidad Ejecutora en Ciencias Sociales Regionales y Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Unidad Ejecutora en Ciencias Sociales Regionales y Humanidades; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Humanidades y Cs.sociales. Departamento de Cs.sociales. Cátedra de Antropología Social y Cultural; Argentin

    «Hardened bodies»: fútbol, violence ritual and tensions identitarian in the valleys east of Jujuy

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    Sobre la base de una serie de registros etnográficos desarrollados en el Departamento Valle Grande (Prov. de Jujuy - Argentina), el objetivo central del presente trabajo es el de establecer los vinculos existentes entre: procesos de categorización social ligados al cuerpo, y su relación con un campo específico de estudio como lo es la práctica del fútbol. El punto de partido fue considerar al fútbol como un deporte de combate desarrollado dentro de unos márgenes pre-establecidos de violencia física y simbólica controlada. Al mismo tiempo, este vehículo nos permite visualizar de manera singular las más sentidas representaciones y tensiones identitarias construidas en torno a múltiples pertenencias colectivas (la clase, el territorio, la región, categorías étnicas).On the base of a series of ethnographic registrations developed in the Departmento Valle Grande (Prov. of Jujuy - Argentina), the central objective of the present work is the one of establishing the existent bonds among: bound processes of social categorization to the body, and their relationship with a specific field of study as it is it the practice of the Fútbol. The party point went to consider to the Fútbol like a combat sport developed inside some pre-established margins of physical and symbolic controlled violence. At the same time, this vhiculo allows us to visualize in a singular way the felt representations and tensions identitarias construídas around multiple you belonged collective (the class, the territory, the region, ethnic categories).Fil: Fernandez, Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Methodological aspects around the reconstruction of surname sub-sets in bimodal networks

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    En este artículo se abordan los aspectos metodológicos en torno a la transformación de un registro catastral de tierras de finales del siglo XIX perteneciente al departamento de Humahuacua, provincia de Jujuy (Argentina), en una serie de matrices y redes bimodales. La idea que ha guida el tratamiento relacional de los datos para con dicha fuentes histórica, parte de la premisa de que determinados individuos portadores de un conjunto discreto de apellidos, y que han compartido montos monetarios similares de avalúo declarados en el referido catastro de tierras, tuvieron mayores probabilidades de vincularse entre sí en diferentes ámbitos de la vida social como, por ejemplo, el acotado circulo político y de poder regional de finales del siglo XIX en Jujuy. Los resultados obtenidos dan cuenta de la posibilidad de delimitar y reconstruir sub-conjuntos de apellidos que se vinculan con menor y/o mayor frecuencia entre sí, de acuerdo a cuatro categorías de avalúo pre-construida a partir de una segmentación de las valoraciones monetarias registradas en el padrón de tierras. Asimismo, y como producto de este nuevo agrupamiento de la información surgida de la aplicación del Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS), resulta factible delimitar el estudio a los aspectos cualitativos (edad, residencia, descendencia, vínculos nupciales, apadrinamientos bautismales) de los individuos que formaron parte de estos sub-conjuntos resultantes, a través de la búsqueda focalizada de actas eclesiásticas registradas dentro del mismo periodo histórico.This article addresses the methodological aspects surrounding the transformation of a cadastral land registry from the end of the 19th century belonging to the department of Humahuacua, Jujuy province (Argentina), in a series of bimodal matrices and networks. The idea that has guided the relational treatment of the data towards said historical sources, starts from the premise that certain individuals carrying a discrete set of surnames, and who have shared similar monetary amounts of appraisal declared in the said land cadastre, they were more likely to link with each other in different areas of social life, such as the limited political and regional power circle of the late nineteenth century in Jujuy. The results obtained show the possibility of delimiting and reconstructing sub-sets of surnames that are linked less and / or more frequently to each other, according to four pre-constructed appraisal categories based on a segmentation of the registered monetary valuations in the land registry. Likewise, and as a product of this new grouping of information arising from the application of Social Network Analysis (ARS), it is feasible to limit the study to the qualitative aspects (age, residence, descent, nuptial ties, baptismal sponsorships) of individuals that formed part of these resulting sub-sets, through the focused search of ecclesiastical acts recorded within the same historical period.Fil: Fernandez, Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Unidad Ejecutora en Ciencias Sociales Regionales y Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Unidad Ejecutora en Ciencias Sociales Regionales y Humanidades; Argentin
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