1,803 research outputs found

    Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson. Apresentação de Caso Clínico

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    Introdução: A Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson (SSJ) é uma doença mucocutânea rara e potencialmente fatal, mais frequente no sexo masculino, cuja incidência aumenta com a idade e em determinados grupos de risco. A SSJ e a Necrólise Tóxica Epidérmica (NET) são duas entidades da mesma doença, com severidade diferente. A etiologia não é clara, mas pensa-se que se deva maioritariamente a reacções adversas a fármacos. Caso clínico: Um jovem de 17 anos de idade, sem antecedentes pessoais relevantes, foi observado no Serviço de Urgência por surgimento de lesões maculopapulares, com 3 dias de evolução, dispersas pela face, cavidade oral, tronco e extremidades, com prostração e taquicardia. Foi internado com o diagnóstico de SSJ. Discussão e Conclusões: O SSJ e a NET têm grande morbilidade e considerável mortalidade. O rápido reconhecimento desta identidade, com a remoção do fármaco desencadeador é essencial. A perda da função de barreira da pele, com a consequente alteração da homeostasia, implica muitas vezes a manutenção da terapêutica de suporte em Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos ou de Queimados.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nitrate Reductase And Glutamine Synthetase Activities In S1 Endogamic Families Of The Maize Populations Sol Da Manhã Nf And Catetão

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    The possibility of improving nitrogen use efficiency in maize was investigated using S1 endogamic families of the populations Sol da Manhã NF and Catetão. A simple 10 × 10 lattice design was adopted and the trials carried out at the experimental field of MITLA AGRÍCOLA LTDA, in Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, during the 1994/95 planting season. Based on grain production figures, the three best and three worst performing S1 endogamic families were selected for this study. These were pooled to form four sub-populations denominated NFB, NFR (the best and worst families, respectively, of the Sol da Manhã NF variety), CATB and CATR (the best and worst families, respectively, of the Catetão variety). Each of these sub-populations was evaluated under greenhouse conditions. The experimental design was factorial with treatments arranged in randomized blocks. Sample replicates consisted of pots with four plants. Feeding with modified Hoagland's nutrient solution began on the seventh day after sowing. The study involved four nitrogen regimes, where varying proportions of NO3 - and NH4 + were formulated, such that the nutrient solution contained the following mixtures: 75% NO3 -: 25% NH4 +; 25% NO3 -: 75% NH4 +; 50% NO3 -: 50% NH4 + (all high N mixtures) and 5% NO3 -: 5% NH4 + (low N mixture). Twenty-five days after planting, the activities of the enzymes nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase (transferase and synthetase assays) were determined for the leaves using the third topmost expanded leaf of the four plants in each pot. The data show that glutamine synthetase (transferase assay) and nitrate reductase activities were efficient in discriminating the S1 endogamic families and could therefore be useful biochemical parameters in breeding programs seeking nitrogen use efficiency.13188102Alfoldi, Z., Pinter, L., Feil, B., Accumulation and partitioning of biomass and soluble carbohydrates in maize seedlings as affected by source of nitrogen, nitrogen concentration and cultivar (1992) Journal of Plant Nutrition, 15, pp. 2567-2583Balko, L.G., Russel, W.A., Effects of rates of nitrogen fertilizer on maize inbred lines and hybrid progeny-I. Prediction of yield response (1980) Maydica, 25, pp. 65-79Balko, L.G., Russel, W.A., Effects of rates of nitrogen fertilizer on maize inbred lines and hybrid progeny. II. 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Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The HagueChevalier, P., Schrader, L.E., Genotypic differences in nitrate absorption and partitioning of N among plant parts in maize (1977) Crop Science, 17, pp. 897-901Cregan, P.B., Van Berkum, P., Genetics of nitrogen metabolism and physiological/biochemical selection for increased grain crop productivity (1984) Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 67, pp. 97-111Eghball, B., Maranville, J.W., Root development and nitrogen influx of corn genotypes grown under combined water and nitrogen stress (1993) Agronomy Journal, 85, pp. 147-152Eichelberger, K.D., Lambert, R.J., Below, F.E., Hageman, R.H., Divergent phenotypic recurrent selection for nitrate reductase activity in maize. I. Selection and correlated responses (1989) Crop Science, 29, pp. 1393-1397Eichelberger, K.D., Lambert, R.J., Below, F.E., Hageman, R.H., Divergent phenotypic recurrent selection for nitrate reductase activity in maize. II. Efficient use of fertilizer nitrogen (1989) Crop Science, 29, pp. 1398-1402Feil, B., Thiraporn, R., Stamp, P., In vitro nitrate reductase activity of laboratory-grown seedlings as an indirect selection criterion for maize (1993) Crop Science, 33, pp. 1280-1286Ferguson, A.R., Sims, A.P.A., Inactivation in vivo of glutamine synthetase and NAD-specific glutamate dehydrogenase, its role in the regulation of glutamine synthesis in yeasts (1971) Journal of General Microbiology, 69, pp. 423-427Fernandes, M.S., Rossielo, O.P., Nitrogen mineral in plant physiology and plant nutrition (1995) Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 14, pp. 111-148Gentry, L.E., Below, F.E., Maize productivity as influenced by form and availability of nitrogen (1993) Crop Science, 33, pp. 491-497Hageman, R.H., Lambert, R.J., The use of physiological traits for corn improvement (1998) Corn and Corn Improvement. 3 ed., pp. 431-461. , SPRAGUE, G.F. (Ed.) American Society of Agronomy, MadisonJackson, W.A., Volk, R.J., Morgan, M.A., Pan, W.L., Teyker, R.H., Nitrogen uptake and partitioning by roots (1986) Proceeding of the First Annual Penn State Symposium in Plant Physiology, pp. 83-104. , SHANNON, J.C.KNIEVEL, D.P. & BOYER, C.D. (Eds.) American Society of Plant Physiology, BaltimoreJelenic, D., Sukalovic, H.T., The effect of nitrogen on the activity of some enzymes of nitrogen metabolism during ontogenesis of maize kernel hybrids (1983) Genetic aspects of plant nutrition, pp. 237-242. , SARIC, M.R. & LAUGHMAN, B.C. (Eds.) Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The HagueKamprath, E.J., Moll, R.H., Rodrigues, N., Effects of nitrogen fertilization and recurrent selection on performance of hybrid population of corn (1982) Agronomy Journal, 74, pp. 955-958Lafitte, H.R., Edmeades, G.O., Improvement for tolerance to low soil nitrogen in tropical maize. I. Selection criteria (1994) Field Crops Research, 39, pp. 1-14Lafitte, H.R., Edmeades, G.O., Association between traits in tropical maize inbred lines and their hybrids under high and low soil nitrogen (1995) Maydica, 40, pp. 259-267Li, X.Z., Dawn, L.E., Clibertic, M., Oaks, A., Effect of glutamine on the induction of nitrate reductase (1995) Physiologia Plantarum, 93, pp. 740-744Machado, A.T., (1997) Perspectiva do melhoramento genético em milho (Zea mays L.) visando eficiência na utilização do nitrogênio, , Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. 219p. 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    Step Length and Individual Anaerobic Threshold Assessment in Swimming

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    Anaerobic threshold is widely used for diagnosis of swimming aerobic endurance but the precise incremental protocols step duration for its assessment is controversial. A physiological and biomechanical comparison between intermittent incremental protocols with different step lengths and a maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) test was conducted. 17 swimmers performed 7×200, 300 and 400 m (30 s and 24 h rest between steps and protocols) in front crawl until exhaustion and an MLSS test. The blood lactate concentration values ([La-]) at individual anaerobic threshold were 2.1±0.1, 2.2±0.2 and 1.8±0.1 mmol.l - 1 in the 200, 300 and 400 m protocols (with significant differences between 300 and 400 m tests), and 2.9±1.2 mmol.l - 1 at MLSS (higher than the incremental protocols); all these values are much lower than the traditional 4 mmol.l - 1 value. The velocities at individual anaerobic threshold obtained in incremental protocols were similar (and highly related) to the MLSS, being considerably lower than the velocity at 4 mmol.l - 1. Stroke rate increased and stroke length decreased throughout the different incremental protocols. It was concluded that it is valid to use intermittent incremental protocols of 200 and 300 m lengths to assess the swimming velocity corresponding to individual anaerobic threshold, the progressive protocols tend to underestimate the [La-] at anaerobic threshold assessed by the MLSS test, and swimmers increase velocity through stroke rate increases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Redesenho de agroecossistemas como inovação social para a construção da sustentabilidade local.

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    Resumo: A construção de uma nova perspectiva para o semiárido rural nordestino deverá estar amparada em abordagens com enfoque multidisciplinar, em que o contexto seja a referência e que promova o rompimento com o padrão convencional da modernização agrícola. Este estudo objetivou demonstrar aportes metodológicos de abordagem no meio rural, com a finalidade de construir elementos de resistência ao modelo tradicional por meio da mediação social para o redesenho de agroecossistemas. A metodologia foi orientada pela abordagem teórica da Perspectiva Orientada aos Atores. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na comunidade Sítio Areias, Sobral, CE, local onde foi realizado o redesenho de um agroecossistema. A utilização da metodologia possibilitou a interface entre saberes, com o surgimento de novas práticas, com os agricultores familiares exercendo sua condição de agência na utilização de novos domínios para a produção de novidades referentes à construção de uma agricultura sustentável no semiárido. Tais inovações sociais poderão constituir elementos basilares para um novo processo de desenvolvimento rural sustentável e solidário, com novas formas de inovações no meio rural. Abstract: Building a new perspective to the rural northeastern semiarid should be supported by approaches with a multidisciplinary focus, that has the context as a reference and promotes rupture with the conventional pattern of agricultural modernization. This study aimed to demonstrate methodological contributions of approach in rural areas, with the aim of constructing elements of resistance to the traditional model through social mediation for the redesign of agroecosystems. The methodology was guided by the theoretical approach of the Oriented Perspective by Actors. The research was conducted in the community Sítio Areias, Sobral, CE, where was conducted the redesign of one agroecosystem. Using the methodology enabled the interface between knowledges, with the emergence of new practices, with family farmers exerting their agency conditions on the use of new domains for the novelty production relative the construction of sustainable agriculture in semiarid. These social innovations may constitute basic elements for a new process of sustainable rural development and solidarity, with new forms of innovation in rural areas

    Power electronics technologies for renewable energy sources

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    Over the last decades, power grids are facing significant improvements mainly due to the integration of more and more technologies. In particular, renewable energy sources (RES) are contributing to moving from centralized energy production to a new paradigm of distributed energy production. Analyzing in more detail the requirements of the diverse technologies of RES, it is possible to identify a common and key point: power electronics. In fact, power electronics is the key technology to embrace the RES technologies towards controllability and the success of sustainability of power grids. In this context, this book chapter is focused on the analysis of diverse RES technologies from the point of view of power electronics, including the introduction and explanation of the operating principle of the most relevant RES, both in onshore and offshore scenarios. Additionally, are also presented the main topologies of power electronics converters used in the interface of RES.(undefined

    Scenario-based modeling in industrial information systems

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    This manuscript addresses the creation of scenario-based models to reason about the behavior of existing industrial information systems. In our approach the system behavior is modeled in two steps that gradually introduce detail and formality. This manuscript addresses the first step, where text-based descriptions, in the form of structured rules, are used to specify how the system is or should be regulated. Those rules can be used to create behavioral snapshots, which are collections of scenario-based descriptions that represent different instances of the system behavior. Snapshots are specified in an intuitive and graphical notation that considers the elements from the problem domain and permit designers to discuss and validate the externally observable behavior, together with the domain experts. In the second step (not fully covered in this manuscript), the system behavior is formalized with an executable model. This formal model, which in our approach is specified using the Colored Petri Net (CP-nets) language, allows the system internal behavior to be animated, simulated, and optimized. The insights gained by experimenting with the formal model can be subsequently used for reengineering the existing system


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    Swimming events are the sum of a gliding part and a swimming part. The gliding is used after the start and turns, and this phase typically corresponds to 10-25% of the total event time (Chatard et al., 1990). Taking this into account, one can notice that gliding is very important in swimming events and, therefore, its biomechanical study in order to make it more efficient is also very relevant. The gliding can be studied experimentally, by using voluntary subjects gliding in a controlled manner in a swimming pool (using video or velocimetry, for instance), or by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Although the experimental method gives “real” values it also presents some drawbacks, like usually imposing a heavy setup and also the fact that it is difficult to control all variables, like depth, attitude or intersegment positions of the swimmer. The CFD method does not have these limitations and its results are comparable to those obtained by the experimental method (Bixler & Riewald, 2002; Silva et al., 2005; Bixler et al., 2007; Vilas Boas et al., 2010). This work aims to study the effects of the depth and velocity on the drag force experienced by a swimmer during gliding using the CFD method