201 research outputs found


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    In an Era where environmental issues are a growing concern, microorganisms that have remarkable features, such as extracellular electron transfer (EET) ability, present major opportunities in diverse biotechnological fields. Geobacter bacteria have shown an extraordinary respiratory flexibility, with its dissimilatory metal reduction ability and EET to electrode surfaces, and numerous c-type cytochromes were pointed as key players. However, the understanding of the mechanisms involved and hence, the advances in practical applications, are still in its early days and it is crucial to move further and unveil not only the components involved, but also their roles and partners in electron transfer. The dodecaheme GSU1996, composed of four similar triheme domains (A–D), was proposed to work as a natural nanowire, owing to its linear structure and large number of hemes. In this work, the in vitro functional characterization of the GSU1996 was attempted, in a modular characterization based strategy. Here, the triheme domains C and D assisted in the characterization of the C-terminal end of GSU1996, the hexaheme fragment CD. The first step encompassed the assignment of the heme groups signals in the nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the triheme domains and of the hexaheme fragment, which is the protein with the highest number of hemes assigned to date. The second step comprised the determination of the microscopic thermodynamic parameters of fragment CD. This provided mechanistic information on the dominant microstates and included the determination of the reduction potentials of the hemes, redox interactions between hemes and ionizable centers and among neighboring hemes. The third and final step consisted in the determination of the microscopic kinetic parameters of fragment CD. This unveiled details about the reactivity of the heme groups and included the calculation of the reference rate constants for each heme in the reduction/oxidation process. All combined, the data revealed that a heme located at the end of the C-terminal edge of GSU1996 shows the necessary skills to accept electrons from redox partners. In vitro interaction studies performed between GSU1996 and the periplasmic cytochrome PpcA and its homologues (PpcC–E), revealed that it is possible that GSU1996 and PpcA may be redox partners in G. sulfurreducens, as they form a transient redox complex that involves the C-terminal fragment of GSU1996. Work has also been started to disclose other electron transfer components of G. sulfurreducens, namely, the outer membrane tetraheme cytochrome OmcE; the hexaheme OmcS and the nanowire cytochrome GSU2210. New constructs and expression systems were tested, based in the pBAD vector, albeit none of the attempts have been successful. Although in vitro studies provide information and allow the evaluation of the functional properties of these proteins, in vivo studies are essential to assess the actual roles and interacting partners in the cells. Therefore, a novel approach was also tested towards the in vivo labeling of c-type cytochromes, based in the attachment of a tetracysteine tag that is fluorescent upon binding with commercially available biarsenical dyes. However, no expression of the model tagged protein was accomplished

    Caracterização de um novo citocromo do tipo C que forma "nanofios" de Hemos em Geobacter Sulfurreducens

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    Tese de mestrado em Bioquímica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2012O citocromo dodeca-hemico GSU1996, da bacteria Geobacter sulfurreducens, e uma proteína de estrutura linear, constituída por quatro domínios (A a D) e que actua, putativamente, como “nanofio” molecular, transferindo eletrões entre proteínas periplasmáticas ou para proteínas da membrana externa. Neste trabalho, testou-se a aplicação de uma estratégia modular ao estudo deste novo e complexo citocromo c. Foi realizada a expressão heteróloga em E. coli de cada domínio individual e do fragmento CD que constitui o GSU1996. Dado o baixo rendimento na expressão dos domínios A e B, testaram-se alguns factores com vista a optimizacao das suas condições de expressão. No caso do domínio A, o melhor resultado ocorreu em E. coli JCB7123 induzida com 50 μM de IPTG, obtendo-se um rendimento final de 0,15 mg de proteína por litro de cultura. Efectuou-se a atribuição dos sinais aos substituintes hemicos dos domínios A, C e D no estado reduzido através de experiencias de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear. A abordagem modular foi validada na atribuição de sinais ao fragmento CD, em que se utilizou como guia a atribuição realizada nos domínios individuais que o compõem. Para determinação de parâmetros termodinâmicos, realizaram-se testes de reoxidação aos domínios A e D a pH 8,0 e 16°C, tendo sido possível identificar os perfis de oxidação dos diferentes grupos hemo apenas no primeiro caso. Contrariamente ao esperado para um grupo hemo com coordenação axial His-Met e analogamente ao observado no domínio C, o grupo hemo IV e o que sofre maior grau de oxidação no primeiro passo de oxidação-redução, seguindo-se o grupo hemo I e, finalmente, o grupo hemo III. Titulações de oxidação-redução do domínio A seguidas por espectroscopia de UV-visível indicam que nas condições experimentais utilizadas existe reversibilidade entre os processos. O valor de Eapp e -130 mV, sendo muito semelhante ao do domínio D.The dodecahemic cytochrome GSU1996, from the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens, is a linear structure protein, composed of four domains (A to D) which acts, putatively, as a molecular “nanowire” and transfers electrons between periplasmic or to outer membrane proteins. In the present work, the application of a modular strategy to the study of this new and complex cytochrome c was tested. Heterologous expression of each individual domain and tandem CD that constitute GSU1996 was performed in E. coli. Optimization was made in order to overcome the low yield obtained with domains A and B. Regarding domain A, the best result was attained through expression in E. coli JCB7123 induced with 50 μM IPTG, and a final yield of 0,15 mg of protein per liter of culture was obtained. The assignment of the signals from the heme substituents of domains A, C and D in the reduced state was accomplished through the spectra acquired with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments. The modular approach was validated with the assignment of the signals to the tandem CD, in which was used the assignment of the individual domains C and D as a guide to achieve the tandem’s assignment. In order to determine thermodynamic parameters, re-oxidation assays were performed with domains A and D. It was possible to identify the redox patterns of the different hemes at pH 8,0 and 16°C only for domain A. Against expectations and analogously to domain C, heme IV, with axial coordination His-Met, was the most oxidized in the first oxidation step, followed by heme I and finally, heme III. Redox titrations from domain A monitored by UV-visible spectroscopy show that in the experimental conditions used there is reversibility between both processes. Eapp in these conditions is -130 mV and it is very similar to that of domain D

    Associations between quality of life and central auditory processing in seniors: preliminary results

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    Introduction: Several health-related conditions have been reported to be important for quality of life (QoL) (Raggi et al., 2016). Central auditory processing (CAP) corresponds to the perceptual processing of the auditory information in the central nervous system (Musiek & Baran, 2007). With aging, alterations at the level of perception and detection of the sound in the central and peripheral system occur and have effects on the senior’s QoL. Objectives: To analyze associations between CAP and QoL, considering sociodemographic variables. Methods: This study was conducted in a cross-sectional and descriptive design. Ethical requirements are respected. Participants: 19 seniors with average age of 81.6 (SD=9.5), 68.4% are females and 68.4% live alone. Measures: Socio-demographic data survey, Portuguese version of World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument-Older Adults and an audiological evaluation constituted by an otoscopy, a tympanogram, a pure tone audiogram and the speech in noise test. Statistical analysis was performed using software IBM SPSS version 24. Nonparametric test were used. Results: When the elderly live alone, results showed significant positive associations between CAP and QoL (total score). There was positive correlations between QoL and the speech in noise test in the relation signal/noise10dB (r=0.573; p=0.041), and total (r=0.573; p=0.040) for right ear. The same result was observed in the left ear when the relation signal/noise10dB (r=0.572; p=0.041), and total (r=0.583; p=0.037). No significant results were obtained when the seniors don’t live alone. Conclusion: The results evidenced the importance of sociodemographic factors, such as “live alone” in the relation between CAP and QoL in older adults. Probably when we live alone the discrimination of speaking in noisy ambiance is a predictor factor of quality of life in seniors. Future studies are needed in order to clarify this relation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New Vaccine Formulations Containing a Modified Version of the Amastigote 2 Antigen and the Non-Virulent Trypanosoma cruzi CL-14 Strain Are Highly Antigenic and Protective against Leishmania infantum Challenge

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a major public health issue reported as the second illness in mortality among all tropical diseases. Clinical trials have shown that protection against VL is associated with robust T cell responses, especially those producing IFN-gamma. The Leishmania amastigote 2 (A2) protein has been repeatedly described as immunogenic and protective against VL in different animal models; it is recognized by human T cells, and it is also commercially available in a vaccine formulation containing saponin against canine VL. Moving toward a more appropriate formulation for human vaccination, here, we tested a new optimized version of the recombinant protein (rA2), designed for Escherichia coli expression, in combination with adjuvants that have been approved for human use. Moreover, aiming at improving the cellular immune response triggered by rA2, we generated a recombinant live vaccine vector using Trypanosoma cruzi CL-14 non-virulent strain, named CL-14 A2. Mice immunized with respective rA2, adsorbed in Alum/CpG B297, a TLR9 agonist recognized by mice and human homologs, or with the recombinant CL-14 A2 parasites through homologous prime-boost protocol, were evaluated for antigen-specific immune responses and protection against Leishmania infantum promastigote challenge. Immunization with the new rA2/Alum/CpG formulations and CL-14 A2 transgenic vectors elicited stronger cellular immune responses than control groups, as shown by increased levels of IFN-gamma, conferring protection against L. infantum challenge. Interestingly, the use of the wild-type CL-14 alone was enough to boost immunity and confer protection, confirming the previously reported immunogenic potential of this strain. Together, these results support the success of both the newly designed rA2 antigen and the ability of T. cruzi CL-14 to induce strong T cell-mediated immune responses against VL in animal models when used as a live vaccine vector. In conclusion, the vaccination strategies explored here reveal promising alternatives for the development of new rA2 vaccine formulations to be translated human clinical trials

    Um dado ecológico como recurso para o ensino interdisciplinar em séries iniciais: um relato de experiência

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    No artigo so relatadas atividades em Educao Ambiental que foramplanejadas a partir de um dado que representa seis animais da fauna paranaense emseus lados, na inteno de avaliar o potencial de ensino dos recursos elaboradospara levar os alunos a conhecer espcies da fauna que se encontra em perigo deextino e sensibiliz-los para valorizarem e preservarem as espcies. Foram dezatividades desenvolvidas na 1 srie do Ensino Fundamental da Escola MunicipalManoel da Nbrega, Cafelndia-PR, durante 24 de abril a 05 de maio de 2006,com uma ltima avaliao em agosto. A partir do dado, o ensino foi planejadoe contextualizado e por isso as aulas foram mais integradoras para os alunos,apresentando-se como um bom recurso didtico no ensino, apresentou-se como umelemento integrador das atividades interdisciplinares que envolveram as espcies

    Ecology of Haemagogus and Sabethes (Diptera: Culicidae) Mosquitoes in Epizootic Yellow Fever Regions of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

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    Objetivou-se com este estudo investigar característica ecológica e o hábito alimentar de Haemagogus e Sabethes em área epizoótica da febre amarela silvestre em duas localidades do Rio Grande do Sul, capturados com aspirador, armadilha de Shannon e puçá. Para identificação do sangue ingerido pelas fêmeas foi utilizada a técnica imunoenzimática ELISA de captura. Obteve-se maior atividade de Hg. leucocelaenus na primavera e outono, entre 12 e 17 horas, enquanto Sabethes albiprivus e Sa. quasycianus durante todo o ano. Para fêmeas de Hg. leucocelaenus em Santo Antônio das Missões, houve predomínio de sangue humano e para as demais espécies destaca-se a atratividade para bovinos nos dois municípios. A capacidade vetorial do Hg. leucocelaenus fundamenta vigilância entomológica em seu papel de estratificar áreas problemas ou a sustentabilidade do programa de imunização da populaçãoThe study was conducted in epizootic areas of sylvatic yellow fever in two municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul State, with the objective to investigate ecological characteristics of Haemagogus and Sabethes mosquitoes. Mosquitoes were collected using Shannon traps and insect nets. The host-feeding pattern was tested by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The highest activity levels were observed for Hg. leucocelaenus during spring and autumn, between 12 and 17 hours, while Sabethes albiprivus and Sa. quasycianus were common throughout the year. The blood of females of Hg. leucocelaenus at one municipality, Santo Antonio das Missoes, was of human origin. Considering the other species, in both municipalities of the study, bovine blood was predominant. The vectorial capacity of Hg. leucocelaenus justifies the entomological surveillance in order to stratify problematic areas or the sustainability of an immunization programSecretaria de Vigilância em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde, OPAS/OM


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    O ambiente escolar é propício à aplicação de programas de educação ambiental, que encorajam mudanças de atitudes e práticas relacionadas à sustentabilidade. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de projeto ambiental, experimental e integrado, desenvolvido por uma equipe multidisciplinar em parceria com uma Escola Municipal de Ensino Infantil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar qual a importância da sustentabilidade no âmbito escolar, por meio de programas de sensibilização e conscientização, bem como intervenções no espaço físico. Dentre as propostas do projeto destacou-se a implantação de uma Horta Escolar associada à compostagem de resíduos orgânicos. Ocorreu a participação tanto da comunidade escolar como dos educadores, alunos e pais. Essas práticas, quando inseridas no ambiente escolar, tornam-se um novo instrumento, o qual possibilita desenvolver diversas atividades ligadas à Educação Ambiental e alimentar, unindo teoria e prática. Portanto, este relato técnico contribui para apontar os benefícios destas ações e práticas voltadas à sustentabilidade

    Hipertireoidismo felino: uma revisão / Feline hyperthyroidism: a review

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    O hipertireoidismo é resultante da produção exagerada de T3(triiodotironina) e T4(tiroxina) de forma autônoma pela glândula tireoide, raramente é causado por disfunção no hipotálamo e hipófise. A maioria dos casos é consequência do desenvolvimento de adenoma ou hiperplasia adenomatosa multinodular, 2% secundário a carcinoma tireoidiano. São vários os fatores listados que contribuem para a doença, a qual passou a ter sua etiologia considerada multifatorial. Acredita-se que além da predisposição genética há envolvimento nutricional e ambiental. As manifestações clínicas comumente encontradas nesses pacientes são: polifagia, perda de peso, poliúria, polidipsia, irritabilidade/ hiperatividade, vômito, diarreia e bócio palpável. O diagnóstico é baseado na dosagem do T4 total associado às manifestações clínicas do paciente. As opções de tratamento devem ser consideradas pelo médico veterinário avaliando a disponibilidade de técnica e custo para o tutor. O prognóstico depende da escolha do tratamento, visto que para as técnicas curativas como a tireoidectomia e o iodo radioativo são excelentes. Porém é necessário um cirurgião e anestesista experiente para realizar a tireoidectomia e para a execução do iodo radioativo necessita-se de um médico veterinário capacitado, materiais e estruturas apropriadas. A terapia medicamentosa com metimazol e o carbimazol são opções de baixo custo, porém não são curativas e o tutor deve estar ciente da necessidade de monitoramento hormonal até que a dose efetiva seja estabelecida. Eles são capazes de controlar a síntese e secreção do hormônio tireoidiano via inibição enzimática, promovendo assim, bloqueio das ações deletérias do T3 e T4 em excesso nos tecidos


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    Uma das mais importantes responsabilidades do enfermeiro é a manutenção da integridade da pele, assim, a prevenção e o tratamento das lesões por pressão (LP) são prioridades da enfermagem, como também a aplicabilidade adequada de ferramentas para tais ações. Objetivo: Foi definido como objetivo para este estudo caracterizar a partir da revisão de literatura as ferramentas de apoio utilizadas por enfermeiros para a prevenção de lesão por pressão. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de revisão bibliográfica, sistematizada, pautada na abordagem qualitativa do tipo descritivo exploratório. Resultado: Dentre as escalas descritas nos artigos analisados, o maior número aponta a Escala de Braden como a ferramenta mais utilizada pelo profissional de Enfermagem atualmente na prevenção de lesões por pressão. A escala de Braden, muito citada durante a pesquisa, de fato, atende o paciente não só durante a avaliação, mas também, na prevenção da lesão por pressão, mas é importante lembrar da validação e eficiência das outras escalas analisadas como: Escala de Waterlow, Escala de Norton, Escala de Sunderland e Escala Revista de Cubbin & Jackson. Conclusão: Cabe ao profissional de enfermagem e sua equipe a prevenção e avaliação das lesões por pressão, e as ferramentas para tal avaliação devem ser aplicadas corretamente, para atender o paciente em suas necessidades, sendo possível, assim, identificar as falhas em cada paciente, melhorando a assistência de enfermagem nesse contexto

    Diet-induced Obesity In Rats Leads To A Decrease In Sperm Motility.

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    Obesity is rapidly becoming a worldwide epidemic that affects children and adults. Some studies have shown a relationship between obesity and infertility, but until now it remains controversial. Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of high-fat diet-induced obesity on male reproductive parameters. In a first experiment, male Wistar rats were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) or standard chow (SD) for 15, 30 or 45 weeks, after which they were evaluated by adiposity index, serum leptin levels, reproductive organ weights and sperm counts. In a second experiment, rats received HFD or SD only for 15 weeks, long enough to cause obesity. Sexual hormones and sexual behavior were evaluated in these animals, as well as fertility after natural mating. Another group of rats was submitted to motility analysis and fertility evaluation after in utero insemination. After 15, 30 or 45 weeks, HFD-fed animals presented significant increases in obesity index and serum leptin levels. Reproductive organ weights and sperm counts in the testis and epididymis were similar between the two groups at all timepoints studied. Sexual behavior was not altered by the diet regimen, and HFD fertility after natural mating was also similar to SD-fed animals. Intergroup testosterone levels were also comparable, but estradiol levels were increased in HFD rats. Furthermore, sperm quality was reduced in HFD animals as evidenced by their decreased percentage of sperm with progressive movement. This altered motility parameter was followed by a trend toward reduction in fertility potential after artificial in utero insemination. The results reported herein showed that obesity can affect sperm quality, by reducing sperm motility, without affecting other sperm parameters. The low sperm quality caused a slight reduction in fertility potential, showing that obesity may lead to impairment in male fertility.93