764 research outputs found

    Induction of systemic resistance by rhizobacteria in hydroponic system

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    Rizobactérias do grupo fluorescente de Pseudomonas spp. foram selecionadas quanto a sua capacidade na promoção de crescimento em plântulas de alface (Lactuca sativa L.) e atividade antagônica contra Pythium aphanidermatum a partir de teste in vitro. Em seguida, em sistema hidropônico, foi avaliada a aplicação prévia dos isolados visando reduzir os danos provocados por P. aphanidermatum em pepino (Cucumis sativus) por resistência sistêmica induzida (RSI), pela adoção da técnica "raízes subdivididas". As variáveis massa da matéria seca (parte aérea e raízes) e comprimento radicular foram utilizadas na avaliação. A produção de compostos antagônicos e/ou promotores de crescimento pelos isolados de Pseudomonas spp. fluorescente foi verificada de modo a associar sua atividade com os resultados obtidos nos testes in vitro e em hidroponia. No experimento in vitro os isolados Ps 140B e Ps 140C proporcionaram maior crescimento das plantas (raiz e hipocótilo) de alface nos tratamentos com e sem patógeno. Alguns dos isolados avaliados no experimento hidropônico demonstraram uma possível expressão da RSI. Não houve correspondência entre os compostos produzidos e a promoção de crescimento vegetal ou controle da doença.Rhizobacteria of the fluorescent group of Pseudomonas spp. were selected for both their capacity in the growth promotion of lettuce seedlings (Lactuca sativa L.) and antagonistic activity against Pythium aphanidermatum from test in vitro. Then, in hydroponic system was assayed the previous application of the Pseudomonas strains in order to reduce damages caused by P. aphanidermatum in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) for induced systemic resistance (ISR), using a technical split-root. The variables shoots and roots dry weight and root length were used in evaluation. The production of antagonistic and/or growth promoters compounds by rhizobacteria strains was observed to associate its activity with the results obtained in the tests under hydroponic system and in vitro conditions. In the in vitro experiment, strains Ps 140B and Ps 140C provided the largest development of plants (root and hypocotyls) in the treatments with and without pathogen. Some strains tested indicating a possible expression of ISR in in vivo experiments. No correspondence among the compounds produced by rhizobacteria, plant growth promotion and bioprotection was detected

    Main considerations of the temporomandibular joint, its disorders, and treatments: a systematic review

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    Introduction: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can be affected by end-stage pathologies such as arthritic disease, trauma, and ankylosis. The main debilitating symptoms result in limited mouth opening and pain. The TMJ prosthesis is indicated for diseases that result in anatomical changes and aims to restore joint function with pain relief. Prosthetic replacement for terminal TMJ disease is gradually becoming a common procedure due to good functional results and low morbidity. Objective: A concise systematic review was carried out to present the main considerations about the temporomandibular joint, as well as the main clinical results of the treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Methods: The systematic review rules of the PRISMA Platform were followed. The search was carried out from October to December 2022 in the Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar databases, using articles from 2013 to 2022. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: A total of 240 articles were found, 65 articles were evaluated in full and 26 were included and developed in this systematic review study. Considering the Cochrane tool for risk of bias, the overall assessment resulted in 45 studies with a high risk of bias and 94 studies that did not meet GRADE. It was concluded that the etiology of temporomandibular disorder is multifactorial, with muscle disorders, joint disorders, and muscle disorders affecting mastication muscles. As a treatment, each CAD/CAM component is manufactured using the patient's data. This system is designed for the specific patient situation and should provide a perfect fit. However, the communication of the fossa and condyle articular surfaces of the implant are standardized, as in the stock system. The treatment of TMD is diverse and depends on the type of disease, as well as the duration and subjective level of pain. Alloplastic reconstruction can be advantageous in obtaining a rapid improvement in symptoms and rapid rehabilitation of masticatory function

    Respostas fisiológicas de mudas de Ceiba glaziovii (Kutze) K Skum. à eventos de seca intermitente

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    A Floresta Tropical Seca brasileira, chamada de Caatinga, apresenta diversas condições ambientais que limitam o crescimento e desenvolvimento dos vegetais, exigindo das plantas que habitam esse domínio fitogeográfico estratégias morfológicas e fisiológicas que garantam a perpetuação e sobrevivência de suas espécies. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os parâmetros do crescimento inicial de Ceiba glaziovii, espécie arbórea que ocorre na Caatinga, submetidas a seca intermitente. Para tal, plântulas de C. glaziovii foram submetidas a diferentes ciclos de suspensão de rega [rega diária (controle), a cada sete dias (S7) e suspensão da rega até sinais de murcha foliar (SS). Foram avaliados altura, número de folhas, diâmetro do caule, matéria seca dos diversos órgãos, relação raiz/ parte áerea, aréa foliar, e o índice de plasticidade. O prolongamento da seca intermitente apresentou um efeito significativamente redutor nos ritmos de crescimento, na produção de matéria seca e na área foliar das plântulas de C. glaziovii estressadas em comparação as regadas diariamente. A altura e o diâmetro do caule das mudas foram as características mais plásticas encontradas (IP>0,8). Não houve diferença para partição de biomassa e relação raiz/parte áerea. Com isso, intervalos de rega acima de sete dias podem comprometer a produção de mudas de C. glaziovii, demonstrando que a espécie não apresenta grande tolerância a seca durante o período inicial do seu desenvolvimento. É indicado o cultivo das mudas em situações de disponibilidade hídrica ou intervalo de até sete dias entre as regas.The Brazilian Dry Tropical Forest, called Caatinga, has several environmental conditions limiting plant growth and development, requiring the plants that inhabit this phytogeographic domain, physiological and morphological traits to guarantee the perpetuation and survival of the species. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the growth parameters in Ceiba glaziovii, a tree species that occurs in the Caatinga, submitted to intermittent drought. For such seedling of C. glaziovii were subjected to different cycles of irrigation suspension [Control- daily irrigation, S7- irrigation every seven days and SS - total suspension of irrigation until signs of wilt appear]. Height, number of leaves, stem diameter, dry matter of the various organs, root / shoot ratio, leaf area, and the index of plasticity were evaluated. The prolongation of intermittent drought had a significant reducing effect on the growth rates, dry matter production and leaf area of stressed C. glaziovii seedlings compared to daily watering ones. Plant height and stem diameter were the most plastic traits found (IP>0,8). Thus, watering intervals above seven days may severely compromise the production of C. glaziovii seedlings, affecting the growth rates until the accumulation of dry matter. These results demonstrate that this species does not show great tolerance to drought stress during the initial period of its development, suggesting for cultivation of seedlings an adequate water availability or an interval of up to seven days between watering

    Granulocytic sarcoma of the oral cavity in a chronic myeloid leukemia patient : an unusual presentation

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    Intraoral granulocytic sarcoma is an unusual manifestation of chronic or acute leukemia. The oral manifestations often involve enlargements of the gingival and mucosal tissue from direct leukemic cell infiltration. Only 38 cases have been reported in scientific literature to date. We present the case of a 47 year-old female who was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in December 2006. She was referred to a dentist for further evaluation, revealing generalized gingival overgrowth as well as periodontal, apical disease, and bleeding of the gums. An oral biopsy was performed and histological features revealed immature blast-like cells


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    O mercado agrícola vem se modernizando com técnicas mais sustentáveis e exploração de novas plantas. Nesse contexto surgem os microverdes, com propósito de ampliar o mercado da agropecuária, abrir nichos para a agricultura familiar e urbana e incrementar o ramo da gastronomia. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa teve como objetivo testar diferentes substratos em três culturas de microverdes: beterraba (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris), rabanete (Raphanus sativus) e cenoura (Daucus carota), em 5 substratos: papel toalha (T0), areia (T1); casca de arroz carbonizada (T2); substrtato comercial (T3) e vermiculita de textura fina (T4). Os dados foram levantados diariamente a fim de se obter o índice de emergência (IE) e após a colheita foram feitas análises para mensurar comprimento e massa (fresca e seca) de parte aérea e de raiz. Neste trabalho buscou - se analisar a cultura da beterraba nos diferentes substratos acima citados

    Irregular Occupations and Environmental Impacts Caused by Fire of the Neighborhood of Educandos in the City of Manaus - Amazonas

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    The paper describes the data of an exploratory research conducted after a fire that occurred in a favela space in the described Educandos neighborhood, located in the South Zone, peripheral area of ​​Manaus. Educandos was formed over 100 years ago, when the first families began housing construction. At first glance, walking through the main streets of the neighborhood, there is no evidence of the irregular situation of the place, because masonry structures cover the stilt houses, installed near the Rio Negro bed, an area affected by the fire. Assuming that irregular occupation contributed to the cause of the fire, the study aimed to carry out the impacts caused by the fire. Tracing a qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of these impacts, it was observed through the Interaction Matrix that the impacts were negative in nature, 85% directly, has as local scale, irreversible for impacts to vegetation and social problems, high magnitude during the action of fire

    Chondroblastic osteosarcoma mimicking periapical abscess

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    Lesions of non-endodontic origin may mimic periapical abscess. Osteosarcoma is a rare malignant lesion. Case report The present report describes a case of chondroblastic osteosarcoma in the periapical region of teeth #29, #30, and #31 of an 18-year-old male. Clinical history showed self-reported discomfort in the right posterior gingiva for over a month. Physical examination showed a small expansion and redness of the right mandibular buccal and lingual cortical plates, but no signs of pain or inflammation were observed. All the teeth responded positively to pulp sensibility. Periapical and panoramic radiographs showed slight periapical radiolucency in the roots of teeth #29 and #30, clear periodontal ligament space widening, and evident loss of lamina dura. Incisional biopsy was performed, and based on microscopic findings the diagnosis of chondroblastic osteosarcoma was confirmed. Conclusions Non-endodontic diseases associated with tooth root apex, such as chondroblastic osteosarcoma, should be included in differential diagnosis of jaw lesions that resemble periapical abscess