62 research outputs found

    Establishment of a saliva donor selection for in vitro biofilm growth

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    Resumo Introdução O emprego de biofilmes polimicrobianos, utilizando a saliva como inóculo, é um modelo promissor para o estudo de biofilmes cariogênicos in vitro. Entretanto, ainda não existe uma padronização para seleção de doadores de saliva. Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer uma metodologia para seleção de doadores de saliva utilizando fatores salivares microbianos e características in vitro do biofilme. Material e método Para doação de saliva foram selecionados vinte voluntários. Os voluntários permaneceram 24 horas sem escovar os dentes e ficaram em jejum por 2 horas antes da coleta da saliva. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: viabilidade das bactérias anaeróbias totais e mutans streptococci; concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e concentração bactericida mínima (CBM) da clorexidina; capacidade de formação de biofilme por meio da biomassa; e a suscetibilidade dos biofilmes à clorexidina. Resultado A viabilidade bacteriana da saliva, a capacidade de formação de biofilme e a suscetibilidade do biofilme à clorexidina foram apresentadas como média e intervalo de confiança (95%). A diferença entre a viabilidade do biofilme (mutans streptococci e bactérias totais) após tratamento com NaCl 0,9% e diacetato de clorexidina 0,2% foi comparada pelo teste t de Student com nível de significância estabelecido em 5%. A viabilidade total de bactérias anaeróbias (mediana) foi de 7,28 log 1+UFC/mL (unidades formadoras de colônia/mL). A viabilidade dos mutans streptococci na saliva apresentou mediana de 5,47 log 1+UFC/mL. Para capacidade de formação de biofilme a mediana da biomassa foi de 0,1172 A570. Conclusão O tratamento com clorexidina reduziu significativamente os mutans streptococci e a viabilidade total das bactérias. A metodologia para seleção do doador de saliva foi estabelecida com sucesso

    Comparação in vitro do efeito cariostático entre a aplicação tópica de flúor e dentifrício fluoretado

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effect of topical fluoride products [acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) or neutral gel (NF) x fluoride toothpaste (MFP)], in respect to fluoride uptake and anticariogenic action. One hundred and twenty five blocks of human teeth, sorted in 5 groups according to the treatment, were submitted to pH cycling for ten days. The parameters analyzed were: fluoride uptake before and after pH cycling and surface (SMH) and cross-sectional (CSMH) microhardness of the enamel blocks. The results of fluoride concentration in enamel after the pH cycling showed an enhancement of fluoride uptake for all groups compared to sound control. No significant differences between APF and MFP were observed for surface microhardness, percentage change of surface microhardness and mineral loss. The volume percent mineral obtained from cross-sectional microhardness demonstrated that APF has a different lesion progression rate regarding subsurface carious lesion. The results suggest that professionally applied fluoride gel or frequent fluoride application in low concentration is a positive preventive measure for the control of dental caries.O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar in vitro o efeito da aplicação tópica de flúor na forma de gel acidulado (FFA) ou neutro (FFN) com um dentifrício fluoretado (MFP), na incorporação e ação anticariogênica do flúor. Foram utilizados 125 blocos obtidos de esmalte humano, divididos em 5 grupos de acordo com o tratamento e submetidos à ciclagem de pH durante dez dias. Analisou-se o flúor incorporado antes e depois da ciclagem de pH; a microdureza superficial (SMH) e a microdureza interna do esmalte (CSMH). Os resultados da concentração de flúor no esmalte após a ciclagem indicou uma maior quantidade de flúor incorporado para todos os grupos comparados ao grupo controle sadio. A microdureza superficial entre APF e MFP, assim como a porcentagem de alteração da microdureza superficial e a perda mineral não mostraram diferenças estatísticas. A porcentagem de volume mineral obtida a partir da microdureza em secção longitudinal demonstrou que o APF tem um padrão melhor na formação da cárie subsuperficial. Os resultados sugerem que o uso de géis acidulados ou a freqüente aplicação de flúor em baixa concentração são medidas eficazes para o controle da cárie dental

    Photobiomodulation in the treatment of xerostomia associated with hyposalivation in a pediatric patient with systemic scleroderma

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    Scleroderma is a rare autoimmune disease characterized by excessive collagen production. The oral manifestations of the patient with scleroderma can include microstomia, xerostomia, and changes in the resorption teeth. We report the case of a 7-year-old female patient diagnosed with systemic scleroderma where photobiomodulation therapy was used to treat xerostomia associated with hyposalivation. She attended a pediatric clinic and presented with dry and rigid facial skin, trismus, xerostomia, malocclusion, and difficulty swallowing. Stimulated salivary flow was assessed before, during, and after treatment. Photobiomodulation therapy was conducted at four points at the sublingual glands with 660 nm, 100 mW, and 0.8 J/cm2 to each point; eight points at the parotid glands; and six points at the submandibular glands with 808 nm, 100 mW, and 0.8 J/cm2 for 8 seconds at each point. After this therapy, an increase in salivary flow, remission of the xerostomia, and an improvement in mastication and swallowing were observed. Photobiomodulation therapy was effective in controlling xerostomia in this pediatric patient, resulting in increased salivary flow and an improvement in her quality of life

    Effect of low fluoride acidic dentifrices on dental remineralization

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    This study evaluated the capacity of fluoride acidic dentifrices (pH 4.5) to promote enamel remineralization using a pH cycling model, comparing them with a standard dentifrice (1,100 µgF/g). Enamel blocks had their surface polished and surface hardness determined (SH). Next, they were submitted to subsurface enamel demineralization and to post-demineralization surface hardness analysis. The blocks were divided into 6 experimental groups (n=10): placebo (without F, pH 4.5, negative control), 275, 412, 550, 1,100 µgF/g and a standard dentifrice (positive control). The blocks were submitted to pH cycling for 6 days and treatment with dentifrice slurries twice a day. After pH cycling, surface and cross-sectional hardness were assessed to obtain the percentage of surface hardness recovery (%SHR) and the integrated loss of subsurface hardness (ΔKHN). The results showed that %SHR was similar among acidic dentifrices with 412, 550, 1,100 µgF/g and to the positive control (Tukey's test; p>0.05). For ΔKHN, the acidic dentifrice with 550 µg F/g showed a better performance when compared with the positive control. It can be concluded that acidic dentifrice 550 µgF/g had similar remineralization capacity to that of positive control.CNPq/PIBICCNPqPIBI

    In vitro assessment of an experimental coat applied over fluoride varnishes

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    OBJECTIVE: The time of contact between the product and enamel surface is important in ensuring the efficacy of fluoride varnishes. Thus, some alternatives could avoid fluoride loss to saliva and improve the anticariogenic action of the product. This study evaluated the effect of an experimental coat on the anticariogenic action of fluoride varnishes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Enamel bovine blocks were selected by evaluating surface microhardness and randomized into five groups (n=24): placebo, DuraphatTM, DuraphatTM with coat, DuofluoridTM and DuofluoridTM with coat. Twelve blocks from each group were used to analyze calcium fluoride (CaF2) formed on enamel after treatment. The other 12 blocks were subjected to pH cycling for 7 days. The varnishes were kept on enamel for 6 h. Next, the percentage change of surface microhardness (%SMHC) and mineral loss (ΔZ) were calculated. CaF2 retained and fluoride present in the pH-cycled solutions were also measured. RESULTS: The use of the coat did not decrease %SMHC and ΔZ, but all fluoride varnishes had better results when compared to the placebo (ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis, respectively). The values from CaF2 formed were higher compared to the values of CaF2 retained (non-paired t test,

    In vitro adherence of Candida albicans isolated from patients with chronic periodontitis

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    Adherence is considered an extremely important virulence factor in yeast. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the adherence to epithelial cells of C. albicans isolated from patients with chronic periodontitis in comparison to healthy patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Candida albicans cells isolated from individuals with chronic periodontitis (n=25) and healthy controls (n=25) were included in this study. Suspensions of C. albicans (10(6) cells/mL) and epithelial cells (10(5) cells/mL) were mixed and incubated at 37ºC for 1 h. The number of yeasts adhered to 25 epithelial cells was counted. RESULTS: The number of C. albicans cells adhered to epithelial cells was statistically higher in the chronic periodontitis group than in the control group (Student's t-test, p=0.000). CONCLUSION:The results of the present study suggest a higher Candida adherence of samples isolated from patients with chronic periodontitis

    Avaliação in vitro de dentifrícios com concentrações reduzidas de fluoreto e pH acidulado

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    Pelo fato dos dentifrícios fluoretados serem um fator de risco para fluorose dentária, produtos com concentrações reduzidas de flúor poderiam oferecer maior segurança, desde que sua efetividade seja mantida. O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi avaliar dentifrícios com 412 e 550 ?g F/g e pH acidulado, comparando-os com os de pH neutro. Blocos de dentes bovinos, selecionados a partir da sua dureza superficial inicial, foram submetidos à ciclagem de pH e tratamento diário (2x) com dentifrícios placebo, 275, 412, 550 e 1100 ?g F/g em dois diferentes pH (7,0 e 5,5) e com dentifrícios comerciais Crest® (controle positivo) e Colgate Baby® (500? ?g F/g). Em seguida, foi calculada a variação da microdureza de superfície (%AMDS) e a perda mineral (?Z) e determinado o conteúdo de F no esmalte e de íons flúor, cálcio e fosfato nas soluções após a ciclagem de pH. Em comparação ao dentifrício neutro, os dentifrícios acidulados tiveram menor %AMDS em todas as concentrações, mas não houve diferenças estatísticas com relação ao conteúdo de F no esmalte (p<0,05). Foi encontrada maior quantidade de íon F e menor de Ca e P nas soluções para os dentifrícios acidulados. Para ?Z, somente os dentifrícios Crest®, 1100 acidulado e neutro?não foram diferentes estatisticamente. Conclui-se que houve uma relação dose-reposta e que o dentifrício com 550 ??g F/g acidulado possui uma ação anticariogênica semelhante ao 1100? ?g F/g neutro.Fluoride dentifrices are a risk factor for the development of dental fluorosis. Products with low-fluoride content offer a higher security, but their effectiveness must be proven. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro two low fluoride (412 and 550 æg F/g) acidulated toothpastes in comparison with the neutral ones. Enamel bovine blocks were selected through surface microhardness and submitted to pH cycling and daily treatment (2x) with toothpastes placebo, 275, 412, 550 and 1,100 æg F/g in two different pH (7.0 and 5.5) and the market toothpastes Crest® (positive control) and Colgate Baby® (500 æg F/g). The calculation of surface microhardness change (%SMHC), mineral loss (?Z) and the assessment of fluoride in enamel and fluoride, calcium and phosphate content in solutions after the pH cycling were then performed. Compared to neutral dentifrices, the acidulated toothpastes reduced the %SMHC in all F concentrations but there were no statistical differences regarding F content in enamel (p<0.05). More F and less Ca and P content were found in solutions for the acidulated toothpastes. Regarding mineral loss, only the groups Crest®, 1,100 acidulated and neutral were not statistically different. A dose-response relationship was observed. The 550 æg F/g pH 5.5 dentifrice had similar anticariogenic action when compared to the 1100 æg F/g pH 7.0 dentifrice.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Efeito do extrato da folha de Psidium cattleianum na expressão protéica de Streptococcus mutans, no biofilme bacteriano e na desmineralização do esmalte

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    Produtos naturais têm sido estudados com relação ao controle químico da microbiota patogênica do biofilme bucal. O objetivo desse estudo foi esclarecer o efeito do extrato da folha de Psidium cattleianum no metabolismo de S. mutans, no biofilme formado in situ e na capacidade em inibir a desmineralização do esmalte. O extrato foi obtido por decocção das folhas em água deionizada. O efeito do extrato foi avaliado in vitro com relação à viabilidade, expressão protéica e produção de ácido de biofilmes de S. mutans. No estudo in situ, blocos de esmalte bovino foram fixados em dispositivos acrílicos palatinos de dez voluntários. A fase experimental consistiu de três etapas de 14 dias cada, separadas por intervalo de sete dias. Os voluntários gotejaram solução de sacarose 20% (8x/dia) e a solução de tratamento (água, extrato ou um enxaguatório comercial; 2x/dia). O biofilme dentário foi analisado quanto à acidogenicidade, quantidade microorganismos e presença de polissacarídeos álcali-solúveis. Nos blocos de esmalte, foram realizadas as análises de microdureza superficial e em secção longitudinal. O extrato foi capaz de afetar a viabilidade, a produção de ácidos e a síntese protéica do biofilme formado in vitro. No biofilme formado in situ, o extrato foi capaz de diminuir a queda do pH, o acúmulo de microorganismos, a formação de polissacarídeos extracelulares e a desmineralização do esmalte. Conclui-se que o extrato foi capaz de diminuir a expressão de proteínas envolvidas no metabolismo bacteriano, a patogenicidade do biofilme bucal e a desmineralização do esmalte in situ.Natural products have been studied with relation to chemical control of pathogenical microorganisms of dental biofilm. The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of Psidium cattleianum leaf extract on S. mutans metabolism, on in situ biofilms and on enamel demineralization. The extract was obtained by decoction in deionized water. The extract was studied in vitro with relation to viability, protein expression and acid production of S. mutans biofilms. On the in situ study, enamel bovine blocks were placed in palatal appliances of ten volunteers. The experimental phase consisted of three stages with a duration of 14 days each and a washout period of seven days. The volunteers dripped 20% sucrose (8x/day) and the treatment solution (water, extract or a marketed mouthwash – 2x/day) on the enamel blocks. The dental biofilm was analyzed regarding the amount of microorganisms and presence of alkalisoluble polysaccharides. On the enamel blocks, surface and cross-sectional microhardnessess were evaluated. The extract was able to affect the viability, acid production and protein synthesis of the in vitro biofilm. On the in situ biofilm, the extract was able to decrease pH drop, microorganism accumulation, extracellular polysaccharides formation and enamel demineralization. It can be concluded that the extract was able to reduce the expression of proteins involved on bacterial metabolism, the pathogenicity of dental biofilm and in situ enamel demineralization.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES
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