3,019 research outputs found

    Mudando o enfoque: da sesión maxistral aos grupos cooperativos en Matemáticas Financeiras

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    [Resumo] O nivel de control e supervisión do proceso de ensino-aprendizaxe na materia de Análise das Operacións Financeiras na Facultade de Economía e Empresa da UDC baséase na formulación puntual de probas. O período de avaliación continua segue un ritmo mensual. Os autores propoñen aplicar un cambio no método de aprendizaxe para cubrir a posible ausencia de “tempos” académicos (presenciais e non presenciais) nos que constatar o traballo dos conceptos da materia e a asimilación dos mesmos. A reflexión presenta tres grandes eixos: metodoloxía, planificación e organización da docencia. A proposta metodolóxica reside na aplicación de grupos cooperativos como facilitadora dun papel activo do estudante, de responsabilidade e esixibilidade persoal cara á aprendizaxe e cara ao grupo, que permite a interacción entre iguais para asimilar mellor os conceptos e que ten na autoanálise crítica da actuación dos membros do grupo unha das súas bases fundamentais. O traballo propón un primeiro achegamento a esta metodoloxía de aprendizaxe a través da aplicación práctica ao tema “Operacións Financeiras de Préstamo”. A percepción do cambio metodolóxico é positiva tanto en docentes como en alumnos consultados. A dinámica reflexiva é enriquecedora, e anima aos autores para seguir propoñendo novas actuacións no marco da docencia nesta materia.[Abstract] The level of control and supervision of the teaching-learning process in “Analysis of Financial Operations” in the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UDC is based on exam-tests, with a monthly rhythm. The authors propose to apply a change in the learning method to cover the possible absence of academic "time" (on-site class and non in-person class) in order to observe the assimilation of theoretical and practical concepts. The reflection proposal presents three main axes: methodology, planning and teaching organization. The proposed methodology is based on the application of "cooperative learning groups": the student has an active role, and responsibility and personal demand towards learning and trough the group is developed, which allows the interaction between equals to better assimilate the concepts. The methodology also includes the self-analysis of the member performance´s as one of its foundations. Besides, a first approach to this learning methodology through practical application to the topic "Financial Loan Operations" is also proposed by the authors. The perception of methodological change is positive both in teachers and students. The proposal dynamic is enriching and encourages authors to continue exposing new activities within the framework of teaching in this subject

    Activación e dixitalización nas aulas de Matemáticas Financeiras: a revolución de construír o proceso de aprender

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    [Resumo] O nivel de atención e de asimilación dos conceptos da materia Análise das Operacións Financeiras impartida na Facultade de Economía e Empresa da UDC non son satisfactorios. A proposta reside nun cambio metodolóxico a través da combinación da aula invertida, da aprendizaxe baseada en proxectos (ABPy) e o traballo cooperativo. Búscase unha maior asimilación da materia a través do desenvolvemento de habilidades metacognitivas derivadas das estratexias das metodoloxías activas propostas. O cuadrimestre dividirase en dúas partes: Nas primeiras catro semanas do curso o docente explica e propón exercicios sobre os conceptos básicos da materia (capital financeiro, tipos de xuro, leis de capitalización e desconto, concepto de renda e préstamo). Preténdese provocar a participación activa, motivada e crítica na aula a través do emprego de accións publicitarias (anuncios). Nas seguintes dez semanas procédese a crear cinco grupos cooperativos. Estes deben: (1) afondar nos conceptos teórico-prácticos da materia, (2) elaborar un mapa conceptual e exercicios dixitais, ademais de (3) crear un vídeo didáctico da materia. Cada grupo vai subindo os materias creados ao google classroom, o que permite o control de actividade. A avaliación establécese por competencias. ¿O cambio? Radical, apaixoante e motivador.[Abstract] The level of attention and assimilation of the concepts of the subject “Financial Operations Analysis” taught at Faculty of Economics and Business (UDC) are not satisfactory. The proposal is based on a methodological change through the combination of the inverted classroom, project-based learning (ABPy) and cooperative groups. A greater assimilation of the subject is sought through the development of metacognitive skills derived from the strategies of the proposed active methodologies. The semester will be divided in two parts: In the first four weeks of the course the teacher explains and proposes exercises on the basic concepts of the subject (financial capital, interest rates, laws of capitalization and discount, concept of income and loan). It is intended to provoke active motivated and critical participation in the classroom through the use of advertising actions (announcements). In the following ten weeks five cooperative groups are created. These should: (1) deepen in the theoretical and practical concepts of the subject, (2) elaborate a conceptual map and digital exercises, as well as (3) create a didactic video of the subject. Each group is raising the subjects created on google classroom, which allows the control of activity. The evaluation is established by competencies. The change? Radical, exciting and motivating..

    Da Facultade de Economía e Empresa (UDC) á práctica profesional: o TFG baseado en ABPy como ponte académica-formativa experiencial”

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    [Resumo] A proposta dun Traballo de Fin de Grao é unha responsabilidade para o docente que o oferta, por canto neste deben integrarse e desenvolverse os contidos formativos do Grao, xunto coas competencias e habilidades adquiridas. Sen embargo a responsabilidade é compartida, xa que é a/o estudante quen debe demostrar a súa capacitación en competencias propias do saber das disciplinas estudadas. Neste contexto os autores propoñen o emprego da metodoloxía da “Aprendizaxe Baseada en Proxectos (ABPy)” como a máis acaída para desenvolver o TFG titulado Análise de produtos bancarios dende unha perspectiva financeira e ofertado na Facultade de Economía e Empresa (UDC) para un grupo máximo de 4 estudantes no curso 2017-18. O problema dinamizador é propio do mundo real e da práctica profesional dun egresado do Grao en ADE/Economía: analizar o impacto que ten no custo para o cliente dunha entidade financeira os cambios nas variables que afectan ao mesmo dentro do contexto da transparencia das operacións e protección da clientela. Os resultados acadados son moi satisfactorios tanto para o alumnado como para os docentes. A metodoloxía é a acaída para este TFG, co que se ofrece unha entrada titorizada na práctica profesional financeira.[Abstract] The proposal of a Final Degree Project is a responsibility for the teacher, because in this Project offered the Degree's training content must be integrated and developed, together with the skills and abilities acquired. Nevertheless the responsibility is shared, since it is the student who must demonstrate their qualification in own competitions of the knowledge of subjects studied. In this context, the authors propose the use of the methodology of "Project Based Learning (ABPy)" as the most appropriate to develop the TFG entitled Analysis of banking products from a financial perspective and offered at the Faculty of Economics and Business (UDC) for a maximum of 4 students group during 2017-18 academic year. The dynamizing problem is based on one of the profesional current practice of a graduate of the Degree in ADE / Economics: analyzing the impact of different changes managed by a financial institution on the variables that affect the cost for the client within the context of transparency of operations and customer protection The results achieved are very satisfactory both for students and for teachers. The methodology is appropriate for this TFG, which offers a tutored entry in professional financial practice

    RFID systems in medical environment: EMC issues

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    RFID is a promising technology in the healthcare area in order to improve patient safety and increase efficiency and reduce costs in the daily healthcare work. This paper analyzes the available literature regarding both interference of RFID systems in medical equipment and the interferences of medical equipment on RFID systems. The conclusion of this analysis is that is necessary to develop standards in order to protect medical equipment from RFID interferences, and standards to plan the deployment of RFID installations taking into account electromagnetic compatibility issues.Postprint (published version

    A compactness result of Janson type for bilinear operators

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    We establish a compactness interpolation result for bilinear operators of the type proved by Janson for bounded bilinear operators. We also give an application to compactness of convolution operators.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. MTM2017-84058-

    On the interpolation of the measure of non-compactness of bilinear operators with weak assumptions on the boundedness of the operator

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    We complete the range of the parameters in the interpolation formula established by Mastylo and Silva for the measure of non-compactness of a bilinear operator interpolated by the real method.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. MTM2017-84058-

    IOBSERVER: species recognition via computer vision

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    This paper is about the design of an automated computer vision system that is able to recognize the species of fish individuals that are classified into a fishing vessel and produces a report file with that information. This system is called iObserver and it is a part of project Life-iSEAS (Life program).A very first version of the system has been tested at the oceanographic vessel “Miguel Oliver”. At the time of writing a more advanced prototype is being tested onboard other oceanographic vessel: “Vizconde de Eza”. We will describe the hardware design and the algorithms used by the computer vision software.Peer Reviewe

    Text categorization methods for automatic estimation of verbal intelligence

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    In this paper we investigate whether conventional text categorization methods may suffice to infer different verbal intelligence levels. This research goal relies on the hypothesis that the vocabulary that speakers make use of reflects their verbal intelligence levels. Automatic verbal intelligence estimation of users in a spoken language dialog system may be useful when defining an optimal dialog strategy by improving its adaptation capabilities. The work is based on a corpus containing descriptions (i.e. monologs) of a short film by test persons yielding different educational backgrounds and the verbal intelligence scores of the speakers. First, a one-way analysis of variance was performed to compare the monologs with the film transcription and to demonstrate that there are differences in the vocabulary used by the test persons yielding different verbal intelligence levels. Then, for the classification task, the monologs were represented as feature vectors using the classical TF–IDF weighting scheme. The Naive Bayes, k-nearest neighbors and Rocchio classifiers were tested. In this paper we describe and compare these classification approaches, define the optimal classification parameters and discuss the classification results obtained

    Estimating Adaptacion of Dialogue Partners with Different Verbal Intelligence

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    This work investigates to what degree speakers with different verbal intelligence may adapt to each other. The work is based on a corpus consisting of 100 descriptions of a short film (monologues), 56 discussions about the same topic (dialogues), and verbal intelligence scores of the test participants. Adaptation between two dialogue partners was measured using cross-referencing, proportion of "I", "You" and "We" words, between-subject correlation and similarity of texts. It was shown that lower verbal intelligence speakers repeated more nouns and adjectives from the other and used the same linguistic categories more often than higher verbal intelligence speakers. In dialogues between strangers, participants with higher verbal intelligence showed a greater level of adaptation

    Reinforcement learning of pedagogical policies in adaptive and intelligent educational systems

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    In an adaptive and intelligent educational system (AIES), the process of learning pedagogical policies according the students needs fits as a Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem. Previous works have demonstrated that a great amount of experience is needed in order for the system to learn to teach properly, so applying RL to the AIES from scratch is unfeasible. Other works have previously demonstrated in a theoretical way that seeding the AIES with an initial value function learned with simulated students reduce the experience required to learn an accurate pedagogical policy. In this paper we present empirical results demonstrating that a value function learned with simulated students can provide the AIES with a very accurate initial pedagogical policy. The evaluation is based on the interaction of more than 70 Computer Science undergraduate students, and demonstrates that an efficient and useful guide through the contents of the educational system is obtained.Publicad