444 research outputs found

    Terapias minimamente invasivas en el tratamiento de cancer de prostata

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    Introducción: El cáncer de próstata presenta una incidencia cada día mayor y es la segunda causa de mortalidad por cáncer en los países desarrollados. Su tratamiento con fines curativos cuenta con cirugías mínimamente invasívas así como la radioterapia modulada, la braquiterapia, la crioterapia o los ultrasonidos de alta intensidad (HIFU) . Material y métodos: Seleccionamos un total de 23 pacientes con cancer de próstata órgano confinado y sometidos a resección prostática mediante HIFU, comprobamos las complicaciones, así como la evolución de la enfermedad después del tratamiento Resultados: La media de edad fue de 65 años, el volumen prostático medio de 27 grs; el seguimiento medio fue de 15 meses con un rango de 13 a 26. Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron hematuria leve (13%), retención de orina (13%). La estancia media hospitalaria fue de 24 horas. El 100% de los pacientes presentan datos bioquímicos, clínicos y radiológicos de buena respuesta. Conclusiones: Después de todos los datos aquí reseñados podemos concluir que el HIFU es una tecnología con unos resultados iniciales favorables, que permiten un control de la enfermedad con unos niveles de seguridad aparentemente muy buenos; es innegable que la reducción de la morbi-mortalidad es muy significativa para estos pacientes, aunque también es cierto que los casos deben ser seleccionados con cautela y con criterios restrictivos para tener resultados satisfactorios de forma inicial.Introduction: Prostate cancer has a high incidence and is the second mortality cause by cancer in developed countries. Different curative treatments are used, such as minimal invasive surgical procedures and others, as braquitherapy, criotherapy and high intensity focus ultrasounds (HIFU). Material and methods: 23 patients with localized prostatic cancer were selected and treated with HIFU. We check complications after procedure and disease response. Results: Age average of patients was 65 years old and the prostatic volume average was 27 grams. We followed- up the 23 patients during a period of 15 months.. The most frecuent complication were urinary bleeding (13%) and urinary retention (13%). Average hospitalization time was 24 hours.100% of the patients had good response to the procedure. Conclusions: HIFU gives a good disease control with minimal complications and has to be firmly considered for the treatment of prostatic cancer

    La violencia de género en la pareja

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    Treball Final de Grau en Criminologia i Seguretat. Codi: CS1044. Curs: 2014/2015La violencia de género es uno de los problemas sociales más graves que tienen lugar en la actualidad. Este fenómeno ha sido causado por las propias convenciones sociales, que han establecido una desigualdad de los individuos en base al género. Si no se consigue una igualdad real, la violencia de género persistirá, por ello es importante acabar con los estereotipos y roles de género. Es una muestra de discriminación hacia la mujer, pues la violencia se ejerce hacia ella por su pertenencia al género femenino. El aspecto más característico de la violencia de género en la pareja es que víctima y maltratador poseen un vínculo afectivo, así como que ésta se ejerce en el ámbito doméstico. Existen varios tipos de maltrato: psicológico, económico, físico y sexual. Y, pese a que en principio puede darse en cualquier pareja, hay perfiles de víctima y maltratador que resultan más propensos a ello. La violencia de género no surge repentinamente, sino que sigue una progresión en cuanto a la gravedad y tiene una dinámica cíclica. Esto contribuye a generar la indefensión aprendida de la víctima, que dificulta en gran medida su capacidad de reacción y hace que quede resignada a aceptar la situación de maltrato. Esta violencia es de una importante gravedad debido a las repercusiones que genera en la salud y bienestar de las víctimas y de sus hijos a corto y largo plazo. Es por ello que resulta fundamental erradicarla, para lo cual es primordial la prevención mediante la coeducación y la educación en igualdad desde la infancia. También es necesaria la reeducación de los individuos para eliminar mitos y conductas desadaptativas ya aprendidas.Gender violence is one of the most serious social problems we have at the moment. This phenomenon has been caused by the proper social conventions, which have caused an inequality of the individuals by gender. If we don’t reach a real equality, gender violence will persist, that’s why it’s important to put an end to stereotypes and gender roles. It’s a proof of discrimination against women, since violence acts against them due to their feminine gender. The most characteristic aspect of gender violence in a couple is that the victim and the abuser have an emotional bond, and also it’s applied inside the domestic environment. There are different kinds of abuse: psychological, economic, physical and sexual. And, despite that at the beginning it may happen in every couple, there’s some victim and abuser profiles that are more likely to it. Gender violence doesn’t appear all of a sudden, but follows a progression about seriousness and also has cyclic dynamics. This contributes to produce defenselessness learnt by the victim, which hinders to a large extent her reaction capacity and makes her resign accepting the abusing situation. This violence is especially serious due to the consequences it causes against health and well-being of the victims and their children at short and long term. That’s why it’s important to eradicate it, for which purpose it’s essential the prevention by means of coeducation and education through equality from an early age. It’s also necessary the reeducation of the individuals to get rid of myths and disadaptative behaviors already learnt

    Condromatosis sinovial en localizaciones atípicas

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    La condromatosis sinovial es una metaplasia cartilaginosa del tejido sinovial de las articulaciones. Es una enfermedad de etiología desconocida y poco frecuente. Puede definirse como un proceso benigno sinovial caracterizado por la formación de nódulos cartilaginosos (cuerpos libres intraarticulares). Afecta principalmente a grandes articulaciones sinoviales, siendo la sintomatología predominante dolor e inflamación articular. El diagnóstico de presunción se basa en el estudio radiológico de la articulación. El tratamiento de elección es la extirpación completa de los cuerpos libres y de la sinovial afecta. Presentamos dos casos clínicos de CS situadas en localizaciones poco frecuentes: a nivel esternoclavicular y en la articulación temporomandibular, con la particularidad de esta última de presentar extensión a base de cráneo. Realizamos asimismo una revisión de los datos bibliográficos existentes sobre la CS.Synovial chondromatosis is a cartilaginous metaplasia of the synovial tissue of joints. It is an uncommon disease whose etiology is unknown. This benign synovial process involves the formation of cartilaginous nodules (loose bodies) in the synovium and within the articular space. Synovial chondromatosis mainly affects large synovial joints and the main symptoms are pain and swelling. Diagnosis can be made by panoramic radiograph, computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging of the joint. The main treatment includes complete removal of the loose bodies in conjunction with excision of the affected synovium. We report two cases of synovial chondromatosis located in an uncommon regions: in the esternoclavicular joint and in the temporomandibular joint. We also make a literature review about synovial chondromatosis

    Correlation between IL1β expression level and morphological parameters proves the usefulness of morphology measures to predict the degree of activation of microglial cells

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    It is well known that microglial cells undergo an important change in morphology upon activation, so that form and function are intimately related. Upon activation, microglia cell body enlarges, its ramifications shortens and become thicker. In parallel, a variety of cytokines and inflammatory mediators such as IL1β are released. However the activation process is not all-or-nothing. Rather, cells in subtle activation states or in a deactivation process can occur, so intermediate not obvious phenotypes may appear. Thus, we aimed to correlate the expression level of a well-defined marker of activation, IL1β, with different morphological parameters. To do so, we used an intracerebroventricular injection of neuraminidase to produce an acute inflammation in rats. Brain sections were double-stained with IBA1 to have an image of the whole cell and its ramifications, and with IL1β to assess the level of activation. Images were captured from septofimbria (close to the injection site) and from the hypothalamus. A ratio of IL1β-positive pixels to IBA1-positive pixels was used to estimate the level of IL1β expression for each cell. Single microglial cell images were processed with ImageJ software to obtain outlined and filled shapes, which were used to obtain (by means of FracLac plug in) the following morphological parameters: fractal dimension, lacunarity, area, density and perimeter. All parameters showed a significant correlation with the level of expression of IL1β. This occurred in cells sampled from the two brain areas studied. Density, lacunarity and perimeter resulted as the best predictor parameters of activation, that is, those with a better correlation with the level of expression of IL1β. Area, an extensively used parameter to assess microglial activation, presented the least significant correlation. Thus, objectively measured morphological parameters correlate with the level of expression of IL1β, and could therefore be used as predictors of the activation level of microglial cells.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Neuraminidase-activated microglia compromise the viability of ependymocytes

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    Neuraminidase (NA) is a sialidase present in the envelope/wall of some virus/bacteria responsible for brain infections, such as flu, mumps or meningitis. The intracerebroventricular injection of NA in the rat brain provokes ependymal detachment and death, and an acute inflammatory process. Although inflammation reverses, ependymal lining is not regenerated. Complement system activation within the CSF contributes to ependymal damage, but is not the only cause (Granados-Duran et al, 2016). Here we aimed to investigate if microglial activation might also play a role. For this purpose we used pure isolated ependymocytes (Grondona et al, 2013) and ventricular wall explants, which were co-cultured with microglial cells, both in basal conditions and with agents that induce microglial activation: NA, LPS, or Pam3CSK4 (synthetic lipopeptide). The viability of the ependymal cells was assessed by trypan blue exclusion. The viability of isolated ependymocytes was reduced when NA or LPS were added to the culture, compared to controls without additives. In the absence of microglia, NA or LPS did not compromise viability significantly, indicating that microglia was involved in ependymocytes death. The addition of NA to cultured explants reduced ependymocytes viability only when microglial cells were present in the culture; a similar reduction was observed when LPS or Pam3CSK4 were added. Conversely, explants cultured in the absence of microglia did not suffer a significant decrease in ependymocytes viability upon NA addition to the medium. We hypothesized that cytokines released by activated microglia, such as IL1β or TNFα, could mediate ependymocytes death. RT-PCR performed in RNA obtained from pure ependymocytes confirmed the presence of IL1β and TNFα receptors in ependymal cells. Nevertheless further experiments are required to confirm this hypothesis. We conclude that microglia activated by NA mediates, at least in part, ependymal cell death, what might be relevant for neuroinflammatory diseases mediated by NA bearing virus/bacteria.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estudi de les dermopaties que es presenten amb major freqüència al peu de l'esportista: prevenció i tractament

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    Introducció: Alguns problemes cutanis són propis dels esportistes i, en alguns casos, fins i tot exclusius d'un esport en particular. L'objectiu d’aquest treball és conèixer: a) la incidència de dermopaties produïdes al peu per forces mecàniques, factors mediambientals i infeccions, segons els diversos esports; b) quines mesures preventives s'hi utilitzaven, i c) en cas d'aparèixer, com es tractaven. Mètode: Hem fet una enquesta als esportistes que han passat pel Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte (CAMD) de Màlaga durant els mesos de febrer i març de 2006. S'ha enquestat un total de 59 esportistes, que practicaven natació, atletisme, triatló i basquetbol, sobre les lesions que havien patit als peus. Resultats: El 79,7% havia patit algun tipus de lesió. Les lesions dèrmiques més sovintejades en tots els grups van ser les butllofes (66,1%), seguides de les micosis (25,4%) i, per últim, l'ungla encarnada (18,6%). Entre les causes que havien produït les lesions, el 25,4% dels enquestats les van atribuir a la humitat, mentre que el 50,8% ho van atribuir al fregament del mitjó amb el calçat; el 23,8% en desconeixia el motiu. Aquestes lesions van provocar una pèrdua total de 70 dies d'entrenament, amb una mitjana d'1,2 dies per esportista. En relació amb el tractament que havien utilitzat per curar-les, 3 dels enquestats havien rebut consulta especialitzada; la resta es van guarir de les seves lesions amb desinfecció i mètodes casolans. Conclusió: Podem deduir que les dermopaties del peu tenen una alta incidència en els esports estudiats i provoquen pèrdues de dies d'entrenament, per la qual cosa cal incidir en l'esportista i educar-lo a fer una bona prevenció, i evitar en la mesura que es pugui aquestes lesions, que poden impedir l'èxit d’èxits futurs

    Wrapping Web Data Islands

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    Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2007-64119Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-260

    A Knowledge Extraction Process Specification for Today’s non-semantic Web

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    The semantic web shall enable web agents an efficient, precise, and comprehensive extraction of knowledge. Nevertheless, this new web is not likely to be adopted in the immediate future. In this article, we present a specification of a new framework in order to extract knowledge from today’s dynamics non-semantic web. Our proposal is novel in that it associates semantics with the information extracted, which improves agent interoperability; it can also deal with changes to the structure of a web page, which improves adaptability; furthermore, it achieves to delegate the knowledge extraction procedure to specialist agents, easing software development and promoting software reuse and maintainability.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología PCB-02- 001Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2000–1106–C02–0

    Generating non-conspiratorial executions

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    Avoiding conspiratorial executions is useful for debugging, model checking or refinement, and helps implement several wellknown problems in faulty environments; furthermore, avoiding non-equivalence robust executions prevents conflicting observations in a distributed setting from occurring. Our results prove that scheduling pairs of states and transitions in a strongly fair manner suf-fices to prevent conspiratorial executions; we then establish a formal connection between conspiracies and equivalence robustness; finally, we present a transformation scheme to implement our results and show how to build them into a well-known distributed scheduler. Previous results were applicable to a subset of systems only, just attempted to characterise potential conspiracies, or were tightly bound up with a particular interaction model.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2003-02737-C0