233 research outputs found

    The internationalisation of the Spanish SME sector

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    As part of a wider research program, we analysed the theoretical framework and the recent developments of the process of internationalisation (transnationalisation) of the small- and medium-sized enterprises in Spain. The paper highlights the main trends and barriers of this internationalisation process. Methodology included document analyses, interviews, and the analyses of statistical databases

    The Possible Role of Epigenetics in Gestational Diabetes: Cause, Consequence, or Both

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as the glucose intolerance that is not present or recognized prior to pregnancy. Several risk factors of GDM depend on environmental factors that are thought to regulate the genome through epigenetic mechanisms. Thus, epigenetic regulation could be involved in the development of GDM. In addition, the adverse intrauterine environment in patients with GDM could also have a negative impact on the establishment of the epigenomes of the offspring

    Transparent Yttrium Aluminium Garnet Obtained by Spark Plasma Sintering of Lyophilized Gels

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    Lyophilized YAG gel, synthesized by the coprecipitation technique, has been sintered to transparency by spark plasma sintering method at 1500∘C. Whereas conventionally dried gels show large agglomerates, over 1 μm, powders from lyophilized gels show no agglomeration with an average particle size below 100 nm. The absence of agglomerates affects on the optical properties of the sintered materials: conventionally dried powders are opaque after sintering, whereas 0.8 mm thick transparent YAG materials with in-line transmittances close to 60% at 680 nm and over 80% in the infrared range have been obtained for the lyophilized gels

    Paleogene succession underlying the La Espina Thrust (boundary between the Cantabrian and West-asturianleonese zones). Tectonic implications

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    Este artículo da a conocer la existencia de una sucesión paleógena, datada mediante su contenido polínico, bajo el cabalgamiento que separa las zonas Cantábrica y Asturoccidental-leonesa. Esta sucesión paleógena se apoya sobre arenas y arcillas con facies similares a unidades cretácicas como la Formación Utrillas. El cobijamiento de dicha sucesión por el cabalgamiento varisco antes mencionado, implica que éste fue reactivado durante la deformación AlpinaThis paper describes the stratigraphy and structural setting of a new outcrop of Paleogene sediments, whose age has been determined from their pollen content. These sediments overlie sands and clays of presumed Cretaceous age and underlie the La Espina Thrust, that is the boundary between two Variscan geological domains: the Cantabrian and Westasturian-leonese zones. The Alpine deformation caused reactivation of the La Espina Variscan Thrust as a reverse faul

    Comunicación entre el personal sanitario y el paciente afásico

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    Comunicación oral presentada en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: la afasia es la pérdida de capacidad de expresión debida a una lesión temporal o crónica de los centros temporales. Se calcula que en España hay unos 300.000 casos. Las limitaciones varían dependiendo del área dañada, viéndose afectada su capacidad para hablar, leer, escribir o comprender. Objetivos: Conocer los principales errores que comete el personal sanitario al comunicarse con el paciente afásico. Mostrar alternativas de comunicación entre paciente y personal sanitario. Fomentar la comunicación interprofesional. Metodología: se realiza una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos Dialnet, Lilacs, Medline y Cuiden Plus con las palabras “comunicación” “paciente” “afasia” para artículos a texto completo publicados en los últimos diez años. Resultados: la búsqueda ofreció resultados, que después proceso de selección se redujeron a cuatro artículos. Resultados: la bibliografía sobre la temática del estudio es escasa, la mayoría de los estudios se centran en el ámbito logopédico. Los profesionales que a diario se relacionan conel paciente afásico, carecen de formación en habilidades comunicativas, consecuencia de esro es que nos enfrentamos a una comunicación personal-paciente ineficaz reflejada en frustración en ambos. Se evidencia la necesidad de futuras líneas de investigación sobre este tema, con el fin, de mejorar la calidad de vida del enfermo afásico; así como fomentar el dialogo entre logopedas y el resto de profesionales sanitarios

    Primeros resultados sobre la aplicación de la técnica de racemización de aminoácidos en la Región de Murcia (SE de la Península Ibérica) y su interés en estudios de paleosismología

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    Geochronology is a critical issue in paleoseismological research. The aminoacid racemization technique shows important advantages respect to more traditional dating methods; not just for the lower costs and promptness, also because the object to analyze is relatively frequent, in this study: terrestrial gastropods. Furthermore, the costs of the analysis are by far faster and cheaper compared to other dating techniques. Racemization results allow comparing the relative age from different sedimentary units from one trench to another.Additionally, the racemization technique can also be used as a geochronological tool, provided a calibration curve has been first obtained for the particular climate for the area and, ideally, for a particular genus. In this study we show the results obtained from the analysis of 40 samples of terrestrial gastropods from 7 different trenches located in the Murcia Region (SE Spain). Making use of the D/L ratio of aspartic acid we show the coherence found between relative stratigraphic ages and the racemization age. Finally, we show a provisional conversion equation between age of racemization, obtained from Torres et al. (1997) algorithm, and the likely age of the samples. RESUMEN: El control geocronológico es una cuestión crítica en los estudios de paleosismología. La técnica de racemización de aminoácidos ofrece importantes ventajas respecto a otros métodos de datación, tanto en los costes y rapidez, como en la facilidad de encontrar el objeto de análisis; en este estudio, gasterópodos terrestres. Los resultados permiten comparar la edad relativa entre unidades sedimentarias diferentes de unas zanjas a otras. La técnica de racemización también es una herramienta geocronológica, si bien es necesario primero establecer una curva de calibración para el ambiente climático de la zona e, idealmente, para un género concreto. En este estudio se muestran los resultados obtenidos en 40 muestras de gasterópodos terrestres recogidas en 7 zanjas de investigación paleosismológica en la Región de Murcia. Haciendo uso de la relación D/L del ácido aspártico mostramos la coherencia entre las edades relativas estratigráficas y su edad de racemización. Finalmente, proponemos una relación provisional de conversión entre las edades de racemización obtenidas por el algoritmo de Torres et al. (1997) para gasterópodos de la zona central de la Península Ibérica y la edad probable de las muestras

    Migration and "Low-Skilled" Workers in Destination Countries

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    In the fourth article in a six-part PLoS Medicine series on Migration & Health, Joan Benach and colleagues discuss the specific health risks and policy needs associated with migration in destination countries, especially for low-skilled and illegal migrant workers

    Unveiling the Atomic and Electronic Structure of Stacked-Cup Carbon Nanofibers

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    We report results of comprehensive experimental exploration (X-ray photoemission, Raman and optical spectroscopy) of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) in combination with first-principles modeling. Core-level spectra demonstrate prevalence of sp2 hybridization of carbon atoms in CNF with a trace amount of carbon–oxygen bonds. The density functional theory (DFT)-based calculations demonstrated no visible difference between mono- and bilayers because σ-orbitals are related to in-plane covalent bonds. The influence of the distortions on π-peak is found to be significant only for bilayers as a result of π–π interlayer bonds formation. These results are supported by both experimental Raman and XPS valence band spectra. The combination of optical measurements with a theoretical modeling indicates the formation of optically active graphene quantum dots (GQDs) in the CNF matrix, with a radiative relaxation of the excited π* state. The calculated electronic structure of these GQDs is in quantitative agreement with the measured optical transitions and provides an explanation of the absence of visible contribution from these GQDs to the measured valence bands spectra. © 2021, The Author(s).XPS measurements calculations are supported by Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation: Theme “Electron” № AAAA-A18-118020190098-5 and Project FEUZ-2020-0059. Optical measurements were additionally supported by RFBR project № 20-42-660012 and RSF project № 21-12-00392. DWB acknowledges the support from Jiangsu innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents Project

    Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.: a rich source of lipophilic phytochemicals

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    The lipophilic extracts from the storage root of 13 cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) were evaluated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with the aim to valorize them and offer information on their nutritional properties and potential health benefits. The amount of lipophilic extractives ranged from 0.87 to 1.32% dry weight. Fatty acids and sterols were the major families of compounds identified. The most abundant saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were hexadecanoic acid (182-428 mg/kg) and octadeca-9,12-dienoic acid (133-554 mg/kg), respectively. β-Sitosterol was the principal phytosterol, representing 55.2-77.6% of this family, followed by campesterol. Long-chain aliphatic alcohols and α-tocopherol were also detected but in smaller amounts. The results suggest that sweet potato should be considered as an important dietary source of lipophilic phytochemicals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio