1,305 research outputs found

    Identification and Differential Activity of Glutathione STransferase Mu in Strains of Fasciola hepatica Susceptible and Resistant to Triclabendazole

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    Fasciolahepatica is a helminth parasite that causes fascioliasis in domestic ruminants and humans. Economic losses due to its infection are estimated in US$ 2000–3000 million yearly [1]. The anthelmintics are at present the only weapon against these parasitic helminths [2]. The parasite resistance to different anthelmintics including that of F. hepatica to triclabendazole (TCBZ) is growing worldwide. Glutathione S‐transferases (GSTs) are enzymes involved in the detoxification of a wide range of substrates through chemical conjugation with glutathione, so that the product becomes more soluble in water, less toxic and easier to excrete. Eight GST isoenzymes are present in F. hepatica [3]. Since the different isoenzymes do not necessarily have the same metabolic activity, in the present work, we evaluated the metabolic activity of total cytosolic GST and GST mu and GST pi isoenzymes in adult strains of F. hepatica susceptible (Cullompton) and resistant (Sligo and Oberon) to TCBZ of the highest metabolic activity of total GST. The genetic sequence database at the National Center for Biotechnical Information (NCBI) (GenBank ID: KF680281–KF680282) corresponding to the GST mu gene isolated from Cullompton strain (TCBZ‐susceptible) and (GenBank ID: KF680283–KF680284) corresponding to the GST mu gene isolated from Sligo strain (TCBZ‐resistant) in F. hepatica. Comparative analysis of both strains, Cullompton and Sligo, showed two nucleotide changes and change of one amino acid in the GST mu isoenzyme of the TCBZ‐resistant strain. These results together with the higher enzymatic activity of GST have a potential relevance as it contribute to the understanding the mechanisms that generate resistance to anthelmintics and the activity, metabolism, and disposition of these drugs in the parasite

    Consecuencias legales derivadas de un accidente laboral

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.DER). Dereito. Curso 2014/201

    gold thione complexes

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    The reaction of the ligand Et4todit (4,5,6,7-Tetrathiocino-[1,2-b:3,4-b']-diimidazolyl-1,3,8,10-tetraethyl-2,9-dithione) with gold complexes leads to the dinuclear gold(I) complexes [{Au(C6F5)}2(Et4todit)] and [Au(Et4todit)]2(OTf)2, which do not contain any gold-gold interactions, or to the gold(III) derivative [{Au(C6F5)3}2(Et4todit)]. The cristal structures have been established by X-ray diffraction studies and show that the gold centers coordinate to the sulfur atoms of the imidazoline-2-thione groups

    Territorios y fronteras: experiencias documentales contemporáneas

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    Autores de los capítulos: Santos Zunzunegui, Vanesa Fernández, Miren Gabantxo, Jorge Oter, Germán Rodríguez, Eulàlia Iglesias, Isaki Lacuesta, Víctor Iriarte, J.M. Català, León Siminiani, Lluís Escartín, Gonzalo de Pedro,Colectivo Los HIjos (Javier Fernández, Luís López y Natalia Marín), Colectivo weareQQ (UsueArrieta y Vicente Vázquez), Oficina curatorial Rivet (Sarah Demeuse y Manuela Moscoso), Josetxo Cerdán, Andrés Duque y Virginia García del Pino

    The Role of Metallodrugs in Cellular Senescence

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    Delivering alternative strategies to deal with cancer is a huge milestone in research. Cancer cells can give a senescence response as consequence of cellular stress or external stimuli such as the use of chemotherapies, which could end up eventually in cancer relapse. Controlling cellular senescence will surely open new cancer treatment approaches. Cancer senescence induction can be used as an added timeframe to look for alternative treatments and senolytic drugs to avoid cancer relapse destroying the senescent cells (SnCs). Within cancer senescence research, metal complexes are underdeveloped in comparison with that of organic molecules or nanoparticles. Herein, we highlight the scarce investigation performed with metal complexes in the field of senescence and how a great input on them could be a huge step towards the search of alternative cancer treatments

    Documentary or fiction? A journalist investigates prostitution in Spain: "Chicas de club" (Club girls, 1970)

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    24 p. / El film de Grau (1970) "Chicas de club" se analiza desde el punto de vista histórico y del análisis textual.[ES] En este artículo planteamos la utilización cinematográfica de la figura del periodista de investigación, para dar verosimilitud al planteamiento de una película de ficción. Jordi Grau (1930) se atreve a reflexionar sobre lo que empuja a algunas mujeres a prostituirse en los eufemísticamente denominados “clubs de alterne”. Corren los años setenta y en España, bajo el régimen autoritario del dictador Franco y por lo tanto bajo la censura cinematográfica, el tema de la prostitución está prohibido como tal en el cine. El director Jordi Grau, en colaboración con el guionista Mario Camus, pone en marcha un arriesgado juego narrativo y visual donde el periodista es el hilo conductor de entrevistas realizadas a gente de la calle y a chicas de alterne, que participan como actrices de ¿su propia vida ficcionada?. La película se convierte en un híbrido entre ficción y realidad, que es lo que embauca al espectador.[EN] In the following paper we look into the cinematic use of an investigative journalist as a character to bring authenticity to the structure of a (fiction) movie. Jordi Grau (1930) daringly reflects on what pushes some women into prostitution in the euphemistically named "clubs de alterne" (meeting clubs). It is the 1970s and in Spain, under Franco's authoritarian dictatorship - and therefore in a situation of cinematographic censorship - the issue of prostitution is forbidden as a subject for cinema. The director Jordi Grau, in collaboration with the scriptwriter Mario Camus, sets a risky narrative and visual game in motion in which the journalist is the connecting thread between the interviews carried out with people in the street and the girls in the club, who participate as actresses in the fictional retelling of their very own lives. Thus the film becomes a hybrid of reality and fiction that captivates the viewer

    Using nodal coordinates as variables for the dimensional synthesis of mechanisms

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    The method of the lower deformation energy has been successfully used for the synthesis of mechanisms for quite a while. It has shown to be a versatile, yet powerful method for assisting in the design of mechanisms. Until now, most of the implementations of this method used the dimensions of the mechanism as the synthesis variables, which has some advantages and some drawbacks. For example, the assembly configuration is not taken into account in the optimization process, and this means that the same initial configuration is used when computing the deformed positions in each synthesis point. This translates into a reduction of the total search space. A possible solution to this problem is the use of a set of initial coordinates as variables for the synthesis, which has been successfully applied to other methods. This also has some additional advantages, such as the fact that any generated mechanism can be assembled. Another advantage is that the fixed joint locations are also included in the optimization at no additional cost. But the change from dimensions to initial coordinates means a reformulation of the optimization problem when using derivatives if one wants them to be analytically derived. This paper tackles this reformulation, along with a proper comparison of the use of both alternatives using sequential quadratic programming methods. In order to do so, some examples are developed and studied.The authors wish to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for its support through Grant DPI2013-46329-P and DPI2016-80372-R. Additionally the authors wish to thank the Education Department of the Basque Government for ist support through grant IT947-16

    Comunicación, política y seguridad : La construcción de la violencia urbana en las campañas electorales en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (2007-2013)

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    En las últimas décadas, el delito se convirtió en uno de los principales problemas sociales para los ciudadanos latinoamericanos. Como consecuencia, la ?batalla? contra la inseguridad se transformó en uno de los motores de la gubernamentalidad y las campañas electorales se centraron en discursos sobre el miedo. Este trabajo propone identificar algunas variables de la comunicación política en el contexto de las sociedades de seguridad. Para ello, se analizan piezas comunicacionales de las campañas entre 2007 y 2013 en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. ¿Qué tipo de subjetividad se promueve? ¿Cuál es el rol asignado al Estado? ¿Cómo se describe la seguridad? ¿Qué características permiten describir al ciudadano- víctima? Se propone indagar acerca de los modos de interpelación a la ciudadanía, las características de enunciación de la seguridad y la imagen que asume el Estado en momentos electoralesFil: Lio, Vanesa. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina

    Neuromarketing: Tecnologías, Mercado y Retos

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    The advances of neuroscience in the last decades have brought opportunities to use its technologies for market research. The application of these technologies, which has been called neuromarketing, has been controversial. This article analyzes current issues in this field of knowledge: different technologies, companies in this market and major challenges and discussions.Los avances de las neurociencias en las últimas décadas han traído la oportunidad de utilizar sus tecnologías al servicio de la investigación en marketing. Existen numerosas controversias en torno a esta nueva aplicación de la tecnología, a la que se ha comenzado a llamar neuromarketing. Este artículo recoge un estado de la cuestión que analiza las diferentes tecnologías, los actores del mercado y los principales problemas y debates que están surgiendo en torno a esta disciplina