824 research outputs found

    Paths and exchanges in communication research: A Luso-Brazilian trajectory

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    This paper outlines and analyzes nearly 30 years of a personal research trajectory, based on geographic, political, and social contexts in the Portuguese speaking world and in the field of Communication Sciences. My path was made up of personal, professional, and institutional encounters and misunderstandings, where the School of Communication and Arts and the Graduate Program in Communication Sciences, University of São Paulo, acquired major centrality. Memories presented by time frames function as references and, as such, proposes a reconfiguration of the real in which time, spatiality, and generational nostalgia acquire significant relevance. Written as an essay, the text adopts a chronological order in the exposition to explain many of the thematic, theoretical-conceptual, and methodological choices undertaken over these three decades of research.Neste texto, procuro traçar e analisar cerca de 30 anos de uma trajetória pessoal de pesquisa, balizada por contextos geográficos, políticos e sociais no espaço da lusofonia e no âmbito das Ciências da Comunicação. O caminho fez-se de encontros e desencontros pessoais, profissionais e institucionais, onde a Escola de Comunicações e Artes e o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Comunicação da Universidade de São Paulo adquiriram grande centralidade. Muitas das referências são memórias pautadas por marcos temporais e, como tal, apresentam, à partida, uma reconfiguração do real, onde o viés do tempo, da espacialidade e da nostalgia geracional adquirem relevância significante. O texto configura-se como um ensaio e adota-se uma ordem cronológia na exposição, com vista a explicitar muitas das opções temáticas, teórico-conceituais e metodológicas, que foram tomadas ao longo destas três décadas de pesquisa

    Kemampuan Kognitif Melalui Metode Pembelajaran Eksperimen Ditkpgri Lembang: Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Tk PGRI Kecamatan Lembang Kelompok B Kelas Strawberry Tahun 2014-2015

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    1009924 Kemampuan Kognitif anak TK PGRI Lembang Kelompok B kelas Strawberry tahun ajaran 2014-2015 belum berkembang secara optimal ini menjadi salah satu yang melatar belakangi dalam penelitian ini, dengan metode pembelajaran yang lebih bervariasi menjadi koreksi pada TK PGRI, metode pembelajaran yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pembelajaran eksperimen pembelajaran yang lebih mengeksplor anak dan lebih aktif dan mencari tahu.Pada observasi awal yaitu 76,47% dari 17 anak yang perkembangan kognitifnya belum berkembang secara optimal . Tujuan penelitian ini salah satunya untuk mengetahui kemampuan kognitif anak, sebelum dan sesudah. Aspek yang diteliti terkait dengan perkembangan kognitif terbatas hanya pada pengetahuan umum dan sains saja, indikator yang dicapai meliputi Anak dapat membeda-bedakan macam-macam air dan manfaat air, anak melakukan percobaan terjadinya suatu kejadian (melakukan percobaan terapung tenggelam dan melayang), anak dapat menyusun urutan kegiatan dan media yang digunakan, anak dapat menceritakan kembali rangkaian suatu kejadian terapung melayang tenggelam, anak dapat bertanya tentang suatu kejadian, anak dapat menyebutkan penyebab dari suatu kejadian (telur dapat melayang apabila dimasukan kedalam air garam), anak dapat menyebutkan akibat dari suatu kejadian (telur dapat melayang apabila dimasukan kedalam air garam), anak mampu memutuskan jenis kegiatan yang akan dilakukan, anak dapat menyebutkan 2 penyebab dari suatu kejadian sederhana. Peningkatan dalam kemampuan kognitif anak TK PGRI Lembang setelah dilaukan tindakan mendapat peningkatan yang otimal ditunjukan dari sikulus I adalah 0 anak dengan nilai kurang 0 9 anak dengan nilai cukup dan 8 anak dengan nilai terbaik, dan pada siklus 2 ) adalah 0 anak dengan nilai kurang 3 anak dengan nilai cukup dan 14 anak dengan nilai terbaik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode pembelajaran eksperimen dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak TK PGRI Lembang. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Kognitif, Metode Pembelajaran Eksperimen Cognitive ability kindergarten children PGRI Lembang Group B class Strawberry 2014-2015 school year is not yet optimally developing into one of the background in this study, with a more varied learning methods into a correction on PGRI kindergarten, learning methods used in this research is experimental teaching methods to explore children's learning more and more active and find out. At the initial observation that 76.47% of the 17 children who have not developed the cognitive development optimally. The purpose of this study one of them to determine the cognitive abilities of children, before and after. Studied aspects related to cognitive development is limited only to the general knowledge and science alone, indicators achieved include Children can discriminate between various water and water benefits, child an occurrence experiment (experiment floating sink and float), the child can arrange the sequence of activities and media used, the child can retell a series of floating drift drowning incident, the child may ask about an event, a child can mention the cause of an event (egg can float when incorporated into salt water), children may mention a result of a events (egg can float when incorporated into salt water), children are able to decide the type of activities to be carried out, the child can name two causes of a simple event. Improvement in cognitive abilities of kindergarten children PGRI Lembang after given action gets otimal shown improvement from the first cycle is 0 child with a value less than 0 9 children with sufficient value and 8 children with the best value, and at cycle 2) is 0 child with a value of less than 3 children with sufficient value and 14 children with the best value. It can be concluded that the experimental teaching method can improve the cognitive abilities of kindergarten children PGRI Lembang. Keywords: Cognitive Ability, Learning Methods Experimen


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    Sejalan dengan perkembangan perekonomian saat ini maka berkembang pula keinginan dan kebutuhan konsumen akan produk barang dan jasa, maka dari itu di dalam proses pemasaran perlu diadakan pendekatan secara intensif terhadap konsumen. Ini semua dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai perilaku konsumen atau pembeli dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk membeli suatu produk dengan merek tertentu, sehingga dengan dipelajarinya perilaku konsumen, maka penjual akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memenuhi apa yang diinginkan konsumen terhadap produk yang berdampak pada pengambilan keputusan dalam membeli produk. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Hubungan antara persepsi konsumen terhadap produk dengan keputusan membeli handphone qwerty. (2) Peranan persepsi konsumen terhadap produk dengan keputusan membeli handphone qwerty. (3) Seberapa besar tingkat persepsi konsumen terhadap produk handphone qwerty. (4) Seberapa besar tingkat keputusan membeli handphone qwerty. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta yang memiliki atau memakai handphone qwerty dan sampel berjumlah 47 orang. Teknik sampling dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive incidental sample (non random sampling). Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala yaitu skala keputusan membeli dan skala persepsi konsumen terhadap produk. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan korelasi product moment. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diperoleh kesimpulan yaitu: (1) Ada hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara persepsi konsumen terhadap produk dengan keputusan membeli handphone qwerty. (2) Sumbangan efektif persepsi konsumen terhadap produk terhadap keputusan membeli sebesar (r2) sebesar 0,250 atau 25%, yang berarti peran persepsi konsumen terhadap produk dalam memprediksi keputusan membeli sehingga masih terdapat 75% variabel-variabel lain yang mempengaruhi keputusan membeli. Variabel lain tersebut yaitu motif, sikap, keyakinan, dan minat. (3) Tingkat persepsi konsumen terhadap produk handphone qwerty tergolong tinggi. (4) Seberapa besar tingkat keputusan membeli handphone qwerty tergolong tinggi

    Fatores de risco de aterosclerose nos Açores

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    A secção Biologia é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.[…]. Os trabalhos desenvolvidos na Universidade dos Açores sobre esta temática têm como objetivo o rastreio dos principais fatores de risco da aterosclerose nos Açores e a procura de marcadores moleculares da patologia que permitam a sua deteção precoce. Pretende-se assim conseguir um conhecimento mais profundo da aterosclerose e da situação verificada no arquipélago, que permita atuar ao nível da prevenção e da minoração dos fatores de risco da doença. Os resultados do estudo de um grupo de 352 indivíduos de ambos os géneros, naturais e residentes em várias ilhas dos Açores, aparentemente saudáveis (sem doenças cronicas, incluindo a diabetes) e com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 60 anos, revelaram elevadas prevalências de alguns dos fatores de risco convencionais, particularmente a hipertensão arterial (46%), o sobrepeso e obesidade (70%) e as dislipidémias (43%). […].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Democracy, media and corruption: from global to Portugal

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    The subprime crisis in the United States and the sovereign debt crises in Europe in the second decade of the second millennium brought, among other things, a new discussion of the role of the media (mainstream, alternative and social networks) in democratic societies. At the same time, a new typology of phenomena emerges, associated to the use, abuse and control of social networks, due to acts of piracy and technological mechanisms such as algorithms and the use of big data. In this paper, we aim to discuss the orientation changes in the mainstream media since the second decade of the second millennium, in particular the mediatization processes, taking as example the journalistic coverage of corruption events in Portugal.Keywords: Democracy; Media; Corruption; Portugal; MediatizationLa crisi dei subprime negli Stati Uniti e la crisi del debito sovrano dell’ultimo decennio ha portato, tra le altre cose, a una nuova discussione sul ruolo dei media (mainstream, alternativi e social network) nelle società democratiche. Allo stesso tempo, sono emersi nuovi fenomeni, associati all’uso, all’abuso e al controllo dei social network, dovuto agli atti di pirateria e ai meccanismi tecnologici come gli algoritmi e l’uso dei big data. Lo scopo del presente articolo è quello di prendere in considerazione i differenti orientamenti dei media mainstream prendendo come esempio la trattazione giornalistica degli eventi di corruzione in Portogallo.Parole chiave: Democrazia, Media, corruzione, Portogallo, mediatizzazion

    African-Americans Abroad: Josephine Baker and the Controversy Surrounding African-American Figures Outside of America

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    This paper is about the complexities surrounding the African American experience in other countries. Josephine Baker was one of many figures with important stories


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    Covid-19 has hampered the economic growth of every nation so that an economic recovery is needed. To achieve this, the discourse on the ratification of the Indonesia-Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IK-CEPA) was again discussed, the national interests of South Korea became a question in the midst of a pandemic in urging Indonesia to continue negotiations immediately. Therefore researchers are interested in examining what South Korea's national interest is in helping Indonesia's Covid-19 economic recovery through IK-CEPA ratification. In this study, the authors used the concept of national interest from Adam Smith's perspective with descriptive qualitative methods. The data collection method in this study uses document research, namely data collection techniques. The results of this article are that South Korea's national interests are mostly from economic development and free trade obtained from neighboring countries such as Indonesia, the ratification of the IK-CEPA will benefit South Korea in encouraging investment and export-import of the South Korean automotive industry and crude agricultural products. Indonesia easily and cheaply

    Desigualdades, Populismo e Emoções

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    Retratos da mulher brasileira nas revistas portuguesas

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    Este trabalho teve como objectivo reflectir sobre o porquê de três edições de revistas portuguesas com diferentes linhas editoriais terem dado um determinado destaque à temática da mulher brasileira nas suas capas num curto espaço de tempo. Entendeu-se que para tanto era crucial perceber, através das representações sociais, o retrato da mulher brasileira num meio de comunicação social como das revistas portuguesas. Procurou-se ainda perceber se os textos e imagens dessas peças noticiosas foram construídos e apresentados de forma a reforçar um imaginário colectivo. A intenção deste estudo foi verificar se os discursos utilizados nessas revistas fizeram uso de (pre)conceitos ou se procuraram ‘esclarecer’ e ‘desfazer’ os ‘rótulos’ associados à mulher brasileira existentes na sociedade portugues


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    This research aims to examine the effect of budgetary participation, decentralization and professionalism of apparatus performance. The object of this research is Surabaya Government SKPD as the instituion and the subject is the apparatus of the institution. This research is conducted with quantitative method using questionnaire for the data collection. Twenty six samples had been taken from Surabaya Government SKPD. The independent variable this research are budgetary participation, decentralization and professionalism of apparatus. While the performance of the apparatus is the dependent variable. Based on examination which was conducted using SMARTPLS3, budgetary participation, decentralization and professionalism of apparatus shows positive effect toward work performance of the apaparatus in this research.Keywords : apparatus performance, budgetary participation, decentralization, professionalism of apparatus
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