26 research outputs found

    First Surveillance of Violence againstWomen during COVID-19 Lockdown: Experience from “Niguarda” Hospital in Milan, Italy

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    Violence against women emerges with tragic regularity in the daily news. It is now an evident trace of a dramatic social problem, the characteristics of which are not attributable to certain economic, cultural, or religious conditions of the people involved but affect indiscriminately, in a unanimous way, our society. The study is a survey about the number of hospital admissions due to episodes attributable to violence against women, recorded by the Niguarda Hospital in Milan in the period 1 March–30 May from 2017 to 2020. This period, in 2020, corresponds to the coronavirus Lockdown in Italy. All the medical records of the Emergency department were reviewed, and the extracted data classified in order to identify the episodes of violence against women and the features of the reported injuries and the characteristics of the victims. The data did not show an increase in the number of cases in 2020 compared to previous years, but we did find a notable increase in the severity of injuries

    New Psychoactive Substances: Evolution in the Exchange of Information and Innovative Legal Responses in the European Union

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    Abstract: At the end of 2019, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction was monitoring around 790 new psychoactive substances, more than twice the total number of controlled substances under the United Nations Conventions. These substances, which are not subject to international drug controls, include a wide range of molecules, including the assortment of drugs such as synthetic cannabinoids, stimulants, opiates, and benzodiazepines. Most of them are sold as “legal” substitutes for illicit drugs, while others are intended for small groups willing to experiment with them in order to know their possible new effects. At the national level, various measures have been taken to control new substances and many European countries have responded with specific legislationinfavorofconsumersafetyandbyextendingoradaptingexistingdruglawstoincorporate the new psychoactive substances. Moreover, since 1997, an early warning system has been created in Europe for identifying and responding quickly to the risks of new psychoactive substances. In order toestablishaquickerandmoreeffectivesystemtoaddressthecriminalactivitiesassociatedwithnew dangerous psychoactive substances, the European legal framework has considerably changed over the years

    Medico-legal assessment of personal damage in older people: report from a multidisciplinary consensus conference

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    Ageing of the global population represents a challenge for national healthcare systems and healthcare professionals, including medico-legal experts, who assess personal damage in an increasing number of older people. Personal damage evaluation in older people is complex, and the scarcity of evidence is hindering the development of formal guidelines on the subject. The main objectives of the first multidisciplinary Consensus Conference on Medico-Legal Assessment of Personal Damage in Older People were to increase knowledge on the subject and establish standard procedures in this field. The conference, organized according to the guidelines issued by the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS), was held in Bologna (Italy) on June 8, 2019 with the support of national scientific societies, professional organizations, and stakeholders. The Scientific Technical Committee prepared 16 questions on 4 thematic areas: (1) differences in injury outcomes in older people compared to younger people and their relevance in personal damage assessment; (2) pre-existing status reconstruction and evaluation; (3) medico-legal examination procedures; (4) multidimensional assessment and scales. The Scientific Secretariat reviewed relevant literature and documents, rated their quality, and summarized evidence. During conference plenary public sessions, 4 pairs of experts reported on each thematic area. After the last session, a multidisciplinary Jury Panel (15 members) drafted the consensus statements. The present report describes Conference methods and results, including a summary of evidence supporting each statement, and areas requiring further investigation. The methodological recommendations issued during the Conference may be useful in several contexts of damage assessment, or to other medico-legal evaluation fields

    Inhibitor clinical burden of disease: a comparative analysis of the CHESS data.

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    From Europe PMC via Jisc Publications Router.Publication status: PublishedBACKGROUND:Patients with hemophilia and inhibitors generally face greater disease burden compared to patients without inhibitors. While raising awareness of relative burden may improve the standard of care for patients with inhibitors, comparative data are sparse. Analyzing data drawn from the Cost of Haemophilia across Europe - a Socioeconomic Survey (CHESS) study, the aim of this study was to compare the clinical burden of disease in patients with severe hemophilia with and without inhibitors. Hemophilia specialists (N = 139) across five European countries completed an online survey between January-April 2015, providing demographic, clinical and 12-month ambulatory/secondary care activity data for 1285 patients. Patients with hemophilia who currently presented with inhibitors and those who never had inhibitors were matched on baseline characteristics via propensity score matching. Outcomes were compared between the two cohorts using a paired t-test or Wilcoxon signed-rank or McNemar's test. RESULTS:The proportion of patients who currently presented with inhibitors was 4.5% (58/1285). Compared to PS-matched patients without inhibitors, patients with inhibitors experienced more than twice the mean annual number of bleeds (mean ± standard deviation, 8.29 ± 9.18 vs 3.72 ± 3.95; p < .0001) and joint bleeds (2.17 ± 1.90 vs 0.98 ± 1.15; p < .0001), and required more hemophilia-related (mean ± standard deviation, 1.79 ± 1.83 vs 0.64 ± 1.13) and bleed-related hospitalizations (1.86 ± 1.88 vs 0.81 ± 1.26), hemophilia-related consultations (9.30 ± 4.99 vs 6.77 ± 4.47), and outpatient visits (22.09 ± 17.77 vs 11.48 ± 16.00) (all, p < .001). More than one-half (53.5%) experienced moderate/severe pain necessitating medication compared to one-third (32.8%) of patients without inhibitors (p = .01). CONCLUSIONS:Patients with hemophilia and inhibitors exhibited greater clinical burden and higher resource utilization compared to their peers without inhibitors. Strategies for improving the standard of care may alleviate burden in this population

    ISINNOVA - L'innovazione possibile in contesti di crisi

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    Nel 2020 la pandemia da Covid 19 ha pesantemente colpito tutto il mondo, l’Italia in primis, mettendo a dura prova i sistemi sanitari e determinando gravi problemi dal punto di vista economico. In particolare, le imprese si sono trovate a operare in contesti estremamente difficili e dal futuro incerto e a dover rispondere a una serie di sfide, non solo economiche ma anche sociali, in tempi brevi e con risorse spesso limitate. Tuttavia, numerose imprese si sono impegnate no n solo a portare avanti le loro normali attività, ma anche a fornire in alcuni casi tramite soluzioni innovative prodotti e/o servizi, di cui nella primavera del 2020 c’era molto bisogno per fronteggiare la diffusione della pandemia. Tra queste iniziat ive, particolarmente degna di nota è quella realizzata da Isinnova, un’azienda che forse solo gli addetti ai lavori conoscevano prima del 21 marzo 2020, giorno in cui la prima foto di un uomo che indossava una maschera di snorkeling di Decathlon e riusciva a respirare grazie a valvole appositamente progettate e stampate in 3D iniziò a fare il giro del mondo. Da questo punto di vista, l’esperienza di Isinnova rappresenta un caso estremamente interessante di come attraverso l’innovazione e in particolare l’innovazione aperta è possibile dare risposte efficaci in situazioni avverse e caratterizzate da particolare urgenza. Nel caso di studio vengono infatti descritti e discussi gli elementi e le azioni messe in atto da Isinnova e altri soggetti durante la gestione delle crisi e vengono presentate implicazioni relative alla possibilità di implementare processi di innovazione rilevanti e tempestivi in situazioni altrettanto difficili

    New psychoactive substances: evolution in the exchange of information and innovative legal responses in the European Union.

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    At the end of 2019, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction was monitoring around 790 new psychoactive substances, more than twice the total number of controlled substances under the United Nations Conventions. These substances, which are not subject to international drug controls, include a wide range of molecules, including the assortment of drugs such as synthetic cannabinoids, stimulants, opiates, and benzodiazepines. Most of them are sold as "legal" substitutes for illicit drugs, while others are intended for small groups willing to experiment with them in order to know their possible new effects. At the national level, various measures have been taken to control new substances and many European countries have responded with specific legislation in favor of consumer safety and by extending or adapting existing drug laws to incorporate the new psychoactive substances. Moreover, since 1997, an early warning system has been created in Europe for identifying and responding quickly to the risks of new psychoactive substances. In order to establish a quicker and more effective system to address the criminal activities associated with new dangerous psychoactive substances, the European legal framework has considerably changed over the years

    Pharmacological Abortion in a Pandemic: An Italian Medico-Legal Perspective

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    : The limitations caused by the spread of the SARS-CoV2 virus have had repercussions on the voluntary termination of pregnancy. During the pandemic, Italy issued updated guidelines regarding voluntary termination of pregnancy by means of mifepristone and prostaglandin. This included news concerning the time limit and location in which this procedure could be accessed: updates partially recognize women's needs, and they are into line with the European parliament's recent exhortations. However, these updates do not change the previously provided responsibilities that lie with doctors. This article aimed to compare regulations concerning medical abortion in Italy and other countries, with a focus on recent Italian updates in the context of pandemic

    Pharmacological Abortion in a Pandemic: An Italian Medico-Legal Perspective

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    The limitations caused by the spread of the SARS-CoV2 virus have had repercussions on the voluntary termination of pregnancy. During the pandemic, Italy issued updated guidelines regarding voluntary termination of pregnancy by means of mifepristone and prostaglandin. This included news concerning the time limit and location in which this procedure could be accessed: updates partially recognize women’s needs, and they are into line with the European parliament’s recent exhortations. However, these updates do not change the previously provided responsibilities that lie with doctors. This article aimed to compare regulations concerning medical abortion in Italy and other countries, with a focus on recent Italian updates in the context of pandemic

    Autopsy Findings in Case of Fatal Scorpion Sting: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Scorpion sting is a public health issue in several countries, particularly in America, the Middle East, India and Africa. The estimated annual global incidence of scorpion envenomings is about 1.5 million, resulting in 2600 deaths. Scorpions are Arthropoda characterized by a tail ending in a terminal bulbous (telson) containing paired venom glands and the stinger. There are 19 known families of scorpions and more than 2200 species, of which about 50 from the families of Buthidae, Hemiscorpiidae and Scorpionidae are harmful to humans. Scorpion venom is a complex structure composed of neurotoxic proteins, salts, acidic proteins and organic compounds, thereby having neurologic, cardiovascular, hematologic and renal side effects, in addition to local effects such as redness, pain, burning and swelling. When the sting is fatal, the mechanism of death is often related to cardiotoxicity with terminal pulmonary edema. However, the cholinergic excess or the neuromuscular excitation can provoke respiratory failure. Sometimes, death is due to an anaphylactic reaction to the envenoming. The purpose of this literature review is to evaluate the autopsy findings in scorpion sting-related deaths in order to better understand the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying them, thus helping pathologists in defining the correct diagnosis

    Take-Home Messages from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strengths and Pitfalls of the Italian National Health Service from a Medico-Legal Point of View

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    : The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) infection a pandemic on 11 March 2020. As of the end of October 2020, there were 50 million cases of infection and over one million deaths recorded worldwide, over 45,000 of which occurred in Italy. In Italy, the demand for intensive care over the course of this pandemic crisis has been exceptionally high, resulting in a severe imbalance between the demand for and availability of the necessary resources. This paper focuses on elements of preventive medicine and medical treatments in emergency and non-emergency situations which, based on the international scientific literature, may prove to be useful to physicians on a behavioral level and avert professional liability problems. In order to achieve this objective, we have performed a search on MEDLINE to find published articles related to the risks associated with the pandemic that contain useful suggestions and strategies for mitigating risks and protecting the safety of the population. The results have been collocated in line with these specific study areas