95 research outputs found

    Pharmacogenetics : the science of predictive clinical pharmacology

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    The study of pharmacogenetics has expanded from what were initially casual family-based clinical drug response observations, to a fully-fledged science with direct therapeutic applications, all within a time-span of less than 60 years. A wide spectrum of polymorphisms, located within several genes, are now recognised to influence the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the majority of drugs within our therapeutic armamentarium. This information forms the basis for the new development of pharmacogenetic genotyping tests, which can be used to predict the therapeutic and/or adverse effects of a specific drug in a particular patient. Pharmacogenetic-guided, patient targeted therapy has now become the developing fulcrum of personalized medicine, as it provides the best means to optimize benefit/risk ratio in pharmacological management.peer-reviewe

    Biotech drugs : biological therapeutic agents

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    The recent years has seen significant growth in a new therapeutic approach to the management of disease. Biological therapeutic agents, constitute a broad category of drugs, usually generated by recombinant techniques from living organisms. These therapies revolutionise the traditional approaches to drug design and development, and regulatory agencies have been swift in developing the necessary structures to ensure their optimal use.peer-reviewe

    Pharmacogenetics : the path to personalized prescribing

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    The fact that different patients may show dissimilar responses to the same drug, has been recognised for several years, and many variables, such as age, gender and body weight have been identified to contribute to this observation. The last half century has seen a rise in research concerning a new variable – genetic variation – which has been recognised to offer a major contribution to this phenomenon. Pharmacogenetics research has today established itself as an important arm of pharmacology, and has key applications in drug development and clinical therapeutics. The advent of high throughput methodologies coupled with new data derived from the human genome sequencing project, has helped to powerfully mobilise the developmental pace of this research work, and to introduce the concept of genome-wide pharmacogenetic studies, or pharmacogenomics. The eventual development of pharmacogenetic tests, able to identify patients who are most likely to adequately respond to specific therapies from those who are not, will be a landmark in the history of therapeutics, and coupled to the development of new drugs for specific pharmacogenetically-stratified patient populations, will provide a markedly enhanced toolkit for the optimization of the benefit-risk ratio in prescribing.peer-reviewe

    Solitary fibrous tumour of the nose and nasopharynx

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    A case of solitary fibrous tumour of the nasal cavity is reported. These tumours, rare in the nose, are believed to be similar to fibrous mesotheliomas of the pleural cavity. The main presenting symptom is that of unilateral nasal obstruction and diagnosis is made on histological examination of the lesion. These tumours have to be distinguished from other spindle-cell tumours of the nasal cavity and sinuses.peer-reviewe

    A spatial prioritisation exercise for marine spatial planning implementation within the North-East MPA of the Maltese Islands

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    The cumulative pressure/risk posed to both Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows and maerl beds by ongoing maritime activities as well as the cumulative user-user conflict within the NE MPA were quantified and mapped to serve as a decision-support tool for MPA managers implementing MSP provisions in the area.peer-reviewe

    Anxiety and the management of asthma in an adult outpatient population

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    Review of the literature suggests that anxiety is more common among patients with asthma than among the general population, yet it does not appear to be given the attention it deserves as part of the overall management of asthma. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between anxiety and asthma management, in terms of Global Initiative for Asthma steps, lung function and medication. Methods: A total of 201 consecutive patients with respiratory physician-diagnosed asthma were recruited from an adult outpatient asthma clinic. Participants underwent a sociodemographic review, and a medical interview which included a detailed drug history. Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and peak expiratory flow (PEF) values were recorded using a Micro Medical portable spirometer. The level of anxiety was assessed using the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Results: A total of 51.5% of participants registered clinically significant levels of anxiety. Of these only 21% had already been diagnosed and were receiving treatment. Females reported significantly higher BAI scores than males (p<0.01). More females (66.3%) registered clinically significant levels of anxiety as compared with males (33.7%) (p<0.05). There was a positive correlation between the BAI score and the prescribed dose of inhaled glucocorticoids (rsÂĽ0.150, p<0.05) and between anxiety and GINA treatment step (rsÂĽ0.139, p<0.05). There was also a positive correlation between anxiety and the number of medicines taken by patients (rsÂĽ0.259, p<0.001). Conclusions: Physicians treating patients with asthma should be sensitised to the association between asthma and anxiety, and should also consider assessing patients for the possibility of anxiety disorders as part of asthma management plans.peer-reviewe

    Congenital hearing loss in Malta : a survey

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    The congenitally deaf infant who acquires deafness prior to development of language present special problems when compared to other hearing impaired individuals. This is because both the development of speech and of language depends on adequate hearing. As speech and language are our prime means of communication, the congenitally deaf child is automatically also handicapped in his psychological development, social adaptation and work adaptability. The authors reviewed cases of congenital hearing loss presenting on a 20 year period to establish the incidence of congenital hearing impairment in the Maltese islands; to determine the common causes; to highlight any difficulties in early diagnosis and management of these children.peer-reviewe

    Pharmacogenetics and personalized medicine : does gender have a role?

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    The study of the role of genetic polymorphisms in drug responses, is now a firmly established field of pharmacology research. It has robust applications in predicting drug effect, and therefore contributes to the process of optimum selection of drug and dose for specific patients. Since the last 10 years, the FDA as well as the EMA have set up their own pharmacogenomics advisory groups, and have flagged an increasing number of medicinal products with specific genotyping recommendations in order to reap their greatest benefit. The contribution of gender to therapeutic outcomes has long been recognised, but recent research suggests that gender influence may not only occur via well recognised hormonal pathways, but also via direct non-hormone-mediated mechanisms. This influence may confound pharmacogenetic predictors, and gender stratification may therefore be an important consideration in pharmacogenetic-based drug trials.peer-reviewe

    Excavations at Tas-Silg, Malta : a preliminary report on the 1996-1998 campaigns conducted by the Department of Classics and Archaeology of the University of Malta

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    The area known as Tas-Silg is situated in the south-eastern part of the island of Malta, close to Marsaxlokk harbour. In reality the place name refers to the small church dedicated to Our Lady of the Snows (hence Tas-Silg) situated at the point where the narrow · road from Zejtun forks out in two directions: to Delimara and Xrobb il-Ghagin due south-east and to Marsaxlokk village due south-west. A British-period fort occupying the highest point of the elongated hill further south along· the first road also carries the same place name. The lower and more compact hill on which the excavations have been conducted is called 'Ta' Berikka' , but since it is so close to the above-mentioned church (only 50 m to the north) the tradition of calling it Tas-Silg is now well established and there is no sense in changing it. The site has a commanding view of the Marsaxlokk harbour to the south and overlooks two other bays, Marsascala and St Thomas's bay, to the north-east. On all sides the slope is broken up by man-made terraced fields There is no doubt that the topography of the site must have been a determining factor in its choice for the establishment of a religious centre in the Temple period of Maltese pehistory (3000--2500 BC), though one must keep in mind that close to Tas-Silg there are three other prehistoric temple sites. each one with a completely different topography. The Temple people were quite introverted in their cultural isolation and do not seem to have been much interested in seafaring and in the outside world. The situation changed radically in the following age, the Bronze Age. when the island was occupied by people who set up villages on naturally defensible hilltops, occasionally fortifying them with artificial ramparts. The Tas-Silg hill with its temple ruins was occupied by these people, but it is not as yet clear for what purpose. The scenario changed again in historical times when the central and western Mediterranean started to be parcelled out among the commercial powers originating in the eastern Mediterranean. The Greeks do not seem to have even tried 10 colonize Malta as they did in neighbouring Sicily. The Phoenicians, however, did occupy the island, apparently through a slow process of peaceful penetration and eventual political and cultural assimi lation. It was in this period that the ruins of the megalithic temple were transformed into a Phoenician extraurban shrine dedicated to Astarte, which in time expanded into a full y-fledged sanctuary with an international reputation. The last chapter in the millennia- long history of the site was written when the colonnaded courtyard in front of the old temple was transformed into an early Christian church. Any use made of the site in the following Arab period is, once again, poorly understood.peer-reviewe

    Biotech drugs : biological therapeutic agents

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    The recent years has seen significant growth in a new therapeutic approach to the management of disease. Biological therapeutic agents, constitute a broad category of drugs, usually generated by recombinant techniques from living organisms. These therapies revolutionise the traditional approaches to drug design and development, and regulatory agencies have been swift in developing the necessary structures to ensure their optimal use.peer-reviewe
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