50 research outputs found

    Theory of the motion principle of a piezoelectric driven microrobot

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    Microrobots are promising tools for miniaturized manufacturing or surgery. Piezoelectric driven mobile microrobots apply the inverse piezoelectric effect for motion and manipulation. Current specimens are built based on experimental results, however, a mathematical model presented in this article can be used both for construction and control of microrobots

    A new approach to the calibration problems of three-dimensional laser scanners

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    Synchronized laser scanners are the most popular 3D image capture systems for industrial applications. The accuracy of the scanned picture is a key factor of the complete system. In this paper, a new mathematical description of synchronized laser scanners will be presented, which is necessary to the developed calibration method. The mathematical model is based on the geometrical design of the triangulation and it can make the application of scanners easier. The calibration method is working by tests on reference planes, which should be scanned and some reference points should be chosen on it. Due to the combined relations among the geometrical and system parameters, it is better - as shown - if the system parameters are estimated step-by-step by a linear error correcting method from the measured data and from the coordinates of the points on the reference planes. The new mathematical model allows simulating the function and the errors of the triangulation system easy. The error analysis of the system can help us to obtain important data from the model to design synchronized scanners

    Preventív programok a korai iskolaelhagyás csökkentésére a nemzetközi szakirodalom alapján

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    This paper reviews international programmes to prevent early school leaving and early school drop-out based on systematic and meta-analyses from 2010 to 2021. The study presents nine analyses that typically examine and summarise early school leaving interventions from the 1980s to the last decade, with a particular focus on programmes that include mentoring. In addition to presenting the analyses, we aim to draw inferences and conclusions that will help in the design and implementation of national programmes.Az írás a korai iskolaelhagyás és iskolai lemorzsolódás megakadályozását célzó nemzetközi preventív programok áttekintésére vállalkozik a 2010 és 2021 között született szisztematikus és metaelemzések alapján. A tanulmányban kilenc elemzést mutatunk be, amelyek jellemzően a nyolcvanas évektől az elmúlt évtizedig vizsgálják és összegzik a korai iskolaelhagyás felszámolására irányuló intézkedéseket, kiemelten a mentori tevékenységet is tartalmazó programokra fókuszálva. Az elemzések bemutatása mellett törekszünk olyan megállapításokat, következtetéseket tenni, melyek segítik a hazai programok tervezését, megvalósítását

    Associations between sleep duration and insulin resistance in European children and adolescents considering the mediating role of abdominal obesity

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    Background Short sleep duration has been suggested to lead to insulin resistance both directly by altering glucose metabolism and indirectly through obesity. This study aims to investigate associations between nocturnal sleep duration and insulin resistance considering abdominal obesity as a mediator. Methods We analysed data of 3 900 children aged 2–15 years participating in the second (2009/10) and third (2013/14) examination wave of the European IDEFICS/I.Family study (hereafter referred to as baseline and follow-up). Information on nocturnal sleep duration was collected by questionnaires and age-standardised (SLEEP z-score). The homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) was calculated from fasting insulin and fasting glucose obtained from blood samples; waist circumference (WAIST) was measured with an inelastic tape. HOMA and WAIST were used as indicators for insulin resistance and abdominal obesity, respectively, and transformed to age- and sex-specific z-scores. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between SLEEP z-score and HOMA z-score were investigated based on a path model considering WAIST z-score as a mediator adjusting for relevant confounders. Results Cross-sectionally, baseline SLEEP z-score was negatively associated with baseline WAIST z-score (unstandardised effect estimate -0.120, 95% confidence interval [-0.167; -0.073]). We observed no direct effect of baseline SLEEP z-score on baseline HOMA z-score but a negative indirect effect through baseline WAIST z-score (-0.042 [-0.058; -0.025]). Longitudinally, there was no direct effect of baseline SLEEP z-score on HOMA z-score at follow-up but a negative indirect effect through both baseline WAIST z-score and WAIST z-score at follow-up (-0.028 [-0.040; -0.016]). Conclusions Our results do not support the hypothesis of an association between short sleep duration and insulin resistance independent of abdominal obesity. However, longer sleep duration may exert short and long term beneficial effects on insulin resistance through its beneficial effects on abdominal obesity.Peer reviewe

    Csokonai könyvtár. Források : (Régi kortársaink)

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    Kétnyelvű kiadványunk Szigetvár emlékezetének német nyelvű irodalmi szövegeit adja közre azok magyar fordításaival együtt. A válogatás 1800 körül keletkezett drámai és elbeszélő szövegeket tartalmaz, melyek egy jól körülírható diskurzus részei voltak. A 17. század végén lassan elhalványuló Zrínyi emlékezet a 18. században éled föl újra, előbb latin iskoladrámákban, majd a század utolsó harmadában főként német nyelvű irodalmi szövegekben. Az 1780-as években ezzel párhuzamosan a magyar nyilvánosságnak is fontos témája lett a Zrínyiek emlékezete, de ez elsősorban költészeti diskurzus volt, mely a költő Zrínyire, a Szigeti veszedelemre, s verstani kérdésekre koncentrált. A német nyelvű szövegek ezzel szemben a szigetvári hőst fedezik fel a birodalmi patriotizmus szellemében, illetve hungarus-tudattal. Zrínyi magyarként jelenik ugyan meg, de a Habsburg Monarchia hadvezéreként és a császár alattvalójaként nem csak Magyarországért, hanem a birodalomért is áldozza életét. Kötetünk közli a német szövegek magyar fordításait is, melyek 1800 körül keletkeztek. Pyrker és Hormayr műveinek fordítása e kiadvány számára készült. A kortárs fordítók a német szövegeket saját diskurzusuk igényei szerint alakították át, s a fordításokban a birodalmi patriotizmussal szemben a magyar nemzettudat és patriotizmus szellemiségét erősítették. A német szerzők gyökerei és az egyes szövegek keletkezésének kontextusai nagyon sokszínűek, de többnyire a Habsburg Monarchia multikulturális terének részei. Az 1800 körüli nyilvánosságban általánosan ismert szövegeken keresztül láthatóvá válik a kor diskurzusainak polifóniája, s az is, ahogyan az egyes diskurzusok átmennek egymásba, illetve befolyásolják egymást.Szövegek..... 8-430. Niklas Zrini oder die Belagerung von Sigeth (Fr. A. Cl. Werthes, 1790).....9-33. Zríni Miklós; avagy Sziget várának veszedelme (ford. Györgyfalvi Csépán István, 1790)..... 35-62. Die Belagerung von Sigeth (Fr. Kind, 1807)..... 63-93. Gróf Zrínyi Miklós, vagy Sziget’ várának ostromlása (ford. Csery Péter, 1817)..... 95-122. Zrinis Tod (Joh. Lad. Pyrker v. Felső-Eőr, 1810)..... 123-178. Zrínyi halála (ford. Molnár Anna)..... 179-206. Zriny (Th. Körner, 1814)..... 207-294. Zrinyi (ford. Petrichevich Horváth Dániel, 1819)..... 295-347. Zrínyi (ford. Szemere Pál, 1826)..... 349-430. Függelék..... 431-450. Niklas Graf von Zrini (Jos. Freyh. v. Hormayr, 1807)..... 433-441 Gróf Zrínyi Miklós (ford. Kovács Kálmán)..... 443-450. Jegyzetek..... 451- Bevezetés..... 453-478. Történeti összefoglaló..... 479-498. Jegyzetek az egyes szövegekhez..... 499-579. Fr. A. Cl. Werthes munkássága és közölt műve..... 499-503. Niklas Zrini oder die Belagerung von Sigeth..... 503-504. Zríni Miklós; avagy Sziget várának veszedelme (ford. Györgyfalvi Csépán István). 505-514. Fr. Kind munkássága és közölt műve..... 515-520. Die Belagerung von Sigeth..... 520-521. Gróf Zrínyi Miklós, vagy Sziget’ várának ostromlása (ford. Csery Péter)..... 521-528. Joh. Lad. Pyrker v. Felső-Eőr munkássága és közölt műve..... 529-532. Zrinis Tod..... 532-533. Zrínyi halála (ford. Molnár Anna)..... 534-538. Th. Körner munkássága és közölt műve..... 539-554. Zriny..... 554-556. Zrinyi (ford. Petrichevich Horváth Dániel)..... 556-564. Zrínyi (ford. Szemere Pál)..... 564-579. Rövidítések..... 581-583. Bibliográfia..... 583-598. Névmutató..... 599-604. Képek..... 605-607

    Colistin resistance associated with outer membrane protein change in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter asburiae

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    In this study, outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of colistin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter asburiae were analyzed. One colistin-susceptible and three colistin-resistant K. pneumoniae sequence type 258 strains as well as one colistin-susceptible E. asburiae and its colistin-heteroresistant counterpart strain were involved in the study. OMP analysis of each strain was performed by microchip method. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight/mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS) investigation was carried out after separation of OMPs by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and in-gel digestion. The MALDI-TOF/MS analysis of OMPs in the colistin-susceptible K. pneumoniae found 16 kDa proteins belonging to the LysM domain/BON superfamily, as well as DNA starvation proteins, whereas OmpX and OmpW were detected in the colistin-resistant counterpart strains. OmpC and OmpW were detected in the colistin-susceptible E. asburiae, whereas OmpA and OmpX were identified in the colistin-resistant counterpart. This study demonstrated that OMP differences were between colistin-susceptible and -resistant counterpart strains. The altered Gram-negative cell wall may contribute to acquired colistin resistance in Enterobacteriaceae

    Associations between sleep duration and insulin resistance in European children and adolescents considering the mediating role of abdominal obesity

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    Background Short sleep duration has been suggested to lead to insulin resistance both directly by altering glucose metabolism and indirectly through obesity. This study aims to investigate associations between nocturnal sleep duration and insulin resistance considering abdominal obesity as a mediator. Methods We analysed data of 3 900 children aged 2-15 years participating in the second (2009/10) and third (2013/14) examination wave of the European IDEFICS/I.Family study (hereafter referred to as baseline and follow-up). Information on nocturnal sleep duration was collected by questionnaires and age-standardised (SLEEP z-score). The homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) was calculated from fasting insulin and fasting glucose obtained from blood samples; waist circumference (WAIST) was measured with an inelastic tape. HOMA and WAIST were used as indicators for insulin resistance and abdominal obesity, respectively, and transformed to age- and sex-specific z-scores. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between SLEEP z-score and HOMA z-score were investigated based on a path model considering WAIST z-score as a mediator adjusting for relevant confounders. Results Cross-sectionally, baseline SLEEP z-score was negatively associated with baseline WAIST z-score (unstandardised effect estimate -0.120, 95% confidence interval [-0.167; -0.073]). We observed no direct effect of baseline SLEEP z-score on baseline HOMA z-score but a negative indirect effect through baseline WAIST z-score (-0.042 [-0.058; -0.025]). Longitudinally, there was no direct effect of baseline SLEEP z-score on HOMA z-score at follow-up but a negative indirect effect through both baseline WAIST z-score and WAIST z-score at follow-up (-0.028 [-0.040; -0.016]). Conclusions Our results do not support the hypothesis of an association between short sleep duration and insulin resistance independent of abdominal obesity. However, longer sleep duration may exert short and long term beneficial effects on insulin resistance through its beneficial effects on abdominal obesity

    Peer Effects on Weight Status, Dietary Behaviour and Physical Activity among Adolescents in Europe: Findings from the I.Family Study

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    This study uses survey data from the I.Family Study to investigate the association between adolescent and peer overweight in a sample of adolescents aged 12–16 from six European countries. We find clear evidence of peer effects on body mass index, waist circumference, and body fat, which are stronger among adolescents at the upper end of overweight distribution. We also provide evidence that both consumption of less healthy foods and time spent in leisure time physical activity and audio-visual media are positively associated with similar behaviours among friends. These observations may suggest that peer effects on adolescent overweight operate by influencing friends’ behaviour patterns, especially unhealthy food consumption and physical (in)activity

    Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development

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    AbstractOptimal growth and development in childhood and adolescence is crucial for lifelong health and well-being1–6. Here we used data from 2,325 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight from 71 million participants, to report the height and body-mass index (BMI) of children and adolescents aged 5–19 years on the basis of rural and urban place of residence in 200 countries and territories from 1990 to 2020. In 1990, children and adolescents residing in cities were taller than their rural counterparts in all but a few high-income countries. By 2020, the urban height advantage became smaller in most countries, and in many high-income western countries it reversed into a small urban-based disadvantage. The exception was for boys in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and in some countries in Oceania, south Asia and the region of central Asia, Middle East and north Africa. In these countries, successive cohorts of boys from rural places either did not gain height or possibly became shorter, and hence fell further behind their urban peers. The difference between the age-standardized mean BMI of children in urban and rural areas was &lt;1.1 kg m–2 in the vast majority of countries. Within this small range, BMI increased slightly more in cities than in rural areas, except in south Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and some countries in central and eastern Europe. Our results show that in much of the world, the growth and developmental advantages of living in cities have diminished in the twenty-first century, whereas in much of sub-Saharan Africa they have amplified.</jats:p