70 research outputs found

    Rethinking stasis and utopianism: empty placards and imaginative boredom in the Greek crisis-scape

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    This chapter traces specific modalities for performing stasis and rethinking utopianism against the backdrop of the recent financial crisis in Greece and, generally, of conditions shaped within the totalizing order Mark Fisher has called “capitalist realism.” Boletsi probes the ways two works deal with the (im)possibility of resistance from within the neoliberal “now”: the short story “Placard and Broomstick” (Ikonomou) and an Athenian wall writing that translates as “I am bored imaginatively.” The empty placard that takes center stage in Ikonomou’s story and the imaginative boredom registered on the walls of Athens test different modalities of stasis against alienation, dispossession, and the contracting of the future. Boletsi argues that both works disengage from conceptions of subjectivity that rest on the binary of either a passive or an active subject—either an acquiescent victim or a revolutionary hero who challenges power from its outside. The story stages the desire for alternative languages by registering a crisis of representation and the inadequacy of existing narratives. The wall writing taps into the modality of the “middle voice” to reconfigure one of the symptoms of capitalist realism—the boredom of unemployment, consumerism, or an indebted life—into a potential resource for different modes of being that carry glimpses of utopianism. Both works, albeit differently, challenge neoliberal imperatives of acquiescence, normalization, or “moving forward.” Although they stage the limited possibilities for resistance within a totalizing system, they also enable alternative configurations of subjectivity, agency, and futurity.Modern and Contemporary Studie
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