435 research outputs found

    Optimizing radiation therapy treatments by exploring tumour ecosystem dynamics in-silico

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    In this contribution, we propose a system-level compartmental population dynamics model of tumour cells that interact with the patient (innate) immune system under the impact of radiation therapy (RT). The resulting in silico - model enables us to analyse the system-level impact of radiation on the tumour ecosystem. The Tumour Control Probability (TCP) was calculated for varying conditions concerning therapy fractionation schemes, radio-sensitivity of tumour sub-clones, tumour population doubling time, repair speed and immunological elimination parameters. The simulations exhibit a therapeutic benefit when applying the initial 3 fractions in an interval of 2 days instead of daily delivered fractions. This effect disappears for fast-growing tumours and in the case of incomplete repair. The results suggest some optimisation potential for combined hyperthermia-radiotherapy. Regarding the sensitivity of the proposed model, cellular repair of radiation-induced damages is a key factor for tumour control. In contrast to this, the radio-sensitivity of immune cells does not influence the TCP as long as the radio-sensitivity is higher than those for tumour cells. The influence of the tumour sub-clone structure is small (if no competition is included). This work demonstrates the usefulness of in silico – modelling for identifying optimisation potentials

    Sequence selection in an autocatalytic binary polymer model

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    An autocatalytic pattern matching polymer system is studied as an abstract model for chemical ecosystem evolution. Highly ordered populations with particular sequence patterns appear spontaneously out of a vast number of possible states. The interplay between the selected microscopic sequence patterns and the macroscopic cooperative structures is examined. Stability, fluctuations, and evolutionary selection mechanisms are investigated for the involved self-organizing processes

    Minimal model of self-replicating nanocells: a physically embodied information-free scenario

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    The building of minimal self-reproducing systems with a physical embodiment (generically called protocells) is a great challenge, with implications for both theory and applied sciences. Although the classical view of a living protocell assumes that it includes information-carrying molecules as an essential ingredient, a dividing cell-like structure can be built from a metabolism-container coupled system, only. An example of such a system, modeled with dissipative particle dynamics, is presented here. This article demonstrates how a simple coupling between a precursor molecule and surfactant molecules forming micelles can experience a growth-division cycle in a predictable manner, and analyzes the influence of crucial parameters on this replication cycle. Implications of these results for origins of cellular life and living technology are outlined.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    On the Growth Rate of Non-Enzymatic Molecular Replicators

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    It is well known that non-enzymatic template directed molecular replicators X + nO ---> 2X exhibit parabolic growth d[X]/dt = k [X]^{1/2}. Here, we analyze the dependence of the effective replication rate constant k on hybridization energies, temperature, strand length, and sequence composition. First we derive analytical criteria for the replication rate k based on simple thermodynamic arguments. Second we present a Brownian dynamics model for oligonucleotides that allows us to simulate their diffusion and hybridization behavior. The simulation is used to generate and analyze the effect of strand length, temperature, and to some extent sequence composition, on the hybridization rates and the resulting optimal overall rate constant k. Combining the two approaches allows us to semi-analytically depict a fitness landscape for template directed replicators. The results indicate a clear replication advantage for longer strands at low temperatures.Comment: Submitted to: Entrop

    Programming chemistry in DNA-addressable bioreactors

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    We present a formal calculus, termed the chemtainer calculus, able to capture the complexity of compartmentalized reaction systems such as populations of possibly nested vesicular compartments. Compartments contain molecular cargo as well as surface markers in the form of DNA single strands. These markers serve as compartment addresses and allow for their targeted transport and fusion, thereby enabling reactions of previously separated chemicals. The overall system organization allows for the set-up of programmable chemistry in microfluidic or other automated environments. We introduce a simple sequential programming language whose instructions are motivated by state-of-the-art microfluidic technology. Our approach integrates electronic control, chemical computing and material production in a unified formal framework that is able to mimic the integrated computational and constructive capabilities of the subcellular matrix. We provide a non-deterministic semantics of our programming language that enables us to analytically derive the computational and constructive power of our machinery. This semantics is used to derive the sets of all constructable chemicals and supermolecular structures that emerge from different underlying instruction sets. Because our proofs are constructive, they can be used to automatically infer control programs for the construction of target structures from a limited set of resource molecules. Finally, we present an example of our framework from the area of oligosaccharide synthesis

    Es darf etwas mehr sein. Einige Überlegungen zur Entwicklung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. (DGSv)

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    Der Beitrag reflektiert die Entwicklung des Berufsverbandes Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. (DGSv) und prüft, ob und welche Veränderungen in Struktur, Führung, Management, Kultur und öffentlicher Stellung eingeleitet werden müssen, um die Zukunftsfähigkeit dieses bislang erfolgreichen Professionalisierungsprojekts für einen nächstenAbschnitt zu sichern. Der Beitrag plädiert für eine Neustrukturierung der Verbandsspitze, für eine Verdeutlichung von Führungsaufgaben, für ein professionelles Management ehren- und hauptamtlicher Expertise als besonders wertvoller Ressource des Verbandes, für mehr Augenmerk auf Aspekte der Verbands- und Professionskultur sowie für eine einem Berufsverband angemessene gesellschaftliche Positionierung