6 research outputs found


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    The competitiveness of organizations depends, among other things, of their performance levels. For such, it is vitally important that they have a measurement and evaluation system that, from a set of indicators, provides them reliable information to reflect their goals and evaluate their performances. The aims of this study are: (i) to identify the most discussed approaches in the literature to evaluate the organizational performance, and (ii) to carry out a diagnosis of how small and medium enterprises with economic activity in Portugal measure and operationalize the evaluation of their performance. To meet the objectives of the study, we proceeded to the analysis of published studies in scientific journals and conducted twelve interviews in SMEs. The results indicate that, in addition to the majority of the studied organizations not having a formal process of their strategy, they also do not measure their results in an integrated system that would allow them to make an evaluation according to their strategic goals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento de um modelo multimetodológico tridimensional de avaliação de desempenho organizacional: competitividade, gestão estratégica e produtividade

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    O objetivo desta tese é o de criar um modelo de avaliação de desempenho organizacional que auxilie as organizações a aumentarem a sua competitividade e produtividade, desenvolvido numa abordagem multimetodológica com base na utilização das metodologias de conferências de decisão (decision conferencing), de consultoria de processos de grupo (group process consultation) e de análise multicritério de apoio à tomada de decisão, através da realização de casos práticos de aplicação. A realização dos casos de estudo decorreu em quatro organizações com atividade em Portugal entre fevereiro e agosto de 2017, o que permitiu a criação e o desenvolvimento de um modelo tridimensional de avaliação de desempenho organizacional. Decorrente dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, pode afirmar-se que este modelo, ao (i) facilitar o desenvolvimento de um sistema de medição e avaliação de desempenho organizacional personalizado, (ii) propiciar um espaço de reflexão e de discussão sobre os aspetos estratégicos da organização no futuro, (iii) permitir o desenvolvimento, a implementação, a utilização e a interpretação dos resultados de forma simples e (iv) garantir a sua adaptabilidade a qualquer organização face às suas características, promove o desenvolvimento da competitividade e da produtividade das organizações com base numa tomada de decisão estratégica mais informada sobre a organização; Abstract: Development of a Multimetodological Model of Organizational Performance Evaluation: Competitiveness, Strategic Management and Productivity The purpose of this thesis is to create an organizational performance evaluation model that helps organizations increase their competitiveness and productivity, developed in a multi-method approach based on the use of decision conferencing, group process consultation and multicriteria analysis methodologies to support decision-making, through the execution of practical cases of application. The application of the case studies was carried out in four organizations with activity in Portugal between February and August 2017, which allowed the creation and development of a three-dimensional organizational performance assessment model. Due to the results obtained in this work, it can be affirmed that this model, (i) by facilitating the development of a customized measurement and evaluation system of organizational performance, (ii) by providing a space for reflection and discussion on the strategic aspects of the organization in the future, (iii) by allowing the development, implementation, use and interpretation of the results in a simple way, and (iv) by ensuring its adaptability to any organization based on its characteristics, promotes the competitiveness and productivity development of organizations based on strategic decision-making more informed about the organization

    The dynamics of the employee branding effect: The valuation of interpersonal relationships in organizational results

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    Focusing on competency management, the Employee Branding Effect process results from the increase of catalytic actions of the interpersonal relations domain, which stem from the informality created in social exchanges both inside and outside organizations, namely by the introduction of mentoring and helping relations between chiefs and headed. The Employee Branding Effect contributes to a real and concrete diagnosis of the organizational and relational environment of the organizations, by promoting and reinforcing the psychological contract between employees and the organization. The present study covered 30 organizations in the central zone of Portugal that responded to a questionnaire survey for Employee Branding Effect measurement. The results statistically show that the moderating effect of mentoring and helping relationships actions, from the informal domain over the formal domain of the organizations, confirm a positive increase of the employee branding process results when promoted by actions within the scope of the interpersonal relations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The competitiveness of organizations depends, among other things, of their performance levels. For such, it is vitally important that they have a measurement and evaluation system that, from a set of indicators, provides them reliable information to reflect their goals and evaluate their performances. The aims of this study are: (i) to identify the most discussed approaches in the literature to evaluate the organizational performance, and (ii) to carry out a diagnosis of how small and medium enterprises with economic activity in Portugal measure and operationalize the evaluation of their performance. To meet the objectives of the study, we proceeded to the analysis of published studies in scientific journals and conducted twelve interviews in SMEs. The results indicate that, in addition to the majority of the studied organizations not having a formal process of their strategy, they also do not measure their results in an integrated system that would allow them to make an evaluation according to their strategic goals


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    O processo Efeito de Marca de Empregado contribui de forma inovadora, ao considerar a perceção de cada colaborador, para um diagnóstico real e concreto do ambiente organizacional e relacional das organizações. Este artigo identifica as tipologias e analisa a perceção de Efeito de Marca de Empregado nas organizações, tendo em conta os perfis organizacionais, os dados sociodemográficos e o perfil profissional dos colaboradores. Para esta investigação, optou-se por um estudo exploratório, tendo sido aplicado um inquérito por questionário a 30 organizações do centro de Portugal, tendo-se obtido 725 respostas válidas. Para testar as hipóteses recorreu-se ao teste t de Student para comparação de amostras independentes e ao coeficiente de correlação de Pearson para estudar a relação entre variáveis. Dos vários resultados recolhidos é possível destacar que a perceção de Efeito de Marca de Empregado é mais positiva (i) nos colaboradores do género feminino, (ii) nos que têm um contrato a termo certo, (iii) nos que exercem funções de chefia e (iii) nos que têm menos anos de serviço na organização e na função. Os resultados encontrados nesta investigação confirmam de que, através do diagnóstico de Efeito Marca de Empregado, é possível aferir a influência na perceção dos colaboradores através das práticas de gestão de recursos humanos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Perception of Employee Effect and Brand in Industry and Services: An Internal Marketing Approach.

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    Employee brand effect is a process that values the management of human resources in organizations and contributes to a real and concrete diagnosis of the relational environment inside organizations by promoting internal marketing in people management. This process results from the increase of actions in the domain of interpersonal relationships, which result from the informality of social exchanges in the organization. The present study covered 30 Portuguese organizations from the center region of Portugal in the services and industry areas that responded to a questionnaire survey measuring the process. The results show that in the industry sector there is a greater variation in the employee branding process through mentoring and helping relationships and also a greater variation in the organizational integration domain through the dynamics of interpersonal relationships, which consequently leads to the perception that employee branding effect is more positive in industry employees.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio