18 research outputs found


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    Results of sperm competition outcomes (i.e. numbers of offspring sired) of sons of fathers that had been reared on either a 4:1 protein:carbohydrate (P:C) ratio ("high", H) or 1:1 P:C ratio ("low", L)

    R code for simulations

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    The R code file is commented and can be used to simulate data, illustrated in figures in the publication: Zajitschek, F. and T. Connallon. Antagonistic pleiotropy in species with separate sexes, and the maintenance of genetic variation in life-history traits and fitness. 2018. Evolution

    Supplemental material from High-protein paternal diet confers an advantage to sons in sperm competition

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    Supplemental Methods, and Table S1. Differentially expressed genes in sons with Q-value ≤ 0.05. FPKM: fragments per kilobase of transcript per million reads mapped. If no further information on a gene is available, cells have been left blank


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    Numbers of offspring hatched / unhatched within any given clutch, measured in 2 hr time intervalsfrom 48 hours post fertilisation until 80 hours post fertilisation (or less, if all offspring had hatched prior to this point in time). File also contains information in MaleID, FemaleID, Treatment and experimental Block


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    Number of total sperm and motile sperm recorded, 10 seconds post activation


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    Survival at 4 points (from 3h post fertilisation to 1 week of age). Reported are numbers of offspring alive / dead for each clutch


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    Sperm swimming speed parameters recorded (VCL, VAP, VSL) at 4 time points (10 / 20/30/40 seconds post activation)


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    Ejaculate traits for each Male. Longevity: time of motility from activation until no longer motile (in seconds), 2 replicates per male. Density: sperm counts of visible field (2 per Male). Volume: Ejaculate volume (microliter) A: before setup of experiment, B: at IVF, C: 2 weeks after end of experiment