7 research outputs found

    Chagasen gaixotasuna Europan, endemikoa ez izan arren kontuan hartzekoa.

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    Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is a chronic, systemic, parasitic infection caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. The Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas discovered it in 1909 and it is endemic to Latin America, especially to its rural areas. In the last 40 years, it has become a global health problem due to migration flows from Latin America to Europe, the United States, Canada and Japan. In this paper, we review the traits of this disease in Europe and the measures to prevent and control it. In non-endemic areas such as Europe, the routes for transmission of the parasite can be congenital (from the mother to the fetus), organ transplants and blood transfusions. In Europe, most immigrants from endemic areas are in Spain, Italy, France, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The combined seroprevalence studies carried out in Europe show a general prevalence of 4.2% and the highest prevalence corresponds to those born in Bolivia (18.1%). Nevertheless, most European countries disregard the disease, as evidenced by the lack of detection programs and scarce adequate diagnosis and treatment options. European countries with most Latin American immigrants have changed their legislation and developed different protocols for action; but these measures are insufficient because they do not prevent future transmission cases. Finally, regarding epidemiology, most patients are asymptomatic middle-aged women and some of them will develop the phase characterized with organic damage, when treatment is not effective. Therefore, early detection is essential to avoid future problems of the health systems.; Chagasen gaixotasuna, tripanosomiasi amerikarra izenez ere ezagutzen dena, Carlos Chagas mediku brasildarrak 1909. urtean aurkitu zuen eritasun tropikala da. Intsektu bidez transmititzen da eta morbimortalitate-tasa altua du. Infekzioa endemikoa da Latinoamerikan, batez ere landa-ingurunean. Azken 40 urteetan, mundu-mailako osasun-arazo bilakatu da Latinoamerikatik Europa, Estatu Batuak, Kanada eta Japoniara izan diren migrazio-fluxuen ondorioz. Lan honetan, hain zuzen ere, gaixotasun honek Europan dituen ezaugarriak eta haren prebentziorako eta kontrolerako dauden neurrien berrikuspena aurkezten dugu. Europa bezalako eremu ez-endemikoetan parasitoa transmititzeko moduak sortzetiko transmisioa (amak umekiari), organoen transplantea eta odol-transfusioa izan daitezke. Europan, eskualde endemikoetako etorkin gehienak Espainiako Erresuma, Italia, Frantziako Errepublika, Erresuma Batua eta Suitzan biltzen dira. Europan egin diren seroprebalentziaren ikerketa konbinatuek % 4,2 inguruko prebalentzia orokortua adierazten dute, eta prebalentzia altuena (% 18,1) jaioterria Bolivian duten banakoei dagokie. Hala eta guztiz ere, Europako herrialde gehienetan gaixotasuna ez da kontuan hartzen eta honen adierazgarri dira detekzio-programen gabezia eta diagnosia eta tratamendua izateko aukera eskasia. Etorkin latinoamerikar gehien dituzten Europako herrialdeek beren legedia aldatu eta jokaera-protokolo desberdinak garatu dituzte; baina, hala ere, neurri hauek ez dira nahikoak, ez baitute bermatzen etorkizunean transmisio kasurik ez izatea. Azkenik, ezaugarri epidemiologikoei dagokienez, gaixo gehienak adin ertaineko emakumeak direla ikusi da. Beraz, populazioa gaztea izateak arazo larriak ekar ditzake osasun-sistemarentzat, hainbat ikerketatan paziente asintomatikoen ehuneko oso altua behatu delako. Gaixo horietako batzuk kalte organikoa dagoen fasera igaroko dira eta aldi horretan tratamendua ez da batere eraginkorra. Hori dela eta, kasuen detekzio goiztiarra ezinbestekoa da osasun-sistemaren etorkizuneko arazoak saihesteko

    In silico identification and in vitro expression analysis of breast cancer-related m6A-SNPs

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    Research on m6A-associated SNPs (m6A-SNPs) has emerged recently due to their possible critical roles in many key biological processes. In this sense, several investigations have identified m6A-SNPs in different diseases. In order to gain a more complete understanding of the role that m6A-SNPs can play in breast cancer, we performed an in silico analysis to identify the m6A-SNPs associated with breast cancer and to evaluate their possible effects. For this purpose, we downloaded SNPs related to breast cancer and a list of m6A-SNPs from public databases in order to identify which ones appear in both. Subsequently, we assessed the identified m6A-SNPs in silico by expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) analysis and differential gene expression analysis. We genotyped the m6A-SNPs found in the in silico analysis in 35 patients with breast cancer, and we carried out a gene expression analysis experimentally on those that showed differences. Our results identified 981 m6A-SNPs related to breast cancer. Four m6A-SNPs showed an eQTL effect and only three were in genes that presented an altered gene expression. When the three m6A-SNPs were evaluated in the tissue sample of our breast cancer patients, only the m6A-SNP rs76563149 located in ZNF354A gene presented differences in allele frequencies and a low gene expression in breast cancer tissues, especially in luminal B HER2+ subtype. Future investigations of these m6A-SNPs should expand the study in different ethnic groups and increase the sample sizes to test their association with breast cancer and elucidate their molecular function