6 research outputs found

    Regeneración in vitro de Laelia anceps ssp. dawsonii

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    Se germinaron in vitro semillas de Laelia anceps ssp. dawsonii, una orquídea silvestre amenazada, originaria de México y Mesoamérica, con alto potencial ornamental, utilizando el medio Murashige & Skoog (1962) suplementado con ácido 1-naftalén-acético (ANA), 6-benzyl-amino-purina (BAP), Kinetina (Kin) y ácido indol-3-acético (AIA), 2 mg L-1 de cada uno, el cual resultó óptimo para la inducción de callo bajo fotoperiodo de 16/8 h (20.2 µmol·m-2·s-1). El callo fue subcultivado a intervalos de 45 días en el mismo medio de cultivo, produciendo en promedio 524 embriones somáticos en el tercer subcultivo. Los embriones somáticos producidos se convirtieron en plantas completas con brotes y raíces en el mismo medio, y fueron transferidas al medio VW suplementado con BAP 2 mg L-1, AIA 1 mg L-1 y carbón activado 0.2 % para su desarrollo. Después de aproximadamente tres meses, las plántulas fueron aclimatizadas en el invernadero con un 100 % de tasa de sobrevivencia

    Regeneración in vitro de Laelia Anceps ssp. Dawsonii

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    Seeds of Laelia anceps ssp. dawsonii were germinated in vitro, this is a wild endangered orchid, originated in México and Mesoamerica, with a high ornamental potential. Murashige & Skoog (1962) culture media, supplemented with 1-naftalen-acetic acid (ANA), 6-benzyl-amino-purine (BAP), Kinetin (Kin) and indol-3-acético (AIA) acid, 2 mg L-1 each one, was optimum for callus induction under 16/8 h photoperiod (20.2 μmol·m-2·s-1). Callus was subcultured every 45 days in the same culture medium producing 524 somatic embryoids in average, at the end of the third subculture. Somatic embryoids germinated in plants with shoots and roots in the same culture medium, and were transferred to VW supplemented with 2 mg L-1 BAP, 1 mg L-1 AIA and 0.2 % active charcoal to induce their develop. Three months later, plantlets were acclimatized in a greenhouse, with 100 % survivence.Se germinaron in vitro semillas de Laelia anceps ssp. dawsonii, una orquídea silvestre amenazada, originaria de México y Mesoamérica, con alto potencial ornamental, utilizando el medio Murashige & Skoog (1962) suplementado con ácido 1-naftalén-acético (ANA), 6-benzyl-amino-purina (BAP), Kinetina (Kin) y ácido indol-3-acético (AIA), 2 mg L-1 de cada uno, el cual resultó óptimo para la inducción de callo bajo fotoperiodo de 16/8 h (20.2 μmol·m-2·s-1). El callo fue subcultivado a intervalos de 45 días en el mismo medio de cultivo, produciendo en promedio 524 embriones somáticos en el tercer subcultivo. Los embriones somáticos producidos se convirtieron en plantas completas con brotes y raíces en el mismo medio, y fueron transferidas al medio VW suplementado con BAP 2 mg L-1, AIA 1 mg L-1 y carbón activado 0.2 % para su desarrollo. Después de aproximadamente tres meses, las plántulas fueron aclimatizadas en el invernadero con un 100 % de tasa de sobrevivencia

    Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis: An Efficient and Genetically Reliable Clonal Propagation System for <i>Ananas comosus</i> L. Merr. Hybrid “MD2”

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    The objective of this study was to establish an efficient—direct or indirect—regeneration system for pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) plants, with a high rate of multiplication and that would preserve the genetic identity of the donor genotype (Hybrid ‘MD2’) in the regenerated plants. Ten treatments, with different concentrations of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic (2,4-D) and Picloram (P), in the absence or presence of 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP), were used for in vitro morphogenesis induction, as well as histological and molecular techniques, in order to characterize the morphogenic responses induced. Significant differences between treatments tested, to induce callus and buds, were assessed by the Kruskal Wallis method and the Mann–Whitney U-tests. Different pineapple regeneration routes were identified, showing the high regeneration potential of this species. The medium containing 2 mg L−1 2,4-D and 2 mg L−1 BAP, where indirect somatic embryogenesis occurred, was selected as the most efficient treatment, with an average of 120 somatic embryos per explant, differing significantly from the rest of the treatments. It was also demonstrated that the pineapple plants regenerated in vitro preserved the genetic identity of the donor genotype, which represents a high degree of confidence for the application of indirect somatic embryogenesis for A. comusus clonal propagation

    Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis: An Efficient and Genetically Reliable Clonal Propagation System for Ananas comosus L. Merr. Hybrid &ldquo;MD2&rdquo;

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    The objective of this study was to establish an efficient&mdash;direct or indirect&mdash;regeneration system for pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) plants, with a high rate of multiplication and that would preserve the genetic identity of the donor genotype (Hybrid &lsquo;MD2&rsquo;) in the regenerated plants. Ten treatments, with different concentrations of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic (2,4-D) and Picloram (P), in the absence or presence of 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP), were used for in vitro morphogenesis induction, as well as histological and molecular techniques, in order to characterize the morphogenic responses induced. Significant differences between treatments tested, to induce callus and buds, were assessed by the Kruskal Wallis method and the Mann&ndash;Whitney U-tests. Different pineapple regeneration routes were identified, showing the high regeneration potential of this species. The medium containing 2 mg L&minus;1 2,4-D and 2 mg L&minus;1 BAP, where indirect somatic embryogenesis occurred, was selected as the most efficient treatment, with an average of 120 somatic embryos per explant, differing significantly from the rest of the treatments. It was also demonstrated that the pineapple plants regenerated in vitro preserved the genetic identity of the donor genotype, which represents a high degree of confidence for the application of indirect somatic embryogenesis for A. comusus clonal propagation