2,750 research outputs found

    Seismotectonic study of the Fergana region (Southern Kyrgyzstan): distribution and kinematics of local seismicity

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    We present new seismicity and focal-mechanism data for the Fergana basin and surrounding mountain belts in western Kyrgyzstan from a temporary local seismic network. A total of 210 crustal earthquakes with hypocentral depths shallower than 25 km were observed during a 12-month period in 2009/2010. The hypocenter distribution indicates a complex net of seismically active structures. The seismicity derived in this study is mainly concentrated at the edges of the Fergana basin, whereas the observed rate of seismicity within the basin is low. The seismicity at the dominant tectonic feature of the region, the Talas-Fergana fault, is likewise low, so the fault seems to be inactive or locked. To estimate the uncertainties of earthquake locations derived in this study, a strong explosion with known origin time and location is used as a ground truth calibration event which suggests a horizontal and vertical accuracy of about 1 km for our relocations. We derived 35 focal mechanisms using first motion polarities and retrieved a set of nine moment tensor solutions for earthquakes with moment magnitude (Mw) ranging from 3.3 to 4.9 by waveform inversion. The solutions reveal both thrust and strike-slip mechanisms compatible with a NW-SE direction of compression for the Fergana region. Two previously unknown tectonic structures in the Fergana region could be identified, both featuring strike-slip kinematics. The combined analysis of the results derived in this study allowed a detailed insight into the currently active tectonic structures and their kinematics where little information had previously been available

    Does the Swiss Debt Brake Induce Sound Federal Finances? A Synthetic Control Analysis

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    The Swiss debt brake is widely appreciated as one of the most rationally designed fiscal rules in the world and was thus also discussed as blueprint in the debates about fiscal rules in Germany, the European Union member states and Israel. However, evidence that this rule really contributes to sound federal finances does not exist yet. We investigate the effectiveness of the Swiss debt brake by employing the Synthetic Control Method. We find that the introduction of this fiscal rule improved the budget balance by about 3.6 percentage points on average in a post-intervention period covering five years

    Kinetic freeze out from an anisotropic fluid in high-energy heavy-ion collisions: particle spectra, Hanbury Brown-Twiss radii, and anisotropic flow

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    Dissipative relativistic fluid-dynamical descriptions of the extended fireball formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions are quite successful, yet require a prescription for converting the fluid into particles. We present arguments in favour of using a locally anisotropic momentum distribution for the particles emitted from the fluid, so as to smooth out discontinuities introduced by the usual conversion prescriptions. Building on this ansatz, we investigate the effect of the asymmetry on several observables of heavy ion physics.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; v2: accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Typology of streams in Germany based on benthic invertebrates: Ecoregions, zonation, geology and substrate

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    AbstractBased on 390 benthic invertebrate samples from near-natural streams in Germany we defined eight stream type groups by Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS). The taxa lists were restricted to Mollusca, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Coleoptera and Trichoptera species and evaluated on presence/absence level. At genus level, streams located in the lowlands differ from streams in lower mountainous areas and the Alps, while the two latter groups were undistinguishable. At species level, a clear separation of different stream size classes is visible in the lowlands; a second gradient is related to the bottom substrate. Streams in the Alps can be distinguished from streams in lower mountainous areas at species level. Within the lower mountainous regions a size gradient is detectable, a less obvious gradient indicates catchment geology. The resulting “bottom-up” stream typology is compared to other stream typological systems in Germany

    Eye fluke infection changes diet composition in juvenile European perch (Perca fluviatilis)

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    Intraspecific diet specialization, usually driven by resource availability, competition and predation, is common in natural populations. However, the role of parasites on diet specialization of their hosts has rarely been studied. Eye flukes can impair vision ability of their hosts and have been associated with alterations of fish feeding behavior. Here it was assessed whether European perch (Perca fluviatilis) alter their diet composition as a consequence of infection with eye flukes. Young-of-the-year (YOY) perch from temperate Lake MĂĽggelsee (Berlin, Germany) were sampled in two years, eye flukes counted and fish diet was evaluated using both stomach content and stable isotope analyses. Perch diet was dominated by zooplankton and benthic macroinvertebrates. Both methods indicated that with increasing eye fluke infection intensity fish had a more selective diet, feeding mainly on the benthic macroinvertebrate Dikerogammarus villosus, while less intensively infected fish appeared to be generalist feeders showing no preference for any particular prey type. Our results show that infection with eye flukes can indirectly affect interaction of the host with lower trophic levels by altering the diet composition and highlight the underestimated role of parasites in food web studies.Leibniz-AssociationPeer Reviewe

    Emissionsvermeidung oder Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Welche Zukunft hat die Klimapolitik?

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    Die gegenwärtige im Kyoto-Protokoll festgelegte Klimapolitik versucht vorrangig, dem Klimawandel mit einer Strategie der Emissionsverminderung zu begegnen. Die dort festgelegten Reduktionsziele für den CO2-Ausstoß sind für viele Länder nicht mehr zu realisieren. Und einige Länder, die zu den größten Emittenten gehören, vor allem die USA, haben sich dem Kyoto-Protokoll nicht angeschlossen. Sollte die Klimapolitik in Zukunft weniger auf Emissionsvermeidung und eher auf eine Anpassung an die Erderwärmung zielen
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