133 research outputs found

    Low-Dose Caffeine Administration During Acute Sleep Deprivation Eliminates Visual Motion Processing Impairment, but Does Not Improve Saccadic Rate

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    Oculomotor tracking performance changes according to time awake. A constant routine (CR) study demonstrated that increasing time awake 1) reduces the precision of visual motion processing, 2) decreases steady-state closed-loop pursuit performance and 3) decreases peak saccadic velocity. We aimed to determine the contribution of homeostatic sleep pressure on these oculometric changes by administering low-dose caffeine over one night of sleep deprivation. Participants completed two weeks of at-home 8.5 hours sleep per day, followed by an approximately 24-hour laboratory CR in semi-recumbent posture under less than 4 lux of light. The visual tracking task was performed every two hours after waking and hourly overnight. Low-dose caffeine of 0.3 milligrams per kilogram was administered hourly during the biological night. Nine participants (5F) completed the study. Caffeine dosing: 1) prevented the impairment of visual motion processing, 2) reduced by approximately half the impairment of closed-loop pursuit performance (gain, minus 0.47 percent per hour, significance of slope change: p (probability) less than 0.006; proportion smooth, minus 0.35 percent per hour, p less than 0.005), and 3) had an insignificant (p less than 0.39) effect on the impairment of saccadic peak velocity (slope, minus 1.13 percent per hour; intercept, minus 0.62 percent per hour). These results suggest that visual motion processing and some proportion of closed-loop pursuit performance are impaired due to homeostatic mechanisms during sleep deprivation

    Dose-dependent sensorimotor impairment in human ocular tracking after acute low-dose alcohol administration

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    Key points: Oculomotor behaviours are commonly used to evaluate sensorimotor disruption due to ethanol (EtOH). The current study demonstrates the dose-dependent impairment in oculomotor and ocular behaviours across a range of ultra-low BACs (\u3c0.035%). Processing of target speed and direction, as well as pursuit eye movements, are significantly impaired at 0.015% BAC, suggesting impaired neural activity within brain regions associated with the visual processing of motion. Catch-up saccades during steady visual tracking of the moving target compensate for the reduced vigour of smooth eye movements that occurs with the ingestion of low-dose alcohol. Saccade dynamics start to become ‘sluggish’ at as low as 0.035% BAC. Pupillary light responses appear unaffected at BAC levels up to 0.065%. Abstract: Changes in oculomotor behaviours are often used as metrics of sensorimotor disruption due to ethanol (EtOH); however, previous studies have focused on deficits at blood-alcohol concentrations (BACs) above about 0.04%. We investigated the dose dependence of the impairment in oculomotor and ocular behaviours caused by EtOH administration across a range of ultra-low BACs (≤0.035%). We took repeated measures of oculomotor and ocular performance from sixteen participants, both pre- and post-EtOH administration. To assess the neurological impacts across a wide range of brain areas and pathways, our protocol measured 21 largely independent performance metrics extracted from a range of behavioural responses ranging from ocular tracking of radial step-ramp stimuli, to eccentric gaze holding, to pupillary responses evoked by light flashes. Our results show significant impairment of pursuit and visual motion processing at 0.015% BAC, reflecting degraded neural processing within extrastriate cortical pathways. However, catch-up saccades largely compensate for the tracking displacement shortfall caused by low pursuit gain, although there still is significant residual retinal slip and thus degraded dynamic acuity. Furthermore, although saccades are more frequent, their dynamics are more sluggish (i.e. show lower peak velocities) starting at BAC levels as low as 0.035%. Small effects in eccentric gaze holding and no effect in pupillary response dynamics were observed at levels below 0.07%, showing the higher sensitivity of the pursuit response to very low levels of blood alcohol, under the conditions of our study

    Impairment of Human Ocular Tracking with Low-Dose Alcohol

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    Previous studies have documented adverse effects of alcohol on oculomotor performance. For example, moderate-dose alcohol (yielding a Blood Alcohol Concentration or BAC of 0.04-0.1%) has been shown to decrease steady-state pursuit gain (Fransson et al., 2010, Clin Neurophysiol, 121(12): 2134; Moser et al., 1998, J Neurol, 245(8): 542; Roche & King, 2010, Psychopharmacology, 212(1): 33), to increase saccade latency (Moser et al., 1998, J Neurol, 245(8): 542; Roche & King, 2010, Psychopharmacology, 212(1): 33), to decrease peak saccadic velocity (Fransson et al., 2010, Clin Neurophysiol, 121(12): 2134; Roche & King, 2010, Psychopharmacology, 212(1): 33), and to increase the frequency of catch-up saccades (Moser et al., 1998, J Neurol, 245(8): 542). Here, we administered two doses of ethanol on different days, yielding moderate (0.06%) and low (0.02%) levels of initial BAC, to examine the effects on human ocular tracking over BACs ranging from 0.00 to 0.07%. Twelve subjects (8 females) participated in a 5-day study. Three days of at-home measurements of daily activity and sleep were monitored, followed by two laboratory days where, ~5 hours after awakening, we administered one of the two possible single doses of alcohol. Using a previously published paradigm (Liston & Stone, 2014, J Vis, 14(14): 12), we measured oculomotor performance multiple times throughout the day with three pre-dosing baseline runs and bi-hourly post-dosing test runs until the subject recorded a BAC of 0.00% for two hours. BAC was measured before each run using an Alco-Sensor IV breathalyzer (Intoximeters, Inc., St. Louis, MO). For each of the oculometric measures, for each subject, we computed the within-subject % deviation for each test run from their baseline averaged across their three pre-dosing runs. We then averaged the data across subjects in 0.01% BAC bins. Finally, we used linear regression to compute the slope and x-intercept (threshold) of the mean binned % deviation as a function of BAC. We found that pursuit initiation was impaired at very low BAC levels, with significant (p < 0.002) linear trends in latency (+1.3%/0.01%BAC) and initial acceleration (-4.6%/0.01%BAC) with extrapolated absolute thresholds at or below 0.01% BAC. We also found that steady-state tracking was impaired showing significant (p < 0.002) linear trends in gain (- 3.8%/0.01%BAC) and catch-up saccade amplitude (+9.1%/0.01%BAC), again with extrapolated absolute thresholds around 0.01% BAC. We also found a significant (p < 0.02) increase in pursuit direction noise (+9.8%/0.01%BAC) with an extrapolated absolute threshold below 0.01% BAC. Many aspects of ocular tracking are impaired in a dose-dependent manner beginning at a BAC level around 0.01%, with significant effects at levels lower than previously reported and up to 8-times lower than the legal limit for driving in most states

    Increased Dependence on Saccades for Ocular Tracking with Low Dose Alcohol

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    Previous studies have shown that certain features of oculomotor performance are impaired at or slightly below the legal limit for driving in most U.S. States (0.08% Blood Alcohol Concentration or BAC). Specifically, alcohol impairs saccadic velocity and steady-state tracking at levels between 0.04% and 0.1% BAC. Here we used a suite of standardized oculometric measures to examine the effect of ultra-low levels of alcohol (down to 0.01% BAC) on steady-state tracking. Our high-uncertainty tracking task reveals that the smooth pursuit system is highly sensitive to BAC, with impairmentextrapolating back to BAC levels at or below 0.01%. BAC generates a dose dependent increase in reliance on the saccadic system that maintains overall steady-state tracking effectiveness at least up to 0.08% BAC, albeit with a significant decrease in smoothness

    Supervision of a self-driving vehicle unmasks latent sleepiness relative to manually controlled driving

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    Human error has been implicated as a causal factor in a large proportion of road accidents. Automated driving systems purport to mitigate this risk, but self-driving systems that allow a driver to entirely disengage from the driving task also require the driver to monitor the environment and take control when necessary. Given that sleep loss impairs monitoring performance and there is a high prevalence of sleep deficiency in modern society, we hypothesized that supervising a self-driving vehicle would unmask latent sleepiness compared to manually controlled driving among individuals following their typical sleep schedules. We found that participants felt sleepier, had more involuntary transitions to sleep, had slower reaction times and more attentional failures, and showed substantial modifications in brain synchronization during and following an autonomous drive compared to a manually controlled drive. Our findings suggest that the introduction of partial self-driving capabilities in vehicles has the potential to paradoxically increase accident risk

    Consumer Complaints and Company Market Value

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    Consumer complaints affect company market value and common sense suggests that a negative impact is expected. However, do complaints always negatively impact company market value? We hypothesize in this study that complaints may have a non-linear effect on market value. Positive (e.g. avoiding high costs to solve complaints) and negative (e.g. speedy and intense diffusion) tradeoffs may occur given the level of complaints. To test our non-linear hypothesis, a panel data was collected from cell phone service providers from 2005 to 2013. The results supported our tradeoff rationale. Low levels of complaints allow for companies to increase market value, while high levels of complaints cause increasing harm to market value. The sample, model and period considered in this study, indicates a level of 0.49 complaints per thousand consumers as the threshold for a shift in tradeoffs. The effects on market value become increasingly negative when trying to make reductions to move below this level, due to negative tradeoffs

    A content analysis of gambling operators’ Twitter accounts at the start of the English premier league football season

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    The use of social media is now an established strategy to engage and maintain customer loyalty. The purpose of the present study was to examine the Twitter accounts of ten of the largest online sports betting operators in the UK to determine what marketing strategies were employed. More specifically, this study analyzed 3375 tweets posted by the operators during the opening weekend of the 2018–2019 English Premier League football season using a content analysis methodology. The results demonstrated that multiple strategies, including hashtags, were used to link gambling operator tweets with major sporting events, and the use of numerous promotional campaigns. Notably, over 90% of the tweets contained no responsible gambling information. The quantity and content of social media posts underline the need for a review of the current advertising regulations in the UK. Further research should examine how exposure to sports betting social media marketing influences gambling behavior
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