26 research outputs found

    On the stability of projection methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations based on high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations

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    The present paper deals with the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using high-order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for discretization in space. For DG methods applied to the dual splitting projection method, instabilities have recently been reported that occur for coarse spatial resolutions and small time step sizes. By means of numerical investigation we give evidence that these instabilities are related to the discontinuous Galerkin formulation of the velocity divergence term and the pressure gradient term that couple velocity and pressure. Integration by parts of these terms with a suitable definition of boundary conditions is required in order to obtain a stable and robust method. Since the intermediate velocity field does not fulfill the boundary conditions prescribed for the velocity, a consistent boundary condition is derived from the convective step of the dual splitting scheme to ensure high-order accuracy with respect to the temporal discretization. This new formulation is stable in the limit of small time steps for both equal-order and mixed-order polynomial approximations. Although the dual splitting scheme itself includes inf-sup stabilizing contributions, we demonstrate that spurious pressure oscillations appear for equal-order polynomials and small time steps highlighting the necessity to consider inf-sup stability explicitly.Comment: 31 page

    A high-order semi-explicit discontinuous Galerkin solver for 3D incompressible flow with application to DNS and LES of turbulent channel flow

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    We present an efficient discontinuous Galerkin scheme for simulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations including laminar and turbulent flow. We consider a semi-explicit high-order velocity-correction method for time integration as well as nodal equal-order discretizations for velocity and pressure. The non-linear convective term is treated explicitly while a linear system is solved for the pressure Poisson equation and the viscous term. The key feature of our solver is a consistent penalty term reducing the local divergence error in order to overcome recently reported instabilities in spatially under-resolved high-Reynolds-number flows as well as small time steps. This penalty method is similar to the grad-div stabilization widely used in continuous finite elements. We further review and compare our method to several other techniques recently proposed in literature to stabilize the method for such flow configurations. The solver is specifically designed for large-scale computations through matrix-free linear solvers including efficient preconditioning strategies and tensor-product elements, which have allowed us to scale this code up to 34.4 billion degrees of freedom and 147,456 CPU cores. We validate our code and demonstrate optimal convergence rates with laminar flows present in a vortex problem and flow past a cylinder and show applicability of our solver to direct numerical simulation as well as implicit large-eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow at Reτ=180Re_{\tau}=180 as well as 590590.Comment: 28 pages, in preparation for submission to Journal of Computational Physic

    High-order DG solvers for under-resolved turbulent incompressible flows: A comparison of L2L^2 and HH(div) methods

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    The accurate numerical simulation of turbulent incompressible flows is a challenging topic in computational fluid dynamics. For discretisation methods to be robust in the under-resolved regime, mass conservation as well as energy stability are key ingredients to obtain robust and accurate discretisations. Recently, two approaches have been proposed in the context of high-order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretisations that address these aspects differently. On the one hand, standard L2L^2-based DG discretisations enforce mass conservation and energy stability weakly by the use of additional stabilisation terms. On the other hand, pointwise divergence-free H(div)H(\operatorname{div})-conforming approaches ensure exact mass conservation and energy stability by the use of tailored finite element function spaces. The present work raises the question whether and to which extent these two approaches are equivalent when applied to under-resolved turbulent flows. This comparative study highlights similarities and differences of these two approaches. The numerical results emphasise that both discretisation strategies are promising for under-resolved simulations of turbulent flows due to their inherent dissipation mechanisms.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Efficiency of high-performance discontinuous Galerkin spectral element methods for under-resolved turbulent incompressible flows

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    The present paper addresses the numerical solution of turbulent flows with high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods for discretizing the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The efficiency of high-order methods when applied to under-resolved problems is an open issue in literature. This topic is carefully investigated in the present work by the example of the 3D Taylor-Green vortex problem. Our implementation is based on a generic high-performance framework for matrix-free evaluation of finite element operators with one of the best realizations currently known. We present a methodology to systematically analyze the efficiency of the incompressible Navier-Stokes solver for high polynomial degrees. Due to the absence of optimal rates of convergence in the under-resolved regime, our results reveal that demonstrating improved efficiency of high-order methods is a challenging task and that optimal computational complexity of solvers, preconditioners, and matrix-free implementations are necessary ingredients to achieve the goal of better solution quality at the same computational costs already for a geometrically simple problem such as the Taylor-Green vortex. Although the analysis is performed for a Cartesian geometry, our approach is generic and can be applied to arbitrary geometries. We present excellent performance numbers on modern, cache-based computer architectures achieving a throughput for operator evaluation of 3e8 up to 1e9 DoFs/sec on one Intel Haswell node with 28 cores. Compared to performance results published within the last 5 years for high-order DG discretizations of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, our approach reduces computational costs by more than one order of magnitude for the same setup

    Robust and efficient discontinuous Galerkin methods for under-resolved turbulent incompressible flows

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    We present a robust and accurate discretization approach for incompressible turbulent flows based on high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods. The DG discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations uses the local Lax-Friedrichs flux for the convective term, the symmetric interior penalty method for the viscous term, and central fluxes for the velocity-pressure coupling terms. Stability of the discretization approach for under-resolved, turbulent flow problems is realized by a purely numerical stabilization approach. Consistent penalty terms that enforce the incompressibility constraint as well as inter-element continuity of the velocity field in a weak sense render the numerical method a robust discretization scheme in the under-resolved regime. The penalty parameters are derived by means of dimensional analysis using penalty factors of order 1. Applying these penalty terms in a postprocessing step leads to an efficient solution algorithm for turbulent flows. The proposed approach is applicable independently of the solution strategy used to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, i.e., it can be used for both projection-type solution methods as well as monolithic solution approaches. Since our approach is based on consistent penalty terms, it is by definition generic and provides optimal rates of convergence when applied to laminar flow problems. Robustness and accuracy are verified for the Orr-Sommerfeld stability problem, the Taylor-Green vortex problem, and turbulent channel flow. Moreover, the accuracy of high-order discretizations as compared to low-order discretizations is investigated for these flow problems. A comparison to state-of-the-art computational approaches for large-eddy simulation indicates that the proposed methods are highly attractive components for turbulent flow solvers

    Hybrid multigrid methods for high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations

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    The present work develops hybrid multigrid methods for high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of elliptic problems. Fast matrix-free operator evaluation on tensor product elements is used to devise a computationally efficient PDE solver. The multigrid hierarchy exploits all possibilities of geometric, polynomial, and algebraic coarsening, targeting engineering applications on complex geometries. Additionally, a transfer from discontinuous to continuous function spaces is performed within the multigrid hierarchy. This does not only further reduce the problem size of the coarse-grid problem, but also leads to a discretization most suitable for state-of-the-art algebraic multigrid methods applied as coarse-grid solver. The relevant design choices regarding the selection of optimal multigrid coarsening strategies among the various possibilities are discussed with the metric of computational costs as the driving force for algorithmic selections. We find that a transfer to a continuous function space at highest polynomial degree (or on the finest mesh), followed by polynomial and geometric coarsening, shows the best overall performance. The success of this particular multigrid strategy is due to a significant reduction in iteration counts as compared to a transfer from discontinuous to continuous function spaces at lowest polynomial degree (or on the coarsest mesh). The coarsening strategy with transfer to a continuous function space on the finest level leads to a multigrid algorithm that is robust with respect to the penalty parameter of the SIPG method. Detailed numerical investigations are conducted for a series of examples ranging from academic test cases to more complex, practically relevant geometries. Performance comparisons to state-of-the-art methods from the literature demonstrate the versatility and computational efficiency of the proposed multigrid algorithms

    Grønn innflytelse. Bedrifters valg av hotelltjenester

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    Bedrifter i dag kjenner stadig mer på presset av å drive mer miljøvennlig. Dette kan føre til nye muligheter for hoteller å drive grønt. Denne oppgaven tar for seg bedrifters kjøpsprosess når de skal velge hotell og hvordan hotellers grønne initiativer kan påvirke denne prosessen. Oppgavens formål er å få innsikt om hotellets grønne initiativer kan påvirke bedrifters valg av hotelltjenester. Følgende problemstilling er valgt for å undersøke dette temaet: «Kan en posisjonering som et grønt hotell ha innvirkning på bedrifters kjøp av hotelltjenester?» Det er utarbeidet to forskningsspørsmål for å svare på problemstillingen, og spørsmålene er uavhengige av hverandre. Spørsmål 1: Hva motiverer bedrifter til valg av hotell? Spørsmål 2: Er bedrifter villig til å betale mer for grønne initiativer? For å svare på problemstillingen og forskningsspørsmålene er det brukt teori som omhandler triple bottom line, bedrifters kjøpsprosess, megatrender og willingness to pay. Denne oppgaven har brukt en kvalitativ tilnærming som forskningsmetode og det er gjennomført 3 dybdeintervjuer som tar for seg de to forskningsspørsmålene og nevnt teori. Oppgavens hovedfunn kan indikere at hotellers grønne initiativer kan ha stor påvirkning på bedrifters valg av hotelltjeneser, men at pris og beliggenhet likevel kan anses som viktigere prioriteringer

    A Generalized Probabilistic Learning Approach for Multi-Fidelity Uncertainty Propagation in Complex Physical Simulations

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    Two of the most significant challenges in uncertainty propagation pertain to the high computational cost for the simulation of complex physical models and the high dimension of the random inputs. In applications of practical interest both of these problems are encountered and standard methods for uncertainty quantification either fail or are not feasible. To overcome the current limitations, we propose a probabilistic multi-fidelity framework that can exploit lower-fidelity model versions of the original problem in a small data regime. The approach circumvents the curse of dimensionality by learning dependencies between the outputs of high-fidelity models and lower-fidelity models instead of explicitly accounting for the high-dimensional inputs. We complement the information provided by a low-fidelity model with a low-dimensional set of informative features of the stochastic input, which are discovered by employing a combination of supervised and unsupervised dimensionality reduction techniques. The goal of our analysis is an efficient and accurate estimation of the full probabilistic response for a high-fidelity model. Despite the incomplete and noisy information that low-fidelity predictors provide, we demonstrate that accurate and certifiable estimates for the quantities of interest can be obtained in the small data regime, i.e., with significantly fewer high-fidelity model runs than state-of-the-art methods for uncertainty propagation. We illustrate our approach by applying it to challenging numerical examples such as Navier-Stokes flow simulations and monolithic fluid-structure interaction problems.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure