2 research outputs found

    Multiple Bosses: Challenges and suggestions to improve organizational environments in academic settings.

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    Practice faculty members are often supervised by more than one individual, creating a reporting structure that mirrors a matrix organization. They are tasked with balancing administrative and teaching responsibilities established by the school with expectations of maintaining a pharmacy practice site. A matrix reporting structure offers opportunities for enhanced development, but risks of additional stress from the organizational complexity must be mitigated to reduce job dissatisfaction. Frequent and consistent communication, mutual agreement and alignment of expectations and priorities, and the ability to manage conflict and adapt to change will aid pharmacy practice faculty in managing the relationship between their primary employer (the school) and the contracted entity. Conflict of Interest We declare no conflicts of interest or financial interests that the authors or members of their immediate families have in any product or service discussed in the manuscript, including grants (pending or received), employment, gifts, stock holdings or options, honoraria, consultancies, expert testimony, patents and royalties.   Type: Original Researc

    Accommodating Pharmacy Students With Physical Disabilities During the Experiential Learning Curricula.

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    Accommodating pharmacy students with physical disabilities during the experiential learning portion of the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) curriculum can present unique challenges for pharmacy schools. The available literature regarding accommodations for pharmacy students in the experiential learning environment is sparse, leaving programs with little guidance. This commentary from the Big Ten Academic Alliance calls on the Academy to create a community of shared resources and best practice examples and offers practical suggestions for accommodating pharmacy students with mobility, vision, and auditory disabilities during introductory pharmacy practice experiences (IPPEs) and advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs)