27 research outputs found

    Automated incremental software verification

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    Software continuously evolves to meet rapidly changing human needs. Each evolved transformation of a program is expected to preserve important correctness and security properties. Aiming to assure program correctness after a change, formal verification techniques, such as Software Model Checking, have recently benefited from fully automated solutions based on symbolic reasoning and abstraction. However, the majority of the state-of-the-art model checkers are designed that each new software version has to be verified from scratch. In this dissertation, we investigate the new Formal Incremental Verification (FIV) techniques that aim at making software analysis more efficient by reusing invested efforts between verification runs. In order to show that FIV can be built on the top of different verification techniques, we focus on three complementary approaches to automated formal verification. First, we contribute the FIV technique for SAT-based Bounded Model Checking developed to verify programs with (possibly recursive) functions with respect to the set of pre-defined assertions. We present the function-summarization framework based on Craig interpolation that allows extracting and reusing over- approximations of the function behaviors. We introduce the algorithm to revalidate the summaries of one program locally in order to prevent re-verification of another program from scratch. Second, we contribute the technique for simulation relation synthesis for loop-free programs that do not necessarily contain assertions. We introduce an SMT-based abstraction- refinement algorithm that proceeds by guessing a relation and checking whether it is a simulation relation. We present a novel algorithm for discovering simulations symbolically, by means of solving ∀∃-formulas and extracting witnessing Skolem relations. Third, we contribute the FIV technique for SMT-based Unbounded Model Checking developed to verify programs with (possibly nested) loops. We present an algorithm that automatically derives simulations between programs with different loop structures. The automatically synthesized simulation relation is then used to migrate the safe inductive invariants across the evolution boundaries. Finally, we contribute the implementation and evaluation of all our algorithmic contributions, and confirm that the state-of-the-art model checking tools can successfully be extended by the FIV capabilities

    Competition Report : CHC-COMP-21

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    CHC-COMP-211 is the fourth competition of solvers for Constrained Horn Clauses. In this year, 7 solvers participated at the competition, and were evaluated in 7 separate tracks on problems in linear integer arithmetic, linear real arithmetic, arrays, and algebraic data-types. The competition was run in March 2021 using the StarExec computing cluster. This report gives an overview of the competition design, explains the organisation of the competition, and presents the competition results

    Artifact: Quick Theory Exploration for Algebraic Data Types via Program Transformations

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    <p>This is the repeatability package, including the tool (called LemmaCalc) in the paper, the benchmark files, a TheSy binary, Z3 binaries for Linux, and scripts to repeat the experiments.</p><p>Parts of the paper supported by this artifact: Main results in Fig 1, statistics in Table 1, implementation of Algs 1--4.</p&gt

    Approaching Symbolic Parallelization by Synthesis of Recurrence Decompositions

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    We present GraSSP, a novel approach to perform automated parallelization relying on recent advances in formal verification and synthesis. GraSSP augments an existing sequential program with an additional functionality to decompose data dependencies in loop iterations, to compute partial results, and to compose them together. We show that for some classes of the sequential prefix sum problems, such parallelization can be performed efficiently