17 research outputs found

    Deep Oxidation of Fluorinated Hydrocarbons in Molten Catalysts

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    The oxidation of fluorine-containing organic substances: fluorocarbon liquid M-1, fluorinated alcohol H(CF2)8CH2OH, and powder polytetrafluoroethylene with air has been studied in melts: NaOH; 43 mol.% LiCl В - 33 mol.% NaCl - 24 mol.% KCl (eutectic mixture); (LiCl-NaCl-KCl)eutec. + 10 mass.% V2O5; (LiCl-NaCl-KCl) eutec. + 15 mass.% V2O5; 56 mol.% Na2CO3 - 44 mol.% K2CO3 (eutectic), (Na2CO3 K2CO3)eutect. + 15 mass.% V2O5, and K3V5O14. The compositions of the melts have been examined by GC, DTA, chemical analysis and XRD, and they have been shown to change during the reaction, depending on the composition and partial pressure of the gaseous products over the melt surface. The alkali metal chloride melt containing 15 mass.% V2O5 has been found to be most stable to the action of fluorine compounds. Possibility of deep oxidation of fluorine-containing organic substances in melts based on hydroxides, carbonates and chlorides of alkali metals doped with oxides of vanadium has been proved. The process of deep oxidation of fluorinated hydrocarbons is accompanied by formation of an equilibrium mixture containing hydroxides, carbonates, chlorides and fluorides of alkali metals, as well as their vanadates, if V2O5 additive is used. The relative amounts of these substances in molten systems are determined by the partial pressure of oxygen, CO2 and water vapor

    Possibility of Various Types SNF Reprocessing at the PA Mayak exampled with AMB SNF

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    AbstractFor the purpose of reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel from the water-cooled graphite-moderated pressure-tube reactor named AMB from decomissioned Russian “Atom Peaceful Big”, modernization of the process flow-sheet of the RT-1 plant is being carried out at PA Mayak with participation of FSUE KRI and VNIINM. A particular AMB SNF feature is extremely broad range of fuel compounds with the main ones being the uranium-molybdenum metal, uranium oxide and uranium carbide compositions usually dispersed in magnesium or calcium. Wide range of fuel compositions required to amend SNF dissolution, extraction processing, evaporation of high-level radioactive wastes and vitrification of high-level radioactive wastes. The above set of laboratory research was completed with dynamic tests using samples of AMB from the water-cooled graphite-moderated pressure-tube reactor. Tests have shown the possibility of processing the entire range of AMB SNF at the radiochemical plant RT-1 plant of the PA Mayak. Thus, the ability of the RT-1 plant to process different fuel compositions, including the long-term research reactor fuel have been proved experimentally

    Diagnostic value of bio-markers in the prognosis of postoperative relapses and metastases in patients with breast cancer

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    Purpose: to improve the diagnosis of relapse and metastasis of breast cancer in the postoperative period. Material and methods. 123 women were examined. Of these, 30 practically healthy women made up a control group, 20 women had benign breast diseases, 73 had breast cancer. The patients with ВС before the surgical intervention were divided into groups according to the stage of the disease. The 1st group consisted of 30 practically healthy women. In the second group — 20 women with fibroadenomas of the breast. In the third group — 33 women with l-ll stages of breast cancer without regional metastases. The 4th group consisted of 22 women with stage II breast cancer with regional metastases, in the 5th group — 18 patients with stage III breast cancer. After surgery, 68 patients were re-examined and divided into 2 analytical groups. The 6th group included women without clinical manifestations of relapses and metastases in the postoperative period — 44 (64.7%). Group 7 consisted of 24 (35.3%) women who had metastasis and local recurrences of the disease in the postoperative period. To determine the content of fetal proteins (Ca-15-3, Ca-125, REA), IL-8 and VEGF, commercial sets of reagents for solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used. Results. Analysis of the data obtained showed that the most significant increase in serum and plasma VEGF levels occurred in breast cancer patients with clinical signs of metastasis and recurrence of the disease. Of fetal proteins, a significant increase in blood content showed Ca15-3 and CEA. Conclusion. We can assume that in patients with breast cancer only in the postoperative period, the rise in VEGF was associated with the growth of tumor tissue and the development of invasion and metastasis.</p