269 research outputs found

    Tracciabilità del tartufo bianco delle colline sanminiatesi tramite individuazione di marcatori proteici

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    Il presente lavoro di tesi ha avuto come obiettivo lo studio della variabilità proteomica del tartufo bianco di San Miniato con l’intento di individuare profili proteici caratteristici collegabili alle aree di provenienza. Tale scopo è stato perseguito attraverso l’analisi di 7 campioni di Tuber magnatum Pico provenienti da aree della toscana diverse (Crete Senesi, Montaione, Mugello, Lucca, San Miniato), caratterizzate da una elevata vocazione produttiva; nelle analisi sono stati inseiriti anche i tartufi di Alba, di derivazione piemontese. Tali analisi, sono state basate su campioni raccolti in due annate distinte, nel 2007 e nel 2008. Nello specifico, i campioni sono stati inizialmente ripuliti da eventuali contaminazioni, polverizzati in azoto liquido ed utilizzati per l’estrazione delle proteine. In seguito, l’estratto proteico ottenuto è stato impiegato per l’ottenimento di gel elettroforetici bidimensionali, utilizzando la colorazione Blu di Coomassie per evidenziare gli spot proteici. Successivamente, i gel 2D sono stati acquisiti via scanner e le immagini ottenute sono state analizzate mediante l’utilizzo del software Pd-Quest (Biorad Laboratories, versione 7.0.1), realizzando confronti tra coppie di campioni. In sei dei sette confronti il campione San Miniato rappresenta l’elemento di riferimento, ad eccezione del confronto Alba 1 (pianta simbionte Populus tremula) contro Alba 2 (pianta simbionte Quercus tuber). Per individuare la presenza di eventuali spot di interesse sono stati utilizzati due test, ovvero un test quantitativo, capace di individuare differenze significative nella densità ottica degli spot (>2,0 o <0,5) ed il t-test, capace di fornire una valutazione sulla significatività dei risultati. I risultati finali mostrano la presenza di 25 spot positivi ad entrambi i test in almeno uno dei sette confronti effettuati, 6 dei quali risultano positivi a più di un confronto. Tali differenze, di tipo quantitativo, si dimostrano costanti nelle due annate analizzate, ad eccezione del campione proveniente da Lucca dove alcuni problemi concernenti la qualità del campione raccolto nel 2007 ne hanno impedito l’analisi. In ogni caso, tali risultati non sono definitivi, in quanto sono necessarie altre analisi (campioni di Tuber del 2009) per l’eventuale conferma ed ampliamento del lavoro sin qui svolto. Alle analisi riportate, dovranno poi essere associati studi di spettrometria di massa, volti all’identificazione delle proteine presenti negli spot di interesse

    Proteomic analysis in Tuber magnatum Pico fruiting bodies of different origin

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    A number of Tuber species are ecologically important. The fruiting bodies of some of these have also value as a cooking ingredient due to the fact that they possess exceptional flavor and aromatic properties. In particular, T. magnatum fruiting bodies (known as truffles), are greatly appreciated by consumers. These grow naturally in some parts of Italy. However, the quality of these fruiting bodies varies significantly depending on the area of origin due to differences in environmental growth conditions. It is therefore useful to be able to characterize them. A suitable method to reach this goal is to identify proteins which occur in the fruiting bodies that are specific to each area of origin. In this work protein profiles are described for samples coming from different areas and collected in two successive years. To our knowledge this is the first time that proteins of T. magnatum have been thoroughly examined. Using two dimensional electrophoresis, reproducible quantitative differences in the protein patterns (total 600 spots) of samples from different parts of Italy (accession areas) were revealed by bioinformatic analysis. 37 spots were chosen for further analysis that could probably be used to distinguish a sample grown in one area from a sample grown in another area. Mass spectrometry (MS) protein analysis of these seventeen spots allowed the identification of 54 proteins of T. magnatum. The results indicate that proteomic analysis is a suitable method for characterizing those differences occurring in samples and induced by the different environmental conditions present in the various Italian areas where T. magnatum can grow. The positive protein identification by MS analysis has proved that this method can be applied with success even in a species whose genome, at the moment, has not been sequenced

    Modelling defects in Ni-Al with EAM and DFT calculations

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    We present detailed comparisons between the results of embedded atom model (EAM) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations on defected Ni alloy systems. We find that the EAM interatomic potentials reproduce low-temperature structural properties in both the γ and γ′{{\gamma}^{\prime}} phases, and yield accurate atomic forces in bulk-like configurations even at temperatures as high as  ~1200 K. However, they fail to describe more complex chemical bonding, in configurations including defects such as vacancies or dislocations, for which we observe significant deviations between the EAM and DFT forces, suggesting that derived properties such as (free) energy barriers to vacancy migration and dislocation glide may also be inaccurate. Testing against full DFT calculations further reveals that these deviations have a local character, and are typically severe only up to the first or second neighbours of the defect. This suggests that a QM/MM approach can be used to accurately reproduce QM observables, fully exploiting the EAM potential efficiency in the MM zone. This approach could be easily extended to ternary systems for which developing a reliable and fully transferable EAM parameterisation would be extremely challenging e.g. Ni alloy model systems with a W or Re-containing QM zone

    Action and non-action oriented body representations. insight from behavioural and grey matter modifications in individuals with lower limb amputation

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    Following current model of body representations, we aimed to systematically investigate the association between brain modifications, in terms of grey matter loss, and body representation deficits, in terms of alterations of the body schema (BS) and of non-action oriented body representations (NA), in individuals with lower limb amputation (LLA)

    New N,N-dimethylcarbamate inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase: design synthesis and biological evaluation

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    A series of N,N-dimethylcarbamates containing a N,N-dibenzylamino moiety was synthesized and tested to evaluate their ability to inhibit Acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The most active compounds 4 and 8, showed 85 and 69% of inhibition at 50 mM, respectively. Furthermore, some basic SAR rules were outlined: an alkyl linker of six methylene units is the best spacer between the carbamoyl and dibenzylamino moieties; electron-withdrawal substituents on aromatics rings of the dibenzylamino group reduce the inhibitory power. Compound 4 produces a slow onset inhibition of AChE and this is not due to the carbamoylation of the enzyme, as demonstrated by the time-dependent inhibition assay of AChE with compound 4 and by MALDI-TOF MS analysis of trypsinized AChE inhibited by compound 4. Instead, compound 4 could act as a slow-binding inhibitor of AChE, probably because of its high conformational freedom due to the linear alkyl chain

    Length-Weight Relationships of 52 Species from the South of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea)

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    The Length-Weight relationships (LWRs) of 52 species (14 never reported before) of fishes, crustaceans and cephalopods living on the shelf and upper slope off Southern Sicily are provided. Data were collected in the framework of the International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean (MEDITS) in the South of Sicily (Central Mediterranean), covering a time frame ranging from 2012 to 2019. Linear regressions were significant for all species (p &lt; 0.05) with R-2 values ranging from 0.86 to 0.99. The intercept (a) of LWRs ranged from 0.0003 to 0.4677, while the slope (b) ranged from 2.1281 to 3.306. The Welch t-test, used to evaluate differences between the obtained LWRs with those reported in the literature, revealed that most of the LWRs (about 55%) reported in this study are in disagreement with those obtained previously by other authors from the Strait of Sicily. It is expected that the results obtained from this study will contribute to filling the knowledge gap of fish populations in this area and also assist fisheries scientists in future stock assessment studies

    Volatile organic compounds in truffle (Tuber magnatum Pico): Comparison of samples from different regions of Italy and from different seasons

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    In this paper volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from Tuber magnatum fruiting bodies were analyzed using a PTR-TOF-MS instrument. The aim was to characterize the VOC's profile of the fruiting bodies and identify if any VOCs were specific to a season and geographical areas. Multiple factorial analysis (MFA) was carried out on the signals obtained by MS. Experiments using ITS region sequencing proved that the T. magnatum life cycle includes the formation of fruiting bodies at two different times of the year. The VOCs profiles diverge when different seasonal and geographical productions are considered. Using PTR-TOF-MS, compounds present at levels as low pptv were detected. This made it possible to determine both the origin of fruiting bodies (Alba and San Miniato) and the two biological phases of fruiting bodies formation in San Miniato truffles

    Psychiatric rehabilitation patterns in Italy: Results from the Italian Society of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (SIRP) survey

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    IntroductionPsychiatric rehabilitation can be considered a bidirectional technique, designed to allow patients to achieve their personal target, focusing on the individuals' strengths and challenges related to these targets and also on the community organizations in which they will live them out. Unfortunately, psychiatric rehabilitation is too often not considered a first line treatment. Moreover, rehabilitation has been confused with a generic and rough practice, consisting of extemporary actions and aimless entertainments designed to fill "the time passing". MethodsThe aim of this study was to increase the knowledge and awareness about the state of the art of different systems of management and funding of psychosocial rehabilitation in the Italian "real-world" rehabilitative settings, using a specifically developed questionnaire. ResultsThe data obtained are positive for some aspects of the rehabilitation interventions, in particular for the use of validated tools for the evaluation and revision of projects and for the trend to work on a team, even though the scarcity of evidence-based rehabilitation interventions applied in Italian psychiatric services is less encouraging. ConclusionThis survey presents, at least partially, the "real-world" of rehabilitation in Italy so that we can lay the foundations for the definition of an updated, validated and shared network of what is implemented in the context of psychiatric rehabilitation

    Adjuvant Treatment in Pancreatic Cancer: Shaping the Future of the Curative Setting

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a lethal disease even in the early stages, despite progresses in surgical and pharmacological treatment in recent years. High potential for metastases is the main cause of therapeutic failure in localized disease, highlighting the current limited knowledge of underlying pathological processes. However, nowadays research is focusing on the search for personalized approaches also in the adjuvant setting for PDAC, by implementing the use of biomarkers and investigating new therapeutic targets. In this context, the aim of this narrative review is to summarize the current treatment scenario and new potential therapeutic approaches in early stage PDAC, from both a preclinical and clinical point of view. Additionally, the review examines the role of target therapies in localized PDAC and the influence of neoadjuvant treatments on survival outcomes
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