1,738 research outputs found

    The α\u3csup\u3eD\u3c/sup\u3e-Globin Gene Originated via Duplication of an Embryonic α-Like Globin Gene in the Ancestor of Tetrapod Vertebrates

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    Gene duplication is thought to play an important role in the co-option of existing protein functions to new physiological pathways. The globin superfamily of genes provides an excellent example of the kind of physiological versatility that can be attained through the functional and regulatory divergence of duplicated genes that encode different subunit polypeptides of the tetrameric hemoglobin protein. In contrast to prevailing views about the evolutionary history of the α-globin gene family, here we present phylogenetic evidence that the αA- and αD-globin genes are not the product of a single, tandem duplication of an ancestral globin gene with adult function in the common ancestor of extant birds, reptiles, and mammals. Instead, our analysis reveals that the αD-globin gene of amniote vertebrates arose via duplication of an embryonic α-like globin gene that predated the radiation of tetrapods. The important evolutionary implication is that the distinct biochemical properties of αD-hemoglobin (HbD) are not exclusively derived characters that can be attributed to a postduplication process of neofunctionalization. Rather, many of the distinct biochemical properties of HbD are retained ancestral characters that reflect the fact that the αD-globin gene arose via duplication of a gene that had a larval/embryonic function. These insights into the evolutionary origin of HbD illustrate how adaptive modifications of physiological pathways may result from the retention and opportunistic co-option of ancestral protein functions

    Acute lower limb ischemia due to thrombo-embolic arterial occlusions in two previously healthy men with markedly elevated Lp(a)

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    Lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) is a well-documented risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Its role in acute thrombo-embolic occlusions of peripheral arteries is not known. We describe two cases of multiple, acute, peripheral arterial occlusions in two previously healthy men with markedly elevated Lp(a). Both cases had unsatisfactory results after percutaneous and surgical revascularization procedures. Experience yielded in these two cases suggests that when an unfavorable outcome occurs in a peripheral artery disease patient in the absence of the regular risk factors, Lp(a) should be determined and its role investigated

    Gene Turnover and Diversification of the α- and β- Globin Gene Families in Sauropsid Vertebrates

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    The genes that encode the α- and β-chain subunits of vertebrate hemoglobin have served as a model system for elucidating general principles of gene family evolution, but little is known about patterns of evolution in amniotes other than mammals and birds. Here,we report a comparative genomic analysis of the α- and β-globin gene clusters in sauropsids (archosaurs and nonavian reptiles). The objectives were to characterize changes in the size and membership composition of the α- and β-globin gene families within and among the major sauropsid lineages, to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the sauropsid α- and β-globin genes, to resolve orthologous relationships, and to reconstruct evolutionary changes in the developmental regulation of gene expression. Our comparisons revealed contrasting patterns of evolution in the unlinked α- and β-globin gene clusters. In the α-globin gene cluster,which has remained in the ancestral chromosomal location, evolutionary changes in gene content are attributable to the differential retention of paralogous gene copies that were present in the common ancestor of tetrapods. In the β-globin gene cluster, which was translocated to a new chromosomal location, evolutionary changes in gene content are attributable to differential gene gains (via lineage-specific duplication events) and gene losses (via lineage-specific deletions and inactivations). Consequently, all major groups of amniotes possess unique repertoires of embryonic and postnatally expressed β-type globingenes that diversified independently in each lineage.These independently derived β-type globins descend from a pair of tandemly linked paralogs in the most recent common ancestor of sauropsids

    Hypermetabolic Ipsilateral Supraclavicular and Axillary Lymphadenopathy: Optimal Time Point for Performing an 18F-FDG PET/CT after COVID-19 Vaccination.

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    BACKGROUND We aimed to evaluate the incidence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type-2 (SARS-CoV2) vaccine-related hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy (HLA) and evaluate which time point produces the least number of false-positive findings in an 18F-2-Fluor-2-desoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT). METHODS For this retrospective, multi-center imaging study, patients with any form of SARS-CoV2 vaccination prior to an 18F-FDG-PET/CT were included between January 2021 and December 2021. Patients were divided into six groups according to the time point of vaccination prior to their 18F-FDG-PET/CT imaging, e.g., group one (0-6 days) and group six (35-80 days). As the reference standards, the SUVmax of the mediastinal blood pool (MBP) and the SUVmax contralateral reference lymph node (RL) were determined. (A) The absolute SUVmax of HLA, (B) the ratio of SUVmaxHLA/SUVmax mediastinal blood pool (rHLA/MBP), (C) the ratio SUVmax HLA vs. SUVmax contralateral reference lymph node (rHLA/RL), (D) and the incidence of HLA defined as rHLA/MBP > 1.5 were assessed. RESULTS Group one (days 0-6) showed the highest incidence of HLA 16/23 (70%) and rHLA/MBP (2.58 ± 2.1). All three parameters for HLA reduced statistically significantly in the comparison of Groups 1-3 (days 0-20) versus Groups 4-6 (days 21-80) (p-values < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS If feasible, an FDG PET should be postponed by at least 3 weeks after SARS-CoV2 vaccination, especially if an accurate evaluation of axillary status is required

    Genetic Variation in Mother-Child Acute Seroconverter Pairs from Zambia

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    Objective: To characterize the envelope (env) glycoprotein of HIV-1 in mother-infant pairs (MIP) that underwent near simultaneous or acute-phase seroconversion, we examined the env sequence of the transmitted viruses and compare viral evolution within the pair. Design: Three MIP from a Zambian cohort that seroconverted at the same sampling time were identified and followed longitudinally. Methods: The V1-V5 region of the HIV-1 env gene was sequenced for each sample collected. Phylogenetic and population genetics analyses were carried out to subtype the viruses, estimate relationships among viral genotypes, and compare molecular evolution between the viral populations. Results: Genetic analyses demonstrated a close intrapair relationship between viral sequences from each MIP. Transmission involved several closely related viral genotypes and did not result in a reduction in viral diversity. Amino acid changes were not evenly distributed along env V1-V5 but concentrated in concordant areas within each MIP. Several positions under positive selection were shared between the MIP viruses. Interestingly, selective pressure on the virus was higher in the infants than in the mothers. Conclusions: In contrast to most cases of perinatal transmission of HIV-1 from chronically infected mothers, there is no evidence of a genetic bottleneck in the transmitted viruses in these three instances of acute seroconversion. The longitudinal changes in the amino acids are in similar positions in env for the MIP, suggesting shared evolutionary constrains among the closely related viruses infecting the MIP; such constrains may lead to similar genetic changes in the virus in two different hosts

    The Globin Gene Repertoire of Lampreys: Convergent Evolution of Hemoglobin and Myoglobin in Jawed and Jawless Vertebrates

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    Agnathans (jawless vertebrates) occupy a key phylogenetic position for illuminating the evolution of vertebrate anatomy and physiology. Evaluation of the agnathan globin gene repertoire can thus aid efforts to reconstruct the origin and evolution of the globin genes of vertebrates, a superfamily that includes the well-known model proteins hemoglobin and myoglobin. Here, we report a comprehensive analysis of the genome of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) which revealed 23 intact globin genes and two hemoglobin pseudogenes. Analyses of the genome of the Arctic lamprey (Lethenteron camtschaticum) identified 18 full length and five partial globin gene sequences. The majority of the globin genes in both lamprey species correspond to the known agnathan hemoglobins. Both genomes harbor two copies of globin X, an ancient globin gene that has a broad phylogenetic distribution in the animal kingdom. Surprisingly, we found no evidence for an ortholog of neuroglobin in the lamprey genomes. Expression and phylogenetic analyses identified an ortholog of cytoglobin in the lampreys; in fact, our results indicate that cytoglobin is the only orthologous vertebrate-specific globin that has been retained in both gnathostomes and agnathans. Notably, we also found two globins that are highly expressed in the heart of P. marinus, thus representing functional myoglobins. Both genes have orthologs in L. camtschaticum. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that these heart-expressed globins are not orthologous to the myoglobins of jawed vertebrates (Gnathostomata), but originated independently within the agnathans. The agnathan myoglobin and hemoglobin proteins form a monophyletic group to the exclusion of functionally analogous myoglobins and hemoglobins of gnathostomes, indicating that specialized respiratory proteins for O2 transport in the blood and O2 storage in the striated muscles evolved independently in both lineages. This dual convergence of O2-transport and O2-storage proteins in agnathans and gnathostomes involved the convergent co-option of different precursor proteins in the ancestral globin repertoire of vertebrates

    Predictable convergence in hemoglobin function has unpredictable molecular underpinnings

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    To investigate the predictability of genetic adaptation, we examined the molecular basis of convergence in hemoglobin function in comparisons involving 56 avian taxa that have contrasting altitudinal range limits. Convergent increases in hemoglobin-oxygen affinity were pervasive among high-altitude taxa, but few such changes were attributable to parallel amino acid substitutions at key residues.Thus, predictable changes in biochemical phenotype do not have a predictable molecular basis. Experiments involving resurrected ancestral proteins revealed that historical substitutions have context-dependent effects, indicating that possible adaptive solutions are contingent on prior history. Mutations that produce an adaptive change in one species may represent precluded possibilities in other species because of differences in genetic background

    Predictable convergence in hemoglobin function has unpredictable molecular underpinnings

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    To investigate the predictability of genetic adaptation, we examined the molecular basis of convergence in hemoglobin function in comparisons involving 56 avian taxa that have contrasting altitudinal range limits. Convergent increases in hemoglobin-oxygen affinity were pervasive among high-altitude taxa, but few such changes were attributable to parallel amino acid substitutions at key residues.Thus, predictable changes in biochemical phenotype do not have a predictable molecular basis. Experiments involving resurrected ancestral proteins revealed that historical substitutions have context-dependent effects, indicating that possible adaptive solutions are contingent on prior history. Mutations that produce an adaptive change in one species may represent precluded possibilities in other species because of differences in genetic background

    Gene Turnover in the Avian Globin Gene Families and Evolutionary Changes in Hemoglobin Isoform Expression

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    The apparent stasis in the evolution of avian chromosomes suggests that birds may have experienced relatively low rates of gene gain and loss in multigene families. To investigate this possibility and to explore the phenotypic consequences of variation in gene copy number, we examined evolutionary changes in the families of genes that encode the α- and β-type subunits of hemoglobin (Hb), the tetrameric α2β2 protein responsible for blood-O2 transport. A comparative genomic analysis of 52 bird species revealed that the size and membership composition of the α- and β-globin gene families have remained remarkably constant during approximately 100 My of avian evolution. Most interspecific variation in gene content is attributable to multiple independent inactivations of the αD-globin gene, which encodes the α-chain subunit of a functionally distinct Hb isoform (HbD) that is expressed in both embryonic and definitive erythrocytes. Due to consistent differences in O2-binding properties between HbD and the major adult-expressed Hb isoform, HbA (which incorporates products of the αA-globin gene), recurrent losses of αD-globin contribute to among-species variation in blood-O2 affinity. Analysis of HbA/HbD expression levels in the red blood cells of 122 bird species revealed high variability among lineages and strong phylogenetic signal. In comparison with the homologous gene clusters in mammals, the low retention rate for lineage-specific gene duplicates in the avian globin gene clusters suggests that the developmental regulation of Hb synthesis in birds may be more highly conserved, with orthologous genes having similar stage-specific expression profiles and similar functional properties in disparate taxa